#!/usr/bin/perl #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Toplevel script to automate DEM file processing and conversion # # Written by Curtis Olson, started January 1998. # # Copyright (C) 1997 Curtis L. Olson - curt@infoplane.com # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. # # $Id$ # (Log is kept at end of this file) #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- $| = 1; # flush buffers after every write $do_dem2node = 1; $do_triangle_1 = 1; $do_fixnode = 1; $do_splittris = 1; $do_assemtris = 1; $do_triangle_2 = 1; $do_tri2obj = 1; $do_strips = 1; $do_fixobj = 1; # set the FG_ROOT environment variable if it hasn't already been set. if ( $ENV{FG_ROOT} eq "" ) { # look for a file called fgtop as a place marker if ( -e "fgtop" ) { $ENV{FG_ROOT} = "."; } elsif ( -e "../fgtop" ) { $ENV{FG_ROOT} = ".."; } } if ( $#ARGV < 1 ) { die "Usage: $0 dem-file1 [ dem-file2 dem-file3 ... ]\n"; } # Start with file.dem $error = shift(@ARGV); $error += 0.0; while ( $dem_file = shift(@ARGV) ) { print "Source file = $dem_file Error tolerance = $error\n"; if ( $error < 0.5 ) { die "I doubt you'll be happy with an error tolerance as " . "low as $error.\n"; } if ( $do_dem2node ) { dem2node() ; } else { $subdir = "../Scenery/w100n040/w093n045"; print "WARNING: Hardcoding subdir = $subdir\n"; } triangle_1() if ( $do_triangle_1 ); fixnode() if ( $do_fixnode ); splittris() if ( $do_splittris ); assemtris() if ( $do_assemtris ); triangle_2() if ( $do_triangle_2); tri2obj() if ( $do_tri2obj ); strips() if ( $do_strips ); fixobj() if ( $do_fixobj ); } # exit normally exit(0); # fix command to work with windoze, replaces first "/" with "\\" sub fix_command { my($in) = @_; $system = `uname -s`; chop($system); if ( $system =~ m/CYGWIN32/ ) { $in =~ s/\//\\\\/; } return($in); } # return the file name root (ending at last ".") sub file_root { my($file) = @_; my($pos); $pos = rindex($file, "."); return substr($file, 0, $pos); } # 1. dem2node $FG_ROOT dem_file tolerance^2 (meters) # # - dem2node .. dem_file 160000 # # splits dem file into 64 file.node's which contain the # irregularly fitted vertices sub dem2node { if ( $dem_file =~ m/.gz$/ ) { $command = "gzip -dc $dem_file | Dem2node/dem2node $ENV{FG_ROOT} - $error"; } else { $command = "Dem2node/dem2node $ENV{FG_ROOT} $dem_file $error"; } $command = fix_command($command); print "Running '$command'\n"; open(OUT, "$command |"); while ( ) { print $_; if ( m/^Dir = / ) { $subdir = $_; $subdir =~ s/^Dir = //; chop($subdir); } } close(OUT); } # 2. triangle -q file (Takes file.node and produces file.1.node and # file.1.ele) print "Subdirectory for this dem file is $subdir\n"; sub triangle_1 { @FILES = `ls $subdir`; foreach $file ( @FILES ) { print $file; chop($file); if ( ($file =~ m/\.node$/) && ($file !~ m/\.\d\.node$/) ) { $command = "Triangle/triangle -q $subdir/$file"; $command = fix_command($command); print "Running '$command'\n"; open(OUT, "$command |"); while ( ) { print $_; } close(OUT); # remove input file.node unlink("$subdir/$file"); } } } # 3. fixnode file.dem subdir # # Take the original .dem file (for interpolating Z values) and the # subdirecotry containing all the file.1.node's and replace with # fixed file.1.node sub fixnode { if ( $dem_file =~ m/.gz$/ ) { $command = "gzip -dc $dem_file | FixNode/fixnode - $subdir"; } else { $command = "FixNode/fixnode $dem_file $subdir"; } $command = fix_command($command); print "Running '$command'\n"; open(OUT, "$command |"); while ( ) { print $_; } close(OUT); } # 4.1 splittris file (.1.node) (.1.ele) # Extract the corner, edge, and body vertices (in original # geodetic coordinates) and normals (in cartesian coordinates) and # save them in something very close to the .obj format as file.se, # file.sw, file.nw, file.ne, file.north, file.south, file.east, # file.west, and file.body. This way we can reconstruct the # region using consistant edges and corners. # Arbitration rules: If an opposite edge file already exists, # don't create our matching edge. If a corner already exists, # don't create ours. Basically, the early bird gets the worm and # gets to define the edge verticies and normals. All the other # adjacent tiles must use these. sub splittris { @FILES = `ls $subdir`; foreach $file ( @FILES ) { chop($file); if ( $file =~ m/\.1\.node$/ ) { $file =~ s/\.node$//; # strip off the ".node" $command = "SplitTris/splittris $subdir/$file"; $command = fix_command($command); print "Running '$command'\n"; open(OUT, "$command |"); while ( ) { print $_; } close(OUT); unlink("$subdir/$file.node"); unlink("$subdir/$file.node.orig"); unlink("$subdir/$file.ele"); } } } # 4.2 read in the split of version of the tiles, reconstruct the tile # using the proper shared corners and edges. Save as a node file # so we can retriangulate. sub assemtris { @FILES = `ls $subdir`; foreach $file ( @FILES ) { chop($file); if ( $file =~ m/\.1\.body$/ ) { $file =~ s/\.body$//; # strip off the ".body" $command = "AssemTris/assemtris $subdir/$file"; $command = fix_command($command); print "Running '$command'\n"; open(OUT, "$command |"); while ( ) { print $_; } close(OUT); } unlink("$subdir/$file.body"); } } # 4.3 Retriangulate reassembled files (without -q option) so no new # nodes are generated. sub triangle_2 { @FILES = `ls $subdir`; foreach $file ( @FILES ) { print $file; chop($file); if ( ($file =~ m/\.node$/) && ($file !~ m/\.\d\.node$/) ) { $command = "Triangle/triangle $subdir/$file"; $command = fix_command($command); print "Running '$command'\n"; open(OUT, "$command |"); while ( ) { print $_; } close(OUT); # remove input file.node unlink("$subdir/$file"); } } } # 5. tri2obj file (.1.node) (.1.ele) # # Take the file.1.node and file.1.ele and produce file.1.obj # # Extracts normals out of the shared edge/vertex files, and uses # the precalcuated normals for these nodes instead of calculating # new ones. By sharing normals as well as vertices, not only are # the gaps between tiles eliminated, but the colors and lighting # transition smoothly across tile boundaries. sub tri2obj { @FILES = `ls $subdir`; foreach $file ( @FILES ) { chop($file); if ( $file =~ m/\.1\.node$/ ) { $file =~ s/\.node$//; # strip off the ".node" $command = "Tri2obj/tri2obj $subdir/$file"; $command = fix_command($command); print "Running '$command'\n"; open(OUT, "$command |"); while ( ) { print $_; } close(OUT); unlink("$subdir/$file.node"); unlink("$subdir/$file.node.orig"); unlink("$subdir/$file.ele"); } } } # 6. strip file.1.obj # # Strip the file.1.obj's. Note, strips doesn't handle the minimal # case of striping a square correctly. # # 7. cp bands.d file.2.obj # # strips produces a file called "bands.d" ... copy this to file.2.obj sub strips { @FILES = `ls $subdir`; foreach $file ( @FILES ) { chop($file); if ( $file =~ m/\.1\.obj$/ ) { $command = "Stripe_u/strips $subdir/$file"; $command = fix_command($command); print "Running '$command'\n"; open(OUT, "$command |"); while ( ) { print $_; } close(OUT); # copy to destination file $newfile = $file; $newfile =~ s/\.1\.obj$//; print "Copying to $subdir/$newfile.2.obj\n"; open(IN, "$subdir/$newfile.2.obj"); while ( ) { print OUT $_; } close(IN); close(OUT); unlink("$subdir/$file"); } } } # 8. fixobj file-new # # Sort file.2.obj by strip winding sub fixobj { @FILES = `ls $subdir`; foreach $file ( @FILES ) { chop($file); if ( $file =~ m/\.2\.obj$/ ) { $newfile = $file; $newfile =~ s/\.2\.obj$/.obj/; $command = "FixObj/fixobj $subdir/$file $subdir/$newfile"; $command = fix_command($command); print "Running '$command'\n"; open(OUT, "$command |"); while ( ) { print $_; } close(OUT); unlink("$subdir/$file"); } } } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # $Log$ # Revision 1.15 1998/04/08 23:24:07 curt # Adopted Gnu automake/autoconf system. # # Revision 1.14 1998/04/06 21:09:38 curt # Additional win32 support. # Fixed a bad bug in dem file parsing that was causing the output to be # flipped about x = y. # # Revision 1.13 1998/03/19 02:52:52 curt # Updated to reflect some minor tool reorganization and the creation of class # to handle DEM processing needs. # # Revision 1.12 1998/03/19 01:48:35 curt # Added gpc-2.01 (generic polygon clipping library) # # Revision 1.11 1998/03/03 03:36:57 curt # Cumulative tweaks. # # Revision 1.10 1998/02/01 03:42:26 curt # Modifications to handle compressed dem files. # # Revision 1.9 1998/01/27 18:36:54 curt # Lots of updates to get back in sync with changes made over in .../Src/ # # Revision 1.8 1998/01/21 17:59:05 curt # Uncomment lines to remove several intermediate files. # # Revision 1.7 1998/01/19 19:51:06 curt # A couple final pre-release tweaks. # # Revision 1.6 1998/01/15 21:33:33 curt # Assembling triangles and building a new .node file with the proper shared # vertices now works. Now we just have to use the shared normals and we'll # be all set. # # Revision 1.5 1998/01/15 02:50:08 curt # Tweaked to add next stage. # # Revision 1.4 1998/01/14 15:55:34 curt # Finished splittris, started assemtris. # # Revision 1.3 1998/01/14 02:15:52 curt # Updated front end script to keep plugging away on tile fitting. # # Revision 1.2 1998/01/12 20:42:08 curt # Working on fitting tiles together in a seamless manner. # # Revision 1.1 1998/01/09 23:06:46 curt # Initial revision. #