// instrument_mgr.cxx - manage aircraft instruments. // Written by David Megginson, started 2002. // // This file is in the Public Domain and comes with no warranty. #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include <config.h> #endif #include <iostream> #include <string> #include <sstream> #include <simgear/structure/exception.hxx> #include <simgear/misc/sg_path.hxx> #include <simgear/sg_inlines.h> #include <Main/fg_props.hxx> #include <Main/globals.hxx> #include <Main/util.hxx> #include <Instrumentation/HUD/HUD.hxx> #include "instrument_mgr.hxx" #include "adf.hxx" #include "airspeed_indicator.hxx" #include "altimeter.hxx" #include "attitude_indicator.hxx" #include "clock.hxx" #include "dme.hxx" #include "gps.hxx" #include "gsdi.hxx" #include "heading_indicator.hxx" #include "heading_indicator_fg.hxx" #include "heading_indicator_dg.hxx" #include "kr_87.hxx" #include "kt_70.hxx" #include "mag_compass.hxx" #include "marker_beacon.hxx" #include "navradio.hxx" #include "slip_skid_ball.hxx" #include "transponder.hxx" #include "turn_indicator.hxx" #include "vertical_speed_indicator.hxx" #include "inst_vertical_speed_indicator.hxx" // (TJ) #include "od_gauge.hxx" #include "wxradar.hxx" #include "tacan.hxx" #include "mk_viii.hxx" #include "mrg.hxx" FGInstrumentMgr::FGInstrumentMgr () { set_subsystem("od_gauge", new FGODGauge); set_subsystem("hud", new HUD); config_props = new SGPropertyNode; SGPropertyNode *path_n = fgGetNode("/sim/instrumentation/path"); if (path_n) { SGPath config( globals->get_fg_root() ); config.append( path_n->getStringValue() ); SG_LOG( SG_ALL, SG_INFO, "Reading instruments from " << config.str() ); try { readProperties( config.str(), config_props ); if ( !build() ) { throw sg_throwable(string( "Detected an internal inconsistency in the instrumentation\n" "system specification file. See earlier errors for details.")); } } catch (const sg_exception& exc) { SG_LOG( SG_ALL, SG_ALERT, "Failed to load instrumentation system model: " << config.str() ); } } else { SG_LOG( SG_ALL, SG_WARN, "No instrumentation model specified for this model!"); } delete config_props; } FGInstrumentMgr::~FGInstrumentMgr () { } bool FGInstrumentMgr::build () { SGPropertyNode *node; int i; int count = config_props->nChildren(); for ( i = 0; i < count; ++i ) { node = config_props->getChild(i); string name = node->getName(); std::ostringstream temp; temp << i; if ( name == "adf" ) { set_subsystem( "instrument" + temp.str(), new ADF( node ), 0.15 ); } else if ( name == "airspeed-indicator" ) { set_subsystem( "instrument" + temp.str(), new AirspeedIndicator( node ) ); } else if ( name == "altimeter" ) { set_subsystem( "instrument" + temp.str(), new Altimeter( node ) ); } else if ( name == "attitude-indicator" ) { set_subsystem( "instrument" + temp.str(), new AttitudeIndicator( node ) ); } else if ( name == "clock" ) { set_subsystem( "instrument" + temp.str(), new Clock( node ), 0.25 ); } else if ( name == "dme" ) { set_subsystem( "instrument" + temp.str(), new DME( node ), 1.0 ); } else if ( name == "encoder" ) { set_subsystem( "instrument" + temp.str(), new Altimeter( node ) ); } else if ( name == "gps" ) { set_subsystem( "instrument" + temp.str(), new GPS( node ), 0.45 ); } else if ( name == "gsdi" ) { set_subsystem( "instrument" + temp.str(), new GSDI( node ) ); } else if ( name == "heading-indicator" ) { set_subsystem( "instrument" + temp.str(), new HeadingIndicator( node ) ); } else if ( name == "heading-indicator-fg" ) { set_subsystem( "instrument" + temp.str(), new HeadingIndicatorFG( node ) ); } else if ( name == "heading-indicator-dg" ) { set_subsystem( "instrument" + temp.str(), new HeadingIndicatorDG( node ) ); } else if ( name == "KR-87" ) { set_subsystem( "instrument" + temp.str(), new FGKR_87( node ) ); } else if ( name == "KT-70" ) { set_subsystem( "instrument" + temp.str(), new FGKT_70( node ) ); } else if ( name == "magnetic-compass" ) { set_subsystem( "instrument" + temp.str(), new MagCompass( node ) ); } else if ( name == "marker-beacon" ) { set_subsystem( "instrument" + temp.str(), new FGMarkerBeacon( node ) ); } else if ( name == "nav-radio" ) { set_subsystem( "instrument" + temp.str(), new FGNavRadio( node ) ); } else if ( name == "slip-skid-ball" ) { set_subsystem( "instrument" + temp.str(), new SlipSkidBall( node ) ); } else if ( name == "transponder" ) { set_subsystem( "instrument" + temp.str(), new Transponder( node ) ); } else if ( name == "turn-indicator" ) { set_subsystem( "instrument" + temp.str(), new TurnIndicator( node ) ); } else if ( name == "vertical-speed-indicator" ) { set_subsystem( "instrument" + temp.str(), new VerticalSpeedIndicator( node ) ); } else if ( name == "radar" ) { set_subsystem( "instrument" + temp.str(), new wxRadarBg ( node ), 0.5 ); } else if ( name == "inst-vertical-speed-indicator" ) { // (TJ) set_subsystem( "instrument" + temp.str(), new InstVerticalSpeedIndicator( node ) ); } else if ( name == "tacan" ) { set_subsystem( "instrument" + temp.str(), new TACAN( node ) ); } else if ( name == "mk-viii" ) { set_subsystem( "instrument" + temp.str(), new MK_VIII( node ) ); } else if ( name == "master-reference-gyro" ) { set_subsystem( "instrument" + temp.str(), new MasterReferenceGyro( node ) ); } else { SG_LOG( SG_ALL, SG_ALERT, "Unknown top level section: " << name ); return false; } } return true; } // end of instrument_manager.cxx