#ifndef _PU_H_ #define _PU_H_ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include <config.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_WINDOWS_H # include <windows.h> #endif #include <stdlib.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #ifdef PU_NOT_USING_GLUT #include <windows.h> #include <GL/gl.h> #include <GL/glu.h> #else #include <GL/glut.h> #endif #ifndef TRUE #define TRUE 1 #define FALSE 0 #endif /* Webster's Dictionary (for American English) permits Color or Colour as acceptable spellings - but The Oxford English Dictionary (for English) only permits Colour. Hence, the logical thing to do is to use 'colour', which *ought* to be acceptable on both sides of the atlantic. However, as a concession to the illogical: */ #define setColorScheme setColourScheme #define setColor setColour #define getColor getColour #define puColor puColour #define puSetColor puSetColour #define puSetDefaultColorScheme puSetDefaultColourScheme #define puGetDefaultColorScheme puGetDefaultColourScheme typedef void *puFont ; #ifdef PU_NOT_USING_GLUT #define PU_LEFT_BUTTON 0 #define PU_LEFT_BUTTON 0 #define PU_MIDDLE_BUTTON 1 #define PU_RIGHT_BUTTON 2 #define PU_DOWN 0 #define PU_UP 1 #define PUFONT_8_BY_13 ((void*)3) #define PUFONT_9_BY_15 ((void*)2) #define PUFONT_TIMES_ROMAN_10 ((void*)4) #define PUFONT_TIMES_ROMAN_24 ((void*)5) #define PUFONT_HELVETICA_10 ((void*)6) #define PUFONT_HELVETICA_12 ((void*)7) #define PUFONT_HELVETICA_18 ((void*)8) #else #define PUFONT_8_BY_13 GLUT_BITMAP_8_BY_13 #define PUFONT_9_BY_15 GLUT_BITMAP_9_BY_15 #define PUFONT_TIMES_ROMAN_10 GLUT_BITMAP_TIMES_ROMAN_10 #define PUFONT_TIMES_ROMAN_24 GLUT_BITMAP_TIMES_ROMAN_24 #define PUFONT_HELVETICA_10 GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_10 #define PUFONT_HELVETICA_12 GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_12 #define PUFONT_HELVETICA_18 GLUT_BITMAP_HELVETICA_18 #define PU_LEFT_BUTTON GLUT_LEFT_BUTTON #define PU_MIDDLE_BUTTON GLUT_MIDDLE_BUTTON #define PU_RIGHT_BUTTON GLUT_RIGHT_BUTTON #define PU_DOWN GLUT_DOWN #define PU_UP GLUT_UP #endif // PU_NOT_USING_GLUT #define PU_UP_AND_DOWN 254 #define PU_DRAG 255 #define PU_CONTINUAL PU_DRAG #define PU_KEY_GLUT_SPECIAL_OFFSET 256 #ifdef PU_NOT_USING_GLUT #define PU_KEY_F1 (1 + PU_KEY_GLUT_SPECIAL_OFFSET) #define PU_KEY_F2 (2 + PU_KEY_GLUT_SPECIAL_OFFSET) #define PU_KEY_F3 (3 + PU_KEY_GLUT_SPECIAL_OFFSET) #define PU_KEY_F4 (4 + PU_KEY_GLUT_SPECIAL_OFFSET) #define PU_KEY_F5 (5 + PU_KEY_GLUT_SPECIAL_OFFSET) #define PU_KEY_F6 (6 + PU_KEY_GLUT_SPECIAL_OFFSET) #define PU_KEY_F7 (7 + PU_KEY_GLUT_SPECIAL_OFFSET) #define PU_KEY_F8 (8 + PU_KEY_GLUT_SPECIAL_OFFSET) #define PU_KEY_F9 (9 + PU_KEY_GLUT_SPECIAL_OFFSET) #define PU_KEY_F10 (10 + PU_KEY_GLUT_SPECIAL_OFFSET) #define PU_KEY_F11 (11 + PU_KEY_GLUT_SPECIAL_OFFSET) #define PU_KEY_F12 (12 + PU_KEY_GLUT_SPECIAL_OFFSET) #define PU_KEY_LEFT (100 + PU_KEY_GLUT_SPECIAL_OFFSET) #define PU_KEY_UP (101 + PU_KEY_GLUT_SPECIAL_OFFSET) #define PU_KEY_RIGHT (102 + PU_KEY_GLUT_SPECIAL_OFFSET) #define PU_KEY_DOWN (103 + PU_KEY_GLUT_SPECIAL_OFFSET) #define PU_KEY_PAGE_UP (104 + PU_KEY_GLUT_SPECIAL_OFFSET) #define PU_KEY_PAGE_DOWN (105 + PU_KEY_GLUT_SPECIAL_OFFSET) #define PU_KEY_HOME (106 + PU_KEY_GLUT_SPECIAL_OFFSET) #define PU_KEY_END (107 + PU_KEY_GLUT_SPECIAL_OFFSET) #define PU_KEY_INSERT (108 + PU_KEY_GLUT_SPECIAL_OFFSET) #else #define PU_KEY_F1 (GLUT_KEY_F1 + PU_KEY_GLUT_SPECIAL_OFFSET) #define PU_KEY_F2 (GLUT_KEY_F2 + PU_KEY_GLUT_SPECIAL_OFFSET) #define PU_KEY_F3 (GLUT_KEY_F3 + PU_KEY_GLUT_SPECIAL_OFFSET) #define PU_KEY_F4 (GLUT_KEY_F4 + PU_KEY_GLUT_SPECIAL_OFFSET) #define PU_KEY_F5 (GLUT_KEY_F5 + PU_KEY_GLUT_SPECIAL_OFFSET) #define PU_KEY_F6 (GLUT_KEY_F6 + PU_KEY_GLUT_SPECIAL_OFFSET) #define PU_KEY_F7 (GLUT_KEY_F7 + PU_KEY_GLUT_SPECIAL_OFFSET) #define PU_KEY_F8 (GLUT_KEY_F8 + PU_KEY_GLUT_SPECIAL_OFFSET) #define PU_KEY_F9 (GLUT_KEY_F9 + PU_KEY_GLUT_SPECIAL_OFFSET) #define PU_KEY_F10 (GLUT_KEY_F10 + PU_KEY_GLUT_SPECIAL_OFFSET) #define PU_KEY_F11 (GLUT_KEY_F11 + PU_KEY_GLUT_SPECIAL_OFFSET) #define PU_KEY_F12 (GLUT_KEY_F12 + PU_KEY_GLUT_SPECIAL_OFFSET) #define PU_KEY_LEFT (GLUT_KEY_LEFT + PU_KEY_GLUT_SPECIAL_OFFSET) #define PU_KEY_UP (GLUT_KEY_UP + PU_KEY_GLUT_SPECIAL_OFFSET) #define PU_KEY_RIGHT (GLUT_KEY_RIGHT + PU_KEY_GLUT_SPECIAL_OFFSET) #define PU_KEY_DOWN (GLUT_KEY_DOWN + PU_KEY_GLUT_SPECIAL_OFFSET) #define PU_KEY_PAGE_UP (GLUT_KEY_PAGE_UP + PU_KEY_GLUT_SPECIAL_OFFSET) #define PU_KEY_PAGE_DOWN (GLUT_KEY_PAGE_DOWN + PU_KEY_GLUT_SPECIAL_OFFSET) #define PU_KEY_HOME (GLUT_KEY_HOME + PU_KEY_GLUT_SPECIAL_OFFSET) #define PU_KEY_END (GLUT_KEY_END + PU_KEY_GLUT_SPECIAL_OFFSET) #define PU_KEY_INSERT (GLUT_KEY_INSERT + PU_KEY_GLUT_SPECIAL_OFFSET) #endif // PU_NOT_USING_GLUT #define PUPLACE_DEFAULT PUPLACE_RIGHT #define PUPLACE_ABOVE 0 #define PUPLACE_BELOW 1 #define PUPLACE_LEFT 2 #define PUPLACE_RIGHT 3 #define PUCOL_FOREGROUND 0 #define PUCOL_BACKGROUND 1 #define PUCOL_HIGHLIGHT 2 #define PUCOL_LABEL 3 #define PUCOL_LEGEND 4 #define PUCOL_MAX 5 #define PUSLIDER_CLICK 0 #define PUSLIDER_ALWAYS 1 #define PUSLIDER_DELTA 2 /* These styles may be negated to get 'highlighted' graphics */ #define PUSTYLE_DEFAULT PUSTYLE_SHADED #define PUSTYLE_NONE 0 #define PUSTYLE_PLAIN 1 #define PUSTYLE_BEVELLED 2 #define PUSTYLE_BOXED 3 #define PUSTYLE_DROPSHADOW 4 #define PUSTYLE_SPECIAL_UNDERLINED 5 #define PUSTYLE_SMALL_BEVELLED 6 #define PUSTYLE_RADIO 7 #define PUSTYLE_SHADED 8 #define PUSTYLE_SMALL_SHADED 9 #define PUSTYLE_MAX 10 /* These are the gaps that we try to leave around text objects */ #define PUSTR_TGAP 5 #define PUSTR_BGAP 5 #define PUSTR_LGAP 5 #define PUSTR_RGAP 5 #define PUSTR_MAX_HEIGHT ( 25 + PUSTR_TGAP + PUSTR_BGAP ) #define PU_RADIO_BUTTON_SIZE 16 extern int puRefresh ; #define PUCLASS_VALUE 0x00000001 #define PUCLASS_OBJECT 0x00000002 #define PUCLASS_INTERFACE 0x00000004 #define PUCLASS_FRAME 0x00000008 #define PUCLASS_TEXT 0x00000010 #define PUCLASS_BUTTON 0x00000020 #define PUCLASS_ONESHOT 0x00000040 #define PUCLASS_POPUP 0x00000080 #define PUCLASS_POPUPMENU 0x00000100 #define PUCLASS_MENUBAR 0x00000200 #define PUCLASS_INPUT 0x00000400 #define PUCLASS_BUTTONBOX 0x00000800 #define PUCLASS_SLIDER 0x00001000 #define PUCLASS_DIALOGBOX 0x00002000 /* This function is not required for GLUT programs */ void puSetWindowSize ( int width, int height ) ; int puGetWindowHeight () ; int puGetWindowWidth () ; class puValue ; class puObject ; class puInterface ; class puButtonBox ; class puFrame ; class puText ; class puButton ; class puOneShot ; class puPopup ; class puPopupMenu ; class puMenuBar ; class puInput ; class puSlider ; typedef float puColour [ 4 ] ; /* RGBA */ struct puBox { int min [ 2 ] ; int max [ 2 ] ; void draw ( int dx, int dy, int style, puColour colour[], int am_default ) ; void extend ( puBox *bx ) ; void empty ( void ) { min[0]=min[1]=1000000 ; max[0]=max[1]=-1000000 ; } int isEmpty ( void ) { return min[0]>max[0] || min[1]>max[1] ; } } ; #define PUSTRING_MAX 80 /* If you change - or add to these, be sure to change _puDefaultColourTable */ extern puColour _puDefaultColourTable[] ; inline void puSetColour ( puColour dst, puColour src ) { dst[0] = src[0] ; dst[1] = src[1] ; dst[2] = src[2] ; dst[3] = src[3] ; } inline void puSetColour ( puColour c, float r, float g, float b, float a = 1.0f ) { c [ 0 ] = r ; c [ 1 ] = g ; c [ 2 ] = b ; c [ 3 ] = a ; } void puInit ( void ) ; void puDisplay ( void ) ; int puMouse ( int button, int updown, int x, int y ) ; int puMouse ( int x, int y ) ; int puKeyboard ( int key, int updown ) ; void puHideCursor ( void ) ; void puShowCursor ( void ) ; int puCursorIsHidden ( void ) ; void puDrawString ( puFont fnt, char *str, int x, int y ) ; int puGetStringWidth ( puFont fnt, char *str ) ; int puGetStringHeight ( puFont fnt = NULL ) ; int puGetStringDescender ( puFont fnt = NULL ) ; class puValue { protected: int type ; int integer ; float floater ; char string [ PUSTRING_MAX ] ; public: puValue () { type = PUCLASS_VALUE ; clrValue () ; } virtual ~puValue () ; int getType ( void ) { return type ; } char *getTypeString ( void ) ; void clrValue ( void ) { setValue ( "" ) ; } void setValue ( puValue *pv ) { integer = pv -> integer ; floater = pv -> floater ; strcpy ( string, pv -> string ) ; puRefresh = TRUE ; } void setValue ( int i ) { integer = i ; floater = (float) i ; sprintf ( string, "%d", i ) ; puRefresh = TRUE ; } void setValue ( float f ) { integer = (int) f ; floater = f ; sprintf ( string, "%g", f ) ; puRefresh = TRUE ; } void setValue ( char *s ) { if ( s == NULL || s[0] == '\0' ) { integer = 0 ; floater = 0.0f ; s = "" ; } else { integer = atoi(s) ; floater = (float)atof(s) ; if ( string != s ) strcpy ( string, s ) ; } puRefresh = TRUE ; } void getValue ( int *i ) { *i = integer ; } void getValue ( float *f ) { *f = floater ; } void getValue ( char **s ) { *s = string ; } void getValue ( char *s ) { strcpy ( s, string ) ; } int getValue ( void ) { return integer ; } } ; typedef void (*puCallback)(class puObject *) ; void puSetDefaultStyle ( int style ) ; int puGetDefaultStyle ( void ) ; void puSetDefaultFonts ( puFont legendFont, puFont labelFont ) ; void puGetDefaultFonts ( puFont *legendFont, puFont *labelFont ) ; void puSetDefaultColourScheme ( float r, float g, float b, float a = 1.0 ) ; void puGetDefaultColourScheme ( float *r, float *g, float *b, float *a = NULL ); class puObject : public puValue { protected: puValue default_value ; puBox bbox ; /* Bounding box of entire Object */ puBox abox ; /* Active (clickable) area */ puColour colour [ PUCOL_MAX ] ; puInterface *parent ; int active_mouse_edge ; /* is it PU_UP or PU_DOWN (or both) that activates this? */ int style ; int visible ; int active ; int highlighted ; int am_default ; char *label ; puFont labelFont ; int labelPlace ; char *legend ; puFont legendFont ; void *user_data ; puCallback cb ; virtual void draw_label ( int dx, int dy ) ; virtual int isHit ( int x, int y ) { return isVisible() && isActive() && x >= abox.min[0] && x <= abox.max[0] && y >= abox.min[1] && y <= abox.max[1] ; } virtual void doHit ( int button, int updown, int x, int y ) ; public: puObject ( int minx, int miny, int maxx, int maxy ) ; ~puObject () ; puObject *next ; puObject *prev ; puBox *getBBox ( void ) { return & bbox ; } puBox *getABox ( void ) { return & abox ; } void setPosition ( int x, int y ) { if ( abox.isEmpty() ) { abox.max[0] = abox.min[0] = x ; abox.max[1] = abox.min[1] = y ; } else { abox.max[0] += x - abox.min[0] ; abox.max[1] += y - abox.min[1] ; abox.min[0] = x ; abox.min[1] = y ; } recalc_bbox() ; puRefresh = TRUE ; } void setSize ( int w, int h ) { abox.max[0] = abox.min[0] + w ; abox.max[1] = abox.min[1] + h ; recalc_bbox() ; puRefresh = TRUE ; } void getPosition ( int *x, int *y ) { if ( abox . isEmpty () ) { if ( x ) *x = 0 ; if ( y ) *y = 0 ; } else { if ( x ) *x = abox.min[0] ; if ( y ) *y = abox.min[1] ; } } void getSize ( int *w, int *h ) { if ( abox . isEmpty () ) { if ( w ) *w = 0 ; if ( h ) *h = 0 ; } else { if ( w ) *w = abox.max[0] - abox.min[0] ; if ( h ) *h = abox.max[1] - abox.min[1] ; } } virtual void recalc_bbox ( void ) ; virtual int checkHit ( int button, int updown, int x, int y ) ; virtual int checkKey ( int key , int updown ) ; virtual void draw ( int dx, int dy ) = 0 ; puInterface *getParent ( void ) { return parent ; } puObject *getNextObject ( void ) { return next ; } puObject *getPrevObject ( void ) { return prev ; } void setCallback ( puCallback c ) { cb = c ; } puCallback getCallback ( void ) { return cb ; } void invokeCallback ( void ) { if ( cb ) (*cb)(this) ; } void makeReturnDefault ( int def ) { am_default = def ; } int isReturnDefault ( void ) { return am_default ; } void setActiveDirn ( int e ) { active_mouse_edge = e ; } int getActiveDirn ( void ) { return active_mouse_edge ; } void setLegend ( char *l ) { legend = l ; recalc_bbox() ; puRefresh = TRUE ; } char *getLegend ( void ) { return legend ; } void setLegendFont ( puFont f ) { legendFont = f ; recalc_bbox() ; puRefresh = TRUE ; } puFont getLegendFont ( void ) { return legendFont ; } void setLabel ( char *l ) { label = l ; recalc_bbox() ; puRefresh = TRUE ; } char *getLabel ( void ) { return label ; } void setLabelFont ( puFont f ) { labelFont = f ; recalc_bbox() ; puRefresh = TRUE ; } puFont getLabelFont ( void ) { return labelFont ; } void setLabelPlace ( int lp ) { labelPlace = lp ; recalc_bbox() ; puRefresh = TRUE ; } int getLabelPlace ( void ) { return labelPlace ; } void activate ( void ) { if ( ! active ) { active = TRUE ; puRefresh = TRUE ; } } void greyOut ( void ) { if ( active ) { active = FALSE ; puRefresh = TRUE ; } } int isActive ( void ) { return active ; } void highlight ( void ) { if ( ! highlighted ) { highlighted = TRUE ; puRefresh = TRUE ; } } void lowlight ( void ) { if ( highlighted ) { highlighted = FALSE ; puRefresh = TRUE ; } } int isHighlighted( void ){ return highlighted ; } void reveal ( void ) { if ( ! visible ) { visible = TRUE ; puRefresh = TRUE ; } } void hide ( void ) { if ( visible ) { visible = FALSE ; puRefresh = TRUE ; } } int isVisible ( void ) { return visible ; } void setStyle ( int which ) { style = which ; recalc_bbox () ; puRefresh = TRUE ; } int getStyle ( void ) { return style ; } void setColourScheme ( float r, float g, float b, float a = 1.0f ) ; void setColour ( int which, float r, float g, float b, float a = 1.0f ) { puSetColour ( colour [ which ], r, g, b, a ) ; puRefresh = TRUE ; } void getColour ( int which, float *r, float *g, float *b, float *a = NULL ) { if ( r ) *r = colour[which][0] ; if ( g ) *g = colour[which][1] ; if ( b ) *b = colour[which][2] ; if ( a ) *a = colour[which][3] ; } void setUserData ( void *data ) { user_data = data ; } void *getUserData ( void ) { return user_data ; } void defaultValue ( void ) { setValue ( & default_value ) ; } void setDefaultValue ( int i ) { default_value . setValue ( i ) ; } void setDefaultValue ( float f ) { default_value . setValue ( f ) ; } void setDefaultValue ( char *s ) { default_value . setValue ( s ) ; } void getDefaultValue ( int *i ) { default_value . getValue ( i ) ; } void getDefaultValue ( float *f ) { default_value . getValue ( f ) ; } void getDefaultValue ( char **s ) { default_value . getValue ( s ) ; } int getDefaultValue ( void ) { return default_value . getValue () ; } } ; /* The 'live' interface stack is used for clicking and rendering. */ void puPushLiveInterface ( puInterface *in ) ; void puPopLiveInterface ( void ) ; int puNoLiveInterface ( void ) ; puInterface *puGetBaseLiveInterface ( void ) ; puInterface *puGetUltimateLiveInterface ( void ) ; /* The regular interface stack is used for adding widgets */ void puPushInterface ( puInterface *in ) ; void puPopInterface ( void ) ; int puNoInterface ( void ) ; puInterface *puGetCurrInterface ( void ) ; class puInterface : public puObject { protected: int num_children ; puObject *dlist ; void doHit ( int button, int updown, int x, int y ) ; public: puInterface ( int x, int y ) : puObject ( x, y, x, y ) { type |= PUCLASS_INTERFACE ; dlist = NULL ; num_children = 0 ; puPushInterface ( this ) ; puPushLiveInterface ( this ) ; } ~puInterface () ; void recalc_bbox ( void ) ; virtual void add ( puObject *new_object ) ; virtual void remove ( puObject *old_object ) ; void draw ( int dx, int dy ) ; int checkHit ( int button, int updown, int x, int y ) ; int checkKey ( int key , int updown ) ; puObject *getFirstChild ( void ) { return dlist ; } int getNumChildren ( void ) { return num_children ; } virtual void close ( void ) { if ( puGetCurrInterface () != this ) fprintf ( stderr, "PUI: puInterface::close() is mismatched!\n" ) ; else puPopInterface () ; } } ; class puFrame : public puObject { protected: virtual int isHit ( int /* x */, int /* y */ ) { return FALSE ; } public: void draw ( int dx, int dy ) ; puFrame ( int minx, int miny, int maxx, int maxy ) : puObject ( minx, miny, maxx, maxy ) { type |= PUCLASS_FRAME ; } } ; class puText : public puObject { protected: virtual int isHit ( int /* x */, int /* y */ ) { return FALSE ; } public: void draw ( int dx, int dy ) ; puText ( int x, int y ) : puObject ( x, y, x, y ) { type |= PUCLASS_TEXT ; } } ; class puButton : public puObject { protected: public: void doHit ( int button, int updown, int x, int y ) ; void draw ( int dx, int dy ) ; puButton ( int minx, int miny, char *l ) : puObject ( minx, miny, minx + puGetStringWidth ( NULL, l ) + PUSTR_LGAP + PUSTR_RGAP, miny + puGetStringHeight () + puGetStringDescender () + PUSTR_TGAP + PUSTR_BGAP ) { type |= PUCLASS_BUTTON ; setLegend ( l ) ; } puButton ( int minx, int miny, int maxx, int maxy ) : puObject ( minx, miny, maxx, maxy ) { type |= PUCLASS_BUTTON ; } } ; class puSlider : public puObject { protected: int vert ; float last_cb_value ; float cb_delta ; int cb_mode ; float slider_fraction ; public: void doHit ( int button, int updown, int x, int y ) ; void draw ( int dx, int dy ) ; puSlider ( int minx, int miny, int sz, int vertical = FALSE ) : puObject ( minx, miny, vertical ? ( minx + puGetStringWidth ( NULL, "W" ) + PUSTR_LGAP + PUSTR_RGAP ) : ( minx + sz ), vertical ? ( miny + sz ) : ( miny + puGetStringHeight () + puGetStringDescender () + PUSTR_TGAP + PUSTR_BGAP ) ) { type |= PUCLASS_SLIDER ; slider_fraction = 0.1f ; getValue ( & last_cb_value ) ; vert = vertical ; cb_delta = 0.1f ; cb_mode = PUSLIDER_ALWAYS ; } void setCBMode ( int m ) { cb_mode = m ; } float getCBMode ( void ) { return (float)cb_mode ; } int isVertical ( void ) { return vert ; } void setDelta ( float f ) { cb_delta = (f<=0.0f) ? 0.1f : (f>=1.0f) ? 0.9f : f ; } float getDelta ( void ) { return cb_delta ; } void setSliderFraction ( float f ) { slider_fraction = (f<=0.0f) ? 0.1f : (f>=1.0f) ? 0.9f : f ; } float getSliderFraction ( void ) { return slider_fraction ; } } ; class puOneShot : public puButton { protected: public: void doHit ( int button, int updown, int x, int y ) ; puOneShot ( int minx, int miny, char *l ) : puButton ( minx, miny, l ) { type |= PUCLASS_ONESHOT ; } puOneShot ( int minx, int miny, int maxx, int maxy ) : puButton ( minx, miny, maxx, maxy ) { type |= PUCLASS_ONESHOT ; } } ; class puPopup : public puInterface { protected: public: puPopup ( int x, int y ) : puInterface ( x, y ) { type |= PUCLASS_POPUP ; hide () ; } } ; class puPopupMenu : public puPopup { protected: public: puPopupMenu ( int x, int y ) : puPopup ( x, y ) { type |= PUCLASS_POPUPMENU ; } puObject *add_item ( char *str, puCallback cb ) ; int checkHit ( int button, int updown, int x, int y ) ; int checkKey ( int key , int updown ) ; void close ( void ) ; } ; class puMenuBar : public puInterface { protected: public: puMenuBar ( int h = -1 ) : puInterface ( 0, h < 0 ? puGetWindowHeight() - ( puGetStringHeight() + PUSTR_TGAP + PUSTR_BGAP ) : h ) { type |= PUCLASS_MENUBAR ; } void add_submenu ( char *str, char *items[], puCallback cb[] ) ; void close ( void ) ; } ; class puInput : public puObject { int accepting ; int cursor_position ; int select_start_position ; int select_end_position ; void normalize_cursors ( void ) ; public: void draw ( int dx, int dy ) ; void doHit ( int button, int updown, int x, int y ) ; int checkKey ( int key, int updown ) ; int isAcceptingInput ( void ) { return accepting ; } void rejectInput ( void ) { accepting = FALSE ; } void acceptInput ( void ) { accepting = TRUE ; cursor_position = strlen ( string ) ; select_start_position = select_end_position = -1 ; } int getCursor ( void ) { return cursor_position ; } void setCursor ( int c ) { cursor_position = c ; } void setSelectRegion ( int s, int e ) { select_start_position = s ; select_end_position = e ; } void getSelectRegion ( int *s, int *e ) { if ( s ) *s = select_start_position ; if ( e ) *e = select_end_position ; } puInput ( int minx, int miny, int maxx, int maxy ) : puObject ( minx, miny, maxx, maxy ) { type |= PUCLASS_INPUT ; accepting = FALSE ; cursor_position = 0 ; select_start_position = -1 ; select_end_position = -1 ; setColourScheme ( 0.8f, 0.7f, 0.7f ) ; /* Yeukky Pink */ } } ; class puButtonBox : public puObject { protected: int one_only ; int num_kids ; char **button_labels ; public: puButtonBox ( int minx, int miny, int maxx, int maxy, char **labels, int one_button ) ; int isOneButton ( void ) { return one_only ; } int checkKey ( int key , int updown ) ; int checkHit ( int button, int updown, int x, int y ) ; void draw ( int dx, int dy ) ; } ; class puDialogBox : public puPopup { protected: public: puDialogBox ( int x, int y ) : puPopup ( x, y ) { type |= PUCLASS_DIALOGBOX ; } } ; #endif