// newmat.hxx -- a material in the scene graph.
// TODO: this class needs to be renamed.
// Written by Curtis Olson, started May 1998.
// Overhauled by David Megginson, December 2001
// Copyright (C) 1998 - 2000  Curtis L. Olson  - curt@flightgear.org
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
// $Id$

#ifndef _NEWMAT_HXX
#define _NEWMAT_HXX

#ifndef __cplusplus                                                          
# error This library requires C++

#  include <config.h>

#  include <windows.h>

#include <plib/sg.h>
#include <plib/ssg.h>

#include <simgear/compiler.h>
#include <simgear/misc/props.hxx>

#include <GL/glut.h>

#include STL_STRING      // Standard C++ string library


 * A material in the scene graph.
 * A material represents information about a single surface type
 * in the 3D scene graph, including texture, colour, lighting,
 * tiling, and so on; most of the materials in FlightGear are
 * defined in the $FG_ROOT/materials.xml file, and can be changed
 * at runtime.
class FGNewMat {


  // Inner classes.

  class ObjectGroup;

   * A randomly-placeable object.
  class Object

    enum HeadingType {

    int get_model_count () const;
    ssgEntity * get_model (int index) const;
    ssgEntity * get_random_model () const;
    double get_coverage_m2 () const;
    HeadingType get_heading_type () const;
    friend class ObjectGroup;
    Object (const SGPropertyNode * node, double range_m);
    virtual ~Object ();
    void load_models () const;
    vector<string> _paths;
    mutable vector<ssgEntity *> _models;
    mutable bool _models_loaded;
    double _coverage_m2;
    double _range_m;
    HeadingType _heading_type;

   * A collection of related objects with the same visual range.
  class ObjectGroup
    virtual ~ObjectGroup ();
    double get_range_m () const;
    int get_object_count () const;
    Object * get_object (int index) const;
    friend class FGNewMat;
    ObjectGroup (SGPropertyNode * node);
    double _range_m;
    vector<Object *> _objects;

  // Public Constructors.

   * Construct a material from a set of properties.
   * @param props A property node containing subnodes with the
   * state information for the material.  This node is usually
   * loaded from the $FG_ROOT/materials.xml file.
  FGNewMat (const SGPropertyNode * props);

   * Construct a material from an absolute texture path.
   * @param texture_path A string containing an absolute path
   * to a texture file (usually RGB).
  FGNewMat (const string &texpath);

   * Construct a material around an existing SSG state.
   * This constructor allows the application to create a custom,
   * low-level state for the scene graph and wrap a material around
   * it.  Note: the pointer ownership is transferred to the material.
   * @param s The SSG state for this material.
  FGNewMat (ssgSimpleState * s);

   * Destructor.
  virtual ~FGNewMat ( void );

  // Public methods.

   * Force the texture to load if it hasn't already.
   * @return true if the texture loaded, false if it was loaded
   * already.
  virtual bool load_texture ();

   * Get the textured state.
  virtual inline ssgSimpleState *get_textured () { return textured; }

   * Get the xsize of the texture, in meters.
  virtual inline double get_xsize() const { return xsize; }

   * Get the ysize of the texture, in meters.
  virtual inline double get_ysize() const { return ysize; }

   * Get the light coverage.
   * A smaller number means more generated night lighting.
   * @return The area (m^2?) covered by each light.
  virtual inline double get_light_coverage () const { return light_coverage; }

   * Get the number of randomly-placed objects defined for this material.
  virtual int get_object_group_count () const { return object_groups.size(); }

   * Get a randomly-placed object for this material.
  virtual ObjectGroup * get_object_group (int index) const {
    return object_groups[index];

   * Get the current state.
  virtual inline ssgStateSelector *get_state () const { return state; }

   * Increment the reference count for this material.
   * A material with 0 references may be deleted by the
   * material library.
  virtual inline void ref () { refcount++; }

   * Decrement the reference count for this material.
  virtual inline void deRef () { refcount--; }

   * Get the reference count for this material.
   * @return The number of references (0 if none).
  virtual inline int getRef () const { return refcount; }


  // Protected methods.

   * Initialization method, invoked by all public constructors.
  virtual void init();


  // Internal state.

  // names
  string texture_path;

  // pointers to ssg states
  ssgStateSelector *state;
  ssgSimpleState *textured;
  ssgSimpleState *nontextured;

  // texture size
  double xsize, ysize;

  // wrap texture?
  bool wrapu, wrapv;

  // use mipmapping?
  int mipmap;

  // coverage of night lighting.
  double light_coverage;

  // material properties
  sgVec4 ambient, diffuse, specular, emission;

  // true if texture loading deferred, and not yet loaded
  bool texture_loaded;

  vector<ObjectGroup *> object_groups;

  // ref count so we can properly delete if we have multiple
  // pointers to this record
  int refcount;

  // Internal constructors and methods.

  FGNewMat (const FGNewMat &mat); // unimplemented

  void read_properties (const SGPropertyNode * props);
  void build_ssg_state(bool defer_tex_load = false);
  void set_ssg_state( ssgSimpleState *s );


#endif // _NEWMAT_HXX