#!/usr/bin/perl # # logging.pl - Handle logging # # Written by Curtis L. Olson, started February 2004 # # Copyright (C) 2004 Curtis L. Olson - curt@flightgear.org # # This code is placed in the public domain by Curtis L. Olson. # There is no warranty, etc. etc. etc. # # $Id$ # ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- use strict; require "telnet.pl"; my( $lognum ) = 1; my( @FIELDS, @FIELDS_E ); my( $tmp_dir ) = "/tmp"; my( $field_index ) = 0; sub clear_logging { my( $fgfs ) = shift; my( $done ) = 0; my( $i ) = 0; my( $prop ); while ( !$done ) { $prop = &get_prop( $fgfs, "/logging/log[$lognum]/entry[$i]/property" ); if ( $prop ne "" ) { &set_prop( $fgfs, "/logging/log[$lognum]/entry[$i]/enabled", "false" ); } else { $done = 1; } $i++; } $field_index = 0; } sub add_field { my( $fgfs ) = shift; my( $title ) = shift; my( $prop ) = shift; # spaces seem to not work well. $title =~ s/ /\_/g; # print "$title - $prop\n"; &set_prop( $fgfs, "/logging/log[$lognum]/entry[$field_index]/title", $title ); &set_prop( $fgfs, "/logging/log[$lognum]/entry[$field_index]/property", $prop ); &set_prop( $fgfs, "/logging/log[$lognum]/entry[$field_index]/enabled", "true" ); $field_index++; } sub add_default_fields() { my( $fgfs ) = shift; push( @FIELDS, ( "Longitude (deg)", "/position/longitude-deg" ) ); push( @FIELDS, ( "Latitude (deg)", "/position/latitude-deg" ) ); push( @FIELDS, ( "Altitude (ft MSL)", "/position/altitude-ft" ) ); push( @FIELDS, ( "Altitude (ft AGL)", "/position/altitude-agl-ft" ) ); push( @FIELDS, ( "Roll (deg)", "/orientation/roll-deg" ) ); push( @FIELDS, ( "Pitch (deg)", "/orientation/pitch-deg" ) ); push( @FIELDS, ( "Heading (deg)", "/orientation/heading-deg" ) ); push( @FIELDS, ( "Calibrated Air Speed (kt)", "/velocities/airspeed-kt" ) ); push( @FIELDS, ( "Vertical Speed (fps)", "/velocities/vertical-speed-fps" ) ); push( @FIELDS, ( "Roll Rate (degps)", "/orientation/roll-rate-degps" ) ); push( @FIELDS, ( "Pitch Rate (degps)", "/orientation/pitch-rate-degps" ) ); push( @FIELDS, ( "Yaw Rate (degps)", "/orientation/yaw-rate-degps" ) ); push( @FIELDS, ( "Alpha (deg)", "/orientation/alpha-deg" ) ); push( @FIELDS, ( "Beta (deg)", "/orientation/side-slip-deg" ) ); push( @FIELDS, ( "Prop (RPM)", "/engines/engine[0]/rpm" ) ); push( @FIELDS, ( "Left Aileron Pos (norm)", "/surface-positions/left-aileron-pos-norm" ) ); push( @FIELDS, ( "Right Aileron Pos (norm)", "/surface-positions/right-aileron-pos-norm" ) ); push( @FIELDS, ( "Elevator Pos (norm)", "/surface-positions/elevator-pos-norm" ) ); push( @FIELDS, ( "Elevator Trim Tab Pos (norm)", "/surface-positions/elevator-trim-tab-pos-norm" ) ); push( @FIELDS, ( "Rudder Pos (norm)", "/surface-positions/rudder-pos-norm" ) ); push( @FIELDS, ( "Flap Pos (norm)", "/surface-positions/flap-pos-norm" ) ); push( @FIELDS, ( "Nose Wheel Pos (norm)", "/surface-positions/nose-wheel-pos-norm" ) ); push( @FIELDS, ( "Wheel Pos (norm)", "/controls/flight/aileron" ) ); push( @FIELDS, ( "Column Pos (norm)", "/controls/flight/elevator" ) ); push( @FIELDS, ( "Trim Wheel Pos (norm)", "/controls/flight/elevator-trim" ) ); push( @FIELDS, ( "Pedal Pos (norm)", "/controls/flight/rudder" ) ); push( @FIELDS, ( "Throttle Pos (norm)", "/controls/engines/engine[0]/throttle" ) ); # initially enable all fields for ( my($i) = 0; $i <= ($#FIELDS / 2); ++$i ) { &add_field( $fgfs, $FIELDS[2*$i], $FIELDS[2*$i+1] ); } } sub start_logging { my( $fgfs ) = shift; my( $log_file ) = shift; &set_prop( $fgfs, "/logging/log[$lognum]/filename", $log_file ); &set_prop( $fgfs, "/logging/log[$lognum]/interval-ms", "100" ); &set_prop( $fgfs, "/logging/log[$lognum]/enabled", "true" ); &send( $fgfs, "run data-logging-commit" ); } sub stop_logging { my( $fgfs ) = shift; &set_prop( $fgfs, "/logging/log[$lognum]/enabled", "false" ); &send( $fgfs, "run data-logging-commit" ); } sub quick_plot { my( $data_file ) = shift; my( $plot_file ) = shift; my( $title ) = shift; my( $column ) = shift; print "quick plot -> $plot_file\n"; my( $tmpcmd ) = "$tmp_dir/plot_cmd_tmp.$$"; my( $tmpdata ) = "$tmp_dir/plot_data_tmp.$$"; my( $png_image ) = "$plot_file.png"; # strip the leading header off the file so gnuplot doesn't squawk system( "tail +2 $data_file | sed -e \"s/,/ /g\" > $tmpdata" ); # create the gnuplot command file open( CMD, ">$tmpcmd" ); print CMD "set terminal png color\n"; print "png_image = $png_image\n"; print CMD "set output \"$png_image\"\n"; print CMD "set xlabel \"Time (sec)\"\n"; print CMD "set ylabel \"$title\"\n"; print CMD "plot \"$tmpdata\" using 1:$column title \"$title\" with lines\n"; print CMD "quit\n"; close( CMD ); # plot the graph system( "gnuplot $tmpcmd" ); # clean up all our droppings unlink( $tmpcmd ); unlink( $tmpdata ); } return 1; # make perl happy