/* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* The HMM-Based Speech Synthesis Engine "hts_engine API" */ /* developed by HTS Working Group */ /* http://hts-engine.sourceforge.net/ */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* */ /* Copyright (c) 2001-2015 Nagoya Institute of Technology */ /* Department of Computer Science */ /* */ /* 2001-2008 Tokyo Institute of Technology */ /* Interdisciplinary Graduate School of */ /* Science and Engineering */ /* */ /* All rights reserved. */ /* */ /* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or */ /* without modification, are permitted provided that the following */ /* conditions are met: */ /* */ /* - Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright */ /* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. */ /* - Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above */ /* copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following */ /* disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided */ /* with the distribution. */ /* - Neither the name of the HTS working group nor the names of its */ /* contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived */ /* from this software without specific prior written permission. */ /* */ /* THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND */ /* CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, */ /* INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF */ /* MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE */ /* DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS */ /* BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, */ /* EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED */ /* TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, */ /* DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON */ /* ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, */ /* OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY */ /* OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE */ /* POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ #ifndef HTS_PSTREAM_C #define HTS_PSTREAM_C #ifdef __cplusplus #define HTS_PSTREAM_C_START extern "C" { #define HTS_PSTREAM_C_END } #else #define HTS_PSTREAM_C_START #define HTS_PSTREAM_C_END #endif /* __CPLUSPLUS */ HTS_PSTREAM_C_START; #include <math.h> /* for sqrt() */ /* hts_engine libraries */ #include "HTS_hidden.h" /* HTS_finv: calculate 1.0/variance function */ static double HTS_finv(const double x) { if (x >= INFTY2) return 0.0; if (x <= -INFTY2) return 0.0; if (x <= INVINF2 && x >= 0) return INFTY; if (x >= -INVINF2 && x < 0) return -INFTY; return (1.0 / x); } /* HTS_PStream_calc_wuw_and_wum: calcurate W'U^{-1}W and W'U^{-1}M */ static void HTS_PStream_calc_wuw_and_wum(HTS_PStream * pst, size_t m) { size_t t, i, j; int shift; double wu; for (t = 0; t < pst->length; t++) { /* initialize */ pst->sm.wum[t] = 0.0; for (i = 0; i < pst->width; i++) pst->sm.wuw[t][i] = 0.0; /* calc WUW & WUM */ for (i = 0; i < pst->win_size; i++) for (shift = pst->win_l_width[i]; shift <= pst->win_r_width[i]; shift++) if (((int) t + shift >= 0) && ((int) t + shift < pst->length) && (pst->win_coefficient[i][-shift] != 0.0)) { wu = pst->win_coefficient[i][-shift] * pst->sm.ivar[t + shift][i * pst->vector_length + m]; pst->sm.wum[t] += wu * pst->sm.mean[t + shift][i * pst->vector_length + m]; for (j = 0; (j < pst->width) && (t + j < pst->length); j++) if (((int) j <= pst->win_r_width[i] + shift) && (pst->win_coefficient[i][j - shift] != 0.0)) pst->sm.wuw[t][j] += wu * pst->win_coefficient[i][j - shift]; } } } /* HTS_PStream_ldl_factorization: Factorize W'*U^{-1}*W to L*D*L' (L: lower triangular, D: diagonal) */ static void HTS_PStream_ldl_factorization(HTS_PStream * pst) { size_t t, i, j; for (t = 0; t < pst->length; t++) { for (i = 1; (i < pst->width) && (t >= i); i++) pst->sm.wuw[t][0] -= pst->sm.wuw[t - i][i] * pst->sm.wuw[t - i][i] * pst->sm.wuw[t - i][0]; for (i = 1; i < pst->width; i++) { for (j = 1; (i + j < pst->width) && (t >= j); j++) pst->sm.wuw[t][i] -= pst->sm.wuw[t - j][j] * pst->sm.wuw[t - j][i + j] * pst->sm.wuw[t - j][0]; pst->sm.wuw[t][i] /= pst->sm.wuw[t][0]; } } } /* HTS_PStream_forward_substitution: forward subtitution for mlpg */ static void HTS_PStream_forward_substitution(HTS_PStream * pst) { size_t t, i; for (t = 0; t < pst->length; t++) { pst->sm.g[t] = pst->sm.wum[t]; for (i = 1; (i < pst->width) && (t >= i); i++) pst->sm.g[t] -= pst->sm.wuw[t - i][i] * pst->sm.g[t - i]; } } /* HTS_PStream_backward_substitution: backward subtitution for mlpg */ static void HTS_PStream_backward_substitution(HTS_PStream * pst, size_t m) { size_t rev, t, i; for (rev = 0; rev < pst->length; rev++) { t = pst->length - 1 - rev; pst->par[t][m] = pst->sm.g[t] / pst->sm.wuw[t][0]; for (i = 1; (i < pst->width) && (t + i < pst->length); i++) pst->par[t][m] -= pst->sm.wuw[t][i] * pst->par[t + i][m]; } } /* HTS_PStream_calc_gv: subfunction for mlpg using GV */ static void HTS_PStream_calc_gv(HTS_PStream * pst, size_t m, double *mean, double *vari) { size_t t; *mean = 0.0; for (t = 0; t < pst->length; t++) if (pst->gv_switch[t]) *mean += pst->par[t][m]; *mean /= pst->gv_length; *vari = 0.0; for (t = 0; t < pst->length; t++) if (pst->gv_switch[t]) *vari += (pst->par[t][m] - *mean) * (pst->par[t][m] - *mean); *vari /= pst->gv_length; } /* HTS_PStream_conv_gv: subfunction for mlpg using GV */ static void HTS_PStream_conv_gv(HTS_PStream * pst, size_t m) { size_t t; double ratio; double mean; double vari; HTS_PStream_calc_gv(pst, m, &mean, &vari); ratio = sqrt(pst->gv_mean[m] / vari); for (t = 0; t < pst->length; t++) if (pst->gv_switch[t]) pst->par[t][m] = ratio * (pst->par[t][m] - mean) + mean; } /* HTS_PStream_calc_derivative: subfunction for mlpg using GV */ static double HTS_PStream_calc_derivative(HTS_PStream * pst, size_t m) { size_t t, i; double mean; double vari; double dv; double h; double gvobj; double hmmobj; double w = 1.0 / (pst->win_size * pst->length); HTS_PStream_calc_gv(pst, m, &mean, &vari); gvobj = -0.5 * W2 * vari * pst->gv_vari[m] * (vari - 2.0 * pst->gv_mean[m]); dv = -2.0 * pst->gv_vari[m] * (vari - pst->gv_mean[m]) / pst->length; for (t = 0; t < pst->length; t++) { pst->sm.g[t] = pst->sm.wuw[t][0] * pst->par[t][m]; for (i = 1; i < pst->width; i++) { if (t + i < pst->length) pst->sm.g[t] += pst->sm.wuw[t][i] * pst->par[t + i][m]; if (t + 1 > i) pst->sm.g[t] += pst->sm.wuw[t - i][i] * pst->par[t - i][m]; } } for (t = 0, hmmobj = 0.0; t < pst->length; t++) { hmmobj += W1 * w * pst->par[t][m] * (pst->sm.wum[t] - 0.5 * pst->sm.g[t]); h = -W1 * w * pst->sm.wuw[t][1 - 1] - W2 * 2.0 / (pst->length * pst->length) * ((pst->length - 1) * pst->gv_vari[m] * (vari - pst->gv_mean[m]) + 2.0 * pst->gv_vari[m] * (pst->par[t][m] - mean) * (pst->par[t][m] - mean)); if (pst->gv_switch[t]) pst->sm.g[t] = 1.0 / h * (W1 * w * (-pst->sm.g[t] + pst->sm.wum[t]) + W2 * dv * (pst->par[t][m] - mean)); else pst->sm.g[t] = 1.0 / h * (W1 * w * (-pst->sm.g[t] + pst->sm.wum[t])); } return (-(hmmobj + gvobj)); } /* HTS_PStream_gv_parmgen: function for mlpg using GV */ static void HTS_PStream_gv_parmgen(HTS_PStream * pst, size_t m) { size_t t, i; double step = STEPINIT; double prev = 0.0; double obj; if (pst->gv_length == 0) return; HTS_PStream_conv_gv(pst, m); if (GV_MAX_ITERATION > 0) { HTS_PStream_calc_wuw_and_wum(pst, m); for (i = 1; i <= GV_MAX_ITERATION; i++) { obj = HTS_PStream_calc_derivative(pst, m); if (i > 1) { if (obj > prev) step *= STEPDEC; if (obj < prev) step *= STEPINC; } for (t = 0; t < pst->length; t++) { if (pst->gv_switch[t]) pst->par[t][m] += step * pst->sm.g[t]; } prev = obj; } } } /* HTS_PStream_mlpg: generate sequence of speech parameter vector maximizing its output probability for given pdf sequence */ static void HTS_PStream_mlpg(HTS_PStream * pst) { size_t m; if (pst->length == 0) return; for (m = 0; m < pst->vector_length; m++) { HTS_PStream_calc_wuw_and_wum(pst, m); HTS_PStream_ldl_factorization(pst); /* LDL factorization */ HTS_PStream_forward_substitution(pst); /* forward substitution */ HTS_PStream_backward_substitution(pst, m); /* backward substitution */ if (pst->gv_length > 0) HTS_PStream_gv_parmgen(pst, m); } } /* HTS_PStreamSet_initialize: initialize parameter stream set */ void HTS_PStreamSet_initialize(HTS_PStreamSet * pss) { pss->pstream = NULL; pss->nstream = 0; pss->total_frame = 0; } /* HTS_PStreamSet_create: parameter generation using GV weight */ HTS_Boolean HTS_PStreamSet_create(HTS_PStreamSet * pss, HTS_SStreamSet * sss, double *msd_threshold, double *gv_weight) { size_t i, j, k, l, m; int shift; size_t frame, msd_frame, state; HTS_PStream *pst; HTS_Boolean not_bound; if (pss->nstream != 0) { HTS_error(1, "HTS_PstreamSet_create: HTS_PStreamSet should be clear.\n"); return FALSE; } /* initialize */ pss->nstream = HTS_SStreamSet_get_nstream(sss); pss->pstream = (HTS_PStream *) HTS_calloc(pss->nstream, sizeof(HTS_PStream)); pss->total_frame = HTS_SStreamSet_get_total_frame(sss); /* create */ for (i = 0; i < pss->nstream; i++) { pst = &pss->pstream[i]; if (HTS_SStreamSet_is_msd(sss, i) == TRUE) { /* for MSD */ pst->length = 0; for (state = 0; state < HTS_SStreamSet_get_total_state(sss); state++) if (HTS_SStreamSet_get_msd(sss, i, state) > msd_threshold[i]) pst->length += HTS_SStreamSet_get_duration(sss, state); pst->msd_flag = (HTS_Boolean *) HTS_calloc(pss->total_frame, sizeof(HTS_Boolean)); for (state = 0, frame = 0; state < HTS_SStreamSet_get_total_state(sss); state++) { if (HTS_SStreamSet_get_msd(sss, i, state) > msd_threshold[i]) { for (j = 0; j < HTS_SStreamSet_get_duration(sss, state); j++) { pst->msd_flag[frame] = TRUE; frame++; } } else { for (j = 0; j < HTS_SStreamSet_get_duration(sss, state); j++) { pst->msd_flag[frame] = FALSE; frame++; } } } } else { /* for non MSD */ pst->length = pss->total_frame; pst->msd_flag = NULL; } pst->vector_length = HTS_SStreamSet_get_vector_length(sss, i); pst->width = HTS_SStreamSet_get_window_max_width(sss, i) * 2 + 1; /* band width of R */ pst->win_size = HTS_SStreamSet_get_window_size(sss, i); if (pst->length > 0) { pst->sm.mean = HTS_alloc_matrix(pst->length, pst->vector_length * pst->win_size); pst->sm.ivar = HTS_alloc_matrix(pst->length, pst->vector_length * pst->win_size); pst->sm.wum = (double *) HTS_calloc(pst->length, sizeof(double)); pst->sm.wuw = HTS_alloc_matrix(pst->length, pst->width); pst->sm.g = (double *) HTS_calloc(pst->length, sizeof(double)); pst->par = HTS_alloc_matrix(pst->length, pst->vector_length); } /* copy dynamic window */ pst->win_l_width = (int *) HTS_calloc(pst->win_size, sizeof(int)); pst->win_r_width = (int *) HTS_calloc(pst->win_size, sizeof(int)); pst->win_coefficient = (double **) HTS_calloc(pst->win_size, sizeof(double)); for (j = 0; j < pst->win_size; j++) { pst->win_l_width[j] = HTS_SStreamSet_get_window_left_width(sss, i, j); pst->win_r_width[j] = HTS_SStreamSet_get_window_right_width(sss, i, j); if (pst->win_l_width[j] + pst->win_r_width[j] == 0) pst->win_coefficient[j] = (double *) HTS_calloc(-2 * pst->win_l_width[j] + 1, sizeof(double)); else pst->win_coefficient[j] = (double *) HTS_calloc(-2 * pst->win_l_width[j], sizeof(double)); pst->win_coefficient[j] -= pst->win_l_width[j]; for (shift = pst->win_l_width[j]; shift <= pst->win_r_width[j]; shift++) pst->win_coefficient[j][shift] = HTS_SStreamSet_get_window_coefficient(sss, i, j, shift); } /* copy GV */ if (HTS_SStreamSet_use_gv(sss, i)) { pst->gv_mean = (double *) HTS_calloc(pst->vector_length, sizeof(double)); pst->gv_vari = (double *) HTS_calloc(pst->vector_length, sizeof(double)); for (j = 0; j < pst->vector_length; j++) { pst->gv_mean[j] = HTS_SStreamSet_get_gv_mean(sss, i, j) * gv_weight[i]; pst->gv_vari[j] = HTS_SStreamSet_get_gv_vari(sss, i, j); } pst->gv_switch = (HTS_Boolean *) HTS_calloc(pst->length, sizeof(HTS_Boolean)); if (HTS_SStreamSet_is_msd(sss, i) == TRUE) { /* for MSD */ for (state = 0, frame = 0, msd_frame = 0; state < HTS_SStreamSet_get_total_state(sss); state++) for (j = 0; j < HTS_SStreamSet_get_duration(sss, state); j++, frame++) if (pst->msd_flag[frame] == TRUE) pst->gv_switch[msd_frame++] = HTS_SStreamSet_get_gv_switch(sss, i, state); } else { /* for non MSD */ for (state = 0, frame = 0; state < HTS_SStreamSet_get_total_state(sss); state++) for (j = 0; j < HTS_SStreamSet_get_duration(sss, state); j++) pst->gv_switch[frame++] = HTS_SStreamSet_get_gv_switch(sss, i, state); } for (j = 0, pst->gv_length = 0; j < pst->length; j++) if (pst->gv_switch[j]) pst->gv_length++; } else { pst->gv_switch = NULL; pst->gv_length = 0; pst->gv_mean = NULL; pst->gv_vari = NULL; } /* copy pdfs */ if (HTS_SStreamSet_is_msd(sss, i) == TRUE) { /* for MSD */ for (state = 0, frame = 0, msd_frame = 0; state < HTS_SStreamSet_get_total_state(sss); state++) { for (j = 0; j < HTS_SStreamSet_get_duration(sss, state); j++) { if (pst->msd_flag[frame] == TRUE) { /* check current frame is MSD boundary or not */ for (k = 0; k < pst->win_size; k++) { not_bound = TRUE; for (shift = pst->win_l_width[k]; shift <= pst->win_r_width[k]; shift++) if ((int) frame + shift < 0 || (int) pss->total_frame <= (int) frame + shift || pst->msd_flag[frame + shift] != TRUE) { not_bound = FALSE; break; } for (l = 0; l < pst->vector_length; l++) { m = pst->vector_length * k + l; pst->sm.mean[msd_frame][m] = HTS_SStreamSet_get_mean(sss, i, state, m); if (not_bound || k == 0) pst->sm.ivar[msd_frame][m] = HTS_finv(HTS_SStreamSet_get_vari(sss, i, state, m)); else pst->sm.ivar[msd_frame][m] = 0.0; } } msd_frame++; } frame++; } } } else { /* for non MSD */ for (state = 0, frame = 0; state < HTS_SStreamSet_get_total_state(sss); state++) { for (j = 0; j < HTS_SStreamSet_get_duration(sss, state); j++) { for (k = 0; k < pst->win_size; k++) { not_bound = TRUE; for (shift = pst->win_l_width[k]; shift <= pst->win_r_width[k]; shift++) if ((int) frame + shift < 0 || (int) pss->total_frame <= (int) frame + shift) { not_bound = FALSE; break; } for (l = 0; l < pst->vector_length; l++) { m = pst->vector_length * k + l; pst->sm.mean[frame][m] = HTS_SStreamSet_get_mean(sss, i, state, m); if (not_bound || k == 0) pst->sm.ivar[frame][m] = HTS_finv(HTS_SStreamSet_get_vari(sss, i, state, m)); else pst->sm.ivar[frame][m] = 0.0; } } frame++; } } } /* parameter generation */ HTS_PStream_mlpg(pst); } return TRUE; } /* HTS_PStreamSet_get_nstream: get number of stream */ size_t HTS_PStreamSet_get_nstream(HTS_PStreamSet * pss) { return pss->nstream; } /* HTS_PStreamSet_get_vector_length: get feature length */ size_t HTS_PStreamSet_get_vector_length(HTS_PStreamSet * pss, size_t stream_index) { return pss->pstream[stream_index].vector_length; } /* HTS_PStreamSet_get_total_frame: get total number of frame */ size_t HTS_PStreamSet_get_total_frame(HTS_PStreamSet * pss) { return pss->total_frame; } /* HTS_PStreamSet_get_parameter: get parameter */ double HTS_PStreamSet_get_parameter(HTS_PStreamSet * pss, size_t stream_index, size_t frame_index, size_t vector_index) { return pss->pstream[stream_index].par[frame_index][vector_index]; } /* HTS_PStreamSet_get_parameter_vector: get parameter vector*/ double *HTS_PStreamSet_get_parameter_vector(HTS_PStreamSet * pss, size_t stream_index, size_t frame_index) { return pss->pstream[stream_index].par[frame_index]; } /* HTS_PStreamSet_get_msd_flag: get generated MSD flag per frame */ HTS_Boolean HTS_PStreamSet_get_msd_flag(HTS_PStreamSet * pss, size_t stream_index, size_t frame_index) { return pss->pstream[stream_index].msd_flag[frame_index]; } /* HTS_PStreamSet_is_msd: get MSD flag */ HTS_Boolean HTS_PStreamSet_is_msd(HTS_PStreamSet * pss, size_t stream_index) { return pss->pstream[stream_index].msd_flag ? TRUE : FALSE; } /* HTS_PStreamSet_clear: free parameter stream set */ void HTS_PStreamSet_clear(HTS_PStreamSet * pss) { size_t i, j; HTS_PStream *pstream; if (pss->pstream) { for (i = 0; i < pss->nstream; i++) { pstream = &pss->pstream[i]; if (pstream->sm.wum) HTS_free(pstream->sm.wum); if (pstream->sm.g) HTS_free(pstream->sm.g); if (pstream->sm.wuw) HTS_free_matrix(pstream->sm.wuw, pstream->length); if (pstream->sm.ivar) HTS_free_matrix(pstream->sm.ivar, pstream->length); if (pstream->sm.mean) HTS_free_matrix(pstream->sm.mean, pstream->length); if (pstream->par) HTS_free_matrix(pstream->par, pstream->length); if (pstream->msd_flag) HTS_free(pstream->msd_flag); if (pstream->win_coefficient) { for (j = 0; j < pstream->win_size; j++) { pstream->win_coefficient[j] += pstream->win_l_width[j]; HTS_free(pstream->win_coefficient[j]); } } if (pstream->gv_mean) HTS_free(pstream->gv_mean); if (pstream->gv_vari) HTS_free(pstream->gv_vari); if (pstream->win_coefficient) HTS_free(pstream->win_coefficient); if (pstream->win_l_width) HTS_free(pstream->win_l_width); if (pstream->win_r_width) HTS_free(pstream->win_r_width); if (pstream->gv_switch) HTS_free(pstream->gv_switch); } HTS_free(pss->pstream); } HTS_PStreamSet_initialize(pss); } HTS_PSTREAM_C_END; #endif /* !HTS_PSTREAM_C */