#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #ifdef HAVE_WINDOWS_H # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include // endian tests #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "MIDG-II.hxx" using std::cout; using std::endl; using std::string; // Network channels static simgear::Socket fdm_sock, ctrls_sock; // midg data MIDGTrack track; // Default ports static int fdm_port = 5505; static int ctrls_port = 5506; // Default path static string infile = ""; static string serialdev = ""; static string outfile = ""; // Master time counter float sim_time = 0.0f; double frame_us = 0.0f; // sim control SGTimeStamp last_time_stamp; SGTimeStamp current_time_stamp; // altitude offset double alt_offset = 0.0; // skip initial seconds double skip = 0.0; // for speed estimate // double last_lat = 0.0, last_lon = 0.0; // double kts_filter = 0.0; bool inited = false; // The function htond is defined this way due to the way some // processors and OSes treat floating point values. Some will raise // an exception whenever a "bad" floating point value is loaded into a // floating point register. Solaris is notorious for this, but then // so is LynxOS on the PowerPC. By translating the data in place, // there is no need to load a FP register with the "corruped" floating // point value. By doing the BIG_ENDIAN test, I can optimize the // routine for big-endian processors so it can be as efficient as // possible static void htond (double &x) { if ( sgIsLittleEndian() ) { int *Double_Overlay; int Holding_Buffer; Double_Overlay = (int *) &x; Holding_Buffer = Double_Overlay [0]; Double_Overlay [0] = htonl (Double_Overlay [1]); Double_Overlay [1] = htonl (Holding_Buffer); } else { return; } } // Float version static void htonf (float &x) { if ( sgIsLittleEndian() ) { int *Float_Overlay; int Holding_Buffer; Float_Overlay = (int *) &x; Holding_Buffer = Float_Overlay [0]; Float_Overlay [0] = htonl (Holding_Buffer); } else { return; } } static void midg2fg( const MIDGpos pos, const MIDGatt att, FGNetFDM *fdm, FGNetCtrls *ctrls ) { unsigned int i; // Version sanity checking fdm->version = FG_NET_FDM_VERSION; // Aero parameters fdm->longitude = pos.lon_deg * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS; fdm->latitude = pos.lat_deg * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS; fdm->altitude = pos.altitude_msl + alt_offset; fdm->agl = -9999.0; fdm->psi = att.yaw_rad; // heading fdm->phi = att.roll_rad; // roll fdm->theta = att.pitch_rad; // pitch; fdm->phidot = 0.0; fdm->thetadot = 0.0; fdm->psidot = 0.0; // estimate speed // double az1, az2, dist; // geo_inverse_wgs_84( pos.altitude_msl, last_lat, last_lon, // pos.lat_deg, pos.lon_deg, &az1, &az2, &dist ); // double v_ms = dist / (frame_us / 1000000); // double v_kts = v_ms * SG_METER_TO_NM * 3600; // kts_filter = (0.99 * kts_filter) + (0.01 * v_kts); fdm->vcas = pos.speed_kts; // last_lat = pos.lat_deg; // last_lon = pos.lon_deg; // cout << "kts_filter = " << kts_filter << " vel = " << pos.speed_kts << endl; fdm->climb_rate = 0; // fps // cout << "climb rate = " << aero->hdota << endl; fdm->v_north = 0.0; fdm->v_east = 0.0; fdm->v_down = 0.0; fdm->v_wind_body_north = 0.0; fdm->v_wind_body_east = 0.0; fdm->v_wind_body_down = 0.0; fdm->stall_warning = 0.0; fdm->A_X_pilot = 0.0; fdm->A_Y_pilot = 0.0; fdm->A_Z_pilot = 0.0 /* (should be -G) */; // Engine parameters fdm->num_engines = 1; fdm->eng_state[0] = 2; // cout << "state = " << fdm->eng_state[0] << endl; double rpm = ((pos.speed_kts - 15.0) / 65.0) * 2000.0 + 500.0; if ( rpm < 0.0 ) { rpm = 0.0; } if ( rpm > 3000.0 ) { rpm = 3000.0; } fdm->rpm[0] = rpm; fdm->fuel_flow[0] = 0.0; fdm->egt[0] = 0.0; // cout << "egt = " << aero->EGT << endl; fdm->oil_temp[0] = 0.0; fdm->oil_px[0] = 0.0; // Consumables fdm->num_tanks = 2; fdm->fuel_quantity[0] = 0.0; fdm->fuel_quantity[1] = 0.0; // Gear and flaps fdm->num_wheels = 3; fdm->wow[0] = 0; fdm->wow[1] = 0; fdm->wow[2] = 0; // the following really aren't used in this context fdm->cur_time = 0; fdm->warp = 0; fdm->visibility = 0; // cout << "Flap deflection = " << aero->dflap << endl; fdm->left_flap = 0.0; fdm->right_flap = 0.0; fdm->elevator = -fdm->theta * 1.0; fdm->elevator_trim_tab = 0.0; fdm->left_flap = 0.0; fdm->right_flap = 0.0; fdm->left_aileron = fdm->phi * 1.0; fdm->right_aileron = -fdm->phi * 1.0; fdm->rudder = 0.0; fdm->nose_wheel = 0.0; fdm->speedbrake = 0.0; fdm->spoilers = 0.0; // Convert the net buffer to network format fdm->version = htonl(fdm->version); htond(fdm->longitude); htond(fdm->latitude); htond(fdm->altitude); htonf(fdm->agl); htonf(fdm->phi); htonf(fdm->theta); htonf(fdm->psi); htonf(fdm->alpha); htonf(fdm->beta); htonf(fdm->phidot); htonf(fdm->thetadot); htonf(fdm->psidot); htonf(fdm->vcas); htonf(fdm->climb_rate); htonf(fdm->v_north); htonf(fdm->v_east); htonf(fdm->v_down); htonf(fdm->v_wind_body_north); htonf(fdm->v_wind_body_east); htonf(fdm->v_wind_body_down); htonf(fdm->A_X_pilot); htonf(fdm->A_Y_pilot); htonf(fdm->A_Z_pilot); htonf(fdm->stall_warning); htonf(fdm->slip_deg); for ( i = 0; i < fdm->num_engines; ++i ) { fdm->eng_state[i] = htonl(fdm->eng_state[i]); htonf(fdm->rpm[i]); htonf(fdm->fuel_flow[i]); htonf(fdm->egt[i]); htonf(fdm->cht[i]); htonf(fdm->mp_osi[i]); htonf(fdm->tit[i]); htonf(fdm->oil_temp[i]); htonf(fdm->oil_px[i]); } fdm->num_engines = htonl(fdm->num_engines); for ( i = 0; i < fdm->num_tanks; ++i ) { htonf(fdm->fuel_quantity[i]); } fdm->num_tanks = htonl(fdm->num_tanks); for ( i = 0; i < fdm->num_wheels; ++i ) { fdm->wow[i] = htonl(fdm->wow[i]); htonf(fdm->gear_pos[i]); htonf(fdm->gear_steer[i]); htonf(fdm->gear_compression[i]); } fdm->num_wheels = htonl(fdm->num_wheels); fdm->cur_time = htonl( fdm->cur_time ); fdm->warp = htonl( fdm->warp ); htonf(fdm->visibility); htonf(fdm->elevator); htonf(fdm->elevator_trim_tab); htonf(fdm->left_flap); htonf(fdm->right_flap); htonf(fdm->left_aileron); htonf(fdm->right_aileron); htonf(fdm->rudder); htonf(fdm->nose_wheel); htonf(fdm->speedbrake); htonf(fdm->spoilers); } static void send_data( const MIDGpos pos, const MIDGatt att ) { int len; int fdmsize = sizeof( FGNetFDM ); // cout << "Running main loop" << endl; FGNetFDM fgfdm; FGNetCtrls fgctrls; midg2fg( pos, att, &fgfdm, &fgctrls ); len = fdm_sock.send(&fgfdm, fdmsize, 0); } void usage( const string &argv0 ) { cout << "Usage: " << argv0 << endl; cout << "\t[ --help ]" << endl; cout << "\t[ --infile " << endl; cout << "\t[ --serial " << endl; cout << "\t[ --outfile (capture the data to a file)" << endl; cout << "\t[ --hertz ]" << endl; cout << "\t[ --host ]" << endl; cout << "\t[ --broadcast ]" << endl; cout << "\t[ --fdm-port ]" << endl; cout << "\t[ --ctrls-port ]" << endl; cout << "\t[ --altitude-offset ]" << endl; cout << "\t[ --skip-seconds ]" << endl; } int main( int argc, char **argv ) { double hertz = 60.0; string out_host = "localhost"; bool do_broadcast = false; // process command line arguments for ( int i = 1; i < argc; ++i ) { if ( strcmp( argv[i], "--help" ) == 0 ) { usage( argv[0] ); exit( 0 ); } else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "--hertz" ) == 0 ) { ++i; if ( i < argc ) { hertz = atof( argv[i] ); } else { usage( argv[0] ); exit( -1 ); } } else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "--infile" ) == 0 ) { ++i; if ( i < argc ) { infile = argv[i]; } else { usage( argv[0] ); exit( -1 ); } } else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "--outfile" ) == 0 ) { ++i; if ( i < argc ) { outfile = argv[i]; } else { usage( argv[0] ); exit( -1 ); } } else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "--serial" ) == 0 ) { ++i; if ( i < argc ) { serialdev = argv[i]; } else { usage( argv[0] ); exit( -1 ); } } else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "--host" ) == 0 ) { ++i; if ( i < argc ) { out_host = argv[i]; } else { usage( argv[0] ); exit( -1 ); } } else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "--broadcast" ) == 0 ) { do_broadcast = true; } else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "--fdm-port" ) == 0 ) { ++i; if ( i < argc ) { fdm_port = atoi( argv[i] ); } else { usage( argv[0] ); exit( -1 ); } } else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "--ctrls-port" ) == 0 ) { ++i; if ( i < argc ) { ctrls_port = atoi( argv[i] ); } else { usage( argv[0] ); exit( -1 ); } } else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "--altitude-offset" ) == 0 ) { ++i; if ( i < argc ) { alt_offset = atof( argv[i] ); } else { usage( argv[0] ); exit( -1 ); } } else if ( strcmp( argv[i], "--skip-seconds" ) == 0 ) { ++i; if ( i < argc ) { skip = atof( argv[i] ); } else { usage( argv[0] ); exit( -1 ); } } else { usage( argv[0] ); exit( -1 ); } } // Setup up outgoing network connections simgear::Socket::initSockets(); // We must call this before any other net stuff if ( ! fdm_sock.open( false ) ) { // open a UDP socket cout << "error opening fdm output socket" << endl; return -1; } if ( ! ctrls_sock.open( false ) ) { // open a UDP socket cout << "error opening ctrls output socket" << endl; return -1; } cout << "open net channels" << endl; fdm_sock.setBlocking( false ); ctrls_sock.setBlocking( false ); cout << "blocking false" << endl; if ( do_broadcast ) { fdm_sock.setBroadcast( true ); ctrls_sock.setBroadcast( true ); } if ( fdm_sock.connect( out_host.c_str(), fdm_port ) == -1 ) { perror("connect"); cout << "error connecting to outgoing fdm port: " << out_host << ":" << fdm_port << endl; return -1; } cout << "connected outgoing fdm socket" << endl; if ( ctrls_sock.connect( out_host.c_str(), ctrls_port ) == -1 ) { perror("connect"); cout << "error connecting to outgoing ctrls port: " << out_host << ":" << ctrls_port << endl; return -1; } cout << "connected outgoing ctrls socket" << endl; if ( infile.length() ) { // Load data from a track data track.load( infile ); cout << "Loaded " << track.pos_size() << " position records." << endl; cout << "Loaded " << track.att_size() << " attitude records." << endl; int size = track.pos_size(); double current_time = track.get_pospt(0).get_seconds(); cout << "Track begin time is " << current_time << endl; double end_time = track.get_pospt(size-1).get_seconds(); cout << "Track end time is " << end_time << endl; cout << "Duration = " << end_time - current_time << endl; // advance skip seconds forward current_time += skip; frame_us = 1000000.0 / hertz; if ( frame_us < 0.0 ) { frame_us = 0.0; } SGTimeStamp start_time; start_time.stamp(); int pos_count = 0; int att_count = 0; MIDGpos pos0, pos1; pos0 = pos1 = track.get_pospt( 0 ); MIDGatt att0, att1; att0 = att1 = track.get_attpt( 0 ); while ( current_time < end_time ) { // cout << "current_time = " << current_time << " end_time = " // << end_time << endl; // Advance position pointer while ( current_time > pos1.get_seconds() && pos_count < track.pos_size() ) { pos0 = pos1; ++pos_count; // cout << "count = " << count << endl; pos1 = track.get_pospt( pos_count ); } // cout << "p0 = " << p0.get_time() << " p1 = " << p1.get_time() // << endl; // Advance attitude pointer while ( current_time > att1.get_seconds() && att_count < track.att_size() ) { att0 = att1; ++att_count; // cout << "count = " << count << endl; att1 = track.get_attpt( att_count ); } // cout << "pos0 = " << pos0.get_seconds() // << " pos1 = " << pos1.get_seconds() << endl; double pos_percent; if ( fabs(pos1.get_seconds() - pos0.get_seconds()) < 0.00001 ) { pos_percent = 0.0; } else { pos_percent = (current_time - pos0.get_seconds()) / (pos1.get_seconds() - pos0.get_seconds()); } // cout << "Percent = " << percent << endl; double att_percent; if ( fabs(att1.get_seconds() - att0.get_seconds()) < 0.00001 ) { att_percent = 0.0; } else { att_percent = (current_time - att0.get_seconds()) / (att1.get_seconds() - att0.get_seconds()); } // cout << "Percent = " << percent << endl; MIDGpos pos = MIDGInterpPos( pos0, pos1, pos_percent ); MIDGatt att = MIDGInterpAtt( att0, att1, att_percent ); // cout << current_time << " " << p0.lat_deg << ", " << p0.lon_deg // << endl; // cout << current_time << " " << p1.lat_deg << ", " << p1.lon_deg // << endl; // cout << (double)current_time << " " << pos.lat_deg << ", " // << pos.lon_deg << " " << att.yaw_deg << endl; if ( pos.lat_deg > -500 ) { printf( "%.3f %.4f %.4f %.1f %.2f %.2f %.2f\n", current_time, pos.lat_deg, pos.lon_deg, pos.altitude_msl, att.yaw_rad * 180.0 / SG_PI, att.pitch_rad * 180.0 / SG_PI, att.roll_rad * 180.0 / SG_PI ); } send_data( pos, att ); // Update the elapsed time. static bool first_time = true; if ( first_time ) { last_time_stamp.stamp(); first_time = false; } current_time_stamp.stamp(); /* Convert to ms */ double elapsed_us = (current_time_stamp - last_time_stamp).toUSecs(); if ( elapsed_us < (frame_us - 2000) ) { double requested_us = (frame_us - elapsed_us) - 2000 ; ulMilliSecondSleep ( (int)(requested_us / 1000.0) ) ; } current_time_stamp.stamp(); while ( (current_time_stamp - last_time_stamp).toUSecs() < frame_us ) { current_time_stamp.stamp(); } current_time += (frame_us / 1000000.0); last_time_stamp = current_time_stamp; } cout << "Processed " << pos_count << " entries in " << current_time_stamp - start_time << " seconds." << endl; } else if ( serialdev.length() ) { // process incoming data from the serial port int count = 0; double current_time = 0.0; MIDGpos pos; MIDGatt att; uint32_t pos_time = 1; uint32_t att_time = 1; // open the serial port device SGSerialPort input( serialdev, 115200 ); if ( !input.is_enabled() ) { cout << "Cannot open: " << serialdev << endl; return false; } // open up the data log file if requested if ( !outfile.length() ) { cout << "no --outfile specified, cannot capture data!" << endl; return false; } SGFile output( outfile ); if ( !output.open( SG_IO_OUT ) ) { cout << "Cannot open: " << outfile << endl; return false; } while ( input.is_enabled() ) { // cout << "looking for next message ..." << endl; int id = track.next_message( &input, &output, &pos, &att ); cout << "message id = " << id << endl; count++; if ( id == 10 ) { if ( att.get_msec() > att_time ) { att_time = att.get_msec(); current_time = att_time; } else { cout << "oops att back in time" << endl; } } else if ( id == 12 ) { if ( pos.get_msec() > pos_time ) { pos_time = pos.get_msec(); current_time = pos_time; } else { cout << "oops pos back in time" << endl; } } if ( pos.lat_deg > -500 ) { // printf( "%.3f %.4f %.4f %.1f %.2f %.2f %.2f\n", // current_time, // pos.lat_deg, pos.lon_deg, pos.altitude_msl, // att.yaw_rad * 180.0 / SG_PI, // att.pitch_rad * 180.0 / SG_PI, // att.roll_rad * 180.0 / SG_PI ); } send_data( pos, att ); } } return 0; }