# Locate SimGear # This module defines # SIMGEAR_CORE_LIBRARIES, a list of the core static libraries # SIMGEAR_LIBRARIES, a list of all the static libraries (core + scene) # SIMGEAR_FOUND, if false, do not try to link to SimGear # SIMGEAR_INCLUDE_DIR, where to find the headers # # $SIMGEAR_DIR is an environment variable that would # correspond to the ./configure --prefix=$SIMGEAR_DIR # used in building SimGear. # # Created by James Turner. This was influenced by the FindOpenAL.cmake module. #============================================================================= # Copyright 2005-2009 Kitware, Inc. # # Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD License (the "License"); # see accompanying file Copyright.txt for details. # # This software is distributed WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the # implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. # See the License for more information. #============================================================================= # (To distributed this file outside of CMake, substitute the full # License text for the above reference.) include(SelectLibraryConfigurations) macro(find_sg_component comp libs) set(compLib "sg${comp}") string(TOUPPER "SIMGEAR_${comp}" compLibBase) set( compLibName ${compLibBase}_LIBRARY ) FIND_LIBRARY(${compLibName}_DEBUG NAMES ${compLib}${CMAKE_DEBUG_POSTFIX} HINTS $ENV{SIMGEAR_DIR} PATH_SUFFIXES ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR} libs64 libs libs/Win32 libs/Win64 PATHS /usr/local /usr /opt ) FIND_LIBRARY(${compLibName}_RELEASE NAMES ${compLib}${CMAKE_RELEASE_POSTFIX} HINTS $ENV{SIMGEAR_DIR} PATH_SUFFIXES ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR} libs64 libs libs/Win32 libs/Win64 PATHS /usr/local /usr /opt ) select_library_configurations( ${compLibBase} ) set(componentLibRelease ${${compLibName}_RELEASE}) #message(STATUS "Simgear ${compLibName}_RELEASE ${componentLibRelease}") set(componentLibDebug ${${compLibName}_DEBUG}) #message(STATUS "Simgear ${compLibName}_DEBUG ${componentLibDebug}") if (NOT ${compLibName}_DEBUG) if (NOT ${compLibName}_RELEASE) #message(STATUS "found ${componentLib}") list(APPEND ${libs} ${componentLibRelease}) endif() else() list(APPEND ${libs} optimized ${componentLibRelease} debug ${componentLibDebug}) endif() endmacro() FIND_PATH(SIMGEAR_INCLUDE_DIR simgear/math/SGMath.hxx HINTS $ENV{SIMGEAR_DIR} PATH_SUFFIXES include PATHS ~/Library/Frameworks /Library/Frameworks /usr/local /usr /opt ) message(STATUS ${SIMGEAR_INCLUDE_DIR}) # dependent packages find_package(ZLIB REQUIRED) find_package(Threads REQUIRED) if(SIMGEAR_SHARED) message(STATUS "looking for shared Simgear libraries") # check for dynamic framework/library (experimental!) FIND_LIBRARY(SIMGEAR_SHARED_CORE_LIBRARY NAMES simgearCore SimGearCore HINTS $ENV{SIMGEAR_DIR} PATH_SUFFIXES ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR} libs64 libs libs/Win32 libs/Win64 PATHS ~/Library/Frameworks /Library/Frameworks /usr/local /usr /opt ) FIND_LIBRARY(SIMGEAR_SHARED_SCENE_LIBRARY NAMES simgearScene SimGearScene HINTS $ENV{SIMGEAR_DIR} PATH_SUFFIXES ${CMAKE_INSTALL_LIBDIR} libs64 libs libs/Win32 libs/Win64 PATHS ~/Library/Frameworks /Library/Frameworks /usr/local /usr /opt ) set(SIMGEAR_CORE_LIBRARIES ${SIMGEAR_SHARED_CORE_LIBRARY}) set(SIMGEAR_LIBRARIES ${SIMGEAR_SHARED_SCENE_LIBRARY} ${SIMGEAR_SHARED_CORE_LIBRARY}) set(SIMGEAR_CORE_LIBRARY_DEPENDENCIES "") else(SIMGEAR_SHARED) set(SIMGEAR_LIBRARIES "") # clear value set(SIMGEAR_CORE_LIBRARIES "") # clear value message(STATUS "looking for static Simgear libraries") # note the order here affects the order Simgear libraries are # linked in, and hence ability to link when using a traditional # linker such as GNU ld on Linux set(comps tsync environment nasal bucket bvh util route timing io serial sound math props structure xml misc threads debug magvar ) set(scene_comps ephem sky material tgdb model screen) foreach(component ${comps}) find_sg_component(${component} SIMGEAR_CORE_LIBRARIES) endforeach() foreach(component ${scene_comps}) find_sg_component(${component} SIMGEAR_LIBRARIES) endforeach() # again link order matters - scene libraires depend on core ones list(APPEND SIMGEAR_LIBRARIES ${SIMGEAR_CORE_LIBRARIES}) set(SIMGEAR_CORE_LIBRARY_DEPENDENCIES ${CMAKE_THREAD_LIBS_INIT} ${ZLIB_LIBRARY}) if(WIN32) list(APPEND SIMGEAR_CORE_LIBRARY_DEPENDENCIES ws2_32.lib) endif(WIN32) if(NOT MSVC) # basic timing routines on non windows systems, may be also cygwin?! check_function_exists(clock_gettime clock_gettime_in_libc) if(NOT clock_gettime_in_libc) check_library_exists(rt clock_gettime "" have_rt) if(have_rt) list(APPEND SIMGEAR_CORE_LIBRARY_DEPENDENCIES rt) endif(have_rt) endif(NOT clock_gettime_in_libc) endif(NOT MSVC) endif(SIMGEAR_SHARED) # now we've found SimGear, check its version include(CheckCXXSourceRuns) message(STATUS "looking for version: ${SimGear_FIND_VERSION}") SET(CMAKE_REQUIRED_INCLUDES ${SIMGEAR_INCLUDE_DIR}) check_cxx_source_runs( "#include #include \"simgear/version.h\" #define xstr(s) str(s) #define str(s) #s #define MIN_MAJOR ${SimGear_FIND_VERSION_MAJOR} #define MIN_MINOR ${SimGear_FIND_VERSION_MINOR} #define MIN_MICRO ${SimGear_FIND_VERSION_PATCH} int main() { int major, minor, micro; /* printf(%d.%d.%d or greater, , MIN_MAJOR, MIN_MINOR, MIN_MICRO); */ printf(\"found %s ... \", xstr(SIMGEAR_VERSION)); sscanf( xstr(SIMGEAR_VERSION), \"%d.%d.%d\", &major, &minor, µ ); if ( (major < MIN_MAJOR) || (major == MIN_MAJOR && minor < MIN_MINOR) || (major == MIN_MAJOR && minor == MIN_MINOR && micro < MIN_MICRO) ) { return -1; } return 0; } " SIMGEAR_VERSION_OK) include(FindPackageHandleStandardArgs) FIND_PACKAGE_HANDLE_STANDARD_ARGS(SimGear DEFAULT_MSG SIMGEAR_LIBRARIES SIMGEAR_INCLUDE_DIR SIMGEAR_VERSION_OK)