// Copyright (C) 2008 Tim Moore // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. #include "CameraGroup.hxx" #include "globals.hxx" #include "renderer.hxx" #include "FGManipulator.hxx" #include "WindowBuilder.hxx" #include "WindowSystemAdapter.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include namespace flightgear { using namespace osg; using std::strcmp; using std::string; ref_ptr CameraGroup::_defaultGroup; CameraGroup::CameraGroup(osgViewer::Viewer* viewer) : _viewer(viewer) { } CameraInfo* CameraGroup::addCamera(unsigned flags, Camera* camera, const Matrix& view, const Matrix& projection, bool useMasterSceneData) { if ((flags & (VIEW_ABSOLUTE | PROJECTION_ABSOLUTE)) != 0) camera->setReferenceFrame(Transform::ABSOLUTE_RF); else camera->setReferenceFrame(Transform::RELATIVE_RF); CameraInfo* info = new CameraInfo(flags, camera); _cameras.push_back(info); _viewer->addSlave(camera, view, projection, useMasterSceneData); info->slaveIndex = _viewer->getNumSlaves() - 1; return info; } void CameraGroup::update(const osg::Vec3d& position, const osg::Quat& orientation) { FGManipulator *manipulator = dynamic_cast(_viewer->getCameraManipulator()); if (!manipulator) return; manipulator->setPosition(position); manipulator->setAttitude(orientation); const Matrix masterView(manipulator->getInverseMatrix()); const Matrix& masterProj = _viewer->getCamera()->getProjectionMatrix(); for (CameraList::iterator i = _cameras.begin(); i != _cameras.end(); ++i) { const CameraInfo* info = i->get(); if ((info->flags & (VIEW_ABSOLUTE | PROJECTION_ABSOLUTE)) == 0) { // Camera has relative reference frame and is updated by // osg::View. continue; } const View::Slave& slave = _viewer->getSlave(info->slaveIndex); Camera* camera = info->camera.get(); if ((info->flags & VIEW_ABSOLUTE) != 0) camera->setViewMatrix(slave._viewOffset); else camera->setViewMatrix(masterView * slave._viewOffset); if ((info->flags & PROJECTION_ABSOLUTE) != 0) camera->setProjectionMatrix(slave._projectionOffset); else camera->setViewMatrix(masterProj * slave._projectionOffset); } } void CameraGroup::setCameraParameters(float vfov, float aspectRatio) { const float zNear = .1f; const float zFar = 120000.0f; _viewer->getCamera()->setProjectionMatrixAsPerspective(vfov, 1.0f / aspectRatio, zNear, zFar); } } namespace { osg::Viewport* buildViewport(const SGPropertyNode* viewportNode) { double x = viewportNode->getDoubleValue("x", 0.0); double y = viewportNode->getDoubleValue("y", 0.0); double width = viewportNode->getDoubleValue("width", 0.0); double height = viewportNode->getDoubleValue("height", 0.0); return new osg::Viewport(x, y, width, height); } } namespace flightgear { CameraInfo* CameraGroup::buildCamera(const SGPropertyNode* cameraNode) { WindowBuilder *wBuild = WindowBuilder::getWindowBuilder(); const SGPropertyNode* windowNode = cameraNode->getNode("window"); GraphicsWindow* window = 0; static int cameraNum = 0; int cameraFlags = DO_INTERSECTION_TEST; if (windowNode) { // New style window declaration / definition window = wBuild->buildWindow(windowNode); } else { // Old style: suck window params out of camera block window = wBuild->buildWindow(cameraNode); } if (!window) { return 0; } Camera* camera = new Camera; camera->setAllowEventFocus(false); camera->setGraphicsContext(window->gc.get()); // If a viewport isn't set on the camera, then it's hard to dig it // out of the SceneView objects in the viewer, and the coordinates // of mouse events are somewhat bizzare. const SGPropertyNode* viewportNode = cameraNode->getNode("viewport"); Viewport* viewport = 0; if (viewportNode) { viewport = buildViewport(viewportNode); } else { const GraphicsContext::Traits *traits = window->gc->getTraits(); viewport = new Viewport(0, 0, traits->width, traits->height); } camera->setViewport(viewport); osg::Matrix pOff; osg::Matrix vOff; const SGPropertyNode* viewNode = cameraNode->getNode("view"); if (viewNode) { double heading = viewNode->getDoubleValue("heading-deg", 0.0); double pitch = viewNode->getDoubleValue("pitch-deg", 0.0); double roll = viewNode->getDoubleValue("roll-deg", 0.0); double x = viewNode->getDoubleValue("x", 0.0); double y = viewNode->getDoubleValue("y", 0.0); double z = viewNode->getDoubleValue("z", 0.0); // Build a view matrix, which is the inverse of a model // orientation matrix. vOff = (Matrix::translate(-x, -y, -z) * Matrix::rotate(-DegreesToRadians(heading), Vec3d(0.0, 1.0, 0.0), -DegreesToRadians(pitch), Vec3d(1.0, 0.0, 0.0), -DegreesToRadians(roll), Vec3d(0.0, 0.0, 1.0))); if (viewNode->getBoolValue("absolute", false)) cameraFlags |= VIEW_ABSOLUTE; } else { // Old heading parameter, works in the opposite direction double heading = cameraNode->getDoubleValue("heading-deg", 0.0); vOff.makeRotate(DegreesToRadians(heading), osg::Vec3(0, 1, 0)); } const SGPropertyNode* projectionNode = 0; if ((projectionNode = cameraNode->getNode("perspective")) != 0) { double fovy = projectionNode->getDoubleValue("fovy-deg", 55.0); double aspectRatio = projectionNode->getDoubleValue("aspect-ratio", 1.0); double zNear = projectionNode->getDoubleValue("near", 0.0); double zFar = projectionNode->getDoubleValue("far", 0.0); double offsetX = projectionNode->getDoubleValue("offset-x", 0.0); double offsetY = projectionNode->getDoubleValue("offset-y", 0.0); double tan_fovy = tan(DegreesToRadians(fovy*0.5)); double right = tan_fovy * aspectRatio * zNear + offsetX; double left = -tan_fovy * aspectRatio * zNear + offsetX; double top = tan_fovy * zNear + offsetY; double bottom = -tan_fovy * zNear + offsetY; pOff.makeFrustum(left, right, bottom, top, zNear, zFar); cameraFlags |= PROJECTION_ABSOLUTE; } else if ((projectionNode = cameraNode->getNode("frustum")) != 0 || (projectionNode = cameraNode->getNode("ortho")) != 0) { double top = projectionNode->getDoubleValue("top", 0.0); double bottom = projectionNode->getDoubleValue("bottom", 0.0); double left = projectionNode->getDoubleValue("left", 0.0); double right = projectionNode->getDoubleValue("right", 0.0); double zNear = projectionNode->getDoubleValue("near", 0.0); double zFar = projectionNode->getDoubleValue("far", 0.0); if (cameraNode->getNode("frustum")) { pOff.makeFrustum(left, right, bottom, top, zNear, zFar); cameraFlags |= PROJECTION_ABSOLUTE; } else { pOff.makeOrtho(left, right, bottom, top, zNear, zFar); cameraFlags |= (PROJECTION_ABSOLUTE | ORTHO); } } else { // old style shear parameters double shearx = cameraNode->getDoubleValue("shear-x", 0); double sheary = cameraNode->getDoubleValue("shear-y", 0); pOff.makeTranslate(-shearx, -sheary, 0); } return addCamera(cameraFlags, camera, pOff, vOff); } CameraInfo* CameraGroup::buildGUICamera(const SGPropertyNode* cameraNode, GraphicsWindow* window) { WindowBuilder *wBuild = WindowBuilder::getWindowBuilder(); const SGPropertyNode* windowNode = (cameraNode ? cameraNode->getNode("window") : 0); static int cameraNum = 0; if (!window) { if (windowNode) { // New style window declaration / definition window = wBuild->buildWindow(windowNode); } else { return 0; } } Camera* camera = new Camera; camera->setAllowEventFocus(false); camera->setGraphicsContext(window->gc.get()); const SGPropertyNode* viewportNode = (cameraNode ? cameraNode->getNode("viewport") : 0); Viewport* viewport = 0; if (viewportNode) { viewport = buildViewport(viewportNode); } else { const GraphicsContext::Traits *traits = window->gc->getTraits(); viewport = new Viewport(0, 0, traits->width, traits->height); } camera->setViewport(viewport); // XXX Camera needs to be drawn last; eventually the render order // should be assigned by a camera manager. camera->setRenderOrder(osg::Camera::POST_RENDER, 100); camera->setClearMask(0); camera->setInheritanceMask(CullSettings::ALL_VARIABLES & ~(CullSettings::COMPUTE_NEAR_FAR_MODE | CullSettings::CULLING_MODE)); camera->setComputeNearFarMode(osg::CullSettings::DO_NOT_COMPUTE_NEAR_FAR); camera->setCullingMode(osg::CullSettings::NO_CULLING); camera->setProjectionResizePolicy(Camera::FIXED); camera->setReferenceFrame(Transform::ABSOLUTE_RF); const int cameraFlags = GUI; return addCamera(cameraFlags, camera, Matrixd::identity(), Matrixd::identity(), false); } CameraGroup* CameraGroup::buildCameraGroup(osgViewer::Viewer* viewer, const SGPropertyNode* gnode) { CameraGroup* cgroup = new CameraGroup(viewer); for (int i = 0; i < gnode->nChildren(); ++i) { const SGPropertyNode* pNode = gnode->getChild(i); const char* name = pNode->getName(); if (!strcmp(name, "camera")) { cgroup->buildCamera(pNode); } else if (!strcmp(name, "window")) { WindowBuilder::getWindowBuilder()->buildWindow(pNode); } else if (!strcmp(name, "gui")) { cgroup->buildGUICamera(pNode); } } return cgroup; } Camera* getGUICamera(CameraGroup* cgroup) { CameraGroup::CameraIterator end = cgroup->camerasEnd(); CameraGroup::CameraIterator result = std::find_if(cgroup->camerasBegin(), end, FlagTester(CameraGroup::GUI)); if (result != end) return (*result)->camera.get(); else return 0; } bool computeIntersections(const CameraGroup* cgroup, const osgGA::GUIEventAdapter* ea, osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector::Intersections& intersections) { using osgUtil::Intersector; using osgUtil::LineSegmentIntersector; double x, y; eventToWindowCoords(ea, x, y); // Find camera that contains event for (CameraGroup::ConstCameraIterator iter = cgroup->camerasBegin(), e = cgroup->camerasEnd(); iter != e; ++iter) { const CameraInfo* cinfo = iter->get(); if ((cinfo->flags & CameraGroup::DO_INTERSECTION_TEST) == 0) continue; const Camera* camera = cinfo->camera.get(); if (camera->getGraphicsContext() != ea->getGraphicsContext()) continue; const Viewport* viewport = camera->getViewport(); double epsilon = 0.5; if (!(x >= viewport->x() - epsilon && x < viewport->x() + viewport->width() -1.0 + epsilon && y >= viewport->y() - epsilon && y < viewport->y() + viewport->height() -1.0 + epsilon)) continue; LineSegmentIntersector::CoordinateFrame cf = Intersector::WINDOW; ref_ptr picker = new LineSegmentIntersector(cf, x, y); osgUtil::IntersectionVisitor iv(picker.get()); const_cast(camera)->accept(iv); if (picker->containsIntersections()) { intersections = picker->getIntersections(); return true; } else { break; } } intersections.clear(); return false; } void warpGUIPointer(CameraGroup* cgroup, int x, int y) { using osgViewer::GraphicsWindow; Camera* guiCamera = getGUICamera(cgroup); if (!guiCamera) return; Viewport* vport = guiCamera->getViewport(); GraphicsWindow* gw = dynamic_cast(guiCamera->getGraphicsContext()); if (!gw) return; globals->get_renderer()->getManipulator()->setMouseWarped(); // Translate the warp request into the viewport of the GUI camera, // send the request to the window, then transform the coordinates // for the Viewer's event queue. double wx = x + vport->x(); double wyUp = vport->height() + vport->y() - y; double wy; const GraphicsContext::Traits* traits = gw->getTraits(); if (gw->getEventQueue()->getCurrentEventState()->getMouseYOrientation() == osgGA::GUIEventAdapter::Y_INCREASING_DOWNWARDS) { wy = traits->height - wyUp; } else { wy = wyUp; } gw->getEventQueue()->mouseWarped(wx, wy); gw->requestWarpPointer(wx, wy); osgGA::GUIEventAdapter* eventState = cgroup->getViewer()->getEventQueue()->getCurrentEventState(); double viewerX = (eventState->getXmin() + ((wx / double(traits->width)) * (eventState->getXmax() - eventState->getXmin()))); double viewerY = (eventState->getYmin() + ((wyUp / double(traits->height)) * (eventState->getYmax() - eventState->getYmin()))); cgroup->getViewer()->getEventQueue()->mouseWarped(viewerX, viewerY); } }