/****************************************************************************** * Schedule.cxx * Written by Durk Talsma, started May 5, 2004. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as * published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the * License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. * * **************************************************************************** * *****************************************************************************/ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #define BOGUS 0xFFFF #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include
// That's pretty ugly, but I need fgFindAirportID #include "SchedFlight.hxx" #include "TrafficMgr.hxx" SG_USING_STD( sort ); /****************************************************************************** * the FGAISchedule class contains data members and code to maintain a * schedule of Flights for an articically controlled aircraft. *****************************************************************************/ FGAISchedule::FGAISchedule() { firstRun = true; AIManagerRef = 0; heavy = false; lat = 0; lon = 0; radius = 0; groundOffset = 0; distanceToUser = 0; score = 0; } FGAISchedule::FGAISchedule(string mdl, string liv, string reg, bool hvy, string act, string arln, string mclass, string fltpe, double rad, double grnd, int scre, FGScheduledFlightVec flt) { modelPath = mdl; livery = liv; registration = reg; acType = act; airline = arln; m_class = mclass; flightType = fltpe; lat = 0; lon = 0; radius = rad; groundOffset = grnd; distanceToUser = 0; heavy = hvy; for (FGScheduledFlightVecIterator i = flt.begin(); i != flt.end(); i++) flights.push_back(new FGScheduledFlight((*(*i)))); AIManagerRef = 0; score = scre; firstRun = true; } FGAISchedule::FGAISchedule(const FGAISchedule &other) { modelPath = other.modelPath; livery = other.livery; registration = other.registration; heavy = other.heavy; flights = other.flights; lat = other.lat; lon = other.lon; AIManagerRef = other.AIManagerRef; acType = other.acType; airline = other.airline; m_class = other.m_class; firstRun = other.firstRun; radius = other.radius; groundOffset = other.groundOffset; flightType = other.flightType; score = other.score; distanceToUser = other.distanceToUser; } FGAISchedule::~FGAISchedule() { for (FGScheduledFlightVecIterator flt = flights.begin(); flt != flights.end(); flt++) { delete (*flt); } flights.clear(); } bool FGAISchedule::init() { //tm targetTimeDate; //SGTime* currTimeDate = globals->get_time_params(); //tm *temp = currTimeDate->getGmt(); //char buffer[512]; //sgTimeFormatTime(&targetTimeDate, buffer); //cout << "Scheduled Time " << buffer << endl; //cout << "Time :" << time(NULL) << " SGTime : " << sgTimeGetGMT(temp) << endl; for (FGScheduledFlightVecIterator i = flights.begin(); i != flights.end(); i++) { //i->adjustTime(now); if (!((*i)->initializeAirports())) return false; } //sort(flights.begin(), flights.end()); // Since time isn't initialized yet when this function is called, // Find the closest possible airport. // This should give a reasonable initialization order. //setClosestDistanceToUser(); return true; } bool FGAISchedule::update(time_t now) { FGAirport *dep; FGAirport *arr; double angle; FGAIManager *aimgr; string airport; double courseToUser, courseToDest; double distanceToDest; double speed; time_t totalTimeEnroute, elapsedTimeEnroute, remainingTimeEnroute, deptime = 0; double userLatitude, userLongitude; if (fgGetBool("/sim/traffic-manager/enabled") == false) return true; aimgr = (FGAIManager *) globals-> get_subsystem("ai_model"); // Before the flight status of this traffic entity is updated // for the first time, we need to roll back it's flight schedule so // so that all the flights are centered around this simulated week's time // table. This is to avoid the situation where the first scheduled flight is // in the future, causing the traffic manager to not generate traffic until // simulated time has caught up with the real world time at initialization. // This is to counter a more general initialization bug, caused by the fact // that warp is not yet set when the schedule is initialized. This is // especially a problem when using a negative time offset. // i.e let's say we specify FlightGear to run with --time-offset=-24:00:00. // Then the schedule will initialize using today, but we will fly yesterday. // Thus, it would take a whole day of simulation before the traffic manager // finally kicks in. if (firstRun) { if (init() == false) AIManagerRef = BOGUS; for (FGScheduledFlightVecIterator i = flights.begin(); i != flights.end(); i++) { (*i)->adjustTime(now); } if (fgGetBool("/sim/traffic-manager/instantaneous-action") == true) deptime = now + rand() % 300; // Wait up to 5 minutes until traffic starts moving to prevent too many aircraft // from cluttering the gate areas. firstRun = false; } // Sort all the scheduled flights according to scheduled departure time. // Because this is done at every update, we only need to check the status // of the first listed flight. sort(flights.begin(), flights.end(), compareScheduledFlights); if (!deptime) deptime = (*flights.begin())->getDepartureTime(); FGScheduledFlightVecIterator i = flights.begin(); SG_LOG (SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG,"Processing registration " << registration << " with callsign " << (*i)->getCallSign()); if (AIManagerRef) { // Check if this aircraft has been released. FGTrafficManager *tmgr = (FGTrafficManager *) globals->get_subsystem("Traffic Manager"); if (tmgr->isReleased(AIManagerRef)) AIManagerRef = 0; } if (!AIManagerRef) { userLatitude = fgGetDouble("/position/latitude-deg"); userLongitude = fgGetDouble("/position/longitude-deg"); //cerr << "Estimated minimum distance to user: " << distanceToUser << endl; // This flight entry is entirely in the past, do we need to // push it forward in time to the next scheduled departure. if (((*i)->getDepartureTime() < now) && ((*i)->getArrivalTime() < now)) { (*i)->update(); return true; } // Departure time in the past and arrival time in the future. // This flight is in progress, so we need to calculate it's // approximate position and -if in range- create an AIAircraft // object for it. //if ((i->getDepartureTime() < now) && (i->getArrivalTime() > now)) // Part of this flight is in the future. if ((*i)->getArrivalTime() > now) { dep = (*i)->getDepartureAirport(); arr = (*i)->getArrivalAirport (); if (!(dep && arr)) return false; SGVec3d a = SGVec3d::fromGeoc(SGGeoc::fromDegM(dep->getLongitude(), dep->getLatitude(), 1)); SGVec3d b = SGVec3d::fromGeoc(SGGeoc::fromDegM(arr->getLongitude(), arr->getLatitude(), 1)); SGVec3d _cross = cross(b, a); angle = sgACos(dot(a, b)); // Okay, at this point we have the angle between departure and // arrival airport, in degrees. From here we can interpolate the // position of the aircraft by calculating the ratio between // total time enroute and elapsed time enroute. totalTimeEnroute = (*i)->getArrivalTime() - (*i)->getDepartureTime(); if (now > (*i)->getDepartureTime()) { //err << "Lat = " << lat << ", lon = " << lon << endl; //cerr << "Time diff: " << now-i->getDepartureTime() << endl; elapsedTimeEnroute = now - (*i)->getDepartureTime(); remainingTimeEnroute = (*i)->getArrivalTime() - now; } else { lat = dep->getLatitude(); lon = dep->getLongitude(); elapsedTimeEnroute = 0; remainingTimeEnroute = totalTimeEnroute; } angle *= ( (double) elapsedTimeEnroute/ (double) totalTimeEnroute); //cout << "a = " << a[0] << " " << a[1] << " " << a[2] // << "b = " << b[0] << " " << b[1] << " " << b[2] << endl; sgdMat4 matrix; sgdMakeRotMat4(matrix, angle, _cross.sg()); SGVec3d newPos(0, 0, 0); for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { for (int k = 0; k<3; k++) { newPos[j] += matrix[j][k]*a[k]; } } if (now > (*i)->getDepartureTime()) { SGGeoc geoc = SGGeoc::fromCart(newPos); lat = geoc.getLatitudeDeg(); lon = geoc.getLongitudeDeg(); } else { lat = dep->getLatitude(); lon = dep->getLongitude(); } SGWayPoint current (lon, lat, (*i)->getCruiseAlt(), SGWayPoint::SPHERICAL); SGWayPoint user ( userLongitude, userLatitude, (*i)->getCruiseAlt(), SGWayPoint::SPHERICAL); SGWayPoint dest ( arr->getLongitude(), arr->getLatitude(), (*i)->getCruiseAlt(), SGWayPoint::SPHERICAL); // We really only need distance to user // and course to destination user.CourseAndDistance(current, &courseToUser, &distanceToUser); dest.CourseAndDistance(current, &courseToDest, &distanceToDest); speed = (distanceToDest*SG_METER_TO_NM) / ((double) remainingTimeEnroute/3600.0); // If distance between user and simulated aircaft is less // then 500nm, create this flight. At jet speeds 500 nm is roughly // one hour flight time, so that would be a good approximate point // to start a more detailed simulation of this aircraft. //cerr << registration << " is currently enroute from " // << dep->_id << " to " << arr->_id << "distance : " // << distanceToUser*SG_METER_TO_NM << endl; if ((distanceToUser*SG_METER_TO_NM) < TRAFFICTOAIDIST) { string flightPlanName = dep->getId() + string("-") + arr->getId() + string(".xml"); //int alt; //if ((i->getDepartureTime() < now)) //{ // alt = i->getCruiseAlt() *100; // } //else //{ // alt = dep->_elevation+19; // } // Only allow traffic to be created when the model path (or the AI version of mp) exists SGPath mp(globals->get_fg_root()); SGPath mp_ai = mp; mp.append(modelPath); mp_ai.append("AI"); mp_ai.append(modelPath); if (mp.exists() || mp_ai.exists()) { FGAIAircraft *aircraft = new FGAIAircraft(this); aircraft->setPerformance(m_class); //"jet_transport"; aircraft->setCompany(airline); //i->getAirline(); aircraft->setAcType(acType); //i->getAcType(); aircraft->setPath(modelPath.c_str()); //aircraft->setFlightPlan(flightPlanName); aircraft->setLatitude(lat); aircraft->setLongitude(lon); aircraft->setAltitude((*i)->getCruiseAlt()*100); // convert from FL to feet aircraft->setSpeed(speed); aircraft->setBank(0); aircraft->SetFlightPlan(new FGAIFlightPlan(flightPlanName, courseToDest, deptime, dep, arr,true, radius, (*i)->getCruiseAlt()*100, lat, lon, speed, flightType, acType, airline)); aimgr->attach(aircraft); AIManagerRef = aircraft->getID(); //cerr << "Class: " << m_class << ". acType: " << acType << ". Airline: " << airline << ". Speed = " << speed << ". From " << dep->getId() << " to " << arr->getId() << ". Time Fraction = " << (remainingTimeEnroute/(double) totalTimeEnroute) << endl; //cerr << "Latitude : " << lat << ". Longitude : " << lon << endl; //cerr << "Dep : " << dep->getLatitude()<< ", "<< dep->getLongitude() << endl; //cerr << "Arr : " << arr->getLatitude()<< ", "<< arr->getLongitude() << endl; //cerr << "Time remaining = " << (remainingTimeEnroute/3600.0) << endl; //cerr << "Total time = " << (totalTimeEnroute/3600.0) << endl; //cerr << "Distance remaining = " << distanceToDest*SG_METER_TO_NM << endl; } else { SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_WARN, "TrafficManager: Could not load model " << mp.str()); } } return true; } // Both departure and arrival time are in the future, so this // the aircraft is parked at the departure airport. // Currently this status is mostly ignored, but in future // versions, code should go here that -if within user range- // positions these aircraft at parking locations at the airport. if (((*i)->getDepartureTime() > now) && ((*i)->getArrivalTime() > now)) { dep = (*i)->getDepartureAirport(); return true; } } //cerr << "Traffic schedule got to beyond last clause" << endl; // EMH: prevent a warning, should this be 'true' instead? // DT: YES. Originally, this code couldn't be reached, but // when the "if(!(AIManagerManager))" clause is false we // fall through right to the end. This is a valid flow. // the actual value is pretty innocent, only it triggers // warning in TrafficManager::update(). // (which was added as a sanity check for myself in the first place. :-) return true; } void FGAISchedule::next() { (*flights.begin())->update(); sort(flights.begin(), flights.end(), compareScheduledFlights); } double FGAISchedule::getSpeed() { double courseToDest; double distanceToDest; double speed, remainingTimeEnroute; FGAirport *dep, *arr; FGScheduledFlightVecIterator i = flights.begin(); dep = (*i)->getDepartureAirport(); arr = (*i)->getArrivalAirport (); if (!(dep && arr)) return 0; SGWayPoint dest ( dep->getLongitude(), dep->getLatitude(), (*i)->getCruiseAlt(), SGWayPoint::SPHERICAL); SGWayPoint curr ( arr->getLongitude(), arr->getLatitude(), (*i)->getCruiseAlt(), SGWayPoint::SPHERICAL); remainingTimeEnroute = (*i)->getArrivalTime() - (*i)->getDepartureTime(); dest.CourseAndDistance(curr, &courseToDest, &distanceToDest); speed = (distanceToDest*SG_METER_TO_NM) / ((double) remainingTimeEnroute/3600.0); return speed; } bool compareSchedules(FGAISchedule*a, FGAISchedule*b) { return (*a) < (*b); } // void FGAISchedule::setClosestDistanceToUser() // { // double course; // double dist; // Point3D temp; // time_t // totalTimeEnroute, // elapsedTimeEnroute; // double userLatitude = fgGetDouble("/position/latitude-deg"); // double userLongitude = fgGetDouble("/position/longitude-deg"); // FGAirport *dep; // #if defined( __CYGWIN__) || defined( __MINGW32__) // #define HUGE HUGE_VAL // #endif // distanceToUser = HUGE; // FGScheduledFlightVecIterator i = flights.begin(); // while (i != flights.end()) // { // dep = i->getDepartureAirport(); // //if (!(dep)) // //return HUGE; // SGWayPoint user ( userLongitude, // userLatitude, // i->getCruiseAlt()); // SGWayPoint current (dep->getLongitude(), // dep->getLatitude(), // 0); // user.CourseAndDistance(current, &course, &dist); // if (dist < distanceToUser) // { // distanceToUser = dist; // //cerr << "Found closest distance to user for " << registration << " to be " << distanceToUser << " at airport " << dep->getId() << endl; // } // i++; // } // //return distToUser; // }