/*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Header: FGTrimAxis.cpp Author: Tony Peden Date started: 7/3/00 --------- Copyright (C) 1999 Anthony K. Peden (apeden@earthlink.net) --------- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Further information about the GNU General Public License can also be found on the world wide web at http://www.gnu.org. HISTORY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7/3/00 TP Created %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% INCLUDES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*/ #include #include #include "FGFDMExec.h" #include "FGAtmosphere.h" #include "FGInitialCondition.h" #include "FGTrimAxis.h" #include "FGAircraft.h" #include "FGPropulsion.h" static const char *IdSrc = "$Id$"; static const char *IdHdr = ID_TRIMAXIS; /*****************************************************************************/ FGTrimAxis::FGTrimAxis(FGFDMExec* fdex, FGInitialCondition* ic, State st, Control ctrl) { fdmex=fdex; fgic=ic; state=st; control=ctrl; solver_eps=tolerance; max_iterations=10; control_value=0; its_to_stable_value=0; total_iterations=0; total_stability_iterations=0; state_convert=1.0; control_convert=1.0; state_value=0; switch(control) { case tThrottle: control_min=0; control_max=1; control_value=0.5; break; case tBeta: control_min=-30*DEGTORAD; control_max=30*DEGTORAD; control_convert=RADTODEG; break; case tAlpha: control_min=fdmex->GetAircraft()->GetAlphaCLMin(); control_max=fdmex->GetAircraft()->GetAlphaCLMax(); if(control_max <= control_min) { control_max=20*DEGTORAD; control_min=-5*DEGTORAD; } control_value= (control_min+control_max)/2; control_convert=RADTODEG; solver_eps=tolerance/100; break; case tPitchTrim: case tElevator: case tRollTrim: case tAileron: case tYawTrim: case tRudder: control_min=-1; control_max=1; state_convert=RADTODEG; solver_eps=tolerance/100; break; case tAltAGL: control_min=0; control_max=30; control_value=fdmex->GetPosition()->GetDistanceAGL(); solver_eps=tolerance/100; break; case tTheta: control_min=fdmex->GetRotation()->Gettht() - 5*DEGTORAD; control_max=fdmex->GetRotation()->Gettht() + 5*DEGTORAD; state_convert=RADTODEG; break; case tPhi: control_min=fdmex->GetRotation()->Getphi() - 30*DEGTORAD; control_max=fdmex->GetRotation()->Getphi() + 30*DEGTORAD; state_convert=RADTODEG; control_convert=RADTODEG; break; case tGamma: solver_eps=tolerance/100; control_min=-80*DEGTORAD; control_max=80*DEGTORAD; control_convert=RADTODEG; break; case tHeading: control_min=fdmex->GetRotation()->Getpsi() - 30*DEGTORAD; control_max=fdmex->GetRotation()->Getpsi() + 30*DEGTORAD; state_convert=RADTODEG; break; } switch(state) { case tUdot: tolerance = DEFAULT_TOLERANCE; break; case tVdot: tolerance = DEFAULT_TOLERANCE; break; case tWdot: tolerance = DEFAULT_TOLERANCE; break; case tQdot: tolerance = DEFAULT_TOLERANCE / 10; break; case tPdot: tolerance = DEFAULT_TOLERANCE / 10; break; case tRdot: tolerance = DEFAULT_TOLERANCE / 10; break; case tHmgt: tolerance = 0.01; break; } if (debug_lvl & 2) cout << "Instantiated: FGTrimAxis" << endl; } /*****************************************************************************/ FGTrimAxis::~FGTrimAxis() { if (debug_lvl & 2) cout << "Destroyed: FGTrimAxis" << endl; } /*****************************************************************************/ void FGTrimAxis::getState(void) { switch(state) { case tUdot: state_value=fdmex->GetTranslation()->GetUVWdot(1); break; case tVdot: state_value=fdmex->GetTranslation()->GetUVWdot(2); break; case tWdot: state_value=fdmex->GetTranslation()->GetUVWdot(3); break; case tQdot: state_value=fdmex->GetRotation()->GetPQRdot(2);break; case tPdot: state_value=fdmex->GetRotation()->GetPQRdot(1); break; case tRdot: state_value=fdmex->GetRotation()->GetPQRdot(3); break; case tHmgt: state_value=computeHmgt(); break; } } /*****************************************************************************/ //States are not settable void FGTrimAxis::getControl(void) { switch(control) { case tThrottle: control_value=fdmex->GetFCS()->GetThrottleCmd(0); break; case tBeta: control_value=fdmex->GetTranslation()->Getalpha(); break; case tAlpha: control_value=fdmex->GetTranslation()->Getbeta(); break; case tPitchTrim: control_value=fdmex->GetFCS() -> GetPitchTrimCmd(); break; case tElevator: control_value=fdmex->GetFCS() -> GetDeCmd(); break; case tRollTrim: case tAileron: control_value=fdmex->GetFCS() -> GetDaCmd(); break; case tYawTrim: case tRudder: control_value=fdmex->GetFCS() -> GetDrCmd(); break; case tAltAGL: control_value=fdmex->GetPosition()->GetDistanceAGL();break; case tTheta: control_value=fdmex->GetRotation()->Gettht(); break; case tPhi: control_value=fdmex->GetRotation()->Getphi(); break; case tGamma: control_value=fdmex->GetPosition()->GetGamma();break; case tHeading: control_value=fdmex->GetRotation()->Getpsi(); break; } } /*****************************************************************************/ float FGTrimAxis::computeHmgt(void) { float diff; diff = fdmex->GetRotation()->Getpsi() - fdmex->GetPosition()->GetGroundTrack(); if( diff < -M_PI ) { return (diff + 2*M_PI); } else if( diff > M_PI ) { return (diff - 2*M_PI); } else { return diff; } } /*****************************************************************************/ void FGTrimAxis::setControl(void) { switch(control) { case tThrottle: setThrottlesPct(); break; case tBeta: fgic->SetBetaRadIC(control_value); break; case tAlpha: fgic->SetAlphaRadIC(control_value); break; case tPitchTrim: fdmex->GetFCS()->SetPitchTrimCmd(control_value); break; case tElevator: fdmex->GetFCS()->SetDeCmd(control_value); break; case tRollTrim: case tAileron: fdmex->GetFCS()->SetDaCmd(control_value); break; case tYawTrim: case tRudder: fdmex->GetFCS()->SetDrCmd(control_value); break; case tAltAGL: fgic->SetAltitudeAGLFtIC(control_value); break; case tTheta: fgic->SetPitchAngleRadIC(control_value); break; case tPhi: fgic->SetRollAngleRadIC(control_value); break; case tGamma: fgic->SetFlightPathAngleRadIC(control_value); break; case tHeading: fgic->SetTrueHeadingRadIC(control_value); break; } } /*****************************************************************************/ // the aircraft center of rotation is no longer the cg once the gear // contact the ground so the altitude needs to be changed when pitch // and roll angle are adjusted. Instead of attempting to calculate the // new center of rotation, pick a gear unit as a reference and use its // location vector to calculate the new height change. i.e. new altitude = // earth z component of that vector (which is in body axes ) void FGTrimAxis::SetThetaOnGround(float ff) { int center,i,ref; // favor an off-center unit so that the same one can be used for both // pitch and roll. An on-center unit is used (for pitch)if that's all // that's in contact with the ground. i=0; ref=-1; center=-1; while( (ref < 0) && (i < fdmex->GetAircraft()->GetNumGearUnits()) ) { if(fdmex->GetAircraft()->GetGearUnit(i)->GetWOW()) { if(fabs(fdmex->GetAircraft()->GetGearUnit(i)->GetBodyLocation(2)) > 0.01) ref=i; else center=i; } i++; } if((ref < 0) && (center >= 0)) { ref=center; } cout << "SetThetaOnGround ref gear: " << ref << endl; if(ref >= 0) { float sp=fdmex->GetRotation()->GetSinphi(); float cp=fdmex->GetRotation()->GetCosphi(); float lx=fdmex->GetAircraft()->GetGearUnit(ref)->GetBodyLocation(1); float ly=fdmex->GetAircraft()->GetGearUnit(ref)->GetBodyLocation(2); float lz=fdmex->GetAircraft()->GetGearUnit(ref)->GetBodyLocation(3); float hagl = -1*lx*sin(ff) + ly*sp*cos(ff) + lz*cp*cos(ff); fgic->SetAltitudeAGLFtIC(hagl); cout << "SetThetaOnGround new alt: " << hagl << endl; } fgic->SetPitchAngleRadIC(ff); cout << "SetThetaOnGround new theta: " << ff << endl; } /*****************************************************************************/ bool FGTrimAxis::initTheta(void) { int i,N,iAft, iForward; float zAft,zForward,zDiff,theta; bool level; float saveAlt; saveAlt=fgic->GetAltitudeAGLFtIC(); fgic->SetAltitudeAGLFtIC(100); N=fdmex->GetAircraft()->GetNumGearUnits(); //find the first wheel unit forward of the cg //the list is short so a simple linear search is fine for( i=0; iGetAircraft()->GetGearUnit(i)->GetBodyLocation(1) > 0 ) { iForward=i; break; } } //now find the first wheel unit aft of the cg for( i=0; iGetAircraft()->GetGearUnit(i)->GetBodyLocation(1) < 0 ) { iAft=i; break; } } // now adjust theta till the wheels are the same distance from the ground zAft=fdmex->GetAircraft()->GetGearUnit(1)->GetLocalGear(3); zForward=fdmex->GetAircraft()->GetGearUnit(0)->GetLocalGear(3); zDiff = zForward - zAft; level=false; theta=fgic->GetPitchAngleDegIC(); while(!level && (i < 100)) { theta+=2.0*zDiff; fgic->SetPitchAngleDegIC(theta); fdmex->RunIC(fgic); zAft=fdmex->GetAircraft()->GetGearUnit(1)->GetLocalGear(3); zForward=fdmex->GetAircraft()->GetGearUnit(0)->GetLocalGear(3); zDiff = zForward - zAft; //cout << endl << theta << " " << zDiff << endl; //cout << "0: " << fdmex->GetAircraft()->GetGearUnit(0)->GetLocalGear() << endl; //cout << "1: " << fdmex->GetAircraft()->GetGearUnit(1)->GetLocalGear() << endl; if(fabs(zDiff ) < 0.1) level=true; i++; } //cout << i << endl; cout << " Initial Theta: " << fdmex->GetRotation()->Gettht()*RADTODEG << endl; control_min=(theta+5)*DEGTORAD; control_max=(theta-5)*DEGTORAD; fgic->SetAltitudeAGLFtIC(saveAlt); if(i < 100) return true; else return false; } /*****************************************************************************/ void FGTrimAxis::SetPhiOnGround(float ff) { int i,ref; i=0; ref=-1; //must have an off-center unit here while( (ref < 0) && (i < fdmex->GetAircraft()->GetNumGearUnits()) ) { if( (fdmex->GetAircraft()->GetGearUnit(i)->GetWOW()) && (fabs(fdmex->GetAircraft()->GetGearUnit(i)->GetBodyLocation(2)) > 0.01)) ref=i; i++; } if(ref >= 0) { float st=fdmex->GetRotation()->GetSintht(); float ct=fdmex->GetRotation()->GetCostht(); float lx=fdmex->GetAircraft()->GetGearUnit(ref)->GetBodyLocation(1); float ly=fdmex->GetAircraft()->GetGearUnit(ref)->GetBodyLocation(2); float lz=fdmex->GetAircraft()->GetGearUnit(ref)->GetBodyLocation(3); float hagl = -1*lx*st + ly*sin(ff)*ct + lz*cos(ff)*ct; fgic->SetAltitudeAGLFtIC(hagl); } fgic->SetRollAngleRadIC(ff); } /*****************************************************************************/ void FGTrimAxis::Run(void) { float last_state_value; int i; setControl(); //cout << "FGTrimAxis::Run: " << control_value << endl; i=0; bool stable=false; while(!stable) { i++; last_state_value=state_value; fdmex->RunIC(fgic); getState(); if(i > 1) { if((fabs(last_state_value - state_value) < tolerance) || (i >= 100) ) stable=true; } } its_to_stable_value=i; total_stability_iterations+=its_to_stable_value; total_iterations++; } /*****************************************************************************/ void FGTrimAxis::setThrottlesPct(void) { float tMin,tMax; for(unsigned i=0;iGetPropulsion()->GetNumEngines();i++) { tMin=fdmex->GetPropulsion()->GetEngine(i)->GetThrottleMin(); tMax=fdmex->GetPropulsion()->GetEngine(i)->GetThrottleMax(); //cout << "setThrottlespct: " << i << ", " << control_min << ", " << control_max << ", " << control_value; fdmex -> GetFCS() -> SetThrottleCmd(i,tMin+control_value*(tMax-tMin)); } } /*****************************************************************************/ void FGTrimAxis::AxisReport(void) { char out[80]; sprintf(out," %20s: %6.2f %5s: %9.2e Tolerance: %3.0e\n", GetControlName().c_str(), GetControl()*control_convert, GetStateName().c_str(), GetState(), GetTolerance()); cout << out; } /*****************************************************************************/ float FGTrimAxis::GetAvgStability( void ) { if(total_iterations > 0) { return float(total_stability_iterations)/float(total_iterations); } return 0; } /*****************************************************************************/ void FGTrimAxis::Debug(void) { }