// FGAIFlightPlan - class for loading and storing AI flight plans // Written by David Culp, started May 2004 // - davidculp2@comcast.net // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. #ifndef _FG_AIFLIGHTPLAN_HXX #define _FG_AIFLIGHTPLAN_HXX #include #include #include #include #include #include #include class FGAIWaypoint { private: std::string name; SGGeod pos; double speed; double crossat; bool finished; bool gear_down; bool flaps_down; bool on_ground; int routeIndex; // For AI/ATC purposes; double time_sec; double trackLength; // distance from previous FGAIWaypoint (for AI purposes); std::string time; public: FGAIWaypoint(); ~FGAIWaypoint() {}; void setName (const std::string& nam) { name = nam; }; void setLatitude (double lat); void setLongitude (double lon); void setAltitude (double alt); void setPos (const SGGeod& aPos) { pos = aPos; } void setSpeed (double spd) { speed = spd; }; void setCrossat (double val) { crossat = val; }; void setFinished (bool fin) { finished = fin; }; void setGear_down (bool grd) { gear_down = grd; }; void setFlaps_down (bool fld) { flaps_down = fld; }; void setOn_ground (bool grn) { on_ground = grn; }; void setRouteIndex (int rte) { routeIndex = rte; }; void setTime_sec (double ts ) { time_sec = ts; }; void setTrackLength (double tl ) { trackLength = tl; }; void setTime (const std::string& tme) { time = tme; }; bool contains(const std::string& name); const std::string& getName() { return name; }; const SGGeod& getPos () { return pos; }; double getLatitude (); double getLongitude (); double getAltitude (); double getSpeed () { return speed; }; double getCrossat () { return crossat; }; bool getGear_down () { return gear_down; }; bool getFlaps_down () { return flaps_down; }; bool getOn_ground () { return on_ground; }; int getRouteIndex () { return routeIndex; }; bool isFinished () { return finished; }; double getTime_sec () { return time_sec; }; double getTrackLength() { return trackLength; }; const std::string& getTime () { return time; }; }; class FGAIFlightPlan { public: FGAIFlightPlan(); FGAIFlightPlan(const std::string& filename); FGAIFlightPlan(FGAIAircraft *, const std::string& p, double course, time_t start, FGAirport *dep, FGAirport *arr, bool firstLeg, double radius, double alt, double lat, double lon, double speed, const std::string& fltType, const std::string& acType, const std::string& airline); ~FGAIFlightPlan(); FGAIWaypoint* const getPreviousWaypoint( void ) const; FGAIWaypoint* const getCurrentWaypoint( void ) const; FGAIWaypoint* const getNextWaypoint( void ) const; void IncrementWaypoint( bool erase ); void DecrementWaypoint( bool erase ); double getDistanceToGo(double lat, double lon, FGAIWaypoint* wp) const; int getLeg () const { return leg;}; void setLeadDistance(double speed, double bearing, FGAIWaypoint* current, FGAIWaypoint* next); void setLeadDistance(double distance_ft); double getLeadDistance( void ) const {return lead_distance;} double getBearing(FGAIWaypoint* previous, FGAIWaypoint* next) const; double getBearing(const SGGeod& aPos, FGAIWaypoint* next) const; double checkTrackLength(const std::string& wptName) const; time_t getStartTime() const { return start_time; } time_t getArrivalTime() const { return arrivalTime; } bool create(FGAIAircraft *, FGAirport *dep, FGAirport *arr, int leg, double alt, double speed, double lat, double lon, bool firstLeg, double radius, const std::string& fltType, const std::string& aircraftType, const std::string& airline, double distance); bool createPushBack(FGAIAircraft *, bool, FGAirport*, double radius, const std::string&, const std::string&, const std::string&); bool createTakeOff(FGAIAircraft *, bool, FGAirport *, double, const std::string&); void setLeg(int val) { leg = val;} void setTime(time_t st) { start_time = st; } double getLeadInAngle() const { return leadInAngle; } const std::string& getRunway() const; void setRepeat(bool r) { repeat = r; } bool getRepeat(void) const { return repeat; } void restart(void); int getNrOfWayPoints() { return waypoints.size(); } int getRouteIndex(int i); // returns the AI related index of this current routes. const std::string& getRunway() { return activeRunway; } bool isActive(time_t time) {return time >= this->getStartTime();} void incrementLeg() { leg++;}; void setRunway(const std::string& rwy) { activeRunway = rwy; }; const char* getRunwayClassFromTrafficType(const std::string& fltType); void addWaypoint(FGAIWaypoint* wpt) { waypoints.push_back(wpt); }; void setName(const std::string& n) { name = n; }; const std::string& getName() { return name; }; void setSID(FGAIFlightPlan* fp) { sid = fp;}; FGAIFlightPlan* getSID() { return sid; }; FGAIWaypoint *getWayPoint(int i) { return waypoints[i]; }; FGAIWaypoint *getLastWaypoint() { return waypoints.back(); }; void shortenToFirst(unsigned int number, std::string name); void setGate(const ParkingAssignment& pka); FGParking* getParkingGate(); FGAirportRef departureAirport() const; FGAirportRef arrivalAirport() const; private: FGAIFlightPlan *sid; typedef std::vector wpt_vector_type; typedef wpt_vector_type::const_iterator wpt_vector_iterator; wpt_vector_type waypoints; wpt_vector_iterator wpt_iterator; bool repeat; double distance_to_go; double lead_distance; double leadInAngle; time_t start_time; time_t arrivalTime; // For AI/ATC purposes. int leg; ParkingAssignment gate; PositionedID lastNodeVisited; std::string activeRunway; std::string name; bool isValid; FGAirportRef departure, arrival; void createPushBackFallBack(FGAIAircraft *, bool, FGAirport*, double radius, const std::string&, const std::string&, const std::string&); bool createClimb(FGAIAircraft *, bool, FGAirport *, FGAirport* arrival, double, double, const std::string&); bool createCruise(FGAIAircraft *, bool, FGAirport*, FGAirport*, double, double, double, double, const std::string&); bool createDescent(FGAIAircraft *, FGAirport *, double latitude, double longitude, double speed, double alt,const std::string&, double distance); bool createLanding(FGAIAircraft *, FGAirport *, const std::string&); bool createParking(FGAIAircraft *, FGAirport *, double radius); void deleteWaypoints(); void resetWaypoints(); void eraseLastWaypoint(); void pushBackWaypoint(FGAIWaypoint *wpt); bool createLandingTaxi(FGAIAircraft *, FGAirport *apt, double radius, const std::string& fltType, const std::string& acType, const std::string& airline); void createDefaultLandingTaxi(FGAIAircraft *, FGAirport* aAirport); void createDefaultTakeoffTaxi(FGAIAircraft *, FGAirport* aAirport, FGRunway* aRunway); bool createTakeoffTaxi(FGAIAircraft *, bool firstFlight, FGAirport *apt, double radius, const std::string& fltType, const std::string& acType, const std::string& airline); double getTurnRadius(double, bool); FGAIWaypoint* createOnGround(FGAIAircraft *, const std::string& aName, const SGGeod& aPos, double aElev, double aSpeed); FGAIWaypoint* createInAir(FGAIAircraft *, const std::string& aName, const SGGeod& aPos, double aElev, double aSpeed); FGAIWaypoint* cloneWithPos(FGAIAircraft *, FGAIWaypoint* aWpt, const std::string& aName, const SGGeod& aPos); FGAIWaypoint* clone(FGAIWaypoint* aWpt); //void createCruiseFallback(bool, FGAirport*, FGAirport*, double, double, double, double); void evaluateRoutePart(double deplat, double deplon, double arrlat, double arrlon); /** * look for and parse an PropertyList flight-plan file - essentially * a flat list waypoint objects, encoded to properties */ bool parseProperties(const std::string& filename); void createWaypoints(FGAIAircraft *ac, double course, time_t start, FGAirport *dep, FGAirport *arr, bool firstLeg, double radius, double alt, double lat, double lon, double speed, const std::string& fltType, const std::string& acType, const std::string& airline); public: wpt_vector_iterator getFirstWayPoint() { return waypoints.begin(); }; wpt_vector_iterator getLastWayPoint() { return waypoints.end(); }; bool isValidPlan() { return isValid; }; }; #endif // _FG_AIFLIGHTPLAN_HXX