// atis.cxx - routines to generate the ATIS info string // This is the implementation of the FGATIS class // // Written by David Luff, started October 2001. // // Copyright (C) 2001 David C Luff - david.luff@nottingham.ac.uk // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #include // atoi() #include // sprintf #include SG_USING_STD(string); #include STL_IOSTREAM SG_USING_STD(cout); #include #include #include #include
#include #include "atis.hxx" #include "commlist.hxx" #include "ATCdisplay.hxx" #include "ATCutils.hxx" #include "ATCmgr.hxx" FGATIS::FGATIS() : transmission(""), trans_ident(""), atis_failed(false), refname("atis") //type(ATIS) { _vPtr = globals->get_ATC_mgr()->GetVoicePointer(ATIS); _voiceOK = (_vPtr == NULL ? false : true); _type = ATIS; } FGATIS::~FGATIS() { } // Main update function - checks whether we are displaying or not the correct message. void FGATIS::Update(double dt) { if(_display) { if(_displaying) { // Check if we need to update the message // - basically every hour and if the weather changes significantly at the station //globals->get_ATC_display()->ChangeRepeatingMessage(transmission); } else { // We need to get and display the message UpdateTransmission(); //cout << "ATIS.CXX - calling ATCMgr to render transmission..." << endl; Render(transmission, refname, true); _displaying = true; } } else { // We shouldn't be displaying if(_displaying) { //cout << "ATIS.CXX - calling NoRender()..." << endl; NoRender(refname); _displaying = false; } } } // Sets the actual broadcast ATIS transmission. void FGATIS::UpdateTransmission() { double visibility; char buf[10]; int phonetic_id; string phonetic_id_string; string time_str = fgGetString("sim/time/gmt-string"); int hours; // int minutes; FGEnvironment stationweather = ((FGEnvironmentMgr *)globals->get_subsystem("environment")) ->getEnvironment(lat, lon, 0.0); transmission = ""; // UK CAA radiotelephony manual indicated ATIS transmissions start with "This is" // Not sure about rest of the world though. transmission += "This_is "; // transmitted station name. transmission += name; // Add "Information" transmission += " information"; //cout << "In atis.cxx, time_str = " << time_str << '\n'; // Add the recording identifier // For now we will assume we only transmit every hour hours = atoi((time_str.substr(1,2)).c_str()); //Warning - this is fragile if the //time string format changes //cout << "In atis.cxx, hours = " << hours << endl; phonetic_id = current_commlist->GetCallSign(ident, hours, 0); phonetic_id_string = GetPhoneticIdent(phonetic_id); transmission += " "; transmission += phonetic_id_string; // Output the recording time. - we'll just output the last whole hour for now. // FIXME - this only gets GMT time but that appears to be all the clock outputs for now //cout << "in atis.cxx, time = " << time_str << endl; transmission = transmission + " / Weather " + ConvertNumToSpokenDigits((time_str.substr(0,3) + "00")) + " hours zulu"; // Get the temperature int temp; temp = (int)stationweather.get_temperature_degc(); // HACK ALERT - at the moment the new environment subsystem returns bogus temperatures // FIXME - take out this hack when this gets fixed upstream if((temp < -50) || (temp > 60)) { temp = 15; } sprintf(buf, "%i", abs(temp)); transmission += " / Temperature "; if(temp < 0) { transmission += "minus "; } string tempstr1 = buf; string tempstr2; transmission += ConvertNumToSpokenDigits(tempstr1); transmission += " degrees_Celsius"; // Get the visibility visibility = stationweather.get_visibility_m(); sprintf(buf, "%i", int(visibility/1600)); transmission += " / Visibility "; tempstr1 = buf; transmission += ConvertNumToSpokenDigits(tempstr1); transmission += " miles"; // Get the cloudbase // FIXME: kludge for now if (strcmp(fgGetString("/environment/clouds/layer[0]/type"), "clear")) { double cloudbase = fgGetDouble("/environment/clouds/layer[0]/elevation-ft"); // For some reason the altitude returned doesn't seem to correspond to the actual cloud altitude. char buf3[10]; char buf4[10]; // cout << "cloudbase = " << cloudbase << endl; sprintf(buf3, "%i", int(cloudbase)/1000); sprintf(buf4, "%i", ((int)cloudbase % 1000)/100); transmission += " / Cloudbase"; if(int(cloudbase)/1000) { tempstr1 = buf3; transmission = transmission + " " + ConvertNumToSpokenDigits(tempstr1) + " thousand"; } if(((int)cloudbase % 1000)/100) { tempstr1 = buf4; transmission = transmission + " " + ConvertNumToSpokenDigits(tempstr1) + " hundred"; } transmission += " feet"; } // Get the pressure / altimeter double P = fgGetDouble("/environment/pressure-sea-level-inhg"); if(ident.substr(0,2) == "EG" && fgGetBool("/sim/atc/use-millibars") == true) { // Convert to millibars for the UK! P *= 33.864; sprintf(buf, "%.0f", P); } else { sprintf(buf, "%.2f", P); } transmission += " / Altimeter "; tempstr1 = buf; transmission += ConvertNumToSpokenDigits(tempstr1); // Based on the airport-id and wind get the active runway //FGRunway *r; double speed = stationweather.get_wind_speed_kt(); double hdg = stationweather.get_wind_from_heading_deg(); if (speed == 0) { hdg = 270; // This forces West-facing rwys to be used in no-wind situations // which is consistent with Flightgear's initial setup. transmission += " / Winds_light_and_variable"; } else { // FIXME: get gust factor in somehow char buf5[10]; char buf6[10]; sprintf(buf5, "%i", int(speed)); sprintf(buf6, "%i", int(hdg)); tempstr1 = buf5; tempstr2 = buf6; transmission = transmission + " / Winds " + ConvertNumToSpokenDigits(tempstr1) + " knots from " + ConvertNumToSpokenDigits(tempstr2) + " degrees"; } string rwy_no = globals->get_runways()->search(ident, int(hdg)); if(rwy_no != "NN") { transmission += " / Landing_and_departing_runway "; transmission += ConvertRwyNumToSpokenString(atoi(rwy_no.c_str())); //cout << "in atis.cxx, r.rwy_no = " << rwy_no << " r.id = " << r->id << " r.heading = " << r->heading << endl; } // Anything else? transmission += " / Advise_controller_on_initial_contact_you_have "; transmission += phonetic_id_string; transmission += " /// "; }