// FGMouseInput.cxx -- handle user input from mouse devices // // Written by Torsten Dreyer, started August 2009 // Based on work from David Megginson, started May 2001. // // Copyright (C) 2009 Torsten Dreyer, Torsten (at) t3r _dot_ de // Copyright (C) 2001 David Megginson, david@megginson.com // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // // $Id$ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include "FGMouseInput.hxx" #include <boost/foreach.hpp> #include <osgGA/GUIEventAdapter> #include <simgear/scene/util/SGPickCallback.hxx> #include <simgear/timing/timestamp.hxx> #include <simgear/scene/model/SGPickAnimation.hxx> #include "FGButton.hxx" #include "Main/globals.hxx" #include <Viewer/renderer.hxx> #include <plib/pu.h> #include <Model/panelnode.hxx> #include <Cockpit/panel.hxx> #include <Viewer/FGEventHandler.hxx> #include <GUI/MouseCursor.hxx> using std::ios_base; const int MAX_MICE = 1; const int MAX_MOUSE_BUTTONS = 8; typedef std::vector<SGSceneryPick> SGSceneryPicks; typedef SGSharedPtr<SGPickCallback> SGPickCallbackPtr; typedef std::list<SGPickCallbackPtr> SGPickCallbackList; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * List of currently pressed mouse button events */ class ActivePickCallbacks: public std::map<int, SGPickCallbackList> { public: void update( double dt, unsigned int keyModState ); void init( int button, const osgGA::GUIEventAdapter* ea ); }; void ActivePickCallbacks::init( int button, const osgGA::GUIEventAdapter* ea ) { osg::Vec2d windowPos; flightgear::eventToWindowCoords(ea, windowPos.x(), windowPos.y()); // Get the list of hit callbacks. Take the first callback that // accepts the mouse button press and ignore the rest of them // That is they get sorted by distance and by scenegraph depth. // The nearest one is the first one and the deepest // (the most specialized one in the scenegraph) is the first. SGSceneryPicks pickList = globals->get_renderer()->pick(windowPos); if (pickList.empty()) { return; } SGSceneryPicks::const_iterator i; for (i = pickList.begin(); i != pickList.end(); ++i) { if (i->callback->buttonPressed(button, *ea, i->info)) { (*this)[button].push_back(i->callback); return; } } } void ActivePickCallbacks::update( double dt, unsigned int keyModState ) { // handle repeatable mouse press events for( iterator mi = begin(); mi != end(); ++mi ) { SGPickCallbackList::iterator li; for (li = mi->second.begin(); li != mi->second.end(); ++li) { (*li)->update(dt, keyModState); } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Settings for a mouse mode. */ struct mouse_mode { mouse_mode (); virtual ~mouse_mode (); FGMouseCursor::Cursor cursor; bool constrained; bool pass_through; FGButton * buttons; SGBindingList x_bindings[KEYMOD_MAX]; SGBindingList y_bindings[KEYMOD_MAX]; }; /** * Settings for a mouse. */ struct mouse { mouse (); virtual ~mouse (); int x, y; SGPropertyNode_ptr mode_node; SGPropertyNode_ptr mouse_button_nodes[MAX_MOUSE_BUTTONS]; int nModes; int current_mode; SGTimeStamp timeSinceLastMove; mouse_mode * modes; }; static const SGSceneryPick* getPick( const SGSceneryPicks& pick_list, const SGPickCallback* cb ) { for(size_t i = 0; i < pick_list.size(); ++i) if( pick_list[i].callback == cb ) return &pick_list[i]; return 0; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class FGMouseInput::FGMouseInputPrivate : public SGPropertyChangeListener { public: FGMouseInputPrivate() : initialized(false), haveWarped(false), xSizeNode(fgGetNode("/sim/startup/xsize", false ) ), ySizeNode(fgGetNode("/sim/startup/ysize", false ) ), xAccelNode(fgGetNode("/devices/status/mice/mouse/accel-x", true ) ), yAccelNode(fgGetNode("/devices/status/mice/mouse/accel-y", true ) ), mouseXNode(fgGetNode("/devices/status/mice/mouse/x", true)), mouseYNode(fgGetNode("/devices/status/mice/mouse/y", true)) { tooltipTimeoutDone = false; hoverPickScheduled = false; tooltipsEnabled = false; fgGetNode("/sim/mouse/hide-cursor", true )->addChangeListener(this, true); fgGetNode("/sim/mouse/cursor-timeout-sec", true )->addChangeListener(this, true); fgGetNode("/sim/mouse/right-button-mode-cycle-enabled", true)->addChangeListener(this, true); fgGetNode("/sim/mouse/tooltip-delay-msec", true)->addChangeListener(this, true); fgGetNode("/sim/mouse/click-shows-tooltip", true)->addChangeListener(this, true); fgGetNode("/sim/mouse/tooltips-enabled", true)->addChangeListener(this, true); fgGetNode("/sim/mouse/drag-sensitivity", true)->addChangeListener(this, true); fgGetNode("/sim/mouse/invert-mouse-wheel", true)->addChangeListener(this, true); } void centerMouseCursor(mouse& m) { // center the cursor m.x = (xSizeNode ? xSizeNode->getIntValue() : 800) / 2; m.y = (ySizeNode ? ySizeNode->getIntValue() : 600) / 2; fgWarpMouse(m.x, m.y); haveWarped = true; } void constrainMouse(int x, int y) { int new_x=x,new_y=y; int xsize = xSizeNode ? xSizeNode->getIntValue() : 800; int ysize = ySizeNode ? ySizeNode->getIntValue() : 600; bool need_warp = false; if (x <= (xsize * .25) || x >= (xsize * .75)) { new_x = int(xsize * .5); need_warp = true; } if (y <= (ysize * .25) || y >= (ysize * .75)) { new_y = int(ysize * .5); need_warp = true; } if (need_warp) { fgWarpMouse(new_x, new_y); haveWarped = true; } } void scheduleHoverPick(const osg::Vec2d& windowPos) { hoverPickScheduled = true; hoverPos = windowPos; } void doHoverPick(const osg::Vec2d& windowPos) { FGMouseCursor::Cursor cur = FGMouseCursor::CURSOR_ARROW; bool explicitCursor = false; bool didPick = false; SGPickCallback::Priority priority = SGPickCallback::PriorityScenery; SGSceneryPicks pickList = globals->get_renderer()->pick(windowPos); SGSceneryPicks::const_iterator i; for( i = pickList.begin(); i != pickList.end(); ++i ) { bool done = i->callback->hover(windowPos, i->info); std::string curName(i->callback->getCursor()); if (!curName.empty()) { explicitCursor = true; cur = FGMouseCursor::cursorFromString(curName.c_str()); } // if the callback is of higher prioirty (lower enum index), // record that. if (i->callback->getPriority() < priority) { priority = i->callback->getPriority(); } if (done) { didPick = true; break; } } // of picks iteration // Check if any pick from the previous iteration has disappeared. If so // notify the callback that the mouse has left its element. for( i = _previous_picks.begin(); i != _previous_picks.end(); ++i ) { if( !getPick(pickList, i->callback) ) i->callback->mouseLeave(windowPos); } _previous_picks = pickList; if (!explicitCursor && (priority == SGPickCallback::PriorityPanel)) { cur = FGMouseCursor::CURSOR_HAND; } FGMouseCursor::instance()->setCursor(cur); if (!didPick) { SGPropertyNode_ptr args(new SGPropertyNode); globals->get_commands()->execute("update-hover", args); } } void doMouseMoveWithCallbacks(const osgGA::GUIEventAdapter* ea) { FGMouseCursor::Cursor cur = FGMouseCursor::CURSOR_CLOSED_HAND; osg::Vec2d windowPos; flightgear::eventToWindowCoords(ea, windowPos.x(), windowPos.y()); SGSceneryPicks pickList = globals->get_renderer()->pick(windowPos); if(pickList.empty()) return; for( ActivePickCallbacks::iterator mi = activePickCallbacks.begin(); mi != activePickCallbacks.end(); ++mi ) { SGPickCallbackList::iterator li; for( li = mi->second.begin(); li != mi->second.end(); ++li ) { const SGSceneryPick* pick = getPick(pickList, *li); (*li)->mouseMoved(*ea, pick ? &pick->info : 0); std::string curName((*li)->getCursor()); if( !curName.empty() ) cur = FGMouseCursor::cursorFromString(curName.c_str()); } } FGMouseCursor::instance()->setCursor(cur); } // implement the property-change-listener interfacee virtual void valueChanged( SGPropertyNode * node ) { if (node->getNameString() == "drag-sensitivity") { SGKnobAnimation::setDragSensitivity(node->getDoubleValue()); } else if (node->getNameString() == "invert-mouse-wheel") { SGKnobAnimation::setAlternateMouseWheelDirection(node->getBoolValue()); } else if (node->getNameString() == "hide-cursor") { hideCursor = node->getBoolValue(); } else if (node->getNameString() == "cursor-timeout-sec") { cursorTimeoutMsec = node->getDoubleValue() * 1000; } else if (node->getNameString() == "tooltip-delay-msec") { tooltipDelayMsec = node->getIntValue(); } else if (node->getNameString() == "right-button-mode-cycle-enabled") { rightClickModeCycle = node->getBoolValue(); } else if (node->getNameString() == "click-shows-tooltip") { clickTriggersTooltip = node->getBoolValue(); } else if (node->getNameString() == "tooltips-enabled") { tooltipsEnabled = node->getBoolValue(); } } ActivePickCallbacks activePickCallbacks; SGSceneryPicks _previous_picks; mouse mice[MAX_MICE]; bool initialized; bool hideCursor, haveWarped; bool tooltipTimeoutDone; bool clickTriggersTooltip; int tooltipDelayMsec, cursorTimeoutMsec; bool rightClickModeCycle; bool tooltipsEnabled; SGPropertyNode_ptr xSizeNode; SGPropertyNode_ptr ySizeNode; SGPropertyNode_ptr xAccelNode; SGPropertyNode_ptr yAccelNode; SGPropertyNode_ptr mouseXNode, mouseYNode; bool hoverPickScheduled; osg::Vec2d hoverPos; }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The Mouse Input Implementation //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static FGMouseInput* global_mouseInput = NULL; static void mouseClickHandler(int button, int updown, int x, int y, bool mainWindow, const osgGA::GUIEventAdapter* ea) { if(global_mouseInput) global_mouseInput->doMouseClick(button, updown, x, y, mainWindow, ea); } static void mouseMotionHandler(int x, int y, const osgGA::GUIEventAdapter* ea) { if (global_mouseInput != 0) global_mouseInput->doMouseMotion(x, y, ea); } FGMouseInput::FGMouseInput() : d(new FGMouseInputPrivate) { global_mouseInput = this; } FGMouseInput::~FGMouseInput() { global_mouseInput = NULL; } void FGMouseInput::init() { if (d->initialized) { SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_WARN, "Duplicate init of FGMouseInput"); return; } d->initialized = true; SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_DEBUG, "Initializing mouse bindings"); std::string module = ""; SGPropertyNode * mouse_nodes = fgGetNode("/input/mice"); if (mouse_nodes == 0) { SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_WARN, "No mouse bindings (/input/mice)!!"); mouse_nodes = fgGetNode("/input/mice", true); } int j; for (int i = 0; i < MAX_MICE; i++) { SGPropertyNode * mouse_node = mouse_nodes->getChild("mouse", i, true); mouse &m = d->mice[i]; // Grab node pointers std::ostringstream buf; buf << "/devices/status/mice/mouse[" << i << "]/mode"; m.mode_node = fgGetNode(buf.str().c_str()); if (m.mode_node == NULL) { m.mode_node = fgGetNode(buf.str().c_str(), true); m.mode_node->setIntValue(0); } for (j = 0; j < MAX_MOUSE_BUTTONS; j++) { buf.seekp(ios_base::beg); buf << "/devices/status/mice/mouse["<< i << "]/button[" << j << "]"; m.mouse_button_nodes[j] = fgGetNode(buf.str().c_str(), true); m.mouse_button_nodes[j]->setBoolValue(false); } // Read all the modes m.nModes = mouse_node->getIntValue("mode-count", 1); m.modes = new mouse_mode[m.nModes]; for (int j = 0; j < m.nModes; j++) { int k; SGPropertyNode * mode_node = mouse_node->getChild("mode", j, true); // Read the mouse cursor for this mode m.modes[j].cursor = FGMouseCursor::cursorFromString(mode_node->getStringValue("cursor", "inherit")); // Read other properties for this mode m.modes[j].constrained = mode_node->getBoolValue("constrained", false); m.modes[j].pass_through = mode_node->getBoolValue("pass-through", false); // Read the button bindings for this mode m.modes[j].buttons = new FGButton[MAX_MOUSE_BUTTONS]; std::ostringstream buf; for (k = 0; k < MAX_MOUSE_BUTTONS; k++) { buf.seekp(ios_base::beg); buf << "mouse button " << k; m.modes[j].buttons[k].init( mode_node->getChild("button", k), buf.str(), module ); } // Read the axis bindings for this mode read_bindings(mode_node->getChild("x-axis", 0, true), m.modes[j].x_bindings, KEYMOD_NONE, module ); read_bindings(mode_node->getChild("y-axis", 0, true), m.modes[j].y_bindings, KEYMOD_NONE, module ); if (mode_node->hasChild("x-axis-ctrl")) { read_bindings(mode_node->getChild("x-axis-ctrl"), m.modes[j].x_bindings, KEYMOD_CTRL, module ); } if (mode_node->hasChild("x-axis-shift")) { read_bindings(mode_node->getChild("x-axis-shift"), m.modes[j].x_bindings, KEYMOD_SHIFT, module ); } if (mode_node->hasChild("x-axis-ctrl-shift")) { read_bindings(mode_node->getChild("x-axis-ctrl-shift"), m.modes[j].x_bindings, KEYMOD_CTRL|KEYMOD_SHIFT, module ); } if (mode_node->hasChild("y-axis-ctrl")) { read_bindings(mode_node->getChild("y-axis-ctrl"), m.modes[j].y_bindings, KEYMOD_CTRL, module ); } if (mode_node->hasChild("y-axis-shift")) { read_bindings(mode_node->getChild("y-axis-shift"), m.modes[j].y_bindings, KEYMOD_SHIFT, module ); } if (mode_node->hasChild("y-axis-ctrl-shift")) { read_bindings(mode_node->getChild("y-axis-ctrl-shift"), m.modes[j].y_bindings, KEYMOD_CTRL|KEYMOD_SHIFT, module ); } } // of modes iteration } fgRegisterMouseClickHandler(mouseClickHandler); fgRegisterMouseMotionHandler(mouseMotionHandler); } void FGMouseInput::update ( double dt ) { if (!d->initialized) { SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_WARN, "update of mouse before init"); } mouse &m = d->mice[0]; int mode = m.mode_node->getIntValue(); if (mode != m.current_mode) { // current mode has changed m.current_mode = mode; m.timeSinceLastMove.stamp(); if (mode >= 0 && mode < m.nModes) { FGMouseCursor::instance()->setCursor(m.modes[mode].cursor); d->centerMouseCursor(m); } else { SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_WARN, "Mouse mode " << mode << " out of range"); FGMouseCursor::instance()->setCursor(FGMouseCursor::CURSOR_ARROW); } } if ((mode == 0) && d->hoverPickScheduled) { d->doHoverPick(d->hoverPos); d->hoverPickScheduled = false; } if ( !d->tooltipTimeoutDone && d->tooltipsEnabled && (m.timeSinceLastMove.elapsedMSec() > d->tooltipDelayMsec)) { d->tooltipTimeoutDone = true; SGPropertyNode_ptr arg(new SGPropertyNode); globals->get_commands()->execute("tooltip-timeout", arg); } if ( d->hideCursor ) { if ( m.timeSinceLastMove.elapsedMSec() > d->cursorTimeoutMsec) { FGMouseCursor::instance()->hideCursorUntilMouseMove(); m.timeSinceLastMove.stamp(); } } d->activePickCallbacks.update( dt, fgGetKeyModifiers() ); } mouse::mouse () : x(-1), y(-1), nModes(1), current_mode(0), modes(NULL) { } mouse::~mouse () { delete [] modes; } mouse_mode::mouse_mode () : cursor(FGMouseCursor::CURSOR_ARROW), constrained(false), pass_through(false), buttons(NULL) { } mouse_mode::~mouse_mode () { // FIXME: memory leak // for (int i = 0; i < KEYMOD_MAX; i++) { // int j; // for (j = 0; i < x_bindings[i].size(); j++) // delete bindings[i][j]; // for (j = 0; j < y_bindings[i].size(); j++) // delete bindings[i][j]; // } if (buttons) { delete [] buttons; } } void FGMouseInput::doMouseClick (int b, int updown, int x, int y, bool mainWindow, const osgGA::GUIEventAdapter* ea) { if (!d->initialized) { // can occur during reset return; } int modifiers = fgGetKeyModifiers(); mouse &m = d->mice[0]; mouse_mode &mode = m.modes[m.current_mode]; // Let the property manager know. if (b >= 0 && b < MAX_MOUSE_BUTTONS) m.mouse_button_nodes[b]->setBoolValue(updown == MOUSE_BUTTON_DOWN); if (!d->rightClickModeCycle && (b == 2)) { // in spring-loaded look mode, ignore right clicks entirely here return; } // Pass on to PUI and the panel if // requested, and return if one of // them consumes the event. osg::Vec2d windowPos; flightgear::eventToWindowCoords(ea, windowPos.x(), windowPos.y()); SGSceneryPicks pickList = globals->get_renderer()->pick(windowPos); if( updown != MOUSE_BUTTON_DOWN ) { // Execute the mouse up event in any case, may be we should // stop processing here? SGPickCallbackList& callbacks = d->activePickCallbacks[b]; while( !callbacks.empty() ) { SGPickCallbackPtr& cb = callbacks.front(); const SGSceneryPick* pick = getPick(pickList, cb); cb->buttonReleased(ea->getModKeyMask(), *ea, pick ? &pick->info : 0); callbacks.pop_front(); } } if (mode.pass_through) { // remove once PUI uses standard picking mechanism if (0 <= x && 0 <= y && puMouse(b, updown, x, y)) return; // pui handled it // pui didn't want the click event so compute a // scenegraph intersection point corresponding to the mouse click if (updown == MOUSE_BUTTON_DOWN) { d->activePickCallbacks.init( b, ea ); if (d->clickTriggersTooltip) { SGPropertyNode_ptr args(new SGPropertyNode); args->setStringValue("reason", "click"); globals->get_commands()->execute("tooltip-timeout", args); d->tooltipTimeoutDone = true; } } else { // do a hover pick now, to fix up cursor d->doHoverPick(windowPos); } // mouse button was released } // of pass-through mode // OK, PUI and the panel didn't want the click if (b >= MAX_MOUSE_BUTTONS) { SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_ALERT, "Mouse button " << b << " where only " << MAX_MOUSE_BUTTONS << " expected"); return; } m.modes[m.current_mode].buttons[b].update( modifiers, 0 != updown, x, y); } void FGMouseInput::processMotion(int x, int y, const osgGA::GUIEventAdapter* ea) { if (!d->activePickCallbacks[0].empty()) { d->doMouseMoveWithCallbacks(ea); return; } mouse &m = d->mice[0]; int modeIndex = m.current_mode; // are we in spring-loaded look mode? if (!d->rightClickModeCycle && m.nModes > 3) { if (m.mouse_button_nodes[2]->getBoolValue()) { // right mouse is down, force look mode modeIndex = 3; } } if (modeIndex == 0) { osg::Vec2d windowPos; flightgear::eventToWindowCoords(ea, windowPos.x(), windowPos.y()); d->scheduleHoverPick(windowPos); // mouse has moved, so we may need to issue tooltip-timeout command again d->tooltipTimeoutDone = false; } mouse_mode &mode = m.modes[modeIndex]; // Pass on to PUI if requested, and return // if PUI consumed the event. if (mode.pass_through && puMouse(x, y)) { return; } if (d->haveWarped) { // don't fire mouse-movement events at the first update after warping the mouse, // just remember the new mouse position d->haveWarped = false; } else { int modifiers = fgGetKeyModifiers(); int xsize = d->xSizeNode ? d->xSizeNode->getIntValue() : 800; int ysize = d->ySizeNode ? d->ySizeNode->getIntValue() : 600; // OK, PUI didn't want the event, // so we can play with it. if (x != m.x) { int delta = x - m.x; d->xAccelNode->setIntValue( delta ); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mode.x_bindings[modifiers].size(); i++) mode.x_bindings[modifiers][i]->fire(double(delta), double(xsize)); } if (y != m.y) { int delta = y - m.y; d->yAccelNode->setIntValue( -delta ); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < mode.y_bindings[modifiers].size(); i++) mode.y_bindings[modifiers][i]->fire(double(delta), double(ysize)); } } // Constrain the mouse if requested if (mode.constrained) { d->constrainMouse(x, y); } } void FGMouseInput::doMouseMotion (int x, int y, const osgGA::GUIEventAdapter* ea) { if (!d->initialized) { // can occur during reset return; } mouse &m = d->mice[0]; if (m.current_mode < 0 || m.current_mode >= m.nModes) { m.x = x; m.y = y; return; } m.timeSinceLastMove.stamp(); FGMouseCursor::instance()->mouseMoved(); // TODO Get rid of this as soon as soon as cursor hide timeout works globally if( ea->getHandled() ) return; processMotion(x, y, ea); m.x = x; m.y = y; d->mouseXNode->setIntValue(x); d->mouseYNode->setIntValue(y); }