#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include "WaypointList.hxx" #include <algorithm> #include <boost/tuple/tuple.hpp> #include <plib/puAux.h> #include <simgear/structure/callback.hxx> #include <simgear/sg_inlines.h> #include <Main/globals.hxx> #include <Main/fg_props.hxx> #include <Navaids/positioned.hxx> #include <Navaids/routePath.hxx> #include <Autopilot/route_mgr.hxx> // select if the widget grabs keys necessary to fly aircraft from the keyboard, // or not. See http://code.google.com/p/flightgear-bugs/issues/detail?id=338 // for discussion about why / what is going on. #define AVOID_FLIGHT_KEYS 1 using namespace flightgear; enum { SCROLL_NO = 0, SCROLL_UP, SCROLL_DOWN }; static const double BLINK_TIME = 0.3; static const int DRAG_START_DISTANCE_PX = 5; class FlightPlanWaypointModel : public WaypointList::Model, public SGPropertyChangeListener { public: FlightPlanWaypointModel(flightgear::FlightPlan* fp) : _fp(fp) { SGPropertyNode* routeEdited = fgGetNode("/autopilot/route-manager/signals/edited", true); SGPropertyNode* flightplanChanged = fgGetNode("/autopilot/route-manager/signals/flightplan-changed", true); routeEdited->addChangeListener(this); flightplanChanged->addChangeListener(this); } ~FlightPlanWaypointModel() { SGPropertyNode* routeEdited = fgGetNode("/autopilot/route-manager/signals/edited", true); SGPropertyNode* flightplanChanged = fgGetNode("/autopilot/route-manager/signals/flightplan-changed", true); routeEdited->removeChangeListener(this); flightplanChanged->removeChangeListener(this); } // implement WaypointList::Model virtual unsigned int numWaypoints() const { return _fp->numLegs(); } virtual int currentWaypoint() const { return _fp->currentIndex(); } virtual flightgear::Waypt* waypointAt(unsigned int index) const { if (index >= numWaypoints()) { return NULL; } return _fp->legAtIndex(index)->waypoint(); } virtual flightgear::FlightPlan* flightplan() const { return _fp; } virtual void deleteAt(unsigned int index) { _fp->deleteIndex(index); } virtual void moveWaypointToIndex(unsigned int srcIndex, unsigned int destIndex) { SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_INFO, "moveWaypoint: from " << srcIndex << " to " << destIndex); if (destIndex > srcIndex) { --destIndex; } int currentWpIndex = currentWaypoint(); WayptRef w = _fp->legAtIndex(srcIndex)->waypoint(); _fp->deleteIndex(srcIndex); _fp->insertWayptAtIndex(w, destIndex); if ((signed int) srcIndex == currentWpIndex) { // current waypoint was moved _fp->setCurrentIndex(destIndex); } } virtual void setUpdateCallback(SGCallback* cb) { _cb = cb; } // implement SGPropertyChangeListener void valueChanged(SGPropertyNode *prop) { if (prop->getNameString() == "edited") { if (_cb) { (*_cb)(); } } if (prop->getNameString() == "flightplan-changed") { _fp = static_cast<FGRouteMgr*>(globals->get_subsystem("route-manager"))->flightPlan(); } } private: flightgear::FlightPlan* _fp; SGCallback* _cb; }; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static void drawClippedString(puFont& font, const char* s, int x, int y, int maxWidth) { int fullWidth = font.getStringWidth(s); if (fullWidth <= maxWidth) { // common case, easy and efficent font.drawString(s, x, y); return; } std::string buf(s); int len = buf.size(); do { buf.resize(--len); fullWidth = font.getStringWidth(buf.c_str()); } while (fullWidth > maxWidth); font.drawString(buf.c_str(), x, y); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// WaypointList::WaypointList(int x, int y, int width, int height) : puFrame(x, y, width, height), GUI_ID(FGCLASS_WAYPOINTLIST), _scrollPx(0), _dragging(false), _dragScroll(SCROLL_NO), _showLatLon(false), _model(NULL), _updateCallback(NULL), _scrollCallback(NULL), _blink(false) { // pretend to be a list, so fgPopup doesn't mess with our mouse events type |= PUCLASS_LIST; flightgear::FlightPlan* fp = static_cast<FGRouteMgr*>(globals->get_subsystem("route-manager"))->flightPlan(); setModel(new FlightPlanWaypointModel(fp)); setSize(width, height); setValue(-1); _blinkTimer.stamp(); } WaypointList::~WaypointList() { delete _model; delete _updateCallback; delete _scrollCallback; } void WaypointList::setUpdateCallback(SGCallback* cb) { _updateCallback = cb; } void WaypointList::setScrollCallback(SGCallback* cb) { _scrollCallback = cb; } void WaypointList::setSize(int width, int height) { double scrollP = getVScrollPercent(); _heightPx = height; puFrame::setSize(width, height); if (wantsVScroll()) { setVScrollPercent(scrollP); } else { _scrollPx = 0; } } int WaypointList::checkHit ( int button, int updown, int x, int y ) { if ( isHit( x, y ) || ( puActiveWidget () == this ) ) { doHit ( button, updown, x, y ) ; return TRUE ; } return FALSE ; } void WaypointList::doHit( int button, int updown, int x, int y ) { puFrame::doHit(button, updown, x, y); if (updown == PU_DRAG) { handleDrag(x, y); return; } if (button != active_mouse_button) { return; } if (updown == PU_UP) { puDeactivateWidget(); if (_dragging) { doDrop(x, y); return; } } else if (updown == PU_DOWN) { puSetActiveWidget(this, x, y); _mouseDownX = x; _mouseDownY = y; return; } // update selection int row = rowForY(y - abox.min[1]); if (row >= (int) _model->numWaypoints()) { row = -1; // 'no selection' } if (row == getSelected()) { _showLatLon = !_showLatLon; puPostRefresh(); return; } setSelected(row); } void WaypointList::handleDrag(int x, int y) { if (!_dragging) { // don't start drags immediately, require a certain mouse movement first int manhattanLength = abs(x - _mouseDownX) + abs(y - _mouseDownY); if (manhattanLength < DRAG_START_DISTANCE_PX) { return; } _dragSourceRow = rowForY(y - abox.min[1]); Waypt* wp = _model->waypointAt(_dragSourceRow); if (!wp || wp->flag(WPT_GENERATED) || (wp->type() == "discontinuity")) { return; // don't allow generated points to be dragged } _dragging = true; _dragScroll = SCROLL_NO; } if (y < abox.min[1]) { if (_dragScroll != SCROLL_DOWN) { _dragScroll = SCROLL_DOWN; _dragScrollTime.stamp(); } } else if (y > abox.max[1]) { if (_dragScroll != SCROLL_UP) { _dragScroll = SCROLL_UP; _dragScrollTime.stamp(); } } else { _dragScroll = SCROLL_NO; _dragTargetRow = rowForY(y - abox.min[1] - (rowHeightPx() / 2)); } } void WaypointList::doDrop(int x, int y) { _dragging = false; puDeactivateWidget(); SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_INFO, "doDrop"); if ((y < abox.min[1]) || (y >= abox.max[1])) { SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_INFO, "y out of bounds:" << y); return; } if (_dragSourceRow == _dragTargetRow) { SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_INFO, "source and target row match"); return; } _model->moveWaypointToIndex(_dragSourceRow, _dragTargetRow); // keep row indexes linged up when moving an item down the list if (_dragSourceRow < _dragTargetRow) { --_dragTargetRow; } setSelected(_dragTargetRow); } void WaypointList::invokeDownCallback(void) { _dragging = false; _dragScroll = SCROLL_NO; SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_INFO, "cancel drag"); } int WaypointList::rowForY(int y) const { if (!_model) { return -1; } // flip y to increase down, not up (as rows do) int flipY = _heightPx - y; int row = (flipY + _scrollPx) / rowHeightPx(); return row; } void WaypointList::draw( int dx, int dy ) { puFrame::draw(dx, dy); if (!_model) { return; } if (_dragScroll != SCROLL_NO) { doDragScroll(); } double dt = (SGTimeStamp::now() - _blinkTimer).toSecs(); if (dt > BLINK_TIME) { _blinkTimer.stamp(); _blink = !_blink; } glEnable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); GLint sx = (int) abox.min[0], sy = abox.min[1]; GLsizei w = (GLsizei) abox.max[0] - abox.min[0], h = _heightPx; sx += border_thickness; sy += border_thickness; w -= 2 * border_thickness; h -= 2 * border_thickness; glScissor(sx + dx, sy + dy, w, h); int row = firstVisibleRow(), final = lastVisibleRow(), rowHeight = rowHeightPx(), y = rowHeight; y -= (_scrollPx % rowHeight); // partially draw the first row _arrowWidth = legendFont.getStringWidth(">"); RoutePath path(_model->flightplan()); for ( ; row <= final; ++row, y += rowHeight) { drawRow(dx, dy, row, y, path); } // of row drawing iteration glDisable(GL_SCISSOR_TEST); if (_dragging) { // draw the insert marker after the rows int insertY = (_dragTargetRow * rowHeight) - _scrollPx; SG_CLAMP_RANGE(insertY, 0, std::min(_heightPx, totalHeightPx())); glColor4f(1.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 0.8f); glLineWidth(3.0f); glBegin(GL_LINES); glVertex2f(dx + abox.min[0], dy + abox.max[1] - insertY); glVertex2f(dx + abox.max[0], dy + abox.max[1] - insertY); glEnd(); } } void WaypointList::drawRow(int dx, int dy, int rowIndex, int y, const RoutePath& path) { flightgear::Waypt* wp(_model->waypointAt(rowIndex)); bool isSelected = (rowIndex == getSelected()); bool isCurrent = (rowIndex == _model->currentWaypoint()); bool isDragSource = (_dragging && (rowIndex == _dragSourceRow)); puBox bkgBox = abox; bkgBox.min[1] = abox.max[1] - y; bkgBox.max[1] = bkgBox.min[1] + rowHeightPx(); puColour col; puFont* f = &legendFont; bool drawBox = false; if (wp->flag(WPT_MISS)) { drawBox = true; puSetColor(col, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.3); // red } else if (wp->flag(WPT_ARRIVAL) || wp->flag(WPT_DEPARTURE)) { drawBox = true; puSetColor(col, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.3); } else if (wp->flag(WPT_APPROACH)) { drawBox = true; puSetColor(col, 0.0, 0.0, 0.1, 0.3); } if (isDragSource) { // draw later, on *top* of text string } else if (isSelected) { // -PLAIN means selected, apparently bkgBox.draw(dx, dy, -PUSTYLE_PLAIN, colour, false, 0); } else if (drawBox) { bkgBox.draw(dx, dy, PUSTYLE_PLAIN, &col, false, 0); } if (isCurrent) { glColor4f (1.0, 0.5, 0.0, 1.0) ; } else { glColor4fv ( colour [ PUCOL_LEGEND ] ) ; } int xx = dx + abox.min[0] + PUSTR_LGAP; int yy = dy + abox.max[1] - y ; yy += 4; // center text in row height if (isCurrent) { f->drawString(">", xx, yy); } int x = xx; x += _arrowWidth + PUSTR_LGAP; drawRowText(x, yy, rowIndex, path); if (isDragSource) { puSetColor(col, 1.0, 0.5, 0.0, 0.5); bkgBox.draw(dx, dy, PUSTYLE_PLAIN, &col, false, 0); } } void WaypointList::drawRowText(int x, int baseline, int rowIndex, const RoutePath& path) { flightgear::Waypt* wp(_model->waypointAt(rowIndex)); const bool isDiscontinuity = (wp->type() == "discontinuity"); const bool isVia = (wp->type() == "via"); char buffer[128]; int count; if (isVia) { // VIA has long ident but no name count = ::snprintf(buffer, 128, "%03d %s", rowIndex, wp->ident().c_str()); drawClippedString(legendFont, buffer, x, baseline, 300); x += 300 + PUSTR_LGAP; } else { count = ::snprintf(buffer, 128, "%03d %-5s", rowIndex, wp->ident().c_str()); FGPositioned* src = wp->source(); if (src && !src->name().empty() && (src->name() != wp->ident())) { // append name if present, and different to id ::snprintf(buffer + count, 128 - count, " (%s)", src->name().c_str()); } drawClippedString(legendFont, buffer, x, baseline, 300); x += 300 + PUSTR_LGAP; if (isDiscontinuity) { return; } if (_showLatLon) { // only show for non-dynamic waypoints if (!wp->flag(WPT_DYNAMIC)) { SGGeod p(wp->position()); char ns = (p.getLatitudeDeg() > 0.0) ? 'N' : 'S'; char ew = (p.getLongitudeDeg() > 0.0) ? 'E' : 'W'; ::snprintf(buffer, 128 - count, "%4.2f%c %4.2f%c", fabs(p.getLongitudeDeg()), ew, fabs(p.getLatitudeDeg()), ns); } else { buffer[0] = 0; } } else if (rowIndex > 0) { double courseDeg = path.trackForIndex(rowIndex); double distanceM = path.distanceForIndex(rowIndex); ::snprintf(buffer, 128 - count, "%03.0f %5.1fnm", courseDeg, distanceM * SG_METER_TO_NM); } } // of is not a VIA waypoint puFont* f = &legendFont; f->drawString(buffer, x, baseline); x += 100 + PUSTR_LGAP; if (wp->altitudeRestriction() != RESTRICT_NONE) { char aboveAtBelow = ' '; if (wp->altitudeRestriction() == RESTRICT_ABOVE) { aboveAtBelow = 'A'; } else if (wp->altitudeRestriction() == RESTRICT_BELOW) { aboveAtBelow = 'B'; } int altHundredFt = (wp->altitudeFt() + 50) / 100; // round to nearest 100ft if (altHundredFt < 100) { count = ::snprintf(buffer, 128, "%d'%c", altHundredFt * 100, aboveAtBelow); } else { // display as a flight-level count = ::snprintf(buffer, 128, "FL%d%c", altHundredFt, aboveAtBelow); } f->drawString(buffer, x, baseline); } // of valid wp altitude x += 60 + PUSTR_LGAP; if (wp->speedRestriction() == SPEED_RESTRICT_MACH) { count = ::snprintf(buffer, 126, "%03.2fM", wp->speedMach()); f->drawString(buffer, x, baseline); } else if (wp->speedRestriction() != RESTRICT_NONE) { count = ::snprintf(buffer, 126, "%dKts", (int) wp->speedKts()); f->drawString(buffer, x, baseline); } } const double SCROLL_PX_SEC = 200.0; void WaypointList::doDragScroll() { double dt = (SGTimeStamp::now() - _dragScrollTime).toSecs(); _dragScrollTime.stamp(); int deltaPx = (int)(dt * SCROLL_PX_SEC); if (_dragScroll == SCROLL_UP) { _scrollPx = _scrollPx - deltaPx; SG_CLAMP_RANGE(_scrollPx, 0, scrollRangePx()); _dragTargetRow = firstVisibleRow(); } else { _scrollPx = _scrollPx + deltaPx; SG_CLAMP_RANGE(_scrollPx, 0, scrollRangePx()); _dragTargetRow = lastFullyVisibleRow() + 1; } if (_scrollCallback) { (*_scrollCallback)(); } } int WaypointList::getSelected() { return getIntegerValue(); } void WaypointList::setSelected(int rowIndex) { if (rowIndex == getSelected()) { return; } setValue(rowIndex); invokeCallback(); if (rowIndex == -1) { return; } ensureRowVisible(rowIndex); } void WaypointList::ensureRowVisible(int rowIndex) { if ((rowIndex >= firstFullyVisibleRow()) && (rowIndex <= lastFullyVisibleRow())) { return; // already visible, fine } // ideal position would place the desired row in the middle of the // visible section - hence subtract half the visible height. int targetScrollPx = (rowIndex * rowHeightPx()) - (_heightPx / 2); // clamp the scroll value to something valid SG_CLAMP_RANGE(targetScrollPx, 0, scrollRangePx()); _scrollPx = targetScrollPx; puPostRefresh(); if (_scrollCallback) { // keep scroll observers in sync (*_scrollCallback)(); } } unsigned int WaypointList::numWaypoints() const { if (!_model) { return 0; } return _model->numWaypoints(); } bool WaypointList::wantsVScroll() const { return totalHeightPx() > _heightPx; } float WaypointList::getVScrollPercent() const { float scrollRange = scrollRangePx(); if (scrollRange < 1.0f) { return 0.0; } return _scrollPx / scrollRange; } float WaypointList::getVScrollThumbPercent() const { return _heightPx / (float) totalHeightPx(); } void WaypointList::setVScrollPercent(float perc) { float scrollRange = scrollRangePx(); _scrollPx = (int)(scrollRange * perc); } int WaypointList::firstVisibleRow() const { return _scrollPx / rowHeightPx(); } int WaypointList::firstFullyVisibleRow() const { int rh = rowHeightPx(); return (_scrollPx + rh - 1) / rh; } int WaypointList::numVisibleRows() const { int rh = rowHeightPx(); int topOffset = _scrollPx % rh; // pixels of first visible row return (_heightPx - topOffset + rh - 1) / rh; } int WaypointList::numFullyVisibleRows() const { int rh = rowHeightPx(); int topOffset = _scrollPx % rh; // pixels of first visible row return (_heightPx - topOffset) / rh; } int WaypointList::rowHeightPx() const { return legendFont.getStringHeight() + PUSTR_BGAP; } int WaypointList::scrollRangePx() const { return std::max(0, totalHeightPx() - _heightPx); } int WaypointList::totalHeightPx() const { if (!_model) { return 0; } return (int) _model->numWaypoints() * rowHeightPx(); } int WaypointList::lastFullyVisibleRow() const { int row = firstFullyVisibleRow() + numFullyVisibleRows(); return std::min(row, (int) _model->numWaypoints() - 1); } int WaypointList::lastVisibleRow() const { int row = firstVisibleRow() + numVisibleRows(); return std::min(row, (int) _model->numWaypoints() - 1); } void WaypointList::setModel(Model* model) { if (_model) { delete _model; } _model = model; _model->setUpdateCallback(make_callback(this, &WaypointList::modelUpdateCallback)); puPostRefresh(); } int WaypointList::checkKey (int key, int updown ) { if ((updown == PU_UP) || !isVisible () || !isActive () || (window != puGetWindow())) { return FALSE ; } #ifdef AVOID_FLIGHT_KEYS return FALSE; #endif switch (key) { case PU_KEY_HOME: setSelected(0); break; case PU_KEY_END: setSelected(_model->numWaypoints() - 1); break ; case PU_KEY_UP : case PU_KEY_PAGE_UP : if (getSelected() >= 0) { setSelected(getSelected() - 1); } break ; case PU_KEY_DOWN : case PU_KEY_PAGE_DOWN : { int newSel = getSelected() + 1; if (newSel >= (int) _model->numWaypoints()) { setSelected(-1); } else { setSelected(newSel); } break ; } case '-': if (getSelected() >= 0) { Waypt* wp = _model->waypointAt(getSelected()); if (wp->flag(WPT_GENERATED)) { break; } if (wp->altitudeRestriction() != RESTRICT_NONE) { int curAlt = (static_cast<int>(wp->altitudeFt()) + 50) / 100; if (curAlt <= 0) { wp->setAltitude(0, RESTRICT_NONE); } else { wp->setAltitude((curAlt - 10) * 100, wp->altitudeRestriction()); } } } break; case '=': if (getSelected() >= 0) { flightgear::Waypt* wp = _model->waypointAt(getSelected()); if (wp->flag(WPT_GENERATED)) { break; } if (wp->altitudeRestriction() == RESTRICT_NONE) { wp->setAltitude(1000, RESTRICT_AT); } else { int curAlt = (static_cast<int>(wp->altitudeFt()) + 50) / 100; wp->setAltitude((curAlt + 10) * 100, wp->altitudeRestriction()); } } break; case 0x7f: // delete if (getSelected() >= 0) { int index = getSelected(); Waypt* wp = _model->waypointAt(getSelected()); if (wp->flag(WPT_GENERATED)) { break; } _model->deleteAt(index); setSelected(index - 1); } break; default : return FALSE; } return TRUE ; } void WaypointList::modelUpdateCallback() { // local stuff if (_updateCallback) { (*_updateCallback)(); } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// static void handle_scrollbar(puObject* scrollbar) { ScrolledWaypointList* self = (ScrolledWaypointList*)scrollbar->getUserData(); self->setScrollPercent(scrollbar->getFloatValue()); } static void waypointListCb(puObject* wpl) { ScrolledWaypointList* self = (ScrolledWaypointList*)wpl->getUserData(); self->setValue(wpl->getIntegerValue()); self->invokeCallback(); } ScrolledWaypointList::ScrolledWaypointList(int x, int y, int width, int height) : puGroup(x,y), _scrollWidth(16) { // ensure our type is compound, so fgPopup::applySize doesn't descend into // us, and try to cast our children's user-data to GUIInfo*. type |= PUCLASS_LIST; init(width, height); } void ScrolledWaypointList::setValue(float v) { puGroup::setValue(v); _list->setValue(v); } void ScrolledWaypointList::setValue(int v) { puGroup::setValue(v); _list->setValue(v); } void ScrolledWaypointList::init(int w, int h) { _list = new WaypointList(0, 0, w, h); _list->setUpdateCallback(make_callback(this, &ScrolledWaypointList::modelUpdated)); _hasVScroll = _list->wantsVScroll(); _list->setUserData(this); _list->setCallback(waypointListCb); _list->setScrollCallback(make_callback(this, &ScrolledWaypointList::updateScroll)); _scrollbar = new puaScrollBar(w - _scrollWidth, 0, h, 1 /*arrow*/, 1 /* vertical */, _scrollWidth); _scrollbar->setMinValue(0.0); _scrollbar->setMaxValue(1.0); _scrollbar->setUserData(this); _scrollbar->setCallback(handle_scrollbar); close(); // close the group setSize(w, h); } void ScrolledWaypointList::modelUpdated() { int w, h; getSize(&w, &h); updateWantsScroll(w, h); } void ScrolledWaypointList::setScrollPercent(float v) { // slider's min is the bottom, so invert the value _list->setVScrollPercent(1.0f - v); } void ScrolledWaypointList::setSize(int w, int h) { updateWantsScroll(w, h); puGroup::setSize(w, h); } void ScrolledWaypointList::updateWantsScroll(int w, int h) { _hasVScroll = _list->wantsVScroll(); if (_hasVScroll) { _scrollbar->reveal(); _scrollbar->setPosition(w - _scrollWidth, 0); _scrollbar->setSize(_scrollWidth, h); _list->setSize(w - _scrollWidth, h); updateScroll(); } else { _scrollbar->hide(); _list->setSize(w, h); } } void ScrolledWaypointList::updateScroll() { // _scrollbar->setMaxValue(_list->numWaypoints()); _scrollbar->setValue(1.0f - _list->getVScrollPercent()); _scrollbar->setSliderFraction(_list->getVScrollThumbPercent()); }