import QtQuick 2.4 import FlightGear 1.0 import QtQuick.Window 2.0 import FlightGear.Launcher 1.0 import "." FocusScope { id: root property string label property bool enabled: true property var quantity property bool live: false property alias unitsMode: units.mode UnitsModel { id: units } implicitHeight: editFrame.height // we have a margin between the frame and the label, and on each implicitWidth: label.width + editFrame.width + Style.margin signal commit(var newValue); function doCommit(newValue) { var q = quantity; q.value = newValue; commit(q); } function parseTextAsValue() { if (units.numDecimals == 0) { return parseInt(edit.text); } return parseFloat(edit.text); } function clampValue(newValue) { if (units.wraps) { // integer wrapping for now var range = (units.maxValue - units.minValue + 1); if (newValue < units.minValue) newValue += range; if (newValue > units.maxValue) newValue -= range; } return Math.min(Math.max(units.minValue, newValue), units.maxValue); } function incrementValue() { if (edit.activeFocus) { var newValue = clampValue(parseTextAsValue() + units.stepSize); edit.text = newValue if (live) { doCommit(newValue); } } else { doCommit(clampValue(quantity.value + units.stepSize)); } } function decrementValue() { if (edit.activeFocus) { var newValue = clampValue(parseTextAsValue() - units.stepSize); edit.text = newValue if (live) { doCommit(newValue); } } else { doCommit(clampValue(quantity.value - units.stepSize)); } } function changeToUnits(unitIndex) { if (edit.activeFocus) { // build up a quantity with the current text value, in the // previous units. We need to parse as text before we // change the selected unit var q = root.quantity; q.value = clampValue(parseTextAsValue()); // convert to the new quantity units.selectedIndex = unitIndex; var newQuantity = q.convertToUnit(units.selectedUnit)"Changing text to:" + newQuantity.value.toFixed(units.numDecimals)); edit.text = newQuantity.value.toFixed(units.numDecimals)"Change units commit:" + newQuantity.value) commit(newQuantity); } else { // not focused, easy units.selectedIndex = unitIndex; root.commit(root.quantity.convertToUnit(units.selectedUnit)); } } Component.onCompleted: { if (quantity.unit === Units.NoUnits) { var q = quantity; q.unit = units.selectedUnit; commit(q); } } onQuantityChanged: { // ensure our units model is in sync units.selectedUnit = quantity.unit } TextMetrics { id: metrics text: units.maxTextForMetrics } StyledText { id: label text: root.label anchors.verticalCenter: editFrame.verticalCenter hover: editFrame.activeFocus enabled: root.enabled } MouseArea { height: root.height width: root.width enabled: root.enabled // use wheel events to adjust up/dowm onClicked: { edit.forceActiveFocus(); } onWheel: { var delta = wheel.angleDelta.y if (delta > 0) { root.incrementValue() } else if (delta < 0) { root.decrementValue() } } } // timer to commit the value when in live mode Timer { id: liveEditTimer interval: 800 onTriggered: { if (edit.activeFocus) { doCommit(parseTextAsValue()); } } } Binding { when: !edit.activeFocus target: edit property: "text" value: root.quantity.value.toFixed(units.numDecimals) } Rectangle { id: editFrame clip: true anchors.left: label.right anchors.margins: Style.margin height: edit.implicitHeight + Style.margin width: edit.width + prefix.width + suffix.width + upDownArea.width + Style.margin * 2 radius: Style.roundRadius border.color: root.enable ? (edit.activeFocus ? Style.frameColor : Style.minorFrameColor) : Style.disabledMinorFrameColor border.width: 1 ClickableText { id: prefix visible: units.isPrefix enabled: root.enabled anchors.baseline: edit.baseline anchors.left: parent.left anchors.margins: Style.margin text: visible ? units.shortText : "" onClicked: clickable: (units.numChoices > 1) } TextInput { id: edit enabled: root.enabled anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter anchors.left: prefix.right selectByMouse: true width: metrics.width horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignRight font.pixelSize: Style.baseFontPixelSize focus: true color: enabled ? (activeFocus ? Style.themeColor : Style.baseTextColor) : Style.disabledTextColor validator: units.validator Keys.onUpPressed: { root.incrementValue(); } Keys.onDownPressed: { root.decrementValue(); } Keys.onReturnPressed: { root.focus = false; // will trigger onActiveFocusChanged } onActiveFocusChanged: { if (activeFocus) { selectAll(); } else { doCommit(parseTextAsValue()) liveEditTimer.stop(); } } onTextChanged: { if (activeFocus && { liveEditTimer.restart(); } } } ClickableText { id: suffix visible: !units.isPrefix enabled: root.enabled anchors.baseline: edit.baseline anchors.right: upDownArea.left text: visible ? units.shortText : "" onClicked: clickable: (units.numChoices > 1) } Item { id: upDownArea // color: "white" anchors.right: parent.right anchors.rightMargin: Style.margin anchors.verticalCenter: editFrame.verticalCenter height: upDownIcon.implicitHeight visible: edit.activeFocus width: upDownIcon.implicitWidth Image { id: upDownIcon // show up/down arrows source: "qrc:///up-down-arrow" } MouseArea { width: parent.width height: parent.height / 2 onPressed: { root.incrementValue(); } Rectangle { anchors.fill: parent opacity: 0.5 color: Style.themeColor visible: parent.pressed } Timer { id: upRepeat interval: 250 running: parent.pressed repeat: true onTriggered: root.incrementValue() } } MouseArea { width: parent.width height: parent.height / 2 anchors.bottom: parent.bottom onPressed: { root.decrementValue(); } Rectangle { anchors.fill: parent opacity: 0.5 color: Style.themeColor visible: parent.pressed } Timer { id: downRepeat interval: 250 running: parent.pressed repeat: true onTriggered: root.decrementValue() } } } } // of frame rectangle PopupWindowTracker { id: tracker } Window { id: unitSelectionPopup visible: false flags: Qt.Popup color: "white" height: choicesColumn.childrenRect.height + Style.margin * 2 width: choicesColumn.width + Style.margin * 2 function show() { var screenPos = _launcher.mapToGlobal(editFrame, Qt.point(0, editFrame.height)) unitSelectionPopup.x = screenPos.x; unitSelectionPopup.y = screenPos.y; unitSelectionPopup.visible = true tracker.window = unitSelectionPopup } Rectangle { border.width: 1 border.color: Style.minorFrameColor anchors.fill: parent } // choice layout column Column { id: choicesColumn spacing: Style.margin x: Style.margin y: Style.margin width: menuWidth function calculateMenuWidth() { var minWidth = 0; for (var i = 0; i < choicesRepeater.count; i++) { minWidth = Math.max(minWidth, choicesRepeater.itemAt(i).implicitWidth); } return minWidth; } readonly property int menuWidth: calculateMenuWidth() // main item repeater Repeater { id: choicesRepeater model: units delegate: Text { id: choiceText readonly property bool selected: units.selectedIndex === model.index text: model.longName height: implicitHeight + Style.margin font.pixelSize: Style.baseFontPixelSize color: choiceArea.containsMouse ? Style.themeColor : Style.baseTextColor MouseArea { id: choiceArea width: unitSelectionPopup.width // full width of the popup height: parent.height hoverEnabled: true onClicked: { root.changeToUnits(model.index); unitSelectionPopup.visible = false; } } } // of Text delegate } // text repeater } // text column } }