// route_mgr.hxx - manage a route (i.e. a collection of waypoints)
// Written by Curtis Olson, started January 2004.
// Copyright (C) 2004  Curtis L. Olson  - http://www.flightgear.org/~curt
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
// $Id$

#ifndef _ROUTE_MGR_HXX
#define _ROUTE_MGR_HXX 1

#include <simgear/props/props.hxx>
#include <simgear/structure/subsystem_mgr.hxx>

#include <Navaids/FlightPlan.hxx>

// forward decls
class SGPath;
class PropertyWatcher;

 * Top level route manager class

class FGRouteMgr : public SGSubsystem, 
                   public flightgear::FlightPlan::Delegate

  void init ();
  void postinit ();
  void bind ();
  void unbind ();
  void update (double dt);
  bool isRouteActive() const;
  int currentIndex() const;
  void setFlightPlan(const flightgear::FlightPlanRef& plan);
  flightgear::FlightPlanRef flightPlan() const;
  void clearRoute();
  flightgear::Waypt* currentWaypt() const;
  int numLegs() const;
// deprecated
  int numWaypts() const
  { return numLegs(); }
// deprecated
  flightgear::Waypt* wayptAtIndex(int index) const;
  SGPropertyNode_ptr wayptNodeAtIndex(int index) const;
  void removeLegAtIndex(int aIndex);
   * Activate a built route. This checks for various mandatory pieces of
   * data, such as departure and destination airports, and creates waypoints
   * for them on the route structure.
   * returns true if the route was activated successfully, or false if the
   * route could not be activated for some reason
  bool activate();
   * deactivate the route if active
  void deactivate();

   * Set the current waypoint to the specified index.
  void jumpToIndex(int index);
  bool saveRoute(const SGPath& p);
  bool loadRoute(const SGPath& p);
  flightgear::WayptRef waypointFromString(const std::string& target);

  static const char* subsystemName() { return "route-manager"; }
    bool commandDefineUserWaypoint(const SGPropertyNode * arg, SGPropertyNode * root);
    bool commandDeleteUserWaypoint(const SGPropertyNode * arg, SGPropertyNode * root);
    flightgear::FlightPlanRef _plan;
    time_t _takeoffTime;
    time_t _touchdownTime;

    // automatic inputs
    SGPropertyNode_ptr magvar;
    // automatic outputs    
    SGPropertyNode_ptr departure; ///< departure airport information
    SGPropertyNode_ptr destination; ///< destination airport information
    SGPropertyNode_ptr alternate; ///< alternate airport information
    SGPropertyNode_ptr cruise; ///< cruise information
    SGPropertyNode_ptr totalDistance;
    SGPropertyNode_ptr distanceToGo;
    SGPropertyNode_ptr ete;
    SGPropertyNode_ptr elapsedFlightTime;
    SGPropertyNode_ptr active;
    SGPropertyNode_ptr airborne;
    SGPropertyNode_ptr wp0;
    SGPropertyNode_ptr wp1;
    SGPropertyNode_ptr wpn;
    SGPropertyNode_ptr _pathNode;
    SGPropertyNode_ptr _currentWpt;
     * Signal property to notify people that the route was edited
    SGPropertyNode_ptr _edited;
     * Signal property to notify when the last waypoint is reached
    SGPropertyNode_ptr _finished;
    SGPropertyNode_ptr _flightplanChanged;
    void setETAPropertyFromDistance(SGPropertyNode_ptr aProp, double aDistance);
     * retrieve the cached path distance along a leg
    double cachedLegPathDistanceM(int index) const;
    double cachedWaypointPathTotalDistance(int index) const;
    class InputListener : public SGPropertyChangeListener {
        InputListener(FGRouteMgr *m) : mgr(m) {}
        virtual void valueChanged (SGPropertyNode * prop);
        FGRouteMgr *mgr;

    SGPropertyNode_ptr input;
    SGPropertyNode_ptr weightOnWheels;
    SGPropertyNode_ptr groundSpeed;
    InputListener *listener;
    SGPropertyNode_ptr mirror;    
     * Helper to keep various pieces of state in sync when the route is
     * modified (waypoints added, inserted, removed). Notably, this fires the
     * 'edited' signal.
    virtual void waypointsChanged();
    void update_mirror();
    virtual void currentWaypointChanged();
// tied getters and setters
    std::string getDepartureICAO() const;
    std::string getDepartureName() const;
    void setDepartureICAO(const std::string& aIdent);
    std::string getDepartureRunway() const;
    void setDepartureRunway(const std::string& aIdent);
    std::string getSID() const;
    void setSID(const std::string& aIdent);
    std::string getDestinationICAO() const;
    std::string getDestinationName() const;
    void setDestinationICAO(const std::string& aIdent);

    std::string getDestinationRunway() const;
    void setDestinationRunway(const std::string& aIdent);
    std::string getApproach() const;
    void setApproach(const std::string& aIdent);
    std::string getSTAR() const;
    void setSTAR(const std::string& aIdent);
    double getDepartureFieldElevation() const;  
    double getDestinationFieldElevation() const;  

#endif // _ROUTE_MGR_HXX