// digitalfilter.cxx - a selection of digital filters // // Written by Torsten Dreyer // Based heavily on work created by Curtis Olson, started January 2004. // // Copyright (C) 2004 Curtis L. Olson - http://www.flightgear.org/~curt // Copyright (C) 2010 Torsten Dreyer - Torsten (at) t3r (dot) de // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // #include "digitalfilter.hxx" #include "functor.hxx" #include namespace FGXMLAutopilot { /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ class GainFilterImplementation : public DigitalFilterImplementation { protected: InputValueList _gainInput; bool configure( const std::string & nodeName, SGPropertyNode_ptr configNode ); public: GainFilterImplementation() : _gainInput(1.0) {} double compute( double dt, double input ); }; class ReciprocalFilterImplementation : public GainFilterImplementation { public: double compute( double dt, double input ); }; class DerivativeFilterImplementation : public GainFilterImplementation { InputValueList _TfInput; double _input_1; bool configure( const std::string & nodeName, SGPropertyNode_ptr configNode ); public: DerivativeFilterImplementation(); double compute( double dt, double input ); }; class ExponentialFilterImplementation : public GainFilterImplementation { protected: InputValueList _TfInput; bool configure( const std::string & nodeName, SGPropertyNode_ptr configNode ); bool _isSecondOrder; double output_1, output_2; public: ExponentialFilterImplementation(); double compute( double dt, double input ); virtual void initialize( double output ); }; class MovingAverageFilterImplementation : public DigitalFilterImplementation { protected: InputValueList _samplesInput; double _output_1; std::deque _inputQueue; bool configure( const std::string & nodeName, SGPropertyNode_ptr configNode ); public: MovingAverageFilterImplementation(); double compute( double dt, double input ); virtual void initialize( double output ); }; class NoiseSpikeFilterImplementation : public DigitalFilterImplementation { protected: double _output_1; InputValueList _rateOfChangeInput; bool configure( const std::string & nodeName, SGPropertyNode_ptr configNode ); public: NoiseSpikeFilterImplementation(); double compute( double dt, double input ); virtual void initialize( double output ); }; /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ } // namespace FGXMLAutopilot using namespace FGXMLAutopilot; /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ bool DigitalFilterImplementation::configure( SGPropertyNode_ptr configNode ) { for (int i = 0; i < configNode->nChildren(); ++i ) { SGPropertyNode_ptr prop; SGPropertyNode_ptr child = configNode->getChild(i); string cname(child->getName()); if( configure( cname, child ) ) continue; } // for configNode->nChildren() return true; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ double GainFilterImplementation::compute( double dt, double input ) { return _gainInput.get_value() * input; } bool GainFilterImplementation::configure( const std::string & nodeName, SGPropertyNode_ptr configNode ) { if (nodeName == "gain" ) { _gainInput.push_back( new InputValue( configNode, 1 ) ); return true; } return false; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ double ReciprocalFilterImplementation::compute( double dt, double input ) { if( input >= -SGLimitsd::min() || input <= SGLimitsd::min() ) return SGLimitsd::max(); return _gainInput.get_value() / input; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ DerivativeFilterImplementation::DerivativeFilterImplementation() : _input_1(0.0) { } bool DerivativeFilterImplementation::configure( const std::string & nodeName, SGPropertyNode_ptr configNode ) { if( GainFilterImplementation::configure( nodeName, configNode ) ) return true; if (nodeName == "filter-time" ) { _TfInput.push_back( new InputValue( configNode, 1 ) ); return true; } return false; } double DerivativeFilterImplementation::compute( double dt, double input ) { double output = (input - _input_1) * _TfInput.get_value() * _gainInput.get_value() / dt; _input_1 = input; return output; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ MovingAverageFilterImplementation::MovingAverageFilterImplementation() : _output_1(0.0) { } void MovingAverageFilterImplementation::initialize( double output ) { _output_1 = output; } double MovingAverageFilterImplementation::compute( double dt, double input ) { std::deque::size_type samples = _samplesInput.get_value(); _inputQueue.resize(samples+1, 0.0); double output_0 = _output_1 + (input - _inputQueue.back()) / samples; _output_1 = output_0; _inputQueue.push_front(input); return output_0; } bool MovingAverageFilterImplementation::configure( const std::string & nodeName, SGPropertyNode_ptr configNode ) { if (nodeName == "samples" ) { _samplesInput.push_back( new InputValue( configNode, 1 ) ); return true; } return false; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ NoiseSpikeFilterImplementation::NoiseSpikeFilterImplementation() : _output_1(0.0) { } void NoiseSpikeFilterImplementation::initialize( double output ) { _output_1 = output; } double NoiseSpikeFilterImplementation::compute( double dt, double input ) { double maxChange = _rateOfChangeInput.get_value() * dt; double output_0 = _output_1; if (_output_1 - input > maxChange) { output_0 = _output_1 - maxChange; } else if( _output_1 - input < -maxChange ) { output_0 = _output_1 + maxChange; } else if (fabs(input - _output_1) <= maxChange) { output_0 = input; } _output_1 = output_0; return output_0; } bool NoiseSpikeFilterImplementation::configure( const std::string & nodeName, SGPropertyNode_ptr configNode ) { if (nodeName == "max-rate-of-change" ) { _rateOfChangeInput.push_back( new InputValue( configNode, 1 ) ); return true; } return false; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ ExponentialFilterImplementation::ExponentialFilterImplementation() : _isSecondOrder(false), output_1(0.0), output_2(0.0) { } void ExponentialFilterImplementation::initialize( double output ) { output_1 = output_2 = output; } double ExponentialFilterImplementation::compute( double dt, double input ) { input = GainFilterImplementation::compute( dt, input ); double output_0; double alpha = 1 / ((_TfInput.get_value()/dt) + 1); if(_isSecondOrder) { output_0 = alpha * alpha * input + 2 * (1 - alpha) * output_1 - (1 - alpha) * (1 - alpha) * output_2; } else { output_0 = alpha * input + (1 - alpha) * output_1; } output_2 = output_1; return (output_1 = output_0); } bool ExponentialFilterImplementation::configure( const std::string & nodeName, SGPropertyNode_ptr configNode ) { if( GainFilterImplementation::configure( nodeName, configNode ) ) return true; if (nodeName == "filter-time" ) { _TfInput.push_back( new InputValue( configNode, 1 ) ); return true; } if (nodeName == "type" ) { string type(configNode->getStringValue()); _isSecondOrder = type == "double-exponential"; } return false; } /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Digital Filter Component Implementation */ /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ DigitalFilter::DigitalFilter() : AnalogComponent() { } static map *> componentForge; bool DigitalFilter::configure(const string& nodeName, SGPropertyNode_ptr configNode) { if( componentForge.empty() ) { componentForge["gain"] = new CreateAndConfigureFunctor(); componentForge["exponential"] = new CreateAndConfigureFunctor(); componentForge["double-exponential"] = new CreateAndConfigureFunctor(); componentForge["moving-average"] = new CreateAndConfigureFunctor(); componentForge["noise-spike"] = new CreateAndConfigureFunctor(); componentForge["reciprocal"] = new CreateAndConfigureFunctor(); componentForge["derivative"] = new CreateAndConfigureFunctor(); } SG_LOG( SG_AUTOPILOT, SG_BULK, "DigitalFilter::configure(" << nodeName << ")" << endl ); if( AnalogComponent::configure( nodeName, configNode ) ) return true; if (nodeName == "type" ) { string type( configNode->getStringValue() ); if( componentForge.count(type) == 0 ) { SG_LOG( SG_AUTOPILOT, SG_BULK, "unhandled filter type <" << type << ">" << endl ); return true; } _implementation = (*componentForge[type])( configNode->getParent() ); return true; } SG_LOG( SG_AUTOPILOT, SG_BULK, "DigitalFilter::configure(" << nodeName << ") [unhandled]" << endl ); return false; // not handled by us, let the base class try } void DigitalFilter::update( bool firstTime, double dt) { if( _implementation == NULL ) return; if( firstTime ) { SG_LOG(SG_AUTOPILOT,SG_DEBUG, "First time initialization of " << get_name() << " to " << _valueInput.get_value() ); _implementation->initialize( _valueInput.get_value() ); } double input = _valueInput.get_value() - _referenceInput.get_value(); double output = _implementation->compute( dt, input ); set_output_value( output ); if(_debug) { cout << "input:" << input << "\toutput:" << output << endl; } }