#ifndef FG_TEST_GLOBALS_HELPERS_HXX #define FG_TEST_GLOBALS_HELPERS_HXX #include #include #include #include #include typedef std::vector SGGeodVec; namespace flightgear { class FlightPlan; typedef SGSharedPtr FlightPlanRef; } namespace FGTestApi { namespace setUp { void initTestGlobals(const std::string& testName); bool logPositionToKML(const std::string& testName); void initStandardNasal(); void populateFPWithoutNasal(flightgear::FlightPlanRef f, const std::string& depICAO, const std::string& depRunway, const std::string& destICAO, const std::string& destRunway, const std::string& waypoints); void populateFPWithNasal(flightgear::FlightPlanRef f, const std::string& depICAO, const std::string& depRunway, const std::string& destICAO, const std::string& destRunway, const std::string& waypoints); } // End of namespace setUp. void setPosition(const SGGeod& g); void runForTime(double t); using RunCheck = std::function; bool runForTimeWithCheck(double t, RunCheck check); void writeFlightPlanToKML(flightgear::FlightPlanRef fp); void writeGeodsToKML(const std::string &label, const SGGeodVec& geods); namespace tearDown { void shutdownTestGlobals(); } // End of namespace tearDown. } // End of namespace FGTestApi. #endif // of FG_TEST_GLOBALS_HELPERS_HXX