/*************************************************************************** TITLE: basic_aero ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUNCTION: aerodynamics model based on stability derivatives + tweaks for nonlinear aero ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MODULE STATUS: developmental ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- GENEALOGY: based on aero model from crrcsim code (Drela's aero model) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- DESIGNED BY: CODED BY: Michael Selig MAINTAINED BY: Michael Selig ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- MODIFICATION HISTORY: DATE PURPOSE BY 7/25/03 LaRCsim debugging purposes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- REFERENCES: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALLED BY: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- CALLS TO: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- INPUTS: ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUTPUTS: --------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ #include "ls_generic.h" #include "ls_cockpit.h" #include "ls_constants.h" #include "ls_types.h" #include "basic_aero.h" #include #include #ifdef USENZ #define NZ generic_.n_cg_body_v[2] #else #define NZ 1 #endif extern COCKPIT cockpit_; void basic_aero(SCALAR dt, int Initialize) // Calculate forces and moments for the current time step. If Initialize is // zero, then re-initialize coefficients by reading in the coefficient file. { static int init = 0; //static SCALAR elevator_drela, aileron_drela, rudder_drela; SCALAR C_ref; SCALAR B_ref; SCALAR S_ref; SCALAR U_ref; /* SCALAR Mass; */ /* SCALAR I_xx; */ /* SCALAR I_yy; */ /* SCALAR I_zz; */ /* SCALAR I_xz; */ SCALAR Alpha_0; SCALAR Cm_0; SCALAR CL_0; SCALAR CL_max; SCALAR CL_min; SCALAR CD_prof; SCALAR Uexp_CD; SCALAR CL_a; SCALAR Cm_a; SCALAR CY_b; SCALAR Cl_b; SCALAR Cn_b; SCALAR CL_q; SCALAR Cm_q; SCALAR CY_p; SCALAR Cl_p; SCALAR Cn_p; SCALAR CY_r; SCALAR Cl_r; SCALAR Cn_r; SCALAR CL_de; SCALAR Cm_de; SCALAR CY_dr; SCALAR Cl_dr; SCALAR Cn_dr; SCALAR CY_da; SCALAR Cl_da; SCALAR Cn_da; SCALAR eta_loc; SCALAR CG_arm; SCALAR CL_drop; SCALAR CD_stall = 0.05; int stalling; SCALAR span_eff; SCALAR CL_CD0; SCALAR CD_CLsq; SCALAR CD_AIsq; SCALAR CD_ELsq; SCALAR Phat, Qhat, Rhat; // dimensionless rotation rates SCALAR CL_left, CL_cent, CL_right; // CL values across the span SCALAR dCL_left,dCL_cent,dCL_right; // stall-induced CL changes SCALAR dCD_left,dCD_cent,dCD_right; // stall-induced CD changes SCALAR dCl,dCn,dCl_stall,dCn_stall; // stall-induced roll,yaw moments SCALAR dCm_stall; // Stall induced pitching moment. SCALAR CL_wing, CD_all, CD_scaled, Cl_w; SCALAR Cl_r_mod,Cn_p_mod; SCALAR CL_drela,CD_drela,Cx_drela,Cy_drela,Cz_drela,Cl_drela,Cm_drela,Cn_drela; SCALAR QS; /* SCALAR G_11,G_12,G_13; SCALAR G_21,G_22,G_23; SCALAR G_31,G_32,G_33; SCALAR U_body_X,U_body_Y,U_body_Z; SCALAR V_body_X,V_body_Y,V_body_Z; SCALAR W_body_X,W_body_Y,W_body_Z; */ SCALAR P_atmo,Q_atmo,R_atmo; // set the parameters C_ref = 0.551667; B_ref = 6.55000; S_ref = 3.61111; U_ref = 19.6850; Alpha_0 = 0.349066E-01; Cm_0 = -0.112663E-01; CL_0 = 0.563172; CL_max = 1.10000; CL_min = -0.600000; CD_prof = 0.200000E-01; Uexp_CD = -0.500000; CL_a = 5.50360; Cm_a = -0.575335; CY_b = -0.415610; Cl_b = -0.250926; Cn_b = 0.567069E-01; CL_q = 7.50999; Cm_q = -11.4975; CY_p = -0.423820; Cl_p = -0.611798; Cn_p = -0.740898E-01; CY_r = 0.297540; Cl_r = 0.139581; Cn_r = -0.687755E-01; CL_de = 0.162000; Cm_de = -0.597537; CY_dr = 0.000000E+00; Cl_dr = 0.000000E+00; Cn_dr = 0.000000E+00; CY_da = -0.135890; Cl_da = -0.307921E-02; Cn_da = 0.527143E-01; span_eff = 0.95; CL_CD0 = 0.0; CD_CLsq = 0.01; CD_AIsq = 0.0; CD_ELsq = 0.0; eta_loc = 0.3; CG_arm = 0.25; CL_drop = 0.5; if (!init) { init = -1; } // jan's data goes -.5 to .5 while // fgfs data goes +- 1. // so I need to divide by 2 below. elevator = Long_control + Long_trim; aileron = Lat_control; rudder = Rudder_pedal; elevator = elevator * 0.5; aileron = aileron * 0.5; rudder = rudder * 0.5; // printf("%f\n",V_rel_wind); /* compute gradients of Local velocities w.r.t. Body coordinates G_11 = dU_local/dx_body G_12 = dU_local/dy_body etc. */ /* G_11 = U_atmo_X*T_local_to_body_11 + U_atmo_Y*T_local_to_body_12 + U_atmo_Z*T_local_to_body_13; G_12 = U_atmo_X*T_local_to_body_21 + U_atmo_Y*T_local_to_body_22 + U_atmo_Z*T_local_to_body_23; G_13 = U_atmo_X*T_local_to_body_31 + U_atmo_Y*T_local_to_body_32 + U_atmo_Z*T_local_to_body_33; G_21 = V_atmo_X*T_local_to_body_11 + V_atmo_Y*T_local_to_body_12 + V_atmo_Z*T_local_to_body_13; G_22 = V_atmo_X*T_local_to_body_21 + V_atmo_Y*T_local_to_body_22 + V_atmo_Z*T_local_to_body_23; G_23 = V_atmo_X*T_local_to_body_31 + V_atmo_Y*T_local_to_body_32 + V_atmo_Z*T_local_to_body_33; G_31 = W_atmo_X*T_local_to_body_11 + W_atmo_Y*T_local_to_body_12 + W_atmo_Z*T_local_to_body_13; G_32 = W_atmo_X*T_local_to_body_21 + W_atmo_Y*T_local_to_body_22 + W_atmo_Z*T_local_to_body_23; G_33 = W_atmo_X*T_local_to_body_31 + W_atmo_Y*T_local_to_body_32 + W_atmo_Z*T_local_to_body_33; */ //printf("%f %f %f %f\n",W_atmo_X,W_atmo_Y,G_31,G_32); /* now compute gradients of Body velocities w.r.t. Body coordinates */ /* U_body_x = dU_body/dx_body etc. */ /* U_body_X = T_local_to_body_11*G_11 + T_local_to_body_12*G_21 + T_local_to_body_13*G_31; U_body_Y = T_local_to_body_11*G_12 + T_local_to_body_12*G_22 + T_local_to_body_13*G_32; U_body_Z = T_local_to_body_11*G_13 + T_local_to_body_12*G_23 + T_local_to_body_13*G_33; V_body_X = T_local_to_body_21*G_11 + T_local_to_body_22*G_21 + T_local_to_body_23*G_31; V_body_Y = T_local_to_body_21*G_12 + T_local_to_body_22*G_22 + T_local_to_body_23*G_32; V_body_Z = T_local_to_body_21*G_13 + T_local_to_body_22*G_23 + T_local_to_body_23*G_33; W_body_X = T_local_to_body_31*G_11 + T_local_to_body_32*G_21 + T_local_to_body_33*G_31; W_body_Y = T_local_to_body_31*G_12 + T_local_to_body_32*G_22 + T_local_to_body_33*G_32; W_body_Z = T_local_to_body_31*G_13 + T_local_to_body_32*G_23 + T_local_to_body_33*G_33; */ /* set rotation rates of airmass motion */ /* BUG P_atmo = W_body_X; Q_atmo = -W_body_Y; R_atmo = V_body_Z; */ /* P_atmo = W_body_Y; Q_atmo = -W_body_X; R_atmo = V_body_X; */ P_atmo = 0; Q_atmo = 0; R_atmo = 0; // printf("%f %f %f\n",P_atmo,Q_atmo,R_atmo); if (V_rel_wind != 0) { /* set net effective dimensionless rotation rates */ Phat = (P_body - P_atmo) * B_ref / (2.0*V_rel_wind); Qhat = (Q_body - Q_atmo) * C_ref / (2.0*V_rel_wind); Rhat = (R_body - R_atmo) * B_ref / (2.0*V_rel_wind); } else { Phat=0; Qhat=0; Rhat=0; } // printf("Phat: %f Qhat: %f Rhat: %f\n",Phat,Qhat,Rhat); /* compute local CL at three spanwise locations */ CL_left = CL_0 + CL_a*(Std_Alpha - Alpha_0 - Phat*eta_loc); CL_cent = CL_0 + CL_a*(Std_Alpha - Alpha_0 ); CL_right = CL_0 + CL_a*(Std_Alpha - Alpha_0 + Phat*eta_loc); // printf("CL_left: %f CL_cent: %f CL_right: %f\n",CL_left,CL_cent,CL_right); /* set CL-limit changes */ dCL_left = 0.; dCL_cent = 0.; dCL_right = 0.; stalling=0; if (CL_left > CL_max) { dCL_left = CL_max-CL_left -CL_drop; stalling=1; } if (CL_cent > CL_max) { dCL_cent = CL_max-CL_cent -CL_drop; stalling=1; } if (CL_right > CL_max) { dCL_right = CL_max-CL_right -CL_drop; stalling=1; } if (CL_left < CL_min) { dCL_left = CL_min-CL_left -CL_drop; stalling=1; } if (CL_cent < CL_min) { dCL_cent = CL_min-CL_cent -CL_drop; stalling=1; } if (CL_right < CL_min) { dCL_right = CL_min-CL_right -CL_drop; stalling=1; } /* set average wing CL */ CL_wing = CL_0 + CL_a*(Std_Alpha-Alpha_0) + 0.25*dCL_left + 0.5*dCL_cent + 0.25*dCL_right; // printf("CL_wing: %f\n",CL_wing); /* correct profile CD for CL dependence and aileron dependence */ CD_all = CD_prof + CD_CLsq*(CL_wing-CL_CD0)*(CL_wing-CL_CD0) + CD_AIsq*aileron*aileron + CD_ELsq*elevator*elevator; // printf("CD_all:%lf\n",CD_all); /* scale profile CD with Reynolds number via simple power law */ if (V_rel_wind > 0.1) { CD_scaled = CD_all*pow(((double)V_rel_wind/(double)U_ref),Uexp_CD); } else { CD_scaled=CD_all; } // printf("CD_scaled:%lf\n",CD_scaled); /* Scale lateral cross-coupling derivatives with wing CL */ Cl_r_mod = Cl_r*CL_wing/CL_0; Cn_p_mod = Cn_p*CL_wing/CL_0; // printf("Cl_r_mod: %f Cn_p_mod: %f\n",Cl_r_mod,Cn_p_mod); /* total average CD with induced and stall contributions */ dCD_left = CD_stall*dCL_left *dCL_left ; dCD_cent = CD_stall*dCL_cent *dCL_cent ; dCD_right = CD_stall*dCL_right*dCL_right; /* total CL, with pitch rate and elevator contributions */ CL_drela = (CL_wing + CL_q*Qhat + CL_de*elevator)*Cos_alpha; // printf("CL:%f\n",CL); /* assymetric stall will cause roll and yaw moments */ dCl = 0.45*-1*(dCL_right-dCL_left)*0.5*eta_loc; dCn = 0.45*(dCD_right-dCD_left)*0.5*eta_loc; dCm_stall = (0.25*dCL_left + 0.5*dCL_cent + 0.25*dCL_right)*CG_arm; // printf("dCl: %f dCn:%f\n",dCl,dCn); /* stall-caused moments in body axes */ dCl_stall = dCl*Cos_alpha - dCn*Sin_alpha; dCn_stall = dCl*Sin_alpha + dCn*Cos_alpha; /* total CD, with induced and stall contributions */ Cl_w = Cl_b*Std_Beta + Cl_p*Phat + Cl_r_mod*Rhat + dCl_stall + Cl_da*aileron; CD_drela = CD_scaled + (CL*CL + 32.0*Cl_w*Cl_w)*S_ref/(B_ref*B_ref*3.14159*span_eff) + 0.25*dCD_left + 0.5*dCD_cent + 0.25*dCD_right; //printf("CL: %f CD:%f L/D:%f\n",CL,CD,CL/CD); /* total forces in body axes */ Cx_drela = -CD_drela*Cos_alpha + CL_drela*Sin_alpha*Cos_beta*Cos_beta; Cz_drela = -CD_drela*Sin_alpha - CL_drela*Cos_alpha*Cos_beta*Cos_beta; Cy_drela = CY_b*Std_Beta + CY_p*Phat + CY_r*Rhat + CY_dr*rudder; /* total moments in body axes */ Cl_drela = Cl_b*Std_Beta + Cl_p*Phat + Cl_r_mod*Rhat + Cl_dr*rudder + dCl_stall + Cl_da*aileron; Cn_drela = Cn_b*Std_Beta + Cn_p_mod*Phat + Cn_r*Rhat + Cn_dr*rudder + dCn_stall + Cn_da*aileron; Cm_drela = Cm_0 + Cm_a*(Std_Alpha-Alpha_0) +dCm_stall + Cm_q*Qhat + Cm_de*elevator; /* set dimensional forces and moments */ QS = 0.5*Density*V_rel_wind*V_rel_wind * S_ref; F_X_aero = Cx_drela * QS; F_Y_aero = Cy_drela * QS; F_Z_aero = Cz_drela * QS; M_l_aero = Cl_drela * QS * B_ref; M_m_aero = Cm_drela * QS * C_ref; M_n_aero = Cn_drela * QS * B_ref; // printf("%f %f %f %f %f %f\n",F_X_aero,F_Y_aero,F_Z_aero,M_l_aero,M_m_aero,M_n_aero); }