// tcas.cxx -- Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System (TCAS) Emulation // // Written by Thorsten Brehm, started December 2010. // // Copyright (C) 2010 Thorsten Brehm - brehmt (at) gmail com // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /* References: * * [TCASII] Introduction to TCAS II Version 7, Federal Aviation Administration, November 2000 * http://www.arinc.com/downloads/tcas/tcas.pdf * * [EUROACAS] Eurocontrol Airborne Collision Avoidance System (ACAS), * http://www.eurocontrol.int/msa/public/standard_page/ACAS_Startpage.html * * Glossary: * * ALIM: Altitude Limit * * CPA: Closest point of approach as computed from a threat's range and range rate. * * DMOD: Distance MODification * * Intruder: A target that has satisfied the traffic detection criteria. * * Proximity target: Any target that is less than 6 nmi in range and within +/-1200ft * vertically, but that does not meet the intruder or threat criteria. * * RA: Resolution advisory. An indication given by TCAS II to a flight crew that a * vertical maneuver should, or in some cases should not, be performed to attain or * maintain safe separation from a threat. * * SL: Sensitivity Level. A value used in defining the size of the protected volume * around the own aircraft. * * TA: Traffic Advisory. An indication given by TCAS to the pilot when an aircraft has * entered, or is projected to enter, the protected volume around the own aircraft. * * Tau: Approximation of the time, in seconds, to CPA or to the aircraft being at the * same altitude. * * TCAS: Traffic alert and Collision Avoidance System */ /* Module properties: * * serviceable enable/disable TCAS processing * * voice/file-prefix path (and optional prefix) for sound sample files * (only evaluated at start-up) * * inputs/mode TCAS mode selection: 0=off,1=standby,2=TA only,3=auto(TA/RA) * inputs/self-test trigger self-test sequence * * outputs/traffic-alert intruder detected (true=TA-threat is active, includes RA-threats) * outputs/advisory-alert resolution advisory is issued (true=advisory is valid) * outputs/vertical-speed vertical speed required by advisory (+/-2000/1500/500/0) * * speaker/max-dist Max. distance where speaker is heard * speaker/reference-dist Distance to pilot * speaker/volume Volume at reference distance * * debug/threat-trigger trigger debugging test (in debug mode only) * debug/threat-RA debugging RA value (in debug mode only) * debug/threat-level debugging threat level (in debug mode only) */ #ifdef _MSC_VER # pragma warning( disable: 4355 ) #endif #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include <config.h> #endif #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> #include <assert.h> #include <cmath> #include <string> #include <sstream> #include <simgear/constants.h> #include <simgear/sg_inlines.h> #include <simgear/debug/logstream.hxx> #include <simgear/math/sg_geodesy.hxx> #include <simgear/sound/soundmgr.hxx> #include <simgear/sound/sample_group.hxx> #include <simgear/structure/exception.hxx> using std::string; #include <Include/version.h> /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // debug switches ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //#define FEATURE_TCAS_DEBUG_ANNUNCIATOR //#define FEATURE_TCAS_DEBUG_COORDINATOR //#define FEATURE_TCAS_DEBUG_THREAT_DETECTOR //#define FEATURE_TCAS_DEBUG_TRACKER //#define FEATURE_TCAS_DEBUG_ADV_GENERATOR //#define FEATURE_TCAS_DEBUG_PROPERTIES #include <Main/fg_props.hxx> #include <Main/globals.hxx> #include "instrument_mgr.hxx" #include "tcas.hxx" /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // constants ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** Sensitivity Level Definition and Alarm Thresholds (TCASII, Version 7) * Max Own | |TA-level |RA-level * Altitude(ft) | SL |Tau(s),DMOD(nm),ALIM(ft)|Tau(s),DMOD(nm),ALIM(ft) */ const TCAS::SensitivityLevel TCAS::ThreatDetector::sensitivityLevels[] = { { 1000, 2, {20, 0.30, 850}, {0, 0, 0 }}, { 2350, 3, {25, 0.33, 850}, {15, 0.20, 300}}, { 5000, 4, {30, 0.48, 850}, {20, 0.35, 300}}, {10000, 5, {40, 0.75, 850}, {25, 0.55, 350}}, {20000, 6, {45, 1.00, 850}, {30, 0.80, 400}}, {42000, 7, {48, 1.30, 850}, {35, 1.10, 600}}, {0, 8, {48, 1.30, 1200}, {35, 1.10, 700}} }; /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // helpers //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define ADD_VOICE(Var, Sample, SayTwice) \ { make_voice(&Var); \ append(Var, Sample); \ if (SayTwice) append(Var, Sample); } #define AVAILABLE_RA(Options, Advisory) (Advisory == (Advisory & Options)) #ifdef FEATURE_TCAS_DEBUG_THREAT_DETECTOR /** calculate relative angle in between two headings */ static float relAngle(float Heading1, float Heading2) { Heading1 -= Heading2; while (Heading1 >= 360.0) Heading1 -= 360.0; while (Heading1 < 0.0) Heading1 += 360; return Heading1; } #endif /** calculate range and bearing of lat2/lon2 relative to lat1/lon1 */ static void calcRangeBearing(double lat1, double lon1, double lat2, double lon2, double &rangeNm, double &bearing) { // calculate the bearing and range of the second pos from the first double az2, distanceM; geo_inverse_wgs_84(lat1, lon1, lat2, lon2, &bearing, &az2, &distanceM); rangeNm = distanceM * SG_METER_TO_NM; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // VoicePlayer //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void TCAS::VoicePlayer::init(void) { FGVoicePlayer::init(); ADD_VOICE(Voices.pTrafficTraffic, "traffic", true); ADD_VOICE(Voices.pClear, "clear", false); ADD_VOICE(Voices.pClimb, "climb", true); ADD_VOICE(Voices.pClimbNow, "climb_now", true); ADD_VOICE(Voices.pClimbCrossing, "climb_crossing", true); ADD_VOICE(Voices.pClimbIncrease, "increase_climb", false); ADD_VOICE(Voices.pDescend, "descend", true); ADD_VOICE(Voices.pDescendNow, "descend_now", true); ADD_VOICE(Voices.pDescendCrossing,"descend_crossing", true); ADD_VOICE(Voices.pDescendIncrease,"increase_descent", false); ADD_VOICE(Voices.pAdjustVSpeed, "adjust_vertical_speed", false); ADD_VOICE(Voices.pMaintVSpeed, "maintain_vertical_speed", false); ADD_VOICE(Voices.pMonitorVSpeed, "monitor_vertical_speed", false); ADD_VOICE(Voices.pLevelOff, "level_off", false); ADD_VOICE(Voices.pTestOk, "test_ok", false); ADD_VOICE(Voices.pTestFail, "test_fail", false); speaker.update_configuration(); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TCAS::Annunciator //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TCAS::Annunciator::Annunciator(TCAS* _tcas) : tcas(_tcas), pLastVoice(NULL), voicePlayer(_tcas) { clear(); } void TCAS::Annunciator::clear(void) { previous.threatLevel = ThreatNone; previous.RA = AdvisoryClear; previous.RAOption = OptionNone; pLastVoice = NULL; } void TCAS::Annunciator::bind(SGPropertyNode* node) { voicePlayer.bind(node, "Sounds/tcas/female/"); } void TCAS::Annunciator::init(void) { //TODO link to GPWS module/audio-on signal must be configurable nodeGpwsAlertOn = fgGetNode("/instrumentation/mk-viii/outputs/discretes/audio-on", true); voicePlayer.init(); } void TCAS::Annunciator::update(void) { voicePlayer.update(); /* [TCASII]: "The priority scheme gives ground proximity warning systems (GPWS) * a higher annunciation priority than a TCAS alert. TCAS aural annunciation will * be inhibited during the time that a GPWS alert is active." */ if (nodeGpwsAlertOn->getBoolValue()) voicePlayer.pause(); else voicePlayer.resume(); } /** Trigger voice sample for current alert. */ void TCAS::Annunciator::trigger(const ResolutionAdvisory& current, bool revertedRA) { int RA = current.RA; int RAOption = current.RAOption; if (RA == AdvisoryClear) { if (previous.RA != AdvisoryClear) { voicePlayer.play(voicePlayer.Voices.pClear, VoicePlayer::PLAY_NOW); previous = current; } pLastVoice = NULL; return; } if ((previous.RA == AdvisoryClear)|| (tcas->tracker.newTraffic())) { voicePlayer.play(voicePlayer.Voices.pTrafficTraffic, VoicePlayer::PLAY_NOW); } // pick voice sample VoicePlayer::Voice* pVoice = NULL; switch(RA) { case AdvisoryClimb: if (revertedRA) pVoice = voicePlayer.Voices.pClimbNow; else if (AVAILABLE_RA(RAOption, OptionIncreaseClimb)) pVoice = voicePlayer.Voices.pClimbIncrease; else if (AVAILABLE_RA(RAOption, OptionCrossingClimb)) pVoice = voicePlayer.Voices.pClimbCrossing; else pVoice = voicePlayer.Voices.pClimb; break; case AdvisoryDescend: if (revertedRA) pVoice = voicePlayer.Voices.pDescendNow; else if (AVAILABLE_RA(RAOption, OptionIncreaseDescend)) pVoice = voicePlayer.Voices.pDescendIncrease; else if (AVAILABLE_RA(RAOption, OptionCrossingDescent)) pVoice = voicePlayer.Voices.pDescendCrossing; else pVoice = voicePlayer.Voices.pDescend; break; case AdvisoryAdjustVSpeed: pVoice = voicePlayer.Voices.pAdjustVSpeed; break; case AdvisoryMaintVSpeed: pVoice = voicePlayer.Voices.pMaintVSpeed; break; case AdvisoryMonitorVSpeed: pVoice = voicePlayer.Voices.pMonitorVSpeed; break; case AdvisoryLevelOff: pVoice = voicePlayer.Voices.pLevelOff; break; case AdvisoryIntrusion: break; default: RA = AdvisoryIntrusion; break; } previous = current; if ((pLastVoice == pVoice)&& (!tcas->tracker.newTraffic())) { // don't repeat annunciation return; } pLastVoice = pVoice; if (pVoice) voicePlayer.play(pVoice); #ifdef FEATURE_TCAS_DEBUG_ANNUNCIATOR cout << "Annunciating TCAS RA " << RA << endl; #endif } void TCAS::Annunciator::test(bool testOk) { if (testOk) voicePlayer.play(voicePlayer.Voices.pTestOk); else voicePlayer.play(voicePlayer.Voices.pTestFail); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TCAS::AdvisoryCoordinator //////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TCAS::AdvisoryCoordinator::AdvisoryCoordinator(TCAS* _tcas) : tcas(_tcas), lastTATime(0) { init(); } void TCAS::AdvisoryCoordinator::init(void) { reinit(); } void TCAS::AdvisoryCoordinator::reinit(void) { clear(); previous = current; } void TCAS::AdvisoryCoordinator::bind(SGPropertyNode* node) { nodeTAWarning = node->getNode("outputs/traffic-alert", true); nodeTAWarning->setBoolValue(false); } void TCAS::AdvisoryCoordinator::clear(void) { current.threatLevel = ThreatNone; current.RA = AdvisoryClear; current.RAOption = OptionNone; } /** Add all suitable resolution advisories for a single threat. */ void TCAS::AdvisoryCoordinator::add(const ResolutionAdvisory& newAdvisory) { if ((newAdvisory.RA == AdvisoryClear)|| (newAdvisory.threatLevel < current.threatLevel)) return; if (current.threatLevel == newAdvisory.threatLevel) { // combine with other advisories so far current.RA &= newAdvisory.RA; // remember any advisory modifier current.RAOption |= newAdvisory.RAOption; } else { current = newAdvisory; } } /** Pick and trigger suitable resolution advisory. */ void TCAS::AdvisoryCoordinator::update(int mode) { bool revertedRA = false; // has advisory changed? double currentTime = globals->get_sim_time_sec(); if (current.RA == AdvisoryClear) { // filter: wait 5 seconds after last TA/RA before announcing TA clearance if ((previous.RA != AdvisoryClear)&& (currentTime - lastTATime < 5.0)) return; } else { // intruder detected #ifdef FEATURE_TCAS_DEBUG_COORDINATOR cout << "TCAS::Annunciator::update: previous: " << previous.RA << ", new: " << current.RA << endl; #endif lastTATime = currentTime; if ((previous.RA == AdvisoryClear)|| (previous.RA == AdvisoryIntrusion)|| ((current.RA & previous.RA) != previous.RA)) { // no RA yet, or we can't keep previous RA: pick one - in order of priority if (AVAILABLE_RA(current.RA, AdvisoryMonitorVSpeed)) { // prio 1: monitor vertical speed only current.RA = AdvisoryMonitorVSpeed; } else if (AVAILABLE_RA(current.RA, AdvisoryMaintVSpeed)) { // prio 2: maintain vertical speed current.RA = AdvisoryMaintVSpeed; } else if (AVAILABLE_RA(current.RA, AdvisoryAdjustVSpeed)) { // prio 3: adjust vertical speed (TCAS II 7.0 only) current.RA = AdvisoryAdjustVSpeed; } else if (AVAILABLE_RA(current.RA, AdvisoryLevelOff)) { // prio 3: adjust vertical speed (TCAS II 7.1 only, [EUROACAS]: CP115) current.RA = AdvisoryLevelOff; } else if (AVAILABLE_RA(current.RA, AdvisoryClimb)) { // prio 4: climb current.RA = AdvisoryClimb; } else if (AVAILABLE_RA(current.RA, AdvisoryDescend)) { // prio 5: descend current.RA = AdvisoryDescend; } else { // no RA, issue a TA only current.RA = AdvisoryIntrusion; } // check if earlier advisory was reverted revertedRA = ((previous.RA != current.RA)&& (previous.RA != 0)&& (previous.RA != AdvisoryIntrusion)); } else { // keep earlier RA current.RA = previous.RA; } } /* [TCASII]: "Aural annunciations are inhibited below 500+/-100 feet AGL." */ if ((tcas->threatDetector.getRadarAlt() > 500)&& (mode >= SwitchTaOnly)) tcas->annunciator.trigger(current, revertedRA); else if (current.RA == AdvisoryClear) { /* explicitly clear traffic alert (since aural annunciation disabled) */ tcas->annunciator.clear(); } previous = current; /* [TCASII] "[..] also performs the function of setting flags that control the displays. * The traffic display, the RA display, [..] use these flags to alert the pilot to * the presence of TAs and RAs." */ nodeTAWarning->setBoolValue(current.RA != AdvisoryClear); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TCAS::ThreatDetector /////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TCAS::ThreatDetector::ThreatDetector(TCAS* _tcas) : tcas(_tcas), pAlarmThresholds(&sensitivityLevels[0]) { #ifdef FEATURE_TCAS_DEBUG_THREAT_DETECTOR checkCount = 0; #endif self.radarAltFt = 0.0; unitTest(); } void TCAS::ThreatDetector::init(void) { nodeLat = fgGetNode("/position/latitude-deg", true); nodeLon = fgGetNode("/position/longitude-deg", true); nodePressureAlt = fgGetNode("/position/altitude-ft", true); nodeRadarAlt = fgGetNode("/position/altitude-agl-ft", true); nodeHeading = fgGetNode("/orientation/heading-deg", true); nodeVelocity = fgGetNode("/velocities/airspeed-kt", true); nodeVerticalFps = fgGetNode("/velocities/vertical-speed-fps", true); tcas->advisoryGenerator.init(&self,¤tThreat); } /** Update local position and threat sensitivity levels. */ void TCAS::ThreatDetector::update(void) { // update local position self.lat = nodeLat->getDoubleValue(); self.lon = nodeLon->getDoubleValue(); self.pressureAltFt = nodePressureAlt->getDoubleValue(); self.heading = nodeHeading->getDoubleValue(); self.velocityKt = nodeVelocity->getDoubleValue(); self.verticalFps = nodeVerticalFps->getDoubleValue(); /* radar altimeter provides a lot of spikes due to uneven terrain * MK-VIII GPWS-spec requires smoothing the radar altitude with a * 10second moving average. Likely the TCAS spec requires the same. * => We use a cheap 10 second exponential average method. */ const double SmoothingFactor = 0.3; self.radarAltFt = nodeRadarAlt->getDoubleValue()*SmoothingFactor + (1-SmoothingFactor)*self.radarAltFt; #ifdef FEATURE_TCAS_DEBUG_THREAT_DETECTOR printf("TCAS::ThreatDetector::update: radarAlt = %f\n",self.radarAltFt); checkCount = 0; #endif // determine current altitude's "Sensitivity Level Definition and Alarm Thresholds" int sl=0; for (sl=0;((self.radarAltFt > sensitivityLevels[sl].maxAltitude)&& (sensitivityLevels[sl].maxAltitude));sl++); pAlarmThresholds = &sensitivityLevels[sl]; tcas->advisoryGenerator.setAlarmThresholds(pAlarmThresholds); } /** Check if plane's transponder is enabled. */ bool TCAS::ThreatDetector::checkTransponder(const SGPropertyNode* pModel, float velocityKt) { const string name = pModel->getName(); if (name != "multiplayer" && name != "aircraft") { // assume non-MP/non-AI planes (e.g. ships) have no transponder return false; } if (velocityKt < 40) { /* assume all pilots have their transponder switched off while taxiing/parking * (at low speed) */ return false; } if ((name == "multiplayer")&& (pModel->getBoolValue("controls/invisible"))) { // ignored MP plane: pretend transponder is switched off return false; } return true; } /** Check if plane is a threat. */ int TCAS::ThreatDetector::checkThreat(int mode, const SGPropertyNode* pModel) { #ifdef FEATURE_TCAS_DEBUG_THREAT_DETECTOR checkCount++; #endif if (!pModel->getBoolValue("valid", true)) return ThreatInvisible; float velocityKt = pModel->getDoubleValue("velocities/true-airspeed-kt"); if (!checkTransponder(pModel, velocityKt)) return ThreatInvisible; int threatLevel = ThreatNone; float altFt = pModel->getDoubleValue("position/altitude-ft"); currentThreat.relativeAltitudeFt = altFt - self.pressureAltFt; // save computation time: don't care when relative altitude is excessive if (fabs(currentThreat.relativeAltitudeFt) > 10000) return threatLevel; // position data of current intruder double lat = pModel->getDoubleValue("position/latitude-deg"); double lon = pModel->getDoubleValue("position/longitude-deg"); float heading = pModel->getDoubleValue("orientation/true-heading-deg"); double distanceNm, bearing; calcRangeBearing(self.lat, self.lon, lat, lon, distanceNm, bearing); // save computation time: don't care for excessive distances (also captures NaNs...) if ((distanceNm > 10)||(distanceNm < 0)) return threatLevel; currentThreat.verticalFps = pModel->getDoubleValue("velocities/vertical-speed-fps"); /* Detect proximity targets * [TCASII]: "Any target that is less than 6 nmi in range and within +/-1200ft * vertically, but that does not meet the intruder or threat criteria." */ if ((distanceNm < 6)&& (fabs(currentThreat.relativeAltitudeFt) < 1200)) { // at least a proximity target threatLevel = ThreatProximity; } /* do not detect any threats when in standby or on ground and taxiing */ if ((mode <= SwitchStandby)|| ((self.radarAltFt < 360)&&(self.velocityKt < 40))) { return threatLevel; } if (tcas->tracker.active()) { currentThreat.callsign = pModel->getStringValue("callsign"); currentThreat.isTracked = tcas->tracker.isTracked(currentThreat.callsign); } else currentThreat.isTracked = false; // first stage: vertical movement checkVerticalThreat(); // stop processing when no vertical threat if ((!currentThreat.verticalTA)&& (!currentThreat.isTracked)) return threatLevel; // second stage: horizontal movement horizontalThreat(bearing, distanceNm, heading, velocityKt); if (!currentThreat.isTracked) { // no horizontal threat? if (!currentThreat.horizontalTA) return threatLevel; if ((currentThreat.horizontalTau < 0)|| (currentThreat.verticalTau < 0)) { // do not trigger new alerts when Tau is negative, but keep existing alerts int previousThreatLevel = pModel->getIntValue("tcas/threat-level", 0); if (previousThreatLevel == 0) return threatLevel; } } #ifdef FEATURE_TCAS_DEBUG_THREAT_DETECTOR cout << "#" << checkCount << ": " << pModel->getStringValue("callsign") << endl; #endif /* [TCASII]: "For either a TA or an RA to be issued, both the range and * vertical criteria, in terms of tau or the fixed thresholds, must be * satisfied only one of the criteria is satisfied, TCAS will not issue * an advisory." */ if (currentThreat.horizontalTA && currentThreat.verticalTA) threatLevel = ThreatTA; if (currentThreat.horizontalRA && currentThreat.verticalRA) threatLevel = ThreatRA; if (!tcas->tracker.active()) currentThreat.callsign = pModel->getStringValue("callsign"); tcas->tracker.add(currentThreat.callsign, threatLevel); // check existing threat level if (currentThreat.isTracked) { int oldLevel = tcas->tracker.getThreatLevel(currentThreat.callsign); if (oldLevel > threatLevel) threatLevel = oldLevel; } // find all resolution options for this conflict threatLevel = tcas->advisoryGenerator.resolution(mode, threatLevel, distanceNm, altFt, heading, velocityKt); #ifdef FEATURE_TCAS_DEBUG_THREAT_DETECTOR printf(" threat: distance: %4.1f, bearing: %4.1f, alt: %5.1f, velocity: %4.1f, heading: %4.1f, vspeed: %4.1f, " "own alt: %5.1f, own heading: %4.1f, own velocity: %4.1f, vertical tau: %3.2f" //", closing speed: %f" "\n", distanceNm, relAngle(bearing, self.heading), altFt, velocityKt, heading, currentThreat.verticalFps, self.altFt, self.heading, self.velocityKt //, currentThreat.closingSpeedKt ,currentThreat.verticalTau ); #endif return threatLevel; } /** Check if plane is a vertical threat. */ void TCAS::ThreatDetector::checkVerticalThreat(void) { // calculate relative vertical speed and altitude float dV = self.verticalFps - currentThreat.verticalFps; float dA = currentThreat.relativeAltitudeFt; currentThreat.verticalTA = false; currentThreat.verticalRA = false; currentThreat.verticalTau = 0; /* [TCASII]: "The vertical tau is equal to the altitude separation (feet) * divided by the combined vertical speed of the two aircraft (feet/minute) * times 60." */ float tau = 0; if (fabs(dV) > 0.1) tau = dA/dV; /* [TCASII]: "When the combined vertical speed of the TCAS and the intruder aircraft * is low, TCAS will use a fixed-altitude threshold to determine whether a TA or * an RA should be issued." */ if ((fabs(dV) < 3.0)|| ((tau < 0) && (tau > -5))) { /* vertical closing speed is low (below 180fpm/3fps), check * fixed altitude range. */ float abs_dA = fabs(dA); if (abs_dA < pAlarmThresholds->RA.ALIM) { // continuous intrusion at RA-level currentThreat.verticalTA = true; currentThreat.verticalRA = true; } else if (abs_dA < pAlarmThresholds->TA.ALIM) { // continuous intrusion: with TA-level, but no RA-threat currentThreat.verticalTA = true; } // else: no RA/TA threat } else { if ((tau < pAlarmThresholds->TA.Tau)&& (tau >= -5)) { currentThreat.verticalTA = true; currentThreat.verticalRA = (tau < pAlarmThresholds->RA.Tau); } } currentThreat.verticalTau = tau; #ifdef FEATURE_TCAS_DEBUG_THREAT_DETECTOR if (currentThreat.verticalTA) printf(" vertical dV=%f (%f-%f), dA=%f\n", dV, self.verticalFps, currentThreat.verticalFps, dA); #endif } /** Check if plane is a horizontal threat. */ void TCAS::ThreatDetector::horizontalThreat(float bearing, float distanceNm, float heading, float velocityKt) { // calculate speed float vxKt = sin(heading*SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS)*velocityKt - sin(self.heading*SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS)*self.velocityKt; float vyKt = cos(heading*SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS)*velocityKt - cos(self.heading*SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS)*self.velocityKt; // calculate horizontal closing speed float closingSpeedKt2 = vxKt*vxKt+vyKt*vyKt; float closingSpeedKt = sqrt(closingSpeedKt2); /* [TCASII]: "The range tau is equal to the slant range (nmi) divided by the closing speed * (knots) multiplied by 3600." * => calculate allowed slant range (nmi) based on known maximum tau */ float TA_rangeNm = (pAlarmThresholds->TA.Tau*closingSpeedKt)/3600; float RA_rangeNm = (pAlarmThresholds->RA.Tau*closingSpeedKt)/3600; if (closingSpeedKt < 100) { /* [TCASII]: "In events where the rate of closure is very low, [..] * an intruder aircraft can come very close in range without crossing the * range tau boundaries [..]. To provide protection in these types of * advisories, the range tau boundaries are modified [..] to use * a fixed-range threshold to issue TAs and RAs in these slow closure * encounters." */ TA_rangeNm += (100.0-closingSpeedKt)*(pAlarmThresholds->TA.DMOD/100.0); RA_rangeNm += (100.0-closingSpeedKt)*(pAlarmThresholds->RA.DMOD/100.0); } if (TA_rangeNm < pAlarmThresholds->TA.DMOD) TA_rangeNm = pAlarmThresholds->TA.DMOD; if (RA_rangeNm < pAlarmThresholds->RA.DMOD) RA_rangeNm = pAlarmThresholds->RA.DMOD; currentThreat.horizontalTA = (distanceNm < TA_rangeNm); currentThreat.horizontalRA = (distanceNm < RA_rangeNm); currentThreat.horizontalTau = -1; if ((currentThreat.horizontalRA)&& (currentThreat.verticalRA)) { /* an RA will be issued. Prepare extra data for the * traffic resolution stage, i.e. calculate * exact time tau to horizontal CPA. */ /* relative position of intruder is * Sx(t) = sx + vx*t * Sy(t) = sy + vy*t * horizontal distance to intruder is r(t) * r(t) = sqrt( Sx(t)^2 + Sy(t)^2 ) * => horizontal CPA at time t=tau, where r(t) has minimum * r2(t) := r^2(t) = Sx(t)^2 + Sy(t)^2 * since r(t)>0 for all t => minimum of r(t) is also minimum of r2(t) * => (d/dt) r2(t) = r2'(t) is 0 for t=tau * r2(t) = ((Sx(t)^2 + Sy(t))^2) = c + b*t + a*t^2 * => r2'(t) = b + a*2*t * at t=tau: * r2'(tau) = 0 = b + 2*a*tau * => tau = -b/(2*a) */ float sx = sin(bearing*SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS)*distanceNm; float sy = cos(bearing*SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS)*distanceNm; float vx = vxKt * (SG_KT_TO_MPS*SG_METER_TO_NM); float vy = vyKt * (SG_KT_TO_MPS*SG_METER_TO_NM); float a = vx*vx + vy*vy; float b = 2*(sx*vx + sy*vy); float tau = 0; if (a > 0.0001) tau = -b/(2*a); #ifdef FEATURE_TCAS_DEBUG_THREAT_DETECTOR printf(" Time to horizontal CPA: %4.2f\n",tau); #endif if (tau > pAlarmThresholds->RA.Tau) tau = pAlarmThresholds->RA.Tau; // remember time to horizontal CPA currentThreat.horizontalTau = tau; } } /** Test threat detection logic. */ void TCAS::ThreatDetector::unitTest(void) { pAlarmThresholds = &sensitivityLevels[1]; #if 0 // vertical tests self.verticalFps = 0; self.altFt = 1000; cout << "identical altitude and vspeed " << endl; checkVerticalThreat(self.altFt, self.verticalFps); cout << "1000ft alt offset, dV=100 " << endl; checkVerticalThreat(self.altFt+1000, 100); cout << "-1000ft alt offset, dV=100 " << endl; checkVerticalThreat(self.altFt-1000, 100); cout << "3000ft alt offset, dV=10 " << endl; checkVerticalThreat(self.altFt+3000, 10); cout << "500ft alt offset, dV=100 " << endl; checkVerticalThreat(self.altFt+500, 100); cout << "500ft alt offset, dV=-100 " << endl; checkVerticalThreat(self.altFt+500, -100); // horizontal tests self.heading = 0; self.velocityKt = 0; cout << "10nm behind, overtaking with 1Nm/s" << endl; horizontalThreat(-180, 10, 0, 1/(SG_KT_TO_MPS*SG_METER_TO_NM)); cout << "10nm ahead, departing with 1Nm/s" << endl; horizontalThreat(0, 20, 0, 1/(SG_KT_TO_MPS*SG_METER_TO_NM)); self.heading = 90; self.velocityKt = 1/(SG_KT_TO_MPS*SG_METER_TO_NM); cout << "10nm behind, overtaking with 1Nm/s at 90 degrees" << endl; horizontalThreat(-90, 20, 90, 2/(SG_KT_TO_MPS*SG_METER_TO_NM)); self.heading = 20; self.velocityKt = 1/(SG_KT_TO_MPS*SG_METER_TO_NM); cout << "10nm behind, overtaking with 1Nm/s at 20 degrees" << endl; horizontalThreat(200, 20, 20, 2/(SG_KT_TO_MPS*SG_METER_TO_NM)); #endif } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TCAS::AdvisoryGenerator //////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TCAS::AdvisoryGenerator::AdvisoryGenerator(TCAS* _tcas) : tcas(_tcas), pSelf(NULL), pCurrentThreat(NULL), pAlarmThresholds(NULL) { } void TCAS::AdvisoryGenerator::init(const LocalInfo* _pSelf, ThreatInfo* _pCurrentThreat) { pCurrentThreat = _pCurrentThreat; pSelf = _pSelf; } void TCAS::AdvisoryGenerator::setAlarmThresholds(const SensitivityLevel* _pAlarmThresholds) { pAlarmThresholds = _pAlarmThresholds; } /** Calculate projected vertical separation at horizontal CPA. */ float TCAS::AdvisoryGenerator::verticalSeparation(float newVerticalFps) { // calculate relative vertical speed and altitude float dV = pCurrentThreat->verticalFps - newVerticalFps; float tau = pCurrentThreat->horizontalTau; // don't use negative tau to project future separation... if (tau < 0.5) tau = 0.5; return pCurrentThreat->relativeAltitudeFt + tau * dV; } /** Determine RA sense. */ void TCAS::AdvisoryGenerator::determineRAsense(int& RASense, bool& isCrossing) { /* [TCASII]: "[..] a two step process is used to select the appropriate RA for the encounter * geometry. The first step in the process is to select the RA sense, i.e., upward or downward." */ RASense = 0; isCrossing = false; /* [TCASII]: "Based on the range and altitude tracks of the intruder, the CAS logic models the * intruder's flight path from its present position to CPA. The CAS logic then models upward * and downward sense RAs for own aircraft [..] to determine which sense provides the most * vertical separation at CPA." */ float upSenseRelAltFt = verticalSeparation(+2000/60.0); float downSenseRelAltFt = verticalSeparation(-2000/60.0); if (fabs(upSenseRelAltFt) >= fabs(downSenseRelAltFt)) RASense = +1; // upward else RASense = -1; // downward /* [TCASII]: "In encounters where either of the senses results in the TCAS aircraft crossing through * the intruder's altitude, TCAS is designed to select the nonaltitude crossing sense if the * noncrossing sense provides the desired vertical separation, known as ALIM, at CPA." */ /* [TCASII]: "If ALIM cannot be obtained in the nonaltitude crossing sense, an altitude * crossing RA will be issued." */ if ((RASense > 0)&& (pCurrentThreat->relativeAltitudeFt > 200)) { // threat is above and RA is crossing if (fabs(downSenseRelAltFt) > pAlarmThresholds->TA.ALIM) { // non-crossing descend is sufficient RASense = -1; } else { // keep crossing climb RA isCrossing = true; } } else if ((RASense < 0)&& (pCurrentThreat->relativeAltitudeFt < -200)) { // threat is below and RA is crossing if (fabs(upSenseRelAltFt) > pAlarmThresholds->TA.ALIM) { // non-crossing climb is sufficient RASense = 1; } else { // keep crossing descent RA isCrossing = true; } } // else: threat is at same altitude, keep optimal RA sense (non-crossing) pCurrentThreat->RASense = RASense; #ifdef FEATURE_TCAS_DEBUG_ADV_GENERATOR printf(" RASense: %i, crossing: %u, relAlt: %4.1f, upward separation: %4.1f, downward separation: %4.1f\n", RASense,isCrossing, pCurrentThreat->relativeAltitudeFt, upSenseRelAltFt,downSenseRelAltFt); #endif } /** Determine suitable resolution advisories. */ int TCAS::AdvisoryGenerator::resolution(int mode, int threatLevel, float rangeNm, float altFt, float heading, float velocityKt) { int RAOption = OptionNone; int RA = AdvisoryIntrusion; // RAs are disabled under certain conditions if (threatLevel == ThreatRA) { /* [TCASII]: "... less than 360 feet, TCAS considers the reporting aircraft * to be on the ground. If TCAS determines the intruder to be on the ground, it * inhibits the generation of advisories against this aircraft."*/ if (altFt < 360) threatLevel = ThreatTA; /* [EUROACAS]: "Certain RAs are inhibited at altitudes based on inputs from the radio altimeter: * [..] (c)1000ft (+/- 100ft) and below, all RAs are inhibited;" */ if (pSelf->radarAltFt < 1000) threatLevel = ThreatTA; // RAs only issued in mode "Auto" (= "TA/RA" mode) if (mode != SwitchAuto) threatLevel = ThreatTA; } bool isCrossing = false; int RASense = 0; // determine suitable RAs if (threatLevel == ThreatRA) { /* [TCASII]: "[..] a two step process is used to select the appropriate RA for the encounter * geometry. The first step in the process is to select the RA sense, i.e., upward or downward." */ determineRAsense(RASense, isCrossing); /* second step: determine required strength */ if (RASense > 0) { // upward if ((pSelf->verticalFps < -1000/60.0)&& (!isCrossing)) { // currently descending, see if reducing current descent is sufficient float relAltFt = verticalSeparation(-500/60.0); if (relAltFt > pAlarmThresholds->TA.ALIM) RA |= AdvisoryAdjustVSpeed; } RA |= AdvisoryClimb; if (isCrossing) RAOption |= OptionCrossingClimb; } if (RASense < 0) { // downward if ((pSelf->verticalFps > 1000/60.0)&& (!isCrossing)) { // currently climbing, see if reducing current climb is sufficient float relAltFt = verticalSeparation(500/60.0); if (relAltFt < -pAlarmThresholds->TA.ALIM) RA |= AdvisoryAdjustVSpeed; } RA |= AdvisoryDescend; if (isCrossing) RAOption |= OptionCrossingDescent; } //TODO /* [TCASII]: "When two TCAS-equipped aircraft are converging vertically with opposite rates * and are currently well separated in altitude, TCAS will first issue a vertical speed * limit (Negative) RA to reinforce the pilots' likely intention to level off at adjacent * flight levels." */ //TODO /* [TCASII]: "[..] if the CAS logic determines that the response to a Positive RA has provided * ALIM feet of vertical separation before CPA, the initial RA will be weakened to either a * Do Not Descend RA (after an initial Climb RA) or a Do Not Climb RA (after an initial * Descend RA)." */ //TODO /* [TCASII]: "TCAS is designed to inhibit Increase Descent RAs below 1450 feet AGL; */ /* [TCASII]: "Descend RAs below 1100 feet AGL;" (inhibited) */ if (pSelf->radarAltFt < 1100) { RA &= ~AdvisoryDescend; //TODO Support "Do not descend" RA RA |= AdvisoryIntrusion; } } #ifdef FEATURE_TCAS_DEBUG_ADV_GENERATOR cout << " resolution advisory: " << RA << endl; #endif ResolutionAdvisory newAdvisory; newAdvisory.RAOption = RAOption; newAdvisory.RA = RA; newAdvisory.threatLevel = threatLevel; tcas->advisoryCoordinator.add(newAdvisory); return threatLevel; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TCAS /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TCAS::TCAS(SGPropertyNode* pNode) : name("tcas"), num(0), nextUpdateTime(0), selfTestStep(0), properties_handler(this), threatDetector(this), tracker(this), advisoryCoordinator(this), advisoryGenerator(this), annunciator(this) { for (int i = 0; i < pNode->nChildren(); ++i) { SGPropertyNode* pChild = pNode->getChild(i); string cname = pChild->getName(); string cval = pChild->getStringValue(); if (cname == "name") name = cval; else if (cname == "number") num = pChild->getIntValue(); else { SG_LOG(SG_INSTR, SG_WARN, "Error in TCAS config logic"); if (name.length()) SG_LOG(SG_INSTR, SG_WARN, "Section = " << name); } } } void TCAS::init(void) { annunciator.init(); advisoryCoordinator.init(); threatDetector.init(); } void TCAS::reinit(void) { nextUpdateTime = 0; advisoryCoordinator.reinit(); } void TCAS::bind(void) { SGPropertyNode* node = fgGetNode(("/instrumentation/" + name).c_str(), num, true); nodeServiceable = node->getNode("serviceable", true); // TCAS mode selection (0=off, 1=standby, 2=TA only, 3=auto(TA/RA) ) nodeModeSwitch = node->getNode("inputs/mode", true); // self-test button nodeSelfTest = node->getNode("inputs/self-test", true); // default value nodeSelfTest->setBoolValue(false); #ifdef FEATURE_TCAS_DEBUG_PROPERTIES SGPropertyNode* nodeDebug = node->getNode("debug", true); // debug triggers nodeDebugTrigger = nodeDebug->getNode("threat-trigger", true); nodeDebugRA = nodeDebug->getNode("threat-RA", true); nodeDebugThreat = nodeDebug->getNode("threat-level", true); // default values nodeDebugTrigger->setBoolValue(false); nodeDebugRA->setIntValue(3); nodeDebugThreat->setIntValue(1); #endif annunciator.bind(node); advisoryCoordinator.bind(node); } void TCAS::unbind(void) { properties_handler.unbind(); } /** Monitor traffic for safety threats. */ void TCAS::update(double dt) { if (!nodeServiceable->getBoolValue()) return; int mode = nodeModeSwitch->getIntValue(); if (mode == SwitchOff) return; nextUpdateTime -= dt; if (nextUpdateTime <= 0.0 ) { nextUpdateTime = 1.0; // remove obsolete targets tracker.update(); // get aircrafts current position/speed/heading threatDetector.update(); // clear old threats advisoryCoordinator.clear(); if (nodeSelfTest->getBoolValue()) { if (threatDetector.getVelocityKt() >= 40) { // disable self-test when plane moves above taxiing speed nodeSelfTest->setBoolValue(false); selfTestStep = 0; } else { selfTest(); // speed-up self test nextUpdateTime = 0; // no further TCAS processing during self-test return; } } #ifdef FEATURE_TCAS_DEBUG_PROPERTIES if (nodeDebugTrigger->getBoolValue()) { // debugging test ResolutionAdvisory debugAdvisory; debugAdvisory.RAOption = OptionNone; debugAdvisory.RA = nodeDebugRA->getIntValue(); debugAdvisory.threatLevel = nodeDebugThreat->getIntValue(); advisoryCoordinator.add(debugAdvisory); } else #endif { SGPropertyNode* pAi = fgGetNode("/ai/models", true); // check all aircraft for (int i = pAi->nChildren() - 1; i >= -1; i--) { SGPropertyNode* pModel = pAi->getChild(i); if ((pModel)&&(pModel->nChildren())) { int threatLevel = threatDetector.checkThreat(mode, pModel); /* expose aircraft threat-level (to be used by other instruments, * i.e. TCAS display) */ if (threatLevel==ThreatRA) pModel->setIntValue("tcas/ra-sense", -threatDetector.getRASense()); pModel->setIntValue("tcas/threat-level", threatLevel); } } } advisoryCoordinator.update(mode); } annunciator.update(); } /** Run a single self-test iteration. */ void TCAS::selfTest(void) { annunciator.update(); if (annunciator.isPlaying()) { return; } ResolutionAdvisory newAdvisory; newAdvisory.threatLevel = ThreatRA; newAdvisory.RA = AdvisoryClear; newAdvisory.RAOption = OptionNone; // TCAS audio is disabled below 500ft AGL threatDetector.setRadarAlt(501); // trigger various advisories switch(selfTestStep) { case 0: newAdvisory.RA = AdvisoryIntrusion; newAdvisory.threatLevel = ThreatTA; break; case 1: newAdvisory.RA = AdvisoryClimb; break; case 2: newAdvisory.RA = AdvisoryClimb; newAdvisory.RAOption = OptionIncreaseClimb; break; case 3: newAdvisory.RA = AdvisoryClimb; newAdvisory.RAOption = OptionCrossingClimb; break; case 4: newAdvisory.RA = AdvisoryDescend; break; case 5: newAdvisory.RA = AdvisoryDescend; newAdvisory.RAOption = OptionIncreaseDescend; break; case 6: newAdvisory.RA = AdvisoryDescend; newAdvisory.RAOption = OptionCrossingDescent; break; case 7: newAdvisory.RA = AdvisoryAdjustVSpeed; break; case 8: newAdvisory.RA = AdvisoryMaintVSpeed; break; case 9: newAdvisory.RA = AdvisoryMonitorVSpeed; break; case 10: newAdvisory.threatLevel = ThreatNone; newAdvisory.RA = AdvisoryClear; break; case 11: annunciator.test(true); selfTestStep+=2; return; default: nodeSelfTest->setBoolValue(false); selfTestStep = 0; return; } advisoryCoordinator.add(newAdvisory); advisoryCoordinator.update(SwitchAuto); selfTestStep++; } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // TCAS::Tracker ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// TCAS::Tracker::Tracker(TCAS*) : currentTime(0), haveTargets(false), newTargets(false) { targets.clear(); } void TCAS::Tracker::update(void) { currentTime = globals->get_sim_time_sec(); newTargets = false; if (haveTargets) { // remove outdated targets TrackerTargets::iterator it = targets.begin(); while (it != targets.end()) { TrackerTarget* pTarget = it->second; if (currentTime - pTarget->TAtimestamp > 10.0) { TrackerTargets::iterator temp = it; ++it; #ifdef FEATURE_TCAS_DEBUG_TRACKER printf("target %s no longer a TA threat.\n",temp->first.c_str()); #endif targets.erase(temp->first); delete pTarget; pTarget = NULL; } else { if ((pTarget->threatLevel == ThreatRA)&& (currentTime - pTarget->RAtimestamp > 7.0)) { pTarget->threatLevel = ThreatTA; #ifdef FEATURE_TCAS_DEBUG_TRACKER printf("target %s no longer an RA threat.\n",it->first.c_str()); #endif } ++it; } } haveTargets = !targets.empty(); } } void TCAS::Tracker::add(const string callsign, int detectedLevel) { TrackerTarget* pTarget = NULL; if (haveTargets) { TrackerTargets::iterator it = targets.find(callsign); if (it != targets.end()) { pTarget = it->second; } } if (!pTarget) { pTarget = new TrackerTarget(); pTarget->TAtimestamp = 0; pTarget->RAtimestamp = 0; pTarget->threatLevel = 0; newTargets = true; targets[callsign] = pTarget; #ifdef FEATURE_TCAS_DEBUG_TRACKER printf("new target: %s, level: %i\n",callsign.c_str(),detectedLevel); #endif } if (detectedLevel > pTarget->threatLevel) pTarget->threatLevel = detectedLevel; if (detectedLevel >= ThreatTA) pTarget->TAtimestamp = currentTime; if (detectedLevel >= ThreatRA) pTarget->RAtimestamp = currentTime; haveTargets = true; } bool TCAS::Tracker::_isTracked(string callsign) { return targets.find(callsign) != targets.end(); } int TCAS::Tracker::getThreatLevel(string callsign) { TrackerTargets::iterator it = targets.find(callsign); if (it != targets.end()) return it->second->threatLevel; else return 0; }