// FGJoystickInput.cxx -- handle user input from joystick devices // // Written by Torsten Dreyer, started August 2009 // Based on work from David Megginson, started May 2001. // // Copyright (C) 2009 Torsten Dreyer, Torsten (at) t3r _dot_ de // Copyright (C) 2001 David Megginson, david@megginson.com // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // // $Id$ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include "FGJoystickInput.hxx" #include <simgear/props/props_io.hxx> #include "FGDeviceConfigurationMap.hxx" #include <Main/fg_props.hxx> #include <Scripting/NasalSys.hxx> #include <boost/foreach.hpp> using simgear::PropertyList; FGJoystickInput::axis::axis () : last_value(9999999), tolerance(0.002), low_threshold(-0.9), high_threshold(0.9), interval_sec(0), delay_sec(0), release_delay_sec(0), last_dt(0) { } FGJoystickInput::axis::~axis () { } FGJoystickInput::joystick::joystick () : jsnum(0), naxes(0), nbuttons(0), axes(0), buttons(0), predefined(true) { } void FGJoystickInput::joystick::clearAxesAndButtons() { delete[] axes; delete[] buttons; axes = NULL; buttons = NULL; naxes = 0; nbuttons = 0; } FGJoystickInput::joystick::~joystick () { jsnum = 0; clearAxesAndButtons(); } FGJoystickInput::FGJoystickInput() { } FGJoystickInput::~FGJoystickInput() { _remove(true); } void FGJoystickInput::_remove(bool all) { SGPropertyNode * js_nodes = fgGetNode("/input/joysticks", true); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_JOYSTICKS; i++) { joystick* joy = &joysticks[i]; // do not remove predefined joysticks info on reinit if (all || (!joy->predefined)) js_nodes->removeChild("js", i, false); joy->plibJS.reset(); joy->clearAxesAndButtons(); } } void FGJoystickInput::init() { jsInit(); SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_DEBUG, "Initializing joystick bindings"); SGPropertyNode_ptr js_nodes = fgGetNode("/input/joysticks", true); status_node = fgGetNode("/devices/status/joysticks", true); FGDeviceConfigurationMap configMap("Input/Joysticks",js_nodes, "js-named"); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_JOYSTICKS; i++) { jsJoystick * js = new jsJoystick(i); joysticks[i].plibJS.reset(js); if (js->notWorking()) { SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_DEBUG, "Joystick " << i << " not found"); continue; } const char * name = js->getName(); SGPropertyNode_ptr js_node = js_nodes->getChild("js", i); if (js_node) { SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_INFO, "Using existing bindings for joystick " << i); } else { joysticks[i].predefined = false; SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_INFO, "Looking for bindings for joystick \"" << name << '"'); SGPropertyNode_ptr named; if (configMap.hasConfiguration(name)) { named = configMap.configurationForDeviceName(name); std::string source = named->getStringValue("source", "user defined"); SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_INFO, "... found joystick: " << source); } else if ((named = configMap.configurationForDeviceName("default"))) { std::string source = named->getStringValue("source", "user defined"); SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_INFO, "No config found for joystick \"" << name << "\"\nUsing default: \"" << source << '"'); } else { SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_WARN, "No joystick configuration file with <name>" << name << "</name> entry found!"); } js_node = js_nodes->getChild("js", i, true); copyProperties(named, js_node); js_node->setStringValue("id", name); } } } void FGJoystickInput::reinit() { SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_DEBUG, "Re-Initializing joystick bindings"); _remove(false); FGJoystickInput::init(); FGJoystickInput::postinit(); } void FGJoystickInput::postinit() { FGNasalSys *nasalsys = (FGNasalSys *)globals->get_subsystem("nasal"); SGPropertyNode_ptr js_nodes = fgGetNode("/input/joysticks"); for (int i = 0; i < MAX_JOYSTICKS; i++) { SGPropertyNode_ptr js_node = js_nodes->getChild("js", i); jsJoystick *js = joysticks[i].plibJS.get(); if (!js_node || js->notWorking()) continue; #ifdef WIN32 JOYCAPS jsCaps ; joyGetDevCaps( i, &jsCaps, sizeof(jsCaps) ); unsigned int nbuttons = jsCaps.wNumButtons; if (nbuttons > MAX_JOYSTICK_BUTTONS) nbuttons = MAX_JOYSTICK_BUTTONS; #else unsigned int nbuttons = MAX_JOYSTICK_BUTTONS; #endif int naxes = js->getNumAxes(); if (naxes > MAX_JOYSTICK_AXES) naxes = MAX_JOYSTICK_AXES; joysticks[i].naxes = naxes; joysticks[i].nbuttons = nbuttons; SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_DEBUG, "Initializing joystick " << i); // Set up range arrays float minRange[MAX_JOYSTICK_AXES]; float maxRange[MAX_JOYSTICK_AXES]; float center[MAX_JOYSTICK_AXES]; // Initialize with default values js->getMinRange(minRange); js->getMaxRange(maxRange); js->getCenter(center); // Allocate axes and buttons joysticks[i].axes = new axis[naxes]; joysticks[i].buttons = new FGButton[nbuttons]; // // Initialize nasal groups. // std::ostringstream str; str << "__js" << i; std::string module = str.str(); nasalsys->createModule(module.c_str(), module.c_str(), "", 0); PropertyList nasal = js_node->getChildren("nasal"); unsigned int j; for (j = 0; j < nasal.size(); j++) { nasal[j]->setStringValue("module", module.c_str()); nasalsys->handleCommand(nasal[j]); } // // Initialize the axes. // PropertyList axes = js_node->getChildren("axis"); size_t nb_axes = axes.size(); for (j = 0; j < nb_axes; j++ ) { const SGPropertyNode * axis_node = axes[j]; const SGPropertyNode * num_node = axis_node->getChild("number"); int n_axis = axis_node->getIndex(); if (num_node != 0) { n_axis = num_node->getIntValue(TGT_PLATFORM, -1); #ifdef SG_MAC // Mac falls back to Unix by default - avoids specifying many // duplicate <mac> entries in joystick config files if (n_axis < 0) { n_axis = num_node->getIntValue("unix", -1); } #endif // Silently ignore platforms that are not specified within the // <number></number> section if (n_axis < 0) { continue; } } if (n_axis >= naxes) { SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_DEBUG, "Dropping bindings for axis " << n_axis); continue; } axis &a = joysticks[i].axes[n_axis]; js->setDeadBand(n_axis, axis_node->getDoubleValue("dead-band", 0.0)); a.tolerance = axis_node->getDoubleValue("tolerance", 0.002); minRange[n_axis] = axis_node->getDoubleValue("min-range", minRange[n_axis]); maxRange[n_axis] = axis_node->getDoubleValue("max-range", maxRange[n_axis]); center[n_axis] = axis_node->getDoubleValue("center", center[n_axis]); read_bindings(axis_node, a.bindings, KEYMOD_NONE, module ); // Initialize the virtual axis buttons. a.low.init(axis_node->getChild("low"), "low", module ); a.low_threshold = axis_node->getDoubleValue("low-threshold", -0.9); a.high.init(axis_node->getChild("high"), "high", module ); a.high_threshold = axis_node->getDoubleValue("high-threshold", 0.9); a.interval_sec = axis_node->getDoubleValue("interval-sec",0.0); a.delay_sec = axis_node->getDoubleValue("delay-sec",0.0); a.release_delay_sec = axis_node->getDoubleValue("release-delay-sec",0.0); a.last_dt = 0.0; } // // Initialize the buttons. // PropertyList buttons = js_node->getChildren("button"); BOOST_FOREACH( SGPropertyNode * button_node, buttons ) { size_t n_but = button_node->getIndex(); const SGPropertyNode * num_node = button_node->getChild("number"); if (NULL != num_node) n_but = num_node->getIntValue(TGT_PLATFORM,n_but); if (n_but >= nbuttons) { SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_DEBUG, "Dropping bindings for button " << n_but); continue; } std::ostringstream buf; buf << (unsigned)n_but; SG_LOG(SG_INPUT, SG_DEBUG, "Initializing button " << buf.str()); FGButton &b = joysticks[i].buttons[n_but]; b.init(button_node, buf.str(), module ); // get interval-sec property b.interval_sec = button_node->getDoubleValue("interval-sec",0.0); b.delay_sec = button_node->getDoubleValue("delay-sec",0.0); b.release_delay_sec = button_node->getDoubleValue("release-delay-sec",0.0); b.last_dt = 0.0; } js->setMinRange(minRange); js->setMaxRange(maxRange); js->setCenter(center); } } void FGJoystickInput::updateJoystick(int index, FGJoystickInput::joystick* joy, double dt) { float axis_values[MAX_JOYSTICK_AXES]; int modifiers = fgGetKeyModifiers(); int buttons; bool pressed, last_state; float delay; jsJoystick * js = joy->plibJS.get(); if (js == 0 || js->notWorking()) return; js->read(&buttons, axis_values); if (js->notWorking()) // If js is disconnected return; // Update device status SGPropertyNode_ptr status = status_node->getChild("joystick", index, true); for (int j = 0; j < MAX_JOYSTICK_AXES; j++) { status->getChild("axis", j, true)->setFloatValue(axis_values[j]); } for (int j = 0; j < MAX_JOYSTICK_BUTTONS; j++) { status->getChild("button", j, true)->setBoolValue((buttons & (1u << j)) > 0 ); } // Fire bindings for the axes. for (int j = 0; j < joy->naxes; j++) { axis &a = joy->axes[j]; // Do nothing if the axis position // is unchanged; only a change in // position fires the bindings. // But only if there are bindings if (fabs(axis_values[j] - a.last_value) > a.tolerance && a.bindings[KEYMOD_NONE].size() > 0 ) { a.last_value = axis_values[j]; for (unsigned int k = 0; k < a.bindings[KEYMOD_NONE].size(); k++) a.bindings[KEYMOD_NONE][k]->fire(axis_values[j]); } // do we have to emulate axis buttons? last_state = joy->axes[j].low.last_state || joy->axes[j].high.last_state; pressed = axis_values[j] < a.low_threshold || axis_values[j] > a.high_threshold; delay = (pressed ? last_state ? a.interval_sec : a.delay_sec : a.release_delay_sec ); if(pressed || last_state) a.last_dt += dt; else a.last_dt = 0; if(a.last_dt >= delay) { if (a.low.bindings[modifiers].size()) joy->axes[j].low.update( modifiers, axis_values[j] < a.low_threshold ); if (a.high.bindings[modifiers].size()) joy->axes[j].high.update( modifiers, axis_values[j] > a.high_threshold ); a.last_dt -= delay; } } // of axes iteration // Fire bindings for the buttons. for (int j = 0; j < joy->nbuttons; j++) { FGButton &b = joy->buttons[j]; pressed = (buttons & (1u << j)) > 0; last_state = joy->buttons[j].last_state; delay = (pressed ? last_state ? b.interval_sec : b.delay_sec : b.release_delay_sec ); if(pressed || last_state) b.last_dt += dt; else b.last_dt = 0; if(b.last_dt >= delay) { joy->buttons[j].update( modifiers, pressed ); b.last_dt -= delay; } } // of butotns iterations } void FGJoystickInput::update( double dt ) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_JOYSTICKS; i++) { updateJoystick(i, &joysticks[i], dt); } }