// ATCmgr.cxx - Implementation of FGATCMgr - a global Flightgear ATC manager. // // Written by David Luff, started February 2002. // // Copyright (C) 2002 David C Luff - david.luff@nottingham.ac.uk // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. #include #include #include #include "ATCmgr.hxx" #include "commlist.hxx" #include "ATCdisplay.hxx" #include "ATCDialog.hxx" #include "ATCutils.hxx" /* // periodic radio station search wrapper static void fgATCSearch( void ) { globals->get_ATC_mgr()->Search(); } */ //This wouldn't compile - including Time/event.hxx breaks it :-( // Is this still true?? -EMH- AirportATC::AirportATC() : lon(0.0), lat(0.0), elev(0.0), atis_freq(0.0), atis_active(false), tower_freq(0.0), tower_active(false), ground_freq(0.0), ground_active(false), set_by_AI(false), numAI(0) //airport_atc_map.clear(); { for(int i=0; iget_event_mgr()->add( "fgATCSearch()", fgATCSearch, // FGEvent::FG_EVENT_READY, 800); // // For some reason the above doesn't compile - including Time/event.hxx stops compilation. // Is this still true after the reorganization of the event managar?? // -EMH- // Initialise the frequency search map current_commlist = new FGCommList; SGPath p_comm( globals->get_fg_root() ); current_commlist->init( p_comm ); // Set the user callsign - bit of a hack at the moment - eventually should be read from aircraft file and user-over-rideable fgSetString("/sim/user/callsign", "Golf Foxtrot Sierra"); // C-FGFS #ifdef ENABLE_AUDIO_SUPPORT // Load all available voices. // For now we'll do one hardwired one v1 = new FGATCVoice; voiceOK = v1->LoadVoice("default"); voice = true; /* I've loaded the voice even if /sim/sound/pause is true * since I know no way of forcing load of the voice if the user * subsequently switches /sim/sound/audible to true. * (which is the right thing to do -- CLO) :-) */ #else voice = false; #endif // Initialise the ATC Dialogs //cout << "Initing Transmissions..." << endl; SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_INFO, " ATC Transmissions"); current_transmissionlist = new FGTransmissionList; SGPath p_transmission( globals->get_fg_root() ); p_transmission.append( "ATC/default.transmissions" ); current_transmissionlist->init( p_transmission ); //cout << "Done Transmissions" << endl; SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_INFO, " ATC Dialog System"); current_atcdialog = new FGATCDialog; current_atcdialog->Init(); initDone = true; //cout << "ATCmgr::init done!" << endl; } void FGATCMgr::update(double dt) { if(!initDone) { init(); SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_WARN, "Warning - ATCMgr::update(...) called before ATCMgr::init()"); } current_atcdialog->Update(dt); //cout << "Entering update..." << endl; //Traverse the list of active stations. //Only update one class per update step to avoid the whole ATC system having to calculate between frames. //Eventually we should only update every so many steps. //cout << "In FGATCMgr::update - atc_list.size = " << atc_list.size() << endl; if(atc_list.size()) { if(atc_list_itr == atc_list.end()) { atc_list_itr = atc_list.begin(); } //cout << "Updating " << (*atc_list_itr)->get_ident() << ' ' << (*atc_list_itr)->GetType() << '\n'; //cout << "Freq = " << (*atc_list_itr)->get_freq() << '\n'; (*atc_list_itr)->Update(dt * atc_list.size()); //cout << "Done ATC update..." << endl; ++atc_list_itr; } /* cout << "ATC_LIST: " << atc_list.size() << ' '; for(atc_list_iterator it = atc_list.begin(); it != atc_list.end(); it++) { cout << (*it)->get_ident() << ' '; } cout << '\n'; */ // Search the tuned frequencies every now and then - this should be done with the event scheduler static int i = 0; // Very ugly - but there should only ever be one instance of FGATCMgr. /* if(i == 7) { //cout << "About to AreaSearch()" << endl; AreaSearch(); } */ if(i == 15) { //cout << "About to search(1)" << endl; FreqSearch(1); } if(i == 30) { //cout << "About to search(2)" << endl; FreqSearch(2); i = 0; } ++i; //cout << "comm1 type = " << comm_type[0] << '\n'; //cout << "Leaving update..." << endl; } // Returns frequency in KHz - should I alter this to return in MHz? unsigned short int FGATCMgr::GetFrequency(string ident, atc_type tp) { ATCData test; bool ok = current_commlist->FindByCode(ident, test, tp); return(ok ? test.freq : 0); } // Register the fact that the AI system wants to activate an airport // Might need more sophistication in this in the future - eg registration by aircraft call-sign. bool FGATCMgr::AIRegisterAirport(string ident) { SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_BULK, "AI registered airport " << ident << " with the ATC system"); //cout << "AI registered airport " << ident << " with the ATC system" << '\n'; if(airport_atc_map.find(ident) != airport_atc_map.end()) { airport_atc_map[ident]->set_by_AI = true; airport_atc_map[ident]->numAI++; return(true); } else { FGAirport ap; if(dclFindAirportID(ident, &ap)) { //cout << "ident = " << ident << '\n'; AirportATC *a = new AirportATC; // I'm not entirely sure that this AirportATC structure business is actually needed - it just duplicates what we can find out anyway! a->lon = ap.longitude; a->lat = ap.latitude; a->elev = ap.elevation; a->atis_freq = GetFrequency(ident, ATIS); //cout << "ATIS freq = " << a->atis_freq << '\n'; a->atis_active = false; a->tower_freq = GetFrequency(ident, TOWER); //cout << "Tower freq = " << a->tower_freq << '\n'; a->tower_active = false; a->ground_freq = GetFrequency(ident, GROUND); //cout << "Ground freq = " << a->ground_freq << '\n'; a->ground_active = false; // TODO - some airports will have a tower/ground frequency but be inactive overnight. a->set_by_AI = true; a->numAI = 1; airport_atc_map[ident] = a; return(true); } else { SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_ALERT, "ERROR - can't find airport " << ident << " in AIRegisterAirport(...)"); } } return(false); } // Register the fact that the comm radio is tuned to an airport // Channel is zero based bool FGATCMgr::CommRegisterAirport(string ident, int chan, atc_type tp) { SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_BULK, "Comm channel " << chan << " registered airport " << ident); //cout << "Comm channel " << chan << " registered airport " << ident << ' ' << tp << '\n'; if(airport_atc_map.find(ident) != airport_atc_map.end()) { //cout << "IN MAP - flagging set by comm..." << endl; airport_atc_map[ident]->set_by_comm[chan][tp] = true; if(tp == ATIS) { airport_atc_map[ident]->atis_active = true; } else if(tp == TOWER) { airport_atc_map[ident]->tower_active = true; } else if(tp == GROUND) { airport_atc_map[ident]->ground_active = true; } else if(tp == APPROACH) { //a->approach_active = true; } // TODO - there *must* be a better way to do this!!! return(true); } else { //cout << "NOT IN MAP - creating new..." << endl; FGAirport ap; if(dclFindAirportID(ident, &ap)) { AirportATC *a = new AirportATC; // I'm not entirely sure that this AirportATC structure business is actually needed - it just duplicates what we can find out anyway! a->lon = ap.longitude; a->lat = ap.latitude; a->elev = ap.elevation; a->atis_freq = GetFrequency(ident, ATIS); a->atis_active = false; a->tower_freq = GetFrequency(ident, TOWER); a->tower_active = false; a->ground_freq = GetFrequency(ident, GROUND); a->ground_active = false; if(tp == ATIS) { a->atis_active = true; } else if(tp == TOWER) { a->tower_active = true; } else if(tp == GROUND) { a->ground_active = true; } else if(tp == APPROACH) { //a->approach_active = true; } // TODO - there *must* be a better way to do this!!! // TODO - some airports will have a tower/ground frequency but be inactive overnight. a->set_by_AI = false; a->numAI = 0; a->set_by_comm[chan][tp] = true; airport_atc_map[ident] = a; return(true); } } return(false); } // Remove from list only if not needed by the AI system or the other comm channel // Note that chan is zero based. void FGATCMgr::CommRemoveFromList(string id, atc_type tp, int chan) { SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_BULK, "CommRemoveFromList called for airport " << id << " " << tp << " by channel " << chan); //cout << "CommRemoveFromList called for airport " << id << " " << tp << " by channel " << chan << '\n'; if(airport_atc_map.find(id) != airport_atc_map.end()) { AirportATC* a = airport_atc_map[id]; //cout << "In CommRemoveFromList, a->ground_freq = " << a->ground_freq << endl; if(a->set_by_AI && tp != ATIS) { // Set by AI, so don't remove simply because user isn't tuned in any more - just stop displaying SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_BULK, "In CommRemoveFromList, service was set by AI\n"); FGATC* aptr = GetATCPointer(id, tp); switch(chan) { case 0: //cout << "chan 1\n"; a->set_by_comm[0][tp] = false; if(!a->set_by_comm[1][tp]) { //cout << "not set by comm2\n"; if(aptr != NULL) { //cout << "Got pointer\n"; aptr->SetNoDisplay(); //cout << "Setting no display...\n"; } else { //cout << "Not got pointer\n"; } } break; case 1: a->set_by_comm[1][tp] = false; if(!a->set_by_comm[0][tp]) { if(aptr != NULL) { aptr->SetNoDisplay(); //cout << "Setting no display...\n"; } } break; } //airport_atc_map[id] = a; return; } else { switch(chan) { case 0: a->set_by_comm[0][tp] = false; // Remove only if not also set by the other comm channel if(!a->set_by_comm[1][tp]) { a->tower_active = false; a->ground_active = false; RemoveFromList(id, tp); } break; case 1: a->set_by_comm[1][tp] = false; if(!a->set_by_comm[0][tp]) { a->tower_active = false; a->ground_active = false; RemoveFromList(id, tp); } break; } } } } // Remove from list - should only be called from above or similar // This function *will* remove it from the list regardless of who else might want it. void FGATCMgr::RemoveFromList(string id, atc_type tp) { //cout << "FGATCMgr::RemoveFromList called..." << endl; //cout << "Requested type = " << tp << endl; //cout << "id = " << id << endl; atc_list_iterator it = atc_list.begin(); while(it != atc_list.end()) { //cout << "type = " << (*it)->GetType() << '\n'; //cout << "Ident = " << (*it)->get_ident() << '\n'; if( ((*it)->get_ident() == id) && ((*it)->GetType() == tp) ) { //Before removing it stop it transmitting!! //cout << "OBLITERATING FROM LIST!!!\n"; (*it)->SetNoDisplay(); (*it)->Update(0.00833); delete (*it); atc_list.erase(it); atc_list_itr = atc_list.begin(); // Reset the persistent itr incase we've left it off the end. break; } ++it; } } // Find in list - return a currently active ATC pointer given ICAO code and type // Return NULL if the given service is not in the list // - *** THE CALLING FUNCTION MUST CHECK FOR THIS *** FGATC* FGATCMgr::FindInList(string id, atc_type tp) { //cout << "Entering FindInList for " << id << ' ' << tp << endl; atc_list_iterator it = atc_list.begin(); while(it != atc_list.end()) { if( ((*it)->get_ident() == id) && ((*it)->GetType() == tp) ) { return(*it); } ++it; } // If we get here it's not in the list //cout << "Couldn't find it in the list though :-(" << endl; return(NULL); } // Returns true if the airport is found in the map bool FGATCMgr::GetAirportATCDetails(string icao, AirportATC* a) { if(airport_atc_map.find(icao) != airport_atc_map.end()) { *a = *airport_atc_map[icao]; return(true); } else { return(false); } } // Return a pointer to a given sort of ATC at a given airport and activate if necessary // Returns NULL if service doesn't exist - calling function should check for this. // We really ought to make this private and call it from the CommRegisterAirport / AIRegisterAirport functions // - at the moment all these GetATC... functions exposed are just too complicated. FGATC* FGATCMgr::GetATCPointer(string icao, atc_type type) { if(airport_atc_map.find(icao) == airport_atc_map.end()) { //cout << "Unable to find " << icao << ' ' << type << " in the airport_atc_map" << endl; return NULL; } //cout << "In GetATCPointer, found " << icao << ' ' << type << endl; AirportATC *a = airport_atc_map[icao]; //cout << "a->lon = " << a->lon << '\n'; //cout << "a->elev = " << a->elev << '\n'; //cout << "a->tower_freq = " << a->tower_freq << '\n'; switch(type) { case TOWER: if(a->tower_active) { // Get the pointer from the list return(FindInList(icao, type)); } else { ATCData data; if(current_commlist->FindByFreq(a->lon, a->lat, a->elev, a->tower_freq, &data, TOWER)) { FGTower* t = new FGTower; t->SetData(&data); atc_list.push_back(t); a->tower_active = true; airport_atc_map[icao] = a; //cout << "Initing tower " << icao << " in GetATCPointer()\n"; t->Init(); return(t); } else { SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_ALERT, "ERROR - tower that should exist in FGATCMgr::GetATCPointer for airport " << icao << " not found"); } } break; case APPROACH: break; case ATIS: SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_ALERT, "ERROR - ATIS station should not be requested from FGATCMgr::GetATCPointer"); break; case GROUND: //cout << "IN CASE GROUND" << endl; if(a->ground_active) { // Get the pointer from the list return(FindInList(icao, type)); } else { ATCData data; if(current_commlist->FindByFreq(a->lon, a->lat, a->elev, a->ground_freq, &data, GROUND)) { FGGround* g = new FGGround; g->SetData(&data); atc_list.push_back(g); a->ground_active = true; airport_atc_map[icao] = a; g->Init(); return(g); } else { SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_ALERT, "ERROR - ground control that should exist in FGATCMgr::GetATCPointer for airport " << icao << " not found"); } } break; case INVALID: break; case ENROUTE: break; case DEPARTURE: break; } SG_LOG(SG_ATC, SG_ALERT, "ERROR IN FGATCMgr - reached end of GetATCPointer"); //cout << "ERROR IN FGATCMgr - reached end of GetATCPointer" << endl; return(NULL); } // Return a pointer to an appropriate voice for a given type of ATC // creating the voice if necessary - ie. make sure exactly one copy // of every voice in use exists in memory. // // TODO - in the future this will get more complex and dole out country/airport // specific voices, and possible make sure that the same voice doesn't get used // at different airports in quick succession if a large enough selection are available. FGATCVoice* FGATCMgr::GetVoicePointer(atc_type type) { // TODO - implement me better - maintain a list of loaded voices and other voices!! if(voice) { switch(type) { case ATIS: if(voiceOK) { return(v1); } case TOWER: return(NULL); case APPROACH: return(NULL); case GROUND: return(NULL); default: return(NULL); } return(NULL); } else { return(NULL); } } // Search for ATC stations by frequency void FGATCMgr::FreqSearch(int channel) { int chan = channel - 1; // Convert to zero-based for the arrays ATCData data; double freq = comm_node[chan]->getDoubleValue(); lon = lon_node->getDoubleValue(); lat = lat_node->getDoubleValue(); elev = elev_node->getDoubleValue() * SG_FEET_TO_METER; // Query the data store and get the closest match if any if(current_commlist->FindByFreq(lon, lat, elev, freq, &data)) { // We have a match // What's the logic? // If this channel not previously valid then easy - add ATC to list // If this channel was valid then - Have we tuned to a different service? // If so - de-register one and add the other if(comm_valid[chan]) { if((comm_ident[chan] == data.ident) && (comm_type[chan] == data.type)) { // Then we're still tuned into the same service so do nought and return return; } else { // Something's changed - either the location or the service type // We need to feed the channel in so we're not removing it if we're also tuned in on the other channel CommRemoveFromList(comm_ident[chan], comm_type[chan], chan); } } // At this point we can assume that we need to add the service. comm_ident[chan] = data.ident; comm_type[chan] = data.type; comm_x[chan] = (double)data.x; comm_y[chan] = (double)data.y; comm_z[chan] = (double)data.z; comm_lon[chan] = (double)data.lon; comm_lat[chan] = (double)data.lat; comm_elev[chan] = (double)data.elev; comm_valid[chan] = true; // This was a switch-case statement but the compiler didn't like the new variable creation with it. if(comm_type[chan] == ATIS) { CommRegisterAirport(comm_ident[chan], chan, ATIS); FGATC* app = FindInList(comm_ident[chan], ATIS); if(app != NULL) { // The station is already in the ATC list //cout << "In list - flagging SetDisplay..." << endl; comm_atc_ptr[chan] = app; app->SetDisplay(); } else { // Generate the station and put in the ATC list //cout << "Not in list - generating..." << endl; FGATIS* a = new FGATIS; a->SetData(&data); comm_atc_ptr[chan] = a; a->SetDisplay(); //a->Init(); atc_list.push_back(a); } } else if (comm_type[chan] == TOWER) { //cout << "TOWER TOWER TOWER\n"; CommRegisterAirport(comm_ident[chan], chan, TOWER); //cout << "Done (TOWER)" << endl; FGATC* app = FindInList(comm_ident[chan], TOWER); if(app != NULL) { // The station is already in the ATC list SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, comm_ident[chan] << " is in list - flagging SetDisplay..."); //cout << comm_ident[chan] << " is in list - flagging SetDisplay...\n"; comm_atc_ptr[chan] = app; app->SetDisplay(); } else { // Generate the station and put in the ATC list SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_DEBUG, comm_ident[chan] << " is not in list - generating..."); //cout << comm_ident[chan] << " is not in list - generating...\n"; FGTower* t = new FGTower; t->SetData(&data); comm_atc_ptr[chan] = t; //cout << "Initing tower in FreqSearch()\n"; t->Init(); t->SetDisplay(); atc_list.push_back(t); } } else if (comm_type[chan] == GROUND) { CommRegisterAirport(comm_ident[chan], chan, GROUND); //cout << "Done (GROUND)" << endl; FGATC* app = FindInList(comm_ident[chan], GROUND); if(app != NULL) { // The station is already in the ATC list comm_atc_ptr[chan] = app; app->SetDisplay(); } else { // Generate the station and put in the ATC list FGGround* g = new FGGround; g->SetData(&data); comm_atc_ptr[chan] = g; g->Init(); g->SetDisplay(); atc_list.push_back(g); } } else if (comm_type[chan] == APPROACH) { // We have to be a bit more carefull here since approaches are also searched by area CommRegisterAirport(comm_ident[chan], chan, APPROACH); //cout << "Done (APPROACH)" << endl; FGATC* app = FindInList(comm_ident[chan], APPROACH); if(app != NULL) { // The station is already in the ATC list app->AddPlane("Player"); app->SetDisplay(); comm_atc_ptr[chan] = app; } else { // Generate the station and put in the ATC list FGApproach* a = new FGApproach; a->SetData(&data); comm_atc_ptr[chan] = a; a->Init(); a->SetDisplay(); a->AddPlane("Player"); atc_list.push_back(a); } } } else { if(comm_valid[chan]) { if(comm_type[chan] != APPROACH) { // Currently approaches are removed by Alexander's out-of-range mechanism CommRemoveFromList(comm_ident[chan], comm_type[chan], chan); } // Note that we *don't* call SetNoDisplay() here because the other comm channel // might be tuned into the same station - this is handled by CommRemoveFromList(...) comm_type[chan] = INVALID; comm_atc_ptr[chan] = NULL; comm_valid[chan] = false; } } } // Search ATC stations by area in order that we appear 'on the radar' void FGATCMgr::AreaSearch() { // Search for Approach stations comm_list_type approaches; comm_list_iterator app_itr; lon = lon_node->getDoubleValue(); lat = lat_node->getDoubleValue(); elev = elev_node->getDoubleValue() * SG_FEET_TO_METER; // search stations in range int num_app = current_commlist->FindByPos(lon, lat, elev, 100.0, &approaches, APPROACH); if (num_app != 0) { //cout << num_app << " approaches found in radiostack search !!!!" << endl; for(app_itr = approaches.begin(); app_itr != approaches.end(); app_itr++) { FGATC* app = FindInList(app_itr->ident, app_itr->type); if(app != NULL) { // The station is already in the ATC list //cout << "In list adding player\n"; app->AddPlane("Player"); //app->Update(); } else { // Generate the station and put in the ATC list FGApproach* a = new FGApproach; a->SetData(&(*app_itr)); //cout << "Adding player\n"; a->AddPlane("Player"); //a->Update(); atc_list.push_back(a); } } } // remove planes which are out of range // TODO - I'm not entirely sure that this belongs here. atc_list_iterator it = atc_list.begin(); while(it != atc_list.end()) { if((*it)->GetType() == APPROACH ) { int np = (*it)->RemovePlane(); // if approach has no planes left remove it from ATC list if ( np == 0) { //cout << "REMOVING AN APPROACH STATION WITH NO PLANES..." << endl; (*it)->SetNoDisplay(); (*it)->Update(0.00833); delete (*it); atc_list.erase(it); atc_list_itr = atc_list.begin(); // Reset the persistent itr incase we've left it off the end. break; // the other stations will be checked next time } } ++it; } }