# This script called in a CVS directory compares local files with
# the repository, and prepares an update package containing all
# changes and new files for submission to a CVS maintainer. If there
# are only changes in text files, then a compressed unified diff is
# made (foo.diff.bz2). If there are also changed binary or new files,
# then an archive is made instead (foo.tar.bz2). The base name ("foo")
# can be given as command line argument. Otherwise the directory name
# is used. The script also leaves a diff in uncompressed/unpackaged
# form. This is only for developer convenience -- for a quick check
# of the diff correctness. It is not to be submitted. The script will
# not overwrite any file, but rather rename conflicting files.
# Usage:  fg-submit [<basename>]
# Example:
#     $ cd $FG_ROOT/Aircraft/bo105
#     $ fg-submit                # -> bo105.diff.bz2 or bo105.tar.bz2
#     $ fg-submit update         # -> update.diff.bz2 or update.tar.bz2
# Spaces in the basename are replaced with "%20". People who prefer
# to have the date in the archive name can conveniently achieve this
# by defining a shell alias in ~/.bashrc:
#     alias submit='fg-submit "${PWD/#*\/}-$(date +%Y-%m-%d)"'
# If the script finds an application named "fg-upload", then it calls
# this at the end with two arguments:
#     $1 ... archive or compressed diff for submission
#     $2 ... accessory diff, *NOT* for submission!
# $1 and $2 are guaranteed not to contain spaces, only $1 is guaranteed
# to actually exist. Such as script can be used to upload the file to an
# ftp-/webserver, and/or to remove one or both files. Example using
# KDE's kfmclient for upload (alternatives: ncftpput, gnomevfs-copy, wput):
#     $ cat ~/bin/fg-upload
#     #!/bin/bash
#     echo "uploading $1"
#     if kfmclient copy $1 ftp://user:password@server.com; then
#             echo "deleting $1 $2"
#             rm -f $1 $2
#             echo "Done.  URL: ftp://server.com/$1"
#     else
#             echo "arghh ... HELP! HELP!"
#     fi

BASE=${BASE// /%20}

CVS=/usr/bin/cvs                 # avoid colorcvs wrapper from
[ -x $CVS ] || CVS=cvs           # http://www.hakubi.us/colorcvs/
UPLOAD=$(which fg-upload 2>/dev/null)


function ERROR   { echo -e "\e[31;1m$*\e[m";   }
function LOG     { echo -e "\e[35m$*\e[m";     }
function NEW     { echo -e "\e[32m\t+ $*\e[m"; }
function CHANGED { echo -e "\e[36m\t+ $*\e[m"; }
function REJECT  { echo -e "\e[31m\t- $*\e[m"; }

function diffstat {
	# output diff statistics, similar to the "diffstat" utility
	awk '
		function line(a, r, c, f) {
			print "\t\033[32m"a"\033[m\t\033[31m"r"\033[m\t\033[34m"c"\033[m\t"f
		function dofile() {
			if (!file) {
			if (bin) {
				print "\t. . . . binary  . . . . \033[36m"file"\033[m"
			} else {
				line(a, r, c, file)
				at += a; rt += r; ct += c
			a = r = c = 0
		BEGIN      {
			print "\tadded---removed-changed----------------------------------------"
			a = r = c = at = rt = ct = n = bin = 0
		/^Index: / { dofile(); scan = bin = 0; file = $2; n++; next }
		/^@@/      { scan = 1; next }
		/^Binary/  { if (!scan) bin = 1; next }
		/^\+/       { if (scan) a++; next }
		/^-/       { if (scan) r++; next }
		/^!/       { if (scan) c++; next }
		END        {
			print "\t----------------------------------------total------------------"
			line(at, rt, ct, "\033[min "n" files")
	' <$1

# create temporary dir that's automatically removed on exit
TMP=$(mktemp -d /tmp/$SELF.$BASE.XXXXXX) || (echo "$0: can't create temporary dir"; exit 1)
trap "rm -rf $TMP" 0 1 2 3 13 15

# move old files out of the way
for i in $DIFF $CDIFF $ARCHIVE; do
	[ -f $i ] && mv $i $(mktemp $i.XXXXXX)

LOG "updating and checking for new files ..."
$CVS -q up -dP >$TMP/up

if grep "^C " $TMP/up &>/dev/null; then
	ERROR "there are conflicts with the following files:"
	grep "^C " $TMP/up
	exit 1

LOG "making diff ..."
if ! $CVS -q diff -up >$DIFF; then
	LOG "diff statistics:"
	diffstat $DIFF

	# add diff file itself
	echo $DIFF >>$TMP/files

	# add changed binary files
	awk '
		/^Index: / { scan = 1; file = $2; next }
		/^@@/      { scan = 0; next }
		/^Binary/  { if (scan) { print file } }
	' <$DIFF >>$TMP/files
	rm -f $DIFF

LOG "checking for files to submit ..."
if [ -f $TMP/files ]; then
	cat $TMP/files|while read i; do
		CHANGED "$i"

grep "^? " $TMP/up|while read i; do
	find ${i#? } -type f >>$TMP/check

# classify and filter files
if [ -f $TMP/check ]; then
	for i in $(cat $TMP/check); do
		case "$i" in
		$ARCHIVE*|$DIFF*) # don't add files generated by the script
		*/.*|.*)          # silently drop hidden files
			REJECT "$i\t\t(backup file)"
			REJECT "$i\t\t(CVS file)"
			REJECT "$i\t\t(archive)"
			REJECT "$i\t\t(blender file)"
			REJECT "$i\t\t(graphics file)"
			NEW "$i"
			echo "$i" >>$TMP/files

if ! [ -f $TMP/files ]; then
	LOG "no changed or new files found"
	exit 0

numfiles=$(awk '//{n++}END{print n}' <$TMP/files)
if [ -f $DIFF -a $numfiles == 1 ]; then
	LOG "only changed non-binary files found"
	LOG "creating compressed diff \e[1;37;40m$CDIFF\e[m\e[35m ..."
	bzip2 -k $DIFF
	LOG "changed and/or new files found"
	LOG "creating archive \e[1;37;40m$ARCHIVE\e[m\e[35m ..."
	tar -cjf $ARCHIVE --files-from $TMP/files

[ -x "$UPLOAD" -a -f $RESULT ] && $UPLOAD "$PWD" $RESULT $DIFF

exit 0