// hud.cxx -- hud defines and prototypes // // Written by Michele America, started September 1997. // // Copyright (C) 1997 Michele F. America - micheleamerica@geocities.com // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. // // $Id$ // (Log is kept at end of this file) #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include <config.h> #endif #ifdef HAVE_WINDOWS_H # include <windows.h> #endif #ifdef __BORLANDC__ # define exception c_exception #endif #include <math.h> #include <GL/glut.h> #include <stdlib.h> #include <string.h> #ifdef HAVE_VALUES_H # include <values.h> // for MAXINT #endif #include <Aircraft/aircraft.hxx> #include <Debug/logstream.hxx> #include <Include/fg_constants.h> #include <Main/options.hxx> #include <Math/fg_random.h> #include <Math/mat3.h> #include <Math/polar3d.hxx> #include <Scenery/scenery.hxx> #include <Time/fg_timer.hxx> #if defined ( __sun__ ) || defined ( __sgi ) extern "C" { extern void *memmove(void *, const void *, size_t); } #endif #include "hud.hxx" static char units[5]; // The following routines obtain information concerntin the aircraft's // current state and return it to calling instrument display routines. // They should eventually be member functions of the aircraft. // deque< instr_item * > HUD_deque; class locRECT { public: RECT rect; locRECT( UINT left, UINT top, UINT right, UINT bottom); RECT get_rect(void) { return rect;} }; locRECT :: locRECT( UINT left, UINT top, UINT right, UINT bottom) { rect.left = left; rect.top = top; rect.right = right; rect.bottom = bottom; } // #define DEBUG void drawOneLine( UINT x1, UINT y1, UINT x2, UINT y2) { glBegin(GL_LINES); glVertex2f(x1, y1); glVertex2f(x2, y2); glEnd(); } void drawOneLine( RECT &rect) { glBegin(GL_LINES); glVertex2f(rect.left, rect.top); glVertex2f(rect.right, rect.bottom); glEnd(); } // // The following code deals with painting the "instrument" on the display // /* textString - Bitmap font string */ void textString( int x, int y, char *msg, void *font ){ glRasterPos2f(x, y); while (*msg) { glutBitmapCharacter(font, *msg); msg++; } } /* strokeString - Stroke font string */ void strokeString(int x, int y, char *msg, void *font, float theta) { int xx; int yy; glPushMatrix(); glRotatef(theta * RAD_TO_DEG, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0); xx = (int)(x * cos(theta) + y * sin( theta )); yy = (int)(y * cos(theta) - x * sin( theta )); glTranslatef( xx, yy, 0); glScalef(.1, .1, 0.0); while (*msg) { glutStrokeCharacter(font, *msg); msg++; } glPopMatrix(); } //========================= End of Class Implementations=================== // fgHUDInit // // Constructs a HUD object and then adds in instruments. At the present // the instruments are hard coded into the routine. Ultimately these need // to be defined by the aircraft's instrumentation records so that the // display for a Piper Cub doesn't show the speed range of a North American // mustange and the engine readouts of a B36! // #define INSTRDEFS 21 int fgHUDInit( fgAIRCRAFT * /* current_aircraft */ ) { instr_item *HIptr; int index; FG_LOG( FG_COCKPIT, FG_INFO, "Initializing current aircraft HUD" ); HUD_deque.erase( HUD_deque.begin(), HUD_deque.end()); // empty the HUD deque // hud->code = 1; // hud->status = 0; // For now lets just hardcode the hud here. // In the future, hud information has to come from the same place // aircraft information came from. // fgHUDSetTimeMode( hud, NIGHT ); // fgHUDSetBrightness( hud, BRT_LIGHT ); index = 0; do { switch ( index ) { case 0: // TBI HIptr = (instr_item *) new fgTBI_instr( 270, 100, 60, 10 ); break; case 1: // Artificial Horizon HIptr = (instr_item *) new HudLadder( 240, 195, 120, 180 ); break; case 2: // KIAS HIptr = (instr_item *) new hud_card( 130, 170, 28, 200, get_speed, HUDS_LEFT | HUDS_VERT, 200.0, 0.0, 1.0, 10, 5, 0, 0, 50.0, true); break; case 3: // Radio Altimeter HIptr = (instr_item *) new hud_card( 420, 195, 25, 150, get_agl, HUDS_LEFT | HUDS_VERT, 1000, 0, 1.0, 25, 5, 0, 0, 200.0, true); break; case 4: // GYRO COMPASS HIptr = (instr_item *) new hud_card( 200, 375, 200, 28, get_heading, HUDS_TOP, 360, 0, 1.0, 5, 1, 360, 0, 25, true); break; case 5: // AMSL HIptr = (instr_item *) new hud_card( 460, 170, 35, 200, get_altitude, HUDS_RIGHT | HUDS_VERT, 15000, -500, 1.0, 100, 25, 0, 0, 250, true); break; case 6: HIptr = (instr_item *) new guage_instr( 250, // x 350, // y 100, // width 20, // height get_aileronval, // data source HUDS_BOTTOM | HUDS_NOTEXT, 100.0, +1.0, -1.0); break; case 7: HIptr = (instr_item *) new guage_instr( 170, // x 225, // y 20, // width 100, // height get_elevatorval, // data source HUDS_RIGHT | HUDS_VERT | HUDS_NOTEXT, -100.0, // Scale data +1.0, // Data Range -1.0); break; case 8: HIptr = (instr_item *) new guage_instr( 250, // x 200, // y 100, // width 20, // height get_rudderval, // data source HUDS_TOP | HUDS_NOTEXT, 100.0, +1.0, -1.0); break; case 9: HIptr = (instr_item *) new guage_instr( 100, // x 190, 20, 160, // height get_throttleval, // data source HUDS_VERT | HUDS_RIGHT | HUDS_NOTEXT, 100.0, 1.0, 0.0); break; case 10: // Digital KIAS HIptr = (instr_item *) new instr_label ( 110, 150, 40, 30, get_speed, "%5.0f", NULL, " Kts", 1.0, HUDS_TOP, RIGHT_JUST, SMALL, 0, TRUE ); break; case 11: // Digital Rate of Climb HIptr = (instr_item *) new instr_label ( 110, 135, 40, 10, get_climb_rate, "%5.0f", " Climb", NULL, 1.0, HUDS_TOP, RIGHT_JUST, SMALL, 0, TRUE ); break; case 12: // Roll indication diagnostic HIptr = (instr_item *) new instr_label ( 110, 120, 40, 10, get_roll, "%5.2f", " Roll", " Deg", 1.0, HUDS_TOP, RIGHT_JUST, SMALL, 0, TRUE ); break; case 13: // Angle of attack diagnostic HIptr = (instr_item *) new instr_label ( 440, 150, 60, 10, get_aoa, " %5.2f", "AOA", " Deg", 1.0, HUDS_TOP, RIGHT_JUST, SMALL, 0, TRUE ); break; case 14: HIptr = (instr_item *) new instr_label ( 440, 135, 60, 10, get_heading, " %5.1f", "Heading ", " Deg", 1.0, HUDS_TOP, RIGHT_JUST, SMALL, 0, TRUE ); break; case 15: HIptr = (instr_item *) new instr_label ( 440, 120, 60, 10, get_sideslip, "%5.2f", "Sideslip ", NULL, 1.0, HUDS_TOP, RIGHT_JUST, SMALL, 0, TRUE ); break; case 16: HIptr = (instr_item *) new instr_label( 440, 100, 60, 10, get_throttleval, "%5.2f", "Throttle ", NULL, 1.0, HUDS_TOP, RIGHT_JUST, SMALL, 0, TRUE ); break; case 17: HIptr = (instr_item *) new instr_label( 440, 85, 60, 10, get_elevatorval, "%5.2f", "Elevator ", NULL, 1.0, HUDS_TOP, RIGHT_JUST, SMALL, 0, TRUE ); break; case 18: HIptr = (instr_item *) new instr_label( 440, 60, 60, 10, get_aileronval, "%5.2f", "Aileron ", NULL, 1.0, HUDS_TOP, RIGHT_JUST, SMALL, 0, TRUE ); break; case 19: HIptr = (instr_item *) new instr_label( 10, 10, 60, 10, get_frame_rate, "%.0f", "Frame rate = ", NULL, 1.0, HUDS_TOP, RIGHT_JUST, SMALL, 0, TRUE ); break; case 20: switch( current_options.get_tris_or_culled() ) { case 0: HIptr = (instr_item *) new instr_label( 10, 25, 90, 10, get_vfc_tris_drawn, "%.0f", "Tris Rendered = ", NULL, 1.0, HUDS_TOP, RIGHT_JUST, SMALL, 0, TRUE ); break; case 1: HIptr = (instr_item *) new instr_label( 10, 25, 90, 10, get_vfc_ratio, "%.2f", "VFC Ratio = ", NULL, 1.0, HUDS_TOP, RIGHT_JUST, SMALL, 0, TRUE ); break; } break; case 21: HIptr = (instr_item *) new instr_label( 10, 40, 90, 10, get_fov, "%.1f", "FOV = ", NULL, 1.0, HUDS_TOP, RIGHT_JUST, SMALL, 0, TRUE ); break; default: HIptr = 0;; } if( HIptr ) { // Anything to install? HUD_deque.insert( HUD_deque.begin(), HIptr); } index++; } while( HIptr ); return 0; // For now. Later we may use this for an error code. } int fgHUDInit2( fgAIRCRAFT * /* current_aircraft */ ) { instr_item *HIptr; int index; FG_LOG( FG_COCKPIT, FG_INFO, "Initializing current aircraft HUD" ); HUD_deque.erase( HUD_deque.begin(), HUD_deque.end()); // hud->code = 1; // hud->status = 0; // For now lets just hardcode the hud here. // In the future, hud information has to come from the same place // aircraft information came from. // fgHUDSetTimeMode( hud, NIGHT ); // fgHUDSetBrightness( hud, BRT_LIGHT ); // index = 0; index = 19; instr_item* p; p = new instr_label( 10, 10, 60, 10, get_frame_rate, "%.0f", "Frame rate = ", NULL, 1.0, HUDS_TOP, RIGHT_JUST, SMALL, 0, TRUE ); HUD_deque.push_front( p ); if ( current_options.get_tris_or_culled() == 0 ) p = new instr_label( 10, 25, 90, 10, get_vfc_tris_drawn, "%.0f", "Tris Rendered = ", NULL, 1.0, HUDS_TOP, RIGHT_JUST, SMALL, 0, TRUE ); else p = new instr_label( 10, 25, 90, 10, get_vfc_ratio, "%.2f", "VFC Ratio = ", NULL, 1.0, HUDS_TOP, RIGHT_JUST, SMALL, 0, TRUE ); HUD_deque.push_front( p ); p = new instr_label( 10, 40, 90, 10, get_fov, "%.1f", "FOV = ", NULL, 1.0, HUDS_TOP, RIGHT_JUST, SMALL, 0, TRUE ); HUD_deque.push_front( p ); const int x_pos = 480; p = new instr_label( x_pos, 40, 40, 30, get_speed, "%5.0f", "Airspeed ", " Kts", 1.0, HUDS_TOP, RIGHT_JUST, SMALL, 0, TRUE ); HUD_deque.push_front( p ); if ( current_options.get_units() == fgOPTIONS::FG_UNITS_FEET ) { strcpy(units, " ft"); } else { strcpy(units, " m"); } p = new instr_label( x_pos, 25, 40, 10, get_altitude, "%5.0f", "Altitude ", units, 1.0, HUDS_TOP, RIGHT_JUST, SMALL, 0, TRUE ); HUD_deque.push_front( p ); p = new instr_label( x_pos, 10, 60, 10, get_heading, "%5.1f", "Heading ", " Deg", 1.0, HUDS_TOP, RIGHT_JUST, SMALL, 0, TRUE ); HUD_deque.push_front( p ); return 0; // For now. Later we may use this for an error code. } int global_day_night_switch = DAY; void HUD_brightkey( bool incr_bright ) { instr_item *pHUDInstr = HUD_deque[0]; int brightness = pHUDInstr->get_brightness(); if( current_options.get_hud_status() ) { if( incr_bright ) { switch (brightness) { case BRT_LIGHT: current_options.set_hud_status(0); break; case BRT_MEDIUM: brightness = BRT_LIGHT; break; case BRT_DARK: brightness = BRT_MEDIUM; break; case BRT_BLACK: brightness = BRT_DARK; break; default: brightness = BRT_BLACK; } } else { switch (brightness) { case BRT_LIGHT: brightness = BRT_MEDIUM; break; case BRT_MEDIUM: brightness = BRT_DARK; break; case BRT_DARK: brightness = BRT_BLACK; break; case BRT_BLACK: default: current_options.set_hud_status(0); } } } else { current_options.set_hud_status(1); if( incr_bright ) { if( DAY == global_day_night_switch ) { brightness = BRT_BLACK; } else { brightness = BRT_DARK; global_day_night_switch = DAY; } } else { if( NIGHT == global_day_night_switch ) { brightness = BRT_DARK; } else { brightness = BRT_MEDIUM; global_day_night_switch = NIGHT; } } } pHUDInstr->SetBrightness( brightness ); } // fgUpdateHUD // // Performs a once around the list of calls to instruments installed in // the HUD object with requests for redraw. Kinda. It will when this is // all C++. // void fgUpdateHUD( void ) { int i; int brightness; // int day_night_sw = current_aircraft.controls->day_night_switch; int day_night_sw = global_day_night_switch; int hud_displays = HUD_deque.size(); instr_item *pHUDInstr; if( !hud_displays ) { // Trust everyone, but ALWAYS cut the cards! return; } pHUDInstr = HUD_deque[0]; brightness = pHUDInstr->get_brightness(); // brightness = HUD_deque.at(0)->get_brightness(); glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glPushMatrix(); glLoadIdentity(); gluOrtho2D(0, 640, 0, 480); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glPushMatrix(); glLoadIdentity(); glColor3f(1.0, 1.0, 1.0); glIndexi(7); glDisable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glDisable(GL_LIGHTING); glLineWidth(1); deque < instr_item * > :: iterator current = HUD_deque.begin(); deque < instr_item * > :: iterator last = HUD_deque.end(); for ( ; current != last; ++current ) { pHUDInstr = *current; // for( i = hud_displays; i; --i) { // Draw everything // if( HUD_deque.at(i)->enabled()) { // pHUDInstr = HUD_deque[i - 1]; if( pHUDInstr->enabled()) { // We should to respond to a dial instead // or as well to the of time of day. Of // course, we have no dial! if( day_night_sw == DAY) { switch (brightness) { case BRT_LIGHT: glColor3f (0.1, 0.9, 0.1); break; case BRT_MEDIUM: glColor3f (0.1, 0.7, 0.0); break; case BRT_DARK: glColor3f (0.0, 0.5, 0.0); break; case BRT_BLACK: glColor3f( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); break; default:; } } else { if( day_night_sw == NIGHT) { switch (brightness) { case BRT_LIGHT: glColor3f (0.9, 0.1, 0.1); break; case BRT_MEDIUM: glColor3f (0.7, 0.0, 0.1); break; case BRT_DARK: default: glColor3f (0.5, 0.0, 0.0); } } else { // Just in case default glColor3f (0.1, 0.9, 0.1); } } // fgPrintf( FG_COCKPIT, FG_DEBUG, "HUD Code %d Status %d\n", // hud->code, hud->status ); pHUDInstr->draw(); // HUD_deque.at(i)->draw(); // Responsible for broken or fixed variants. // No broken displays honored just now. } } glEnable(GL_DEPTH_TEST); glEnable(GL_LIGHTING); glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glPopMatrix(); glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glPopMatrix(); } // $Log$ // Revision 1.30 1999/01/27 04:47:52 curt // Make lower end of altitude = -500 so the altimeter is guaged below zero (such // as in death valley.) // // Revision 1.29 1998/12/18 23:35:10 curt // Converted to a simpler frame rate counting method. // // Revision 1.28 1998/11/23 21:48:59 curt // Borland portability tweaks. // // Revision 1.27 1998/11/06 21:17:47 curt // Converted to new logstream debugging facility. This allows release // builds with no messages at all (and no performance impact) by using // the -DFG_NDEBUG flag. // // Revision 1.26 1998/11/03 12:33:11 curt // Display ft or m in mini-hud next to altitude. // // Revision 1.25 1998/10/17 01:33:57 curt // C++ ifying ... // // Revision 1.24 1998/10/16 23:27:25 curt // C++-ifying. // // Revision 1.23 1998/10/16 00:53:00 curt // Mods to display a bit more info when mini-hud is active. // // Revision 1.22 1998/09/29 14:56:31 curt // c++-ified comments. // // Revision 1.21 1998/09/29 02:01:07 curt // Added a "rate of climb" indicator. // // Revision 1.20 1998/08/24 20:05:16 curt // Added a second minimalistic HUD. // Added code to display the number of triangles rendered. // // Revision 1.19 1998/07/30 23:44:05 curt // Tweaks for sgi building. // // Revision 1.18 1998/07/20 12:47:55 curt // Replace the hud rendering for loop (which linearly searches the the hud // list to find the entry with the proper position) with a simple linear // traversal using an "iterator." // // Revision 1.17 1998/07/13 21:28:02 curt // Converted the aoa scale to a radio altimeter. // // Revision 1.16 1998/07/13 21:00:47 curt // Integrated Charlies latest HUD updates. // Wrote access functions for current fgOPTIONS. // // Revision 1.15 1998/07/08 14:41:08 curt // Renamed polar3d.h to polar3d.hxx // // Revision 1.14 1998/07/06 21:31:20 curt // Removed an extraneous ^M. // // Revision 1.13 1998/07/03 13:16:28 curt // Added Charlie Hotchkiss's HUD updates and improvementes. // // Revision 1.11 1998/06/05 18:17:10 curt // Added the declaration of memmove needed by the stl which apparently // solaris only defines for cc compilations and not for c++ (__STDC__) // // Revision 1.10 1998/05/17 16:58:12 curt // Added a View Frustum Culling ratio display to the hud. // // Revision 1.9 1998/05/16 13:04:14 curt // New updates from Charlie Hotchkiss. // // Revision 1.8 1998/05/13 18:27:54 curt // Added an fov to hud display. // // Revision 1.7 1998/05/11 18:13:11 curt // Complete C++ rewrite of all cockpit code by Charlie Hotchkiss. // // Revision 1.22 1998/04/18 04:14:02 curt // Moved fg_debug.c to it's own library. // // Revision 1.21 1998/04/03 21:55:28 curt // Converting to Gnu autoconf system. // Tweaks to hud.c // // Revision 1.20 1998/03/09 22:48:40 curt // Minor "formatting" tweaks. // // Revision 1.19 1998/02/23 20:18:28 curt // Incorporated Michele America's hud changes. // // Revision 1.18 1998/02/21 14:53:10 curt // Added Charlie's HUD changes. // // Revision 1.17 1998/02/20 00:16:21 curt // Thursday's tweaks. // // Revision 1.16 1998/02/19 13:05:49 curt // Incorporated some HUD tweaks from Michelle America. // Tweaked the sky's sunset/rise colors. // Other misc. tweaks. // // Revision 1.15 1998/02/16 13:38:39 curt // Integrated changes from Charlie Hotchkiss. // // Revision 1.14 1998/02/12 21:59:41 curt // Incorporated code changes contributed by Charlie Hotchkiss // <chotchkiss@namg.us.anritsu.com> // // Revision 1.12 1998/02/09 15:07:48 curt // Minor tweaks. // // Revision 1.11 1998/02/07 15:29:34 curt // Incorporated HUD changes and struct/typedef changes from Charlie Hotchkiss // <chotchkiss@namg.us.anritsu.com> // // Revision 1.10 1998/02/03 23:20:14 curt // Lots of little tweaks to fix various consistency problems discovered by // Solaris' CC. Fixed a bug in fg_debug.c with how the fgPrintf() wrapper // passed arguments along to the real printf(). Also incorporated HUD changes // by Michele America. // // Revision 1.9 1998/01/31 00:43:04 curt // Added MetroWorks patches from Carmen Volpe. // // Revision 1.8 1998/01/27 00:47:51 curt // Incorporated Paul Bleisch's <bleisch@chromatic.com> new debug message // system and commandline/config file processing code. // // Revision 1.7 1998/01/19 18:40:20 curt // Tons of little changes to clean up the code and to remove fatal errors // when building with the c++ compiler. // // Revision 1.6 1997/12/15 23:54:34 curt // Add xgl wrappers for debugging. // Generate terrain normals on the fly. // // Revision 1.5 1997/12/10 22:37:39 curt // Prepended "fg" on the name of all global structures that didn't have it yet. // i.e. "struct WEATHER {}" became "struct fgWEATHER {}" // // Revision 1.4 1997/09/23 00:29:32 curt // Tweaks to get things to compile with gcc-win32. // // Revision 1.3 1997/09/05 14:17:26 curt // More tweaking with stars. // // Revision 1.2 1997/09/04 02:17:30 curt // Shufflin' stuff. // // Revision 1.1 1997/08/29 18:03:22 curt // Initial revision. //