// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // #include <simgear/debug/logstream.hxx> #include "runwayprefloader.hxx" FGRunwayPreferenceXMLLoader::FGRunwayPreferenceXMLLoader(FGRunwayPreference* p):XMLVisitor(), _pref(p) {} void FGRunwayPreferenceXMLLoader::startXML () { // cout << "Start XML" << endl; } void FGRunwayPreferenceXMLLoader::endXML () { //cout << "End XML" << endl; } void FGRunwayPreferenceXMLLoader::startElement (const char * name, const XMLAttributes &atts) { //cout << "StartElement " << name << endl; value = string(""); if (!(strcmp(name, "wind"))) { //cerr << "Will be processing Wind" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < atts.size(); i++) { //cout << " " << atts.getName(i) << '=' << atts.getValue(i) << endl; //attname = atts.getName(i); if (atts.getName(i) == string("tail")) { //cerr << "Tail Wind = " << atts.getValue(i) << endl; currTimes.setTailWind(atof(atts.getValue(i))); } if (atts.getName(i) == string("cross")) { //cerr << "Cross Wind = " << atts.getValue(i) << endl; currTimes.setCrossWind(atof(atts.getValue(i))); } } } if (!(strcmp(name, "time"))) { //cerr << "Will be processing time" << endl; for (int i = 0; i < atts.size(); i++) { if (atts.getName(i) == string("start")) { //cerr << "Start Time = " << atts.getValue(i) << endl; currTimes.addStartTime(processTime(atts.getValue(i))); } if (atts.getName(i) == string("end")) { //cerr << "End time = " << atts.getValue(i) << endl; currTimes.addEndTime(processTime(atts.getValue(i))); } if (atts.getName(i) == string("schedule")) { //cerr << "Schedule Name = " << atts.getValue(i) << endl; currTimes.addScheduleName(atts.getValue(i)); } } } if (!(strcmp(name, "takeoff"))) { rwyList.clear(); } if (!(strcmp(name, "landing"))) { rwyList.clear(); } if (!(strcmp(name, "schedule"))) { for (int i = 0; i < atts.size(); i++) { //cout << " " << atts.getName(i) << '=' << atts.getValue(i) << endl; //attname = atts.getName(i); if (atts.getName(i) == string("name")) { //cerr << "Schedule name = " << atts.getValue(i) << endl; scheduleName = atts.getValue(i); } } } } //based on a string containing hour and minute, return nr seconds since day start. time_t FGRunwayPreferenceXMLLoader::processTime(const string &tme) { string hour = tme.substr(0, tme.find(":",0)); string minute = tme.substr(tme.find(":",0)+1, tme.length()); //cerr << "hour = " << hour << " Minute = " << minute << endl; return (atoi(hour.c_str()) * 3600 + atoi(minute.c_str()) * 60); } void FGRunwayPreferenceXMLLoader::endElement (const char * name) { //cout << "End element " << name << endl; if (!(strcmp(name, "rwyuse"))) { _pref->setInitialized(true); } if (!(strcmp(name, "com"))) { // Commercial Traffic //cerr << "Setting time table for commerical traffic" << endl; _pref->setComTimes(currTimes); currTimes.clear(); } if (!(strcmp(name, "gen"))) { // General Aviation //cerr << "Setting time table for general aviation" << endl; _pref->setGenTimes(currTimes); currTimes.clear(); } if (!(strcmp(name, "mil"))) { // Military Traffic //cerr << "Setting time table for military traffic" << endl; _pref->setMilTimes(currTimes); currTimes.clear(); } if (!(strcmp(name, "ul"))) { // Military Traffic //cerr << "Setting time table for military traffic" << endl; _pref->setULTimes(currTimes); currTimes.clear(); } if (!(strcmp(name, "takeoff"))) { //cerr << "Adding takeoff: " << value << endl; rwyList.set(name, value); rwyGroup.add(rwyList); } if (!(strcmp(name, "landing"))) { //cerr << "Adding landing: " << value << endl; rwyList.set(name, value); rwyGroup.add(rwyList); } if (!(strcmp(name, "schedule"))) { //cerr << "Adding schedule" << scheduleName << endl; rwyGroup.setName(scheduleName); //rwyGroup.addRunways(rwyList); _pref->addRunwayGroup(rwyGroup); rwyGroup.clear(); //exit(1); } } void FGRunwayPreferenceXMLLoader::data (const char * s, int len) { string token = string(s,len); //cout << "Character data " << string(s,len) << endl; //if ((token.find(" ") == string::npos && (token.find('\n')) == string::npos)) // value += token; //else // value = string(""); value += token; } void FGRunwayPreferenceXMLLoader::pi (const char * target, const char * data) { //cout << "Processing instruction " << target << ' ' << data << endl; } void FGRunwayPreferenceXMLLoader::warning (const char * message, int line, int column) { SG_LOG(SG_IO, SG_WARN, "Warning: " << message << " (" << line << ',' << column << ')'); } void FGRunwayPreferenceXMLLoader::error (const char * message, int line, int column) { SG_LOG(SG_IO, SG_ALERT, "Error: " << message << " (" << line << ',' << column << ')'); }