/*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Module: FGPropeller.cpp Author: Jon S. Berndt Date started: 08/24/00 Purpose: Encapsulates the propeller object ------------- Copyright (C) 2000 Jon S. Berndt (jsb@hal-pc.org) ------------- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. Further information about the GNU General Public License can also be found on the world wide web at http://www.gnu.org. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- HISTORY -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 08/24/00 JSB Created %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% INCLUDES %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*/ #include "FGPropeller.h" #include "FGFCS.h" static const char *IdSrc = "$Id$"; static const char *IdHdr = ID_PROPELLER; /*%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% CLASS IMPLEMENTATION %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%*/ FGPropeller::FGPropeller(FGFDMExec* exec, FGConfigFile* Prop_cfg) : FGThruster(exec) { string token; int rows, cols; MaxPitch = MinPitch = P_Factor = Sense = Pitch = 0.0; Name = Prop_cfg->GetValue("NAME"); Prop_cfg->GetNextConfigLine(); while (Prop_cfg->GetValue() != string("/FG_PROPELLER")) { *Prop_cfg >> token; if (token == "IXX") { *Prop_cfg >> Ixx; } else if (token == "DIAMETER") { *Prop_cfg >> Diameter; Diameter /= 12.0; } else if (token == "NUMBLADES") { *Prop_cfg >> numBlades; } else if (token == "MINPITCH") { *Prop_cfg >> MinPitch; } else if (token == "MAXPITCH") { *Prop_cfg >> MaxPitch; } else if (token == "MINRPM") { *Prop_cfg >> MinRPM; } else if (token == "MAXRPM") { *Prop_cfg >> MaxRPM; } else if (token == "C_THRUST") { *Prop_cfg >> rows >> cols; if (cols == 1) cThrust = new FGTable(rows); else cThrust = new FGTable(rows, cols); *cThrust << *Prop_cfg; } else if (token == "C_POWER") { *Prop_cfg >> rows >> cols; if (cols == 1) cPower = new FGTable(rows); else cPower = new FGTable(rows, cols); *cPower << *Prop_cfg; } else if (token == "EOF") { cerr << " End of file reached" << endl; break; } else { cerr << "Unhandled token in Propeller config file: " << token << endl; } } if (debug_lvl > 0) { cout << "\n Propeller Name: " << Name << endl; cout << " IXX = " << Ixx << endl; cout << " Diameter = " << Diameter << " ft." << endl; cout << " Number of Blades = " << numBlades << endl; cout << " Minimum Pitch = " << MinPitch << endl; cout << " Maximum Pitch = " << MaxPitch << endl; cout << " Thrust Coefficient: " << endl; cThrust->Print(); cout << " Power Coefficient: " << endl; cPower->Print(); } Type = ttPropeller; RPM = 0; vTorque.InitMatrix(); if (debug_lvl & 2) cout << "Instantiated: FGPropeller" << endl; } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% FGPropeller::~FGPropeller() { if (cThrust) delete cThrust; if (cPower) delete cPower; if (debug_lvl & 2) cout << "Destroyed: FGPropeller" << endl; } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% // // We must be getting the aerodynamic velocity here, NOT the inertial velocity. // We need the velocity with respect to the wind. // // Note that PowerAvailable is the excess power available after the drag of the // propeller has been subtracted. At equilibrium, PowerAvailable will be zero - // indicating that the propeller will not accelerate or decelerate. // Remembering that Torque * omega = Power, we can derive the torque on the // propeller and its acceleration to give a new RPM. The current RPM will be // used to calculate thrust. // // Because RPM could be zero, we need to be creative about what RPM is stated as. double FGPropeller::Calculate(double PowerAvailable) { double J, C_Thrust, omega; double Vel = fdmex->GetTranslation()->GetvAeroUVW(eU); double rho = fdmex->GetAtmosphere()->GetDensity(); double RPS = RPM/60.0; double alpha, beta; if (RPM > 0.10) { J = Vel / (Diameter * RPS); } else { J = 0.0; } if (MaxPitch == MinPitch) { // Fixed pitch prop C_Thrust = cThrust->GetValue(J); } else { // Variable pitch prop C_Thrust = cThrust->GetValue(J, Pitch); } if (P_Factor > 0.0001) { alpha = fdmex->GetTranslation()->Getalpha(); beta = fdmex->GetTranslation()->Getbeta(); SetActingLocationY( GetLocationY() + P_Factor*alpha*fabs(Sense)/Sense); SetActingLocationZ( GetLocationZ() + P_Factor*beta*fabs(Sense)/Sense); } else if (P_Factor < 0.000) { cerr << "P-Factor value in config file must be greater than zero" << endl; } Thrust = C_Thrust*RPS*RPS*Diameter*Diameter*Diameter*Diameter*rho; vFn(1) = Thrust; omega = RPS*2.0*M_PI; // The Ixx value and rotation speed given below are for rotation about the // natural axis of the engine. The transform takes place in the base class // FGForce::GetBodyForces() function. vH(eX) = Ixx*omega*fabs(Sense)/Sense; vH(eY) = 0.0; vH(eZ) = 0.0; if (omega <= 5) omega = 1.0; ExcessTorque = PowerAvailable / omega; RPM = (RPS + ((ExcessTorque / Ixx) / (2.0 * M_PI)) * deltaT) * 60.0; vMn = fdmex->GetRotation()->GetPQR()*vH + vTorque*Sense; return Thrust; // return thrust in pounds } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% double FGPropeller::GetPowerRequired(void) { if (RPM <= 0.10) return 0.0; // If the prop ain't turnin', the fuel ain't burnin'. double cPReq, RPS = RPM / 60.0; double J = fdmex->GetTranslation()->GetvAeroUVW(eU) / (Diameter * RPS); double rho = fdmex->GetAtmosphere()->GetDensity(); if (MaxPitch == MinPitch) { // Fixed pitch prop cPReq = cPower->GetValue(J); } else { // Variable pitch prop double advance = fdmex->GetFCS()->GetPropAdvance(ThrusterNumber); if (MaxRPM != MinRPM) { // fixed-speed prop double rpmReq = MinRPM + (MaxRPM - MinRPM) * advance; double dRPM = rpmReq - RPM; Pitch -= dRPM / 10; if (Pitch < MinPitch) Pitch = MinPitch; else if (Pitch > MaxPitch) Pitch = MaxPitch; } else { Pitch = MaxPitch - (MaxPitch - MinPitch) * advance; } cPReq = cPower->GetValue(J, Pitch); } PowerRequired = cPReq*RPS*RPS*RPS*Diameter*Diameter*Diameter*Diameter *Diameter*rho; vTorque(eX) = PowerRequired / ((RPM/60)*2.0*M_PI); return PowerRequired; } //%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% void FGPropeller::Debug(void) { //TODO: Add your source code here }