// realwx_ctrl.cxx -- Process real weather data // // Written by David Megginson, started February 2002. // Rewritten by Torsten Dreyer, August 2010, August 2011 // // Copyright (C) 2002 David Megginson - david@megginson.com // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include "realwx_ctrl.hxx" #include <algorithm> #include <boost/foreach.hpp> #include <boost/algorithm/string/case_conv.hpp> #include <simgear/structure/exception.hxx> #include <simgear/misc/strutils.hxx> #include <simgear/props/tiedpropertylist.hxx> #include <simgear/io/HTTPRequest.hxx> #include <simgear/timing/sg_time.hxx> #include <simgear/structure/event_mgr.hxx> #include <simgear/structure/commands.hxx> #include "metarproperties.hxx" #include "metarairportfilter.hxx" #include "fgmetar.hxx" #include <Network/HTTPClient.hxx> #include <Main/fg_props.hxx> namespace Environment { /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ class MetarDataHandler { public: virtual void handleMetarData( const std::string & data ) = 0; }; class MetarRequester { public: virtual void requestMetar( MetarDataHandler * metarDataHandler, const std::string & id ) = 0; }; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ class LiveMetarProperties : public MetarProperties, MetarDataHandler { public: LiveMetarProperties( SGPropertyNode_ptr rootNode, MetarRequester * metarRequester ); virtual ~LiveMetarProperties(); virtual void update( double dt ); virtual double getTimeToLive() const { return _timeToLive; } virtual void setTimeToLive( double value ) { _timeToLive = value; } // implementation of MetarDataHandler virtual void handleMetarData( const std::string & data ); static const unsigned MAX_POLLING_INTERVAL_SECONDS = 10; static const unsigned DEFAULT_TIME_TO_LIVE_SECONDS = 900; private: double _timeToLive; double _pollingTimer; MetarRequester * _metarRequester; }; typedef SGSharedPtr<LiveMetarProperties> LiveMetarProperties_ptr; LiveMetarProperties::LiveMetarProperties( SGPropertyNode_ptr rootNode, MetarRequester * metarRequester ) : MetarProperties( rootNode ), _timeToLive(0.0), _pollingTimer(0.0), _metarRequester(metarRequester) { _tiedProperties.Tie("time-to-live", &_timeToLive ); } LiveMetarProperties::~LiveMetarProperties() { _tiedProperties.Untie(); } void LiveMetarProperties::update( double dt ) { _timeToLive -= dt; _pollingTimer -= dt; if( _timeToLive < 0.0 ) { _timeToLive = 0.0; std::string stationId = getStationId(); if( stationId.empty() ) return; if( _pollingTimer > 0.0 ) return; _metarRequester->requestMetar( this, stationId ); _pollingTimer = MAX_POLLING_INTERVAL_SECONDS; } } void LiveMetarProperties::handleMetarData( const std::string & data ) { SG_LOG( SG_ENVIRONMENT, SG_INFO, "LiveMetarProperties::handleMetarData() received METAR for " << getStationId() << ": " << data ); _timeToLive = DEFAULT_TIME_TO_LIVE_SECONDS; setMetar( data ); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ class BasicRealWxController : public RealWxController { public: BasicRealWxController( SGPropertyNode_ptr rootNode, MetarRequester * metarRequester ); virtual ~BasicRealWxController (); virtual void init (); virtual void reinit (); virtual void shutdown (); /** * Create a metar-property binding at the specified property path, * and initiate a request for the specified station-ID (which may be * empty). If the property path is already mapped, the station ID * will be updated. */ void addMetarAtPath(const string& propPath, const string& icao); void removeMetarAtPath(const string& propPath); protected: void bind(); void unbind(); void update( double dt ); void checkNearbyMetar(); long getMetarMaxAgeMin() const { return _max_age_n == NULL ? 0 : _max_age_n->getLongValue(); } SGPropertyNode_ptr _rootNode; SGPropertyNode_ptr _ground_elevation_n; SGPropertyNode_ptr _max_age_n; bool _enabled; bool _wasEnabled; simgear::TiedPropertyList _tiedProperties; typedef std::vector<LiveMetarProperties_ptr> MetarPropertiesList; MetarPropertiesList _metarProperties; MetarRequester* _requester; }; static bool commandRequestMetar(const SGPropertyNode* arg) { SGSubsystemGroup* envMgr = (SGSubsystemGroup*) globals->get_subsystem("environment"); if (!envMgr) { return false; } BasicRealWxController* self = (BasicRealWxController*) envMgr->get_subsystem("realwx"); if (!self) { return false; } string icao(arg->getStringValue("station")); boost::to_upper(icao); string path = arg->getStringValue("path"); self->addMetarAtPath(path, icao); return true; } static bool commandClearMetar(const SGPropertyNode* arg) { SGSubsystemGroup* envMgr = (SGSubsystemGroup*) globals->get_subsystem("environment"); if (!envMgr) { return false; } BasicRealWxController* self = (BasicRealWxController*) envMgr->get_subsystem("realwx"); if (!self) { return false; } string path = arg->getStringValue("path"); self->removeMetarAtPath(path); return true; } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* Properties ~/enabled: bool Enables/Disables the realwx controller ~/metar[1..n]: string Target property path for metar data */ BasicRealWxController::BasicRealWxController( SGPropertyNode_ptr rootNode, MetarRequester * metarRequester ) : _rootNode(rootNode), _ground_elevation_n( fgGetNode( "/position/ground-elev-m", true )), _max_age_n( fgGetNode( "/environment/params/metar-max-age-min", false ) ), _enabled(true), _wasEnabled(false), _requester(metarRequester) { // at least instantiate MetarProperties for /environment/metar _metarProperties.push_back( new LiveMetarProperties( fgGetNode( rootNode->getStringValue("metar", "/environment/metar"), true ), metarRequester )); BOOST_FOREACH( SGPropertyNode_ptr n, rootNode->getChildren("metar") ) { SGPropertyNode_ptr metarNode = fgGetNode( n->getStringValue(), true ); addMetarAtPath(metarNode->getPath(), ""); } SGCommandMgr::instance()->addCommand("request-metar", commandRequestMetar); SGCommandMgr::instance()->addCommand("clear-metar", commandClearMetar); } BasicRealWxController::~BasicRealWxController() { //SGCommandMgr::instance()->removeCommand("request-metar"); } void BasicRealWxController::init() { _wasEnabled = false; update(0); // fetch data ASAP globals->get_event_mgr()->addTask("checkNearbyMetar", this, &BasicRealWxController::checkNearbyMetar, 60 ); } void BasicRealWxController::reinit() { _wasEnabled = false; } void BasicRealWxController::shutdown() { globals->get_event_mgr()->removeTask("checkNearbyMetar"); } void BasicRealWxController::bind() { _tiedProperties.setRoot( _rootNode ); _tiedProperties.Tie( "enabled", &_enabled ); } void BasicRealWxController::unbind() { _tiedProperties.Untie(); } void BasicRealWxController::update( double dt ) { if( _enabled ) { bool firstIteration = !_wasEnabled; // clock tick for every METAR in stock BOOST_FOREACH(LiveMetarProperties* p, _metarProperties) { // first round? All received METARs are outdated if( firstIteration ) p->setTimeToLive( 0.0 ); p->update(dt); } _wasEnabled = true; } else { _wasEnabled = false; } } void BasicRealWxController::addMetarAtPath(const string& propPath, const string& icao) { // check for duplicate entries BOOST_FOREACH( LiveMetarProperties_ptr p, _metarProperties ) { if( p->get_root_node()->getPath() == propPath ) { // already exists if (p->getStationId() != icao) { p->setStationId(icao); p->setTimeToLive(0.0); } return; } } // of exitsing metar properties iteration SGPropertyNode_ptr metarNode = fgGetNode(propPath, true); SG_LOG( SG_ENVIRONMENT, SG_INFO, "Adding metar properties at " << propPath ); LiveMetarProperties_ptr p(new LiveMetarProperties( metarNode, _requester )); _metarProperties.push_back(p); p->setStationId(icao); } void BasicRealWxController::removeMetarAtPath(const string &propPath) { MetarPropertiesList::iterator it = _metarProperties.begin(); for (; it != _metarProperties.end(); ++it) { LiveMetarProperties_ptr p(*it); if( p->get_root_node()->getPath() == propPath ) { _metarProperties.erase(it); // final ref will drop, and delete the MetarProperties, when we return return; } } SG_LOG(SG_ENVIRONMENT, SG_WARN, "no metar properties at " << propPath); } void BasicRealWxController::checkNearbyMetar() { try { const SGGeod & pos = globals->get_aircraft_position(); // check nearest airport SG_LOG(SG_ENVIRONMENT, SG_DEBUG, "NoaaMetarRealWxController::update(): (re) checking nearby airport with METAR" ); FGAirport * nearestAirport = FGAirport::findClosest(pos, 10000.0, MetarAirportFilter::instance() ); if( nearestAirport == NULL ) { SG_LOG(SG_ENVIRONMENT,SG_WARN,"RealWxController::update can't find airport with METAR within 10000NM" ); return; } SG_LOG(SG_ENVIRONMENT, SG_DEBUG, "NoaaMetarRealWxController::update(): nearest airport with METAR is: " << nearestAirport->ident() ); // if it has changed, invalidate the associated METAR if( _metarProperties[0]->getStationId() != nearestAirport->ident() ) { SG_LOG(SG_ENVIRONMENT, SG_INFO, "NoaaMetarRealWxController::update(): nearest airport with METAR has changed. Old: '" << _metarProperties[0]->getStationId() << "', new: '" << nearestAirport->ident() << "'" ); _metarProperties[0]->setStationId( nearestAirport->ident() ); _metarProperties[0]->setTimeToLive( 0.0 ); } } catch( sg_exception & ) { return; } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ class NoaaMetarRealWxController : public BasicRealWxController, MetarRequester { public: NoaaMetarRealWxController( SGPropertyNode_ptr rootNode ); // implementation of MetarRequester virtual void requestMetar( MetarDataHandler * metarDataHandler, const std::string & id ); private: }; NoaaMetarRealWxController::NoaaMetarRealWxController( SGPropertyNode_ptr rootNode ) : BasicRealWxController(rootNode, this ) { } void NoaaMetarRealWxController::requestMetar( MetarDataHandler * metarDataHandler, const std::string & id ) { class NoaaMetarGetRequest : public simgear::HTTP::Request { public: NoaaMetarGetRequest(MetarDataHandler* metarDataHandler, const string& stationId ) : Request("http://weather.noaa.gov/pub/data/observations/metar/stations/" + stationId + ".TXT"), _fromProxy(false), _metarDataHandler(metarDataHandler) { } virtual string_list requestHeaders() const { string_list reply; reply.push_back("X-TIME"); return reply; } virtual std::string header(const std::string& name) const { string reply; if( name == "X-TIME" ) { std::ostringstream buf; buf << globals->get_time_params()->get_cur_time(); reply = buf.str(); } return reply; } virtual void responseHeader(const string& key, const string& value) { if (key == "x-metarproxy") { _fromProxy = true; } } virtual void gotBodyData(const char* s, int n) { _metar += string(s, n); } virtual void responseComplete() { if (responseCode() == 200) { _metarDataHandler->handleMetarData( simgear::strutils::simplify(_metar) ); } else { SG_LOG(SG_ENVIRONMENT, SG_WARN, "metar download failed:" << url() << ": reason:" << responseReason()); } } // bool fromMetarProxy() const // { return _fromProxy; } private: string _metar; bool _fromProxy; MetarDataHandler * _metarDataHandler; }; string upperId = boost::to_upper_copy(id); SG_LOG(SG_ENVIRONMENT, SG_INFO, "NoaaMetarRealWxController::update(): spawning load request for station-id '" << upperId << "'" ); FGHTTPClient* http = static_cast<FGHTTPClient*>(globals->get_subsystem("http")); if (http) { http->makeRequest(new NoaaMetarGetRequest(metarDataHandler, upperId)); } } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ RealWxController * RealWxController::createInstance( SGPropertyNode_ptr rootNode ) { return new NoaaMetarRealWxController( rootNode ); } /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ } // namespace Environment