#ifndef __INCLUDED_JS_H__ #define __INCLUDED_JS_H__ 1 #ifdef __linux__ # include <stdio.h> # include <unistd.h> # include <fcntl.h> # include <linux/joystick.h> #endif #define JS_TRUE 1 #define JS_FALSE 0 /* This is all set up for the older Linux and BSD drivers which restrict you to two axes. */ #define _JS_MAX_AXES 2 class jsJoystick { JS_DATA_TYPE js ; char fname [ 128 ] ; int error ; int fd ; int num_axes ; float dead_band [ _JS_MAX_AXES ] ; float center [ _JS_MAX_AXES ] ; float max [ _JS_MAX_AXES ] ; float min [ _JS_MAX_AXES ] ; void open () { num_axes = _JS_MAX_AXES ; fd = ::open ( fname, O_RDONLY ) ; error = ( fd < 0 ) ; if ( error ) return ; int counter = 0 ; /* The Linux driver seems to return 512 for all axes when no stick is present - but there is a chance that could happen by accident - so it's gotta happen on both axes for at least 100 attempts. */ do { rawRead ( NULL, center ) ; counter++ ; } while ( counter < 100 && center[0] == 512.0f && center[1] == 512.0f ) ; if ( counter >= 100 ) error = JS_TRUE ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < _JS_MAX_AXES ; i++ ) { max [ i ] = center [ i ] * 2.0f ; min [ i ] = 0.0f ; dead_band [ i ] = 0.0f ; } } void close () { if ( ! error ) ::close ( fd ) ; } float fudge_axis ( float value, int axis ) { if ( value < center[axis] ) { float xx = ( value - center[ axis ] ) / ( center [ axis ] - min [ axis ] ) ; xx = ( xx > -dead_band [ axis ] ) ? 0.0f : ( ( xx + dead_band [ axis ] ) / ( 1.0f - dead_band [ axis ] ) ) ; return ( xx < -1.0f ) ? -1.0f : xx ; } else { float xx = ( value - center [ axis ] ) / ( max [ axis ] - center [ axis ] ) ; xx = ( xx < dead_band [ axis ] ) ? 0.0f : ( ( xx - dead_band [ axis ] ) / ( 1.0f - dead_band [ axis ] ) ) ; return ( xx > 1.0f ) ? 1.0f : xx ; } } public: jsJoystick ( int id = 0 ) { sprintf ( fname, "/dev/js%d", id ) ; open () ; } ~jsJoystick () { close () ; } int getNumAxes () { return num_axes ; } int notWorking () { return error ; } void setError () { error = JS_TRUE ; } float getDeadBand ( int axis ) { return dead_band [ axis ] ; } void setDeadBand ( int axis, float db ) { dead_band [ axis ] = db ; } void setMinRange ( float *axes ) { memcpy ( min , axes, num_axes * sizeof(float) ) ; } void setMaxRange ( float *axes ) { memcpy ( max , axes, num_axes * sizeof(float) ) ; } void setCenter ( float *axes ) { memcpy ( center, axes, num_axes * sizeof(float) ) ; } void getMinRange ( float *axes ) { memcpy ( axes, min , num_axes * sizeof(float) ) ; } void getMaxRange ( float *axes ) { memcpy ( axes, max , num_axes * sizeof(float) ) ; } void getCenter ( float *axes ) { memcpy ( axes, center, num_axes * sizeof(float) ) ; } void read ( int *buttons, float *axes ) { if ( error ) { if ( buttons ) *buttons = 0 ; if ( axes ) for ( int i = 0 ; i < _JS_MAX_AXES ; i++ ) axes[i] = 0.0f ; } float raw_axes [ _JS_MAX_AXES ] ; rawRead ( buttons, raw_axes ) ; if ( axes ) for ( int i = 0 ; i < _JS_MAX_AXES ; i++ ) axes[i] = ( i < num_axes ) ? fudge_axis ( raw_axes[i], i ) : 0.0f ; } void rawRead ( int *buttons, float *axes ) { if ( error ) { if ( buttons ) *buttons = 0 ; if ( axes ) for ( int i = 0 ; i < _JS_MAX_AXES ; i++ ) axes[i] = 1500.0f ; return ; } int status = ::read ( fd, &js, JS_RETURN ) ; if ( status != JS_RETURN ) { perror ( fname ) ; setError () ; return ; } if ( buttons ) *buttons = js.buttons ; if ( axes ) { axes[0] = (float) js.x ; axes[1] = (float) js.y ; } } } ; #endif