import QtQuick 2.4 import FlightGear.Launcher 1.0 import "." Flickable { flickableDirection: Flickable.VerticalFlick contentHeight: contents.childrenRect.height interactive: false Component { id: catalogDelegate Rectangle { id: delegateRoot // don't show the delegate for newly added catalogs, until the // adding process is complete visible: !model.isNewlyAdded height: catalogTextColumn.childrenRect.height + Style.margin * 2 border.width: 1 border.color: Style.themeColor width: catalogsColumn.width Column { id: catalogTextColumn y: Style.margin anchors.left: parent.left anchors.leftMargin: Style.margin anchors.right: catalogDeleteButton.left anchors.rightMargin: Style.margin spacing: Style.margin Text { font.pixelSize: Style.subHeadingFontPixelSize font.bold: true width: parent.width text: } Text { visible: model.status === CatalogListModel.Ok width: parent.width text: model.description wrapMode: Text.WordWrap } ClickableText { visible: model.status !== CatalogListModel.Ok width: parent.width wrapMode: Text.WordWrap text: qsTr("This hangar is currently disabled due to a problem. " + "Click here to try updating the hangar information from the server. " + "(An Internet connection is required for this)"); onClicked: { _addOns.catalogs.refreshCatalog(model.index) } } Text { width: parent.width text: model.url } } DeleteButton { id: catalogDeleteButton anchors.right: parent.right anchors.rightMargin: Style.margin anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter visible: delegateHover.containsMouse onClicked: { confirmDeleteHangar.visible = true; } } MouseArea { id: delegateHover anchors.fill: parent hoverEnabled: true acceptedButtons: Qt.NoButton } YesNoPanel { id: confirmDeleteHangar visible: false anchors.fill: parent yesText: qsTr("Remove") noText: qsTr("Cancel") yesIsDestructive: true promptText: qsTr("Remove this hangar? (Downloaded aircraft will be deleted from your computer)"); onAccepted: { _addOns.catalogs.removeCatalog(model.index); } onRejected: { confirmDeleteHangar.visible = false } } } } Column { id: contents width: parent.width - (Style.margin * 2) x: Style.margin spacing: Style.margin ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // catalogs ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Item { id: catalogHeaderItem width: parent.width height: catalogHeadingText.height + catalogDescriptionText.height + Style.margin Text { id: catalogHeadingText text: qsTr("Aircraft hangars") font.pixelSize: Style.headingFontPixelSize width: parent.width } Text { id: catalogDescriptionText text: qsTr("Aircraft hangars are managed collections of aircraft, which can be " + "downloaded, installed and updated inside FlightGear.") anchors { top: catalogHeadingText.bottom topMargin: Style.margin } width: parent.width wrapMode: Text.WordWrap } } // of catalogs header item Rectangle { width: parent.width height: catalogsColumn.childrenRect.height + Style.margin * 2 border.width: 1 border.color: Style.frameColor clip: true Column { id: catalogsColumn width: parent.width - Style.margin * 2 x: Style.margin y: Style.margin spacing: Style.margin Repeater { id: catalogsRepeater model: _addOns.catalogs delegate: catalogDelegate } ClickableText { visible: !_addOns.isOfficialHangarRegistered && !addCatalogPanel.isActive width: parent.width text : qsTr("The official FlightGear aircraft hangar is not set up. To add it, click here."); onClicked: { _addOns.catalogs.installDefaultCatalog() } } AddCatalogPanel { id: addCatalogPanel width: parent.width } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Item { // spacing item width: parent.width height: Style.margin * 2 } Item { id: aircraftHeaderItem width: parent.width height: aircraftHeading.height + aircraftDescriptionText.height + Style.margin Text { id: aircraftHeading text: qsTr("Additional aircraft folders") font.pixelSize: Style.headingFontPixelSize anchors { left: parent.left right: addAircraftPathButton.left rightMargin: Style.margin } } Text { id: aircraftDescriptionText text: qsTr("To use aircraft you download yourself, FlightGear needs to " + "know the folder(s) containing the aircraft data.") anchors { top: aircraftHeading.bottom topMargin: Style.margin left: parent.left right: addAircraftPathButton.left rightMargin: Style.margin } wrapMode: Text.WordWrap } AddButton { id: addAircraftPathButton anchors.right: parent.right anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter onClicked: { var newPath =_addOns.addAircraftPath(); if (newPath != "") { _addOns.aircraftPaths.push(newPath) } } } } // of aircraft header item Rectangle { width: parent.width height: aircraftPathsColumn.childrenRect.height + 1 border.width: 1 border.color: Style.frameColor clip: true Column { id: aircraftPathsColumn width: parent.width - Style.margin * 2 x: Style.margin Repeater { id: aircraftPathsRepeater model: _addOns.aircraftPaths delegate: PathListDelegate { width: aircraftPathsColumn.width deletePromptText: qsTr("Remove the aircraft folder: '%1' from the list? (The folder contents will not be changed)").arg(modelData); onPerformDelete: { var modifiedPaths = _addOns.aircraftPaths.slice() modifiedPaths.splice(model.index, 1); _addOns.aircraftPaths = modifiedPaths; } onPerformMove: { var modifiedPaths = _addOns.aircraftPaths.slice() modifiedPaths.splice(model.index, 1); modifiedPaths.splice(newIndex, 0, modelData) _addOns.aircraftPaths = modifiedPaths; } } } Text { visible: (aircraftPathsRepeater.count == 0) width: parent.width text : qsTr("No custom aircraft paths are configured."); } } } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Item { // spacing item width: parent.width height: Style.margin * 2 } Item { id: sceneryHeaderItem width: parent.width height: sceneryHeading.height + sceneryDescriptionText.height + Style.margin Text { id: sceneryHeading text: qsTr("Additional scenery folders") font.pixelSize: Style.headingFontPixelSize anchors { left: parent.left right: addSceneryPathButton.left rightMargin: Style.margin } } Text { id: sceneryDescriptionText text: qsTr("To use scenery you download yourself, FlightGear needs " + "to know the folders containing the scenery data. " + "Adjust the order of the list to control which scenery is used in a region."); anchors { top: sceneryHeading.bottom topMargin: Style.margin left: parent.left right: addSceneryPathButton.left rightMargin: Style.margin } wrapMode: Text.WordWrap } AddButton { id: addSceneryPathButton anchors.right: parent.right anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter onClicked: { var newPath =_addOns.addSceneryPath(); if (newPath !== "") { _addOns.sceneryPaths.push(newPath) } } } } // of aircraft header item Rectangle { width: parent.width height: sceneryPathsColumn.childrenRect.height + 1 border.width: 1 border.color: Style.frameColor clip: true Column { id: sceneryPathsColumn width: parent.width - Style.margin * 2 x: Style.margin Repeater { id: sceneryPathsRepeater model: _addOns.sceneryPaths delegate: PathListDelegate { width: sceneryPathsColumn.width deletePromptText: qsTr("Remove the scenery folder: '%1' from the list? (The folder contents will not be changed)").arg(modelData); onPerformDelete: { var modifiedPaths = _addOns.sceneryPaths.slice() modifiedPaths.splice(model.index, 1); _addOns.sceneryPaths = modifiedPaths; } onPerformMove: { } } } Text { visible: (sceneryPathsRepeater.count == 0) width: parent.width text : qsTr("No custom scenery paths are configured."); } } } Item { width: parent.width height: Math.max(installTarballText.implicitHeight, installTarballButton.height) Button { id: installTarballButton text: "Install add-on scenery" onClicked: { var path = _addOns.installCustomScenery(); if (path != "") { // insert into scenery paths if not already present for (var p in _addOns.sceneryPaths) { if (p === path) return; // found, we are are done } // not found, add it _addOns.sceneryPaths.push(path); } } } Text { id: installTarballText anchors { left: installTarballButton.right right: parent.right leftMargin: Style.margin } wrapMode: Text.WordWrap text: qsTr("If you have downloaded scenery manually from the official FlightGear website, " + "you can use this button to extract and install it into a suitable folder. " + "(Scenery downloaded this way should have a file name such as 'w40n020.tar.gz')" ) } } // of install-tarbal item } // of column }