// LocationController.cxx - GUI launcher dialog using Qt5 // // Written by James Turner, started October 2015. // // Copyright (C) 2015 James Turner // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. #include "LocationController.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "AirportDiagram.hxx" #include "NavaidDiagram.hxx" #include "LaunchConfig.hxx" #include "DefaultAircraftLocator.hxx" #include #include #include
#include #include #include
// for fgSetDouble using namespace flightgear; const unsigned int MAX_RECENT_LOCATIONS = 64; QString fixNavaidName(QString s) { // split into words QStringList words = s.split(QChar(' ')); QStringList changedWords; Q_FOREACH(QString w, words) { QString up = w.toUpper(); // expand common abbreviations // note these are not translated, since they are abbreivations // for English-langauge airports, mostly in the US/Canada if (up == "FLD") { changedWords.append("Field"); continue; } if (up == "CO") { changedWords.append("County"); continue; } if ((up == "MUNI") || (up == "MUN")) { changedWords.append("Municipal"); continue; } if (up == "MEM") { changedWords.append("Memorial"); continue; } if (up == "RGNL") { changedWords.append("Regional"); continue; } if (up == "CTR") { changedWords.append("Center"); continue; } if (up == "INTL") { changedWords.append("International"); continue; } // occurs in many Australian airport names in our DB if (up == "(NSW)") { changedWords.append("(New South Wales)"); continue; } if ((up == "VOR") || (up == "NDB") || (up == "VOR-DME") || (up == "VORTAC") || (up == "NDB-DME") || (up == "AFB") || (up == "RAF")) { changedWords.append(w); continue; } if ((up =="[X]") || (up == "[H]") || (up == "[S]")) { continue; // consume } QChar firstChar = w.at(0).toUpper(); w = w.mid(1).toLower(); w.prepend(firstChar); changedWords.append(w); } return changedWords.join(QChar(' ')); } QVariant savePositionList(const FGPositionedList& posList) { QVariantList vl; FGPositionedList::const_iterator it; for (it = posList.begin(); it != posList.end(); ++it) { QVariantMap vm; FGPositionedRef pos = *it; vm.insert("ident", QString::fromStdString(pos->ident())); vm.insert("type", pos->type()); vm.insert("lat", pos->geod().getLatitudeDeg()); vm.insert("lon", pos->geod().getLongitudeDeg()); vl.append(vm); } return vl; } FGPositionedList loadPositionedList(QVariant v) { QVariantList vl = v.toList(); FGPositionedList result; result.reserve(vl.size()); NavDataCache* cache = NavDataCache::instance(); Q_FOREACH(QVariant v, vl) { QVariantMap vm = v.toMap(); std::string ident(vm.value("ident").toString().toStdString()); double lat = vm.value("lat").toDouble(); double lon = vm.value("lon").toDouble(); FGPositioned::Type ty(static_cast(vm.value("type").toInt())); FGPositioned::TypeFilter filter(ty); FGPositionedRef pos = cache->findClosestWithIdent(ident, SGGeod::fromDeg(lon, lat), &filter); if (pos) result.push_back(pos); } return result; } class IdentSearchFilter : public FGPositioned::TypeFilter { public: IdentSearchFilter(LauncherController::AircraftType aircraft) { addType(FGPositioned::VOR); addType(FGPositioned::FIX); addType(FGPositioned::NDB); if (aircraft == LauncherController::Helicopter) { addType(FGPositioned::HELIPAD); } if (aircraft == LauncherController::Seaplane) { addType(FGPositioned::SEAPORT); } else { addType(FGPositioned::AIRPORT); } } }; class NavSearchModel : public QAbstractListModel { Q_OBJECT Q_PROPERTY(bool isSearchActive READ isSearchActive NOTIFY searchActiveChanged) Q_PROPERTY(bool haveExistingSearch READ haveExistingSearch NOTIFY haveExistingSearchChanged) enum Roles { GeodRole = Qt::UserRole + 1, GuidRole = Qt::UserRole + 2, IdentRole = Qt::UserRole + 3, NameRole = Qt::UserRole + 4, IconRole = Qt::UserRole + 5, TypeRole = Qt::UserRole + 6, NavFrequencyRole = Qt::UserRole + 7 }; public: NavSearchModel() { } enum AircraftType { Airplane = LauncherController::Airplane, Seaplane = LauncherController::Seaplane, Helicopter = LauncherController::Helicopter, Airship = LauncherController::Airship }; Q_ENUMS(AircraftType) Q_INVOKABLE void setSearch(QString t, AircraftType aircraft) { beginResetModel(); m_items.clear(); m_ids.clear(); std::string term(t.toUpper().toStdString()); IdentSearchFilter filter(static_cast(aircraft)); FGPositionedList exactMatches = NavDataCache::instance()->findAllWithIdent(term, &filter, true); m_ids.reserve(exactMatches.size()); m_items.reserve(exactMatches.size()); for (auto match : exactMatches) { m_ids.push_back(match->guid()); m_items.push_back(match); } endResetModel(); m_search.reset(new NavDataCache::ThreadedGUISearch(term)); QTimer::singleShot(100, this, SLOT(onSearchResultsPoll())); m_searchActive = true; emit searchActiveChanged(); emit haveExistingSearchChanged(); } bool isSearchActive() const { return m_searchActive; } bool haveExistingSearch() const { return m_searchActive || (!m_items.empty()); } int rowCount(const QModelIndex&) const override { return m_ids.size(); } QVariant data(const QModelIndex& index, int role) const override { if (!index.isValid()) return QVariant(); FGPositionedRef pos = itemAtRow(index.row()); switch (role) { case GuidRole: return static_cast(pos->guid()); case IdentRole: return QString::fromStdString(pos->ident()); case NameRole: return fixNavaidName(QString::fromStdString(pos->name())); case NavFrequencyRole: { FGNavRecord* nav = fgpositioned_cast(pos); return nav ? nav->get_freq() : 0; } case TypeRole: return static_cast(pos->type()); case IconRole: return AirportDiagram::iconForPositioned(pos, AirportDiagram::SmallIcons | AirportDiagram::LargeAirportPlans); } return {}; } FGPositionedRef itemAtRow(unsigned int row) const { FGPositionedRef pos = m_items[row]; if (!pos.valid()) { pos = NavDataCache::instance()->loadById(m_ids[row]); m_items[row] = pos; } return pos; } void setItems(const FGPositionedList& items) { beginResetModel(); m_searchActive = false; m_items = items; m_ids.clear(); for (unsigned int i=0; i < items.size(); ++i) { m_ids.push_back(m_items[i]->guid()); } endResetModel(); emit searchActiveChanged(); } QHash roleNames() const override { QHash result = QAbstractListModel::roleNames(); result[GeodRole] = "geod"; result[GuidRole] = "guid"; result[IdentRole] = "ident"; result[NameRole] = "name"; result[IconRole] = "icon"; result[TypeRole] = "type"; result[NavFrequencyRole] = "frequency"; return result; } Q_SIGNALS: void searchComplete(); void searchActiveChanged(); void haveExistingSearchChanged(); private slots: void onSearchResultsPoll() { if (m_search.isNull()) { return; } PositionedIDVec newIds = m_search->results(); if (!newIds.empty()) { m_ids.reserve(newIds.size()); beginInsertRows(QModelIndex(), m_ids.size(), newIds.size() - 1); for (auto id : newIds) { m_ids.push_back(id); m_items.push_back({}); // null ref } endInsertRows(); } if (m_search->isComplete()) { m_searchActive = false; m_search.reset(); emit searchComplete(); emit searchActiveChanged(); emit haveExistingSearchChanged(); } else { QTimer::singleShot(100, this, SLOT(onSearchResultsPoll())); } } private: PositionedIDVec m_ids; mutable FGPositionedList m_items; bool m_searchActive = false; QScopedPointer m_search; }; LocationController::LocationController(QObject *parent) : QObject(parent) { qmlRegisterUncreatableType("FlightGear.Launcher", 1, 0, "NavSearchModel", "no"); m_searchModel = new NavSearchModel; m_detailQml = new QmlPositioned(this); m_baseQml = new QmlPositioned(this); // chain location and offset updated to description connect(this, &LocationController::baseLocationChanged, this, &LocationController::descriptionChanged); connect(this, &LocationController::configChanged, this, &LocationController::descriptionChanged); connect(this, &LocationController::offsetChanged, this, &LocationController::descriptionChanged); } LocationController::~LocationController() { } void LocationController::setLaunchConfig(LaunchConfig *config) { m_config = config; connect(m_config, &LaunchConfig::collect, this, &LocationController::onCollectConfig); connect(m_config, &LaunchConfig::save, this, &LocationController::onSaveCurrentLocation); connect(m_config, &LaunchConfig::restore, this, &LocationController::onRestoreCurrentLocation); } void LocationController::restoreSearchHistory() { QSettings settings; m_recentLocations = loadPositionedList(settings.value("recent-locations")); } void LocationController::onRestoreCurrentLocation() { QVariantMap vm = m_config->getValueForKey("", "current-location", QVariantMap()).toMap(); if (vm.empty()) return; restoreLocation(vm); } void LocationController::onSaveCurrentLocation() { m_config->setValueForKey("", "current-location", saveLocation()); } bool LocationController::isParkedLocation() const { if (m_airportLocation) { if (m_detailLocation && (m_detailLocation->type() == FGPositioned::PARKING)) { return true; } } // treat all other ground starts as taxi or on runway, i.e engines // running if possible return false; } bool LocationController::isAirborneLocation() const { const bool altIsPositive = (m_altitudeFt > 0); if (m_locationIsLatLon) { return (m_altitudeType != AltitudeType::Off) && altIsPositive; } if (m_airportLocation) { const bool onRunway = (m_detailLocation && (m_detailLocation->type() == FGPositioned::RUNWAY)) || m_useActiveRunway; if (onRunway && m_onFinal) { // in this case no altitude might be set, but we assume // it's still an airborne position return true; } return false; } // relative to a navaid or fix - base off altitude. return (m_altitudeType != AltitudeType::Off) && altIsPositive; } int LocationController::offsetRadial() const { return m_offsetRadial; } void LocationController::setBaseGeod(QmlGeod geod) { if (m_locationIsLatLon && (m_geodLocation == geod.geod())) return; m_locationIsLatLon = true; m_geodLocation = geod.geod(); m_location.clear(); m_airportLocation.clear(); m_detailLocation.clear(); emit baseLocationChanged(); } void LocationController::setBaseLocation(QmlPositioned* pos) { if (!pos) { m_location.clear(); m_detailLocation.clear(); m_detailQml->setGuid(0); m_baseQml->setGuid(0); m_airportLocation.clear(); m_locationIsLatLon = false; emit baseLocationChanged(); return; } if (pos->inner() == m_location) return; m_locationIsLatLon = false; m_location = pos->inner(); m_baseQml->setGuid(pos->guid()); m_detailLocation.clear(); m_detailQml->setGuid(0); if (FGPositioned::isAirportType(m_location.ptr())) { m_airportLocation = static_cast(m_location.ptr()); // disable offset when selecting a heliport if (m_airportLocation->isHeliport()) { qInfo() << "disabling offset"; m_onFinal = false; } } else { m_airportLocation.clear(); } emit offsetChanged(); emit baseLocationChanged(); } void LocationController::setDetailLocation(QmlPositioned* pos) { if (pos && (pos->inner() == m_detailLocation)) return; if (!pos) { m_detailLocation.clear(); m_detailQml->setInner({}); } else { m_detailLocation = pos->inner(); m_useActiveRunway = false; m_detailQml->setInner(pos->inner()); } emit configChanged(); } QmlGeod LocationController::baseGeod() const { if (m_locationIsLatLon) return m_geodLocation; if (m_location) return QmlGeod(m_location->geod()); return {}; } bool LocationController::isAirportLocation() const { return m_airportLocation; } void LocationController::setUseActiveRunway(bool b) { if (b == m_useActiveRunway) return; m_useActiveRunway = b; if (m_useActiveRunway) { m_detailLocation.clear(); // clear any specific runway } emit configChanged(); } void LocationController::addToRecent(QmlPositioned* pos) { addToRecent(pos->inner()); } QObjectList LocationController::airportRunways() const { if (!m_airportLocation) return {}; QObjectList result; if (m_airportLocation->isHeliport()) { // helipads for (unsigned int r=0; rnumHelipads(); ++r) { auto p = new QmlPositioned(m_airportLocation->getHelipadByIndex(r).ptr()); QQmlEngine::setObjectOwnership(p, QQmlEngine::JavaScriptOwnership); result.push_back(p); } } else { // regular runways for (unsigned int r=0; rnumRunways(); ++r) { auto p = new QmlPositioned(m_airportLocation->getRunwayByIndex(r).ptr()); QQmlEngine::setObjectOwnership(p, QQmlEngine::JavaScriptOwnership); result.push_back(p); } } return result; } QObjectList LocationController::airportParkings() const { if (!m_airportLocation) return {}; QObjectList result; for (auto park : m_airportLocation->groundNetwork()->allParkings()) { auto p = new QmlPositioned(park); QQmlEngine::setObjectOwnership(p, QQmlEngine::JavaScriptOwnership); result.push_back(p); } return result; } void LocationController::showHistoryInSearchModel() { // prepend the default location FGPositionedList locs = m_recentLocations; const std::string defaultICAO = flightgear::defaultAirportICAO(); auto it = std::find_if(locs.begin(), locs.end(), [defaultICAO](FGPositionedRef pos) { return pos->ident() == defaultICAO; }); if (it == locs.end()) { FGAirportRef apt = FGAirport::findByIdent(defaultICAO); locs.insert(locs.begin(), apt); } m_searchModel->setItems(locs); } QmlGeod LocationController::parseStringAsGeod(QString string) const { SGGeod g; if (!simgear::strutils::parseStringAsGeod(string.toStdString(), &g)) { return {}; } return QmlGeod(g); } QmlPositioned *LocationController::detail() const { return m_detailQml; } QmlPositioned *LocationController::baseLocation() const { return m_baseQml; } void LocationController::setOffsetRadial(int offsetRadial) { if (m_offsetRadial == offsetRadial) return; m_offsetRadial = offsetRadial; emit offsetChanged(); } void LocationController::setOffsetNm(double offsetNm) { if (qFuzzyCompare(m_offsetNm, offsetNm)) return; m_offsetNm = offsetNm; emit offsetChanged(); } void LocationController::setOffsetEnabled(bool offsetEnabled) { if (m_offsetEnabled == offsetEnabled) return; m_offsetEnabled = offsetEnabled; emit offsetChanged(); } void LocationController::setOnFinal(bool onFinal) { if (m_onFinal == onFinal) return; m_onFinal = onFinal; emit configChanged(); } void LocationController::setTuneNAV1(bool tuneNAV1) { if (m_tuneNAV1 == tuneNAV1) return; m_tuneNAV1 = tuneNAV1; emit configChanged(); } void LocationController::setUseAvailableParking(bool useAvailableParking) { if (m_useAvailableParking == useAvailableParking) return; m_useAvailableParking = useAvailableParking; if (m_useAvailableParking) { m_detailLocation.clear(); // clear any specific runway } emit configChanged(); } void LocationController::restoreLocation(QVariantMap l) { try { if (l.contains("location-lat")) { m_locationIsLatLon = true; m_geodLocation = SGGeod::fromDeg(l.value("location-lon").toDouble(), l.value("location-lat").toDouble()); } else if (l.contains("location-id")) { m_location = NavDataCache::instance()->loadById(l.value("location-id").toULongLong()); m_locationIsLatLon = false; if (FGPositioned::isAirportType(m_location.ptr())) { m_airportLocation = static_cast(m_location.ptr()); } else { m_airportLocation.clear(); } m_baseQml->setInner(m_location); } if (l.contains("altitude-type")) { m_altitudeFt = l.value("altitude", 6000).toInt(); m_flightLevel = l.value("flight-level").toInt(); m_altitudeType = static_cast(l.value("altitude-type").toInt()); } else { m_altitudeType = Off; } m_speedEnabled = l.contains("speed"); m_headingEnabled = l.contains("heading"); m_airspeedKnots = l.value("speed", 120).toInt(); m_headingDeg = l.value("heading").toInt(); m_offsetEnabled = l.value("offset-enabled").toBool(); m_offsetRadial = l.value("offset-bearing").toInt(); m_offsetNm = l.value("offset-distance", 10).toInt(); m_tuneNAV1 = l.value("tune-nav1-radio").toBool(); if (m_airportLocation) { m_useActiveRunway = false; m_detailLocation.clear(); if (l.contains("location-apt-runway")) { QString runway = l.value("location-apt-runway").toString().toUpper(); if (runway == QStringLiteral("ACTIVE")) { m_useActiveRunway = true; } else if (m_airportLocation->isHeliport()) { m_detailLocation = m_airportLocation->getHelipadByIdent(runway.toStdString()); } else { m_detailLocation = m_airportLocation->getRunwayByIdent(runway.toStdString()); } } else if (l.contains("location-apt-parking")) { QString parking = l.value("location-apt-parking").toString(); m_detailLocation = m_airportLocation->groundNetwork()->findParkingByName(parking.toStdString()); } if (m_detailLocation) { m_detailQml->setInner(m_detailLocation); } m_onFinal = l.value("location-on-final").toBool(); m_offsetNm = l.value("location-apt-final-distance").toInt(); } // of location is an airport } catch (const sg_exception&) { qWarning() << "Errors restoring saved location, clearing"; m_location.clear(); m_airportLocation.clear(); m_baseQml->setInner(nullptr); m_offsetEnabled = false; } baseLocationChanged(); configChanged(); offsetChanged(); } bool LocationController::shouldStartPaused() const { if (!m_location) { return false; // defaults to on-ground at the default airport } if (m_airportLocation) { return m_onFinal; } else { // navaid, start paused return true; } return false; } QVariantMap LocationController::saveLocation() const { QVariantMap locationSet; if (m_locationIsLatLon) { locationSet.insert("location-lat", m_geodLocation.getLatitudeDeg()); locationSet.insert("location-lon", m_geodLocation.getLongitudeDeg()); } else if (m_location) { locationSet.insert("location-id", static_cast(m_location->guid())); if (m_airportLocation) { locationSet.insert("location-on-final", m_onFinal); locationSet.insert("location-apt-final-distance", m_offsetNm); if (m_useActiveRunway) { locationSet.insert("location-apt-runway", "ACTIVE"); } else if (m_detailLocation) { const auto detailType = m_detailLocation->type(); if (detailType == FGPositioned::RUNWAY) { locationSet.insert("location-apt-runway", QString::fromStdString(m_detailLocation->ident())); } else if (detailType == FGPositioned::PARKING) { locationSet.insert("location-apt-parking", QString::fromStdString(m_detailLocation->ident())); } } } // of location is an airport } // of m_location is valid if (m_altitudeType != Off) { locationSet.insert("altitude-type", m_altitudeType); if ((m_altitudeType == MSL_Feet) || (m_altitudeType == AGL_Feet)) { locationSet.insert("altitude", m_altitudeFt); } if (m_altitudeType == FlightLevel) { locationSet.insert("flight-level", m_flightLevel); } } if (m_speedEnabled) { locationSet.insert("speed", m_airspeedKnots); } if (m_headingEnabled) { locationSet.insert("heading", m_headingDeg); } if (m_offsetEnabled) { locationSet.insert("offset-enabled", m_offsetEnabled); locationSet.insert("offset-bearing", m_offsetRadial); locationSet.insert("offset-distance",m_offsetNm); } locationSet.insert("text", description()); locationSet.insert("tune-nav1-radio", m_tuneNAV1); return locationSet; } void LocationController::setLocationProperties() { SGPropertyNode_ptr presets = fgGetNode("/sim/presets", true); QStringList props = QStringList() << "vor-id" << "fix" << "ndb-id" << "runway-requested" << "navaid-id" << "offset-azimuth-deg" << "offset-distance-nm" << "glideslope-deg" << "speed-set" << "on-ground" << "airspeed-kt" << "airport-id" << "runway" << "parkpos"; Q_FOREACH(QString s, props) { SGPropertyNode* c = presets->getChild(s.toStdString()); if (c) { c->clearValue(); } } if (m_locationIsLatLon) { fgSetDouble("/sim/presets/latitude-deg", m_geodLocation.getLatitudeDeg()); fgSetDouble("/position/latitude-deg", m_geodLocation.getLatitudeDeg()); fgSetDouble("/sim/presets/longitude-deg", m_geodLocation.getLongitudeDeg()); fgSetDouble("/position/longitude-deg", m_geodLocation.getLongitudeDeg()); applyPositionOffset(); return; } fgSetDouble("/sim/presets/latitude-deg", 9999.0); fgSetDouble("/sim/presets/longitude-deg", 9999.0); fgSetDouble("/sim/presets/altitude-ft", -9999.0); fgSetDouble("/sim/presets/heading-deg", 9999.0); if (!m_location) { return; } if (m_airportLocation) { fgSetString("/sim/presets/airport-id", m_airportLocation->ident()); fgSetBool("/sim/presets/on-ground", true); fgSetBool("/sim/presets/airport-requested", true); const bool onRunway = (m_detailLocation && (m_detailLocation->type() == FGPositioned::RUNWAY)); const bool atParking = (m_detailLocation && (m_detailLocation->type() == FGPositioned::PARKING)); if (m_useActiveRunway) { // automatic runway choice // we can't set navaid here } else if (onRunway) { if (m_airportLocation->type() == FGPositioned::AIRPORT) { // explicit runway choice fgSetString("/sim/presets/runway", m_detailLocation->ident() ); fgSetBool("/sim/presets/runway-requested", true ); // set nav-radio 1 based on selected runway FGRunway* runway = static_cast(m_detailLocation.ptr()); if (m_tuneNAV1 && runway->ILS()) { double mhz = runway->ILS()->get_freq() / 100.0; fgSetDouble("/instrumentation/nav[0]/radials/selected-deg", runway->headingDeg()); fgSetDouble("/instrumentation/nav[0]/frequencies/selected-mhz", mhz); } if (m_onFinal) { fgSetDouble("/sim/presets/glideslope-deg", 3.0); fgSetDouble("/sim/presets/offset-distance-nm", m_offsetNm); fgSetBool("/sim/presets/on-ground", false); } } else if (m_airportLocation->type() == FGPositioned::HELIPORT) { // explicit pad choice fgSetString("/sim/presets/runway", m_detailLocation->ident() ); fgSetBool("/sim/presets/runway-requested", true ); } } else if (atParking) { // parking selection fgSetString("/sim/presets/parkpos", m_detailLocation->ident()); } // of location is an airport } else { fgSetString("/sim/presets/airport-id", ""); // location is a navaid // note setting the ident here is ambigious, we really only need and // want the 'navaid-id' property. However setting the 'real' option // gives a better UI experience (eg existing Position in Air dialog) FGPositioned::Type ty = m_location->type(); switch (ty) { case FGPositioned::VOR: fgSetString("/sim/presets/vor-id", m_location->ident()); setNavRadioOption(); break; case FGPositioned::NDB: fgSetString("/sim/presets/ndb-id", m_location->ident()); setNavRadioOption(); break; case FGPositioned::FIX: fgSetString("/sim/presets/fix", m_location->ident()); break; default: break; }; // set disambiguation property globals->get_props()->setIntValue("/sim/presets/navaid-id", static_cast(m_location->guid())); applyPositionOffset(); } // of navaid location } void LocationController::applyPositionOffset() { switch (m_altitudeType) { case Off: break; case MSL_Feet: m_config->setArg("altitude", QString::number(m_altitudeFt)); break; case AGL_Feet: // fixme - allow the sim to accpet AGL start position m_config->setArg("altitude", QString::number(m_altitudeFt)); break; case FlightLevel: // FIXME - allow the sim to accept real FlightLevel arguments m_config->setArg("altitude", QString::number(m_flightLevel * 100)); break; } if (m_speedEnabled) { m_config->setArg("vc", QString::number(m_airspeedKnots)); } if (m_headingEnabled) { m_config->setArg("heading", QString::number(m_headingDeg)); } if (m_offsetEnabled) { // flip direction of azimuth to balance the flip done in fgApplyStartOffset // I don't know why that flip exists but changing it there will break // command-line compatability so compensating here instead int offsetAzimuth = m_offsetRadial - 180; m_config->setArg("offset-azimuth", QString::number(offsetAzimuth)); m_config->setArg("offset-distance", QString::number(m_offsetNm)); } } void LocationController::onCollectConfig() { if (m_skipFromArgs) { qInfo() << Q_FUNC_INFO << "skipping argument collection"; return; } if (m_locationIsLatLon) { m_config->setArg("lat", QString::number(m_geodLocation.getLatitudeDeg(), 'f', 8)); m_config->setArg("lon", QString::number(m_geodLocation.getLongitudeDeg(), 'f', 8)); applyPositionOffset(); return; } if (!m_location) { return; } if (m_airportLocation) { m_config->setArg("airport", QString::fromStdString(m_airportLocation->ident())); const bool onRunway = (m_detailLocation && (m_detailLocation->type() == FGPositioned::RUNWAY)); const bool atParking = (m_detailLocation && (m_detailLocation->type() == FGPositioned::PARKING)); if (m_useActiveRunway) { // pick by default } else if (onRunway) { if (m_airportLocation->type() == FGPositioned::AIRPORT) { m_config->setArg("runway", QString::fromStdString(m_detailLocation->ident())); // set nav-radio 1 based on selected runway FGRunway* runway = static_cast(m_detailLocation.ptr()); if (runway->ILS()) { double mhz = runway->ILS()->get_freq() / 100.0; m_config->setArg("nav1", QString("%1:%2").arg(runway->headingDeg()).arg(mhz)); } if (m_onFinal) { m_config->setArg("glideslope", std::string("3.0")); m_config->setArg("offset-distance", QString::number(m_offsetNm)); m_config->setArg("on-ground", std::string("false")); if (m_speedEnabled) { m_config->setArg("vc", QString::number(m_airspeedKnots)); } } } else if (m_airportLocation->type() == FGPositioned::HELIPORT) { m_config->setArg("runway", QString::fromStdString(m_detailLocation->ident())); } } else if (atParking) { // parking selection m_config->setArg("parkpos", QString::fromStdString(m_detailLocation->ident())); } // of location is an airport } else { // location is a navaid // note setting the ident here is ambigious, we really only need and // want the 'navaid-id' property. However setting the 'real' option // gives a better UI experience (eg existing Position in Air dialog) FGPositioned::Type ty = m_location->type(); switch (ty) { case FGPositioned::VOR: m_config->setArg("vor", m_location->ident()); setNavRadioOption(); break; case FGPositioned::NDB: m_config->setArg("ndb", m_location->ident()); setNavRadioOption(); break; case FGPositioned::FIX: m_config->setArg("fix", m_location->ident()); break; default: break; }; // set disambiguation property m_config->setProperty("/sim/presets/navaid-id", QString::number(m_location->guid())); applyPositionOffset(); } // of navaid location } void LocationController::setNavRadioOption() { if (!m_tuneNAV1) return; if (m_location->type() == FGPositioned::VOR) { FGNavRecordRef nav(static_cast(m_location.ptr())); double mhz = nav->get_freq() / 100.0; int heading = 0; // add heading support QString navOpt = QString("%1:%2").arg(heading).arg(mhz); m_config->setArg("nav1", navOpt); } else { FGNavRecordRef nav(static_cast(m_location.ptr())); int khz = nav->get_freq() / 100; int heading = 0; QString adfOpt = QString("%1:%2").arg(heading).arg(khz); m_config->setArg("adf1", adfOpt); } } void LocationController::onAirportRunwayClicked(FGRunwayRef rwy) { // if (rwy) { // m_ui->runwayRadio->setChecked(true); // int rwyIndex = m_ui->runwayCombo->findText(QString::fromStdString(rwy->ident())); // m_ui->runwayCombo->setCurrentIndex(rwyIndex); // m_ui->airportDiagram->setSelectedRunway(rwy); // } // updateDescription(); } void LocationController::onAirportParkingClicked(FGParkingRef park) { // if (park) { // m_ui->parkingRadio->setChecked(true); // int parkingIndex = m_ui->parkingCombo->findData(park->getIndex()); // m_ui->parkingCombo->setCurrentIndex(parkingIndex); // m_ui->airportDiagram->setSelectedParking(park); // } // updateDescription(); } QString compassPointFromHeading(int heading) { const int labelArc = 360 / 8; heading += (labelArc >> 1); SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(heading, 0, 359); switch (heading / labelArc) { case 0: return "N"; case 1: return "NE"; case 2: return "E"; case 3: return "SE"; case 4: return "S"; case 5: return "SW"; case 6: return "W"; case 7: return "NW"; } return QString(); } QString LocationController::description() const { if (!m_location) { if (m_locationIsLatLon) { const auto s = simgear::strutils::formatGeodAsString(m_geodLocation, simgear::strutils::LatLonFormat::DECIMAL_DEGREES, simgear::strutils::DegreeSymbol::UTF8_DEGREE); return tr("at position %1").arg(QString::fromStdString(s)); } return tr("No location selected"); } QString ident = QString::fromStdString(m_location->ident()), name = QString::fromStdString(m_location->name()); name = fixNavaidName(name); if (m_airportLocation) { const bool onRunway = (m_detailLocation && (m_detailLocation->type() == FGPositioned::RUNWAY)); const bool atParking = (m_detailLocation && (m_detailLocation->type() == FGPositioned::PARKING)); QString locationOnAirport; if (m_useActiveRunway) { if (m_onFinal) { locationOnAirport = tr("on %1-mile final to active runway").arg(m_offsetNm); } else { locationOnAirport = tr("on active runway"); } } if (onRunway) { QString runwayName = QString("runway %1").arg(QString::fromStdString(m_detailLocation->ident())); if (m_onFinal) { locationOnAirport = tr("on %2-mile final to %1").arg(runwayName).arg(m_offsetNm); } else { locationOnAirport = tr("on %1").arg(runwayName); } } else if (atParking) { locationOnAirport = tr("at parking position %1").arg(QString::fromStdString(m_detailLocation->ident())); } return tr("%2 (%1): %3").arg(ident).arg(name).arg(locationOnAirport); } else { QString offsetDesc = tr("at"); if (m_offsetEnabled) { offsetDesc = tr("%1nm %2 of"). arg(m_offsetNm, 0, 'f', 1). arg(compassPointFromHeading(m_offsetRadial)); } QString navaidType; switch (m_location->type()) { case FGPositioned::VOR: navaidType = QString("VOR"); break; case FGPositioned::NDB: navaidType = QString("NDB"); break; case FGPositioned::FIX: return tr("%2 waypoint %1").arg(ident).arg(offsetDesc); default: // unsupported type break; } return tr("%4 %1 %2 (%3)").arg(navaidType).arg(ident).arg(name).arg(offsetDesc); } return tr("No location selected"); } void LocationController::addToRecent(FGPositionedRef pos) { auto it = std::find(m_recentLocations.begin(), m_recentLocations.end(), pos); if (it != m_recentLocations.end()) { m_recentLocations.erase(it); } if (m_recentLocations.size() >= MAX_RECENT_LOCATIONS) { m_recentLocations.pop_back(); } m_recentLocations.insert(m_recentLocations.begin(), pos); QSettings settings; settings.setValue("recent-locations", savePositionList(m_recentLocations)); } #include "LocationController.moc"