// instrument_mgr.cxx - manage aircraft instruments. // Written by David Megginson, started 2002. // // This file is in the Public Domain and comes with no warranty. #include "instrument_mgr.hxx" #include "airspeed_indicator.hxx" #include "attitude_indicator.hxx" #include "altimeter.hxx" #include "turn_indicator.hxx" #include "slip_skid_ball.hxx" #include "heading_indicator.hxx" #include "vertical_speed_indicator.hxx" #include "mag_compass.hxx" #include "dme.hxx" #include "gps.hxx" FGInstrumentMgr::FGInstrumentMgr () { set_subsystem("asi", new AirspeedIndicator); set_subsystem("ai", new AttitudeIndicator); set_subsystem("alt", new Altimeter); set_subsystem("ti", new TurnIndicator); set_subsystem("ball", new SlipSkidBall); set_subsystem("hi", new HeadingIndicator); set_subsystem("vsi", new VerticalSpeedIndicator); set_subsystem("compass", new MagCompass); set_subsystem("dme", new DME, 1.0); set_subsystem("gps", new GPS, 0.45); } FGInstrumentMgr::~FGInstrumentMgr () { } // end of instrument_manager.cxx