// airways.hxx - storage of airways network, and routing between nodes
// Written by James Turner, started 2009.
// Copyright (C) 2009  Curtis L. Olson
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as
// published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the
// License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.


#include <map>
#include <vector>

#include <Navaids/route.hxx>
#include <Navaids/positioned.hxx>

class SGPath;
typedef SGSharedPtr<FGPositioned> FGPositionedRef; 

namespace flightgear {

// forward declare some helpers
struct SearchContext;
class AdjacentWaypoint;
class InAirwayFilter;

class Airway
  virtual std::string ident() const
  { return _ident; }
  static void load(const SGPath& path);
    double topAltitudeFt() const
    { return _topAltitudeFt; }
    double bottomAltitudeFt() const
    { return _bottomAltitudeFt; }
   * Track a network of airways
  class Network
    friend class Airway;
    friend class InAirwayFilter;
     * Principal routing algorithm. Attempts to find the best route beween
     * two points. If either point is part of the airway network (e.g, a SID
     * or STAR transition), it will <em>not</em> be duplicated in the result
     * path.
     * Returns true if a route could be found, or false otherwise.
    bool route(WayptRef aFrom, WayptRef aTo, WayptVec& aPath);
    void addEdge(int aWay, const SGGeod& aStartPos,
                const std::string& aStartIdent, 
                const SGGeod& aEndPos, const std::string& aEndIdent);
    int findAirway(const std::string& aName, double aTop, double aBase);

    bool cleanGeneratedPath(WayptRef aFrom, WayptRef aTo, WayptVec& aPath,
                            bool exactTo, bool exactFrom);
    bool search2(FGPositionedRef aStart, FGPositionedRef aDest, WayptVec& aRoute);
     * Test if a positioned item is part of this airway network or not.
    bool inNetwork(PositionedID pos) const;
     * Find the closest node on the network, to the specified waypoint
     * May return NULL,false if no match could be found; the search is
     * internally limited to avoid very poor performance; for example, 
     * in the middle of an ocean.
     * The second return value indicates if the returned value is
     * equal (true) or distinct (false) to the input waypoint.
     * Equality here means being physically within a close tolerance,
     * on the order of a hundred metres.
    std::pair<FGPositionedRef, bool> findClosestNode(WayptRef aRef);
     * Overloaded version working with a raw SGGeod
    std::pair<FGPositionedRef, bool> findClosestNode(const SGGeod& aGeod);
     * cache which positioned items are in this network
    typedef std::map<PositionedID, bool> NetworkMembershipDict;
    mutable NetworkMembershipDict _inNetworkCache;
    int _networkID;

  static Network* highLevel();
  static Network* lowLevel();
  Airway(const std::string& aIdent, double aTop, double aBottom);

  friend class Network;
  std::string _ident;
  double _topAltitudeFt;
  double _bottomAltitudeFt;
  WayptVec _elements;

} // of namespace flightgear

#endif //of FG_AIRWAYS_HXX