#include "puLocal.h" puButtonBox::puButtonBox ( int minx, int miny, int maxx, int maxy, char **labels, int one_button ) : puObject ( minx, miny, maxx, maxy ) { type |= PUCLASS_BUTTONBOX ; one_only = one_button ; button_labels = labels ; for ( num_kids = 0 ; button_labels [ num_kids ] != NULL ; num_kids++ ) /* Count number of labels */ ; } int puButtonBox::checkKey ( int key, int updown ) { if ( updown == PU_UP || ! isReturnDefault() || ( key != '\r' && key != '\n' ) ) return FALSE ; int v = getValue () ; if ( ! one_only ) v = ~v ; else if ( v++ > num_kids ) v = 0 ; setValue ( v ) ; invokeCallback() ; return TRUE ; } int puButtonBox::checkHit ( int button, int updown, int x, int y ) { if ( ! isHit ( x, y ) || ( updown != active_mouse_edge && active_mouse_edge != PU_UP_AND_DOWN ) ) return FALSE ; int i = num_kids - 1 - (( y - abox.min[1] - PUSTR_BGAP ) * num_kids ) / ( abox.max[1] - abox.min[1] - PUSTR_BGAP - PUSTR_TGAP ) ; if ( i < 0 ) i = 0 ; if ( i >= num_kids ) i = num_kids - 1 ; if ( one_only ) setValue ( i ) ; else setValue ( getValue () ^ ( 1 << i ) ) ; invokeCallback () ; return TRUE ; } void puButtonBox::draw ( int dx, int dy ) { if ( !visible ) return ; abox . draw ( dx, dy, style, colour, isReturnDefault() ) ; for ( int i = 0 ; i < num_kids ; i++ ) { puBox tbox ; tbox . min [ 0 ] = abox.min [ 0 ] + PUSTR_LGAP + PUSTR_LGAP ; tbox . min [ 1 ] = abox.min [ 1 ] + ((abox.max[1]-abox.min[1]-PUSTR_TGAP-PUSTR_BGAP)/num_kids) * (num_kids-1-i) ; tbox . max [ 0 ] = tbox.min [ 0 ] ; tbox . max [ 1 ] = tbox.min [ 1 ] ; if (( one_only && i == getValue() ) || ( !one_only && ((1<<i) & getValue() ) != 0 ) ) tbox . draw ( dx, dy + PUSTR_BGAP + PUSTR_BGAP, -PUSTYLE_RADIO, colour, FALSE ) ; else tbox . draw ( dx, dy + PUSTR_BGAP + PUSTR_BGAP, PUSTYLE_RADIO, colour, FALSE ) ; /* If greyed out then halve the opacity when drawing the label and legend */ if ( active ) glColor4fv ( colour [ PUCOL_LEGEND ] ) ; else glColor4f ( colour [ PUCOL_LEGEND ][0], colour [ PUCOL_LEGEND ][1], colour [ PUCOL_LEGEND ][2], colour [ PUCOL_LEGEND ][3] / 2.0f ) ; /* 50% more transparent */ puDrawString ( legendFont, button_labels[i], dx + tbox.min[0] + PU_RADIO_BUTTON_SIZE + PUSTR_LGAP, dy + tbox.min[1] + puGetStringDescender(legendFont) + PUSTR_BGAP + PUSTR_BGAP) ; } draw_label ( dx, dy ) ; }