#include "Atmosphere.hpp" #include "Math.hpp" #include "Jet.hpp" namespace yasim { Jet::Jet() { _maxThrust = 0; _abFactor = 1; _reheat = 0; _rotControl = 0; _maxRot = 0; // Initialize parameters for an early-ish subsonic turbojet. More // recent turbofans will typically have a lower vMax, epr0, and // tsfc. _vMax = 800; _epr0 = 3.0; _tsfc = 0.8f; _egt0 = 1050; _n1Min = 55; _n1Max = 102; _n2Min = 73; _n2Max = 103; setSpooling(4); // 4 second spool time? s'bout right. // And initialize to an engine that is idling _n1 = _n1Min; _n2 = _n2Min; // And sanify the remaining junk, just in case. _running = true; _cranking = false; _epr = 1; _fuelFlow = 0; _egt = 273; _tempCorrect = 1; _pressureCorrect = 1; } void Jet::stabilize() { // Just run it for an hour, there's no need to iterate given the // algorithms used. integrate(3600); } void Jet::setMaxThrust(float thrust, float afterburner) { _maxThrust = thrust; if(afterburner == 0) _abFactor = 1; else _abFactor = afterburner/thrust; } void Jet::setVMax(float spd) { _vMax = spd; } void Jet::setTSFC(float tsfc) { _tsfc = tsfc; } void Jet::setRPMs(float idleN1, float maxN1, float idleN2, float maxN2) { _n1Min = idleN1; _n1Max = maxN1; _n2Min = idleN2; _n2Max = maxN2; } void Jet::setEGT(float takeoffEGT) { _egt0 = takeoffEGT; } void Jet::setEPR(float takeoffEPR) { _epr0 = takeoffEPR; } void Jet::setSpooling(float time) { // 2.3 = -ln(0.1), i.e. x=2.3 is the 90% point we're defining // The extra fudge factor is there because the N1 speed (which // determines thrust) lags the N2 speed. _decay = 1.5f * 2.3f / time; } void Jet::setVectorAngle(float angle) { _maxRot = angle; } void Jet::setReheat(float reheat) { _reheat = Math::clamp(reheat, 0, 1); } void Jet::setRotation(float rot) { if(rot < 0) rot = 0; if(rot > 1) rot = 1; _rotControl = rot; } float Jet::getN1() { return _n1 * _tempCorrect; } float Jet::getN2() { return _n2 * _tempCorrect; } float Jet::getEPR() { return _epr; } float Jet::getEGT() { // Exactly zero means "off" -- return the ambient temperature if(_egt == 0) return _temp; return _egt * _tempCorrect * _tempCorrect; } float Jet::getFuelFlow() { return _fuelFlow * _pressureCorrect; } void Jet::integrate(float dt) { // Sea-level values const static float P0 = Atmosphere::getStdPressure(0); const static float T0 = Atmosphere::getStdTemperature(0); const static float D0 = Atmosphere::getStdDensity(0); float speed = -Math::dot3(_wind, _dir); float statT, statP, statD; Atmosphere::calcStaticAir(_pressure, _temp, _rho, speed, &statP, &statT, &statD); _pressureCorrect = statP/P0; _tempCorrect = Math::sqrt(statT/T0); // Linearly taper maxThrust to zero at vMax float vCorr = 1 - (speed/_vMax); float maxThrust = _maxThrust * vCorr * (statD/D0); _thrust = maxThrust * _throttle; // Now get a "beta" (i.e. EPR - 1) value. The output values are // expressed as functions of beta. float ibeta0 = 1/(_epr0 - 1); float betaTarget = (_epr0 - 1) * (_thrust/_maxThrust) * (P0/_pressure) * (_temp/statT); float n2Target = _n2Min + (betaTarget*ibeta0) * (_n2Max - _n2Min); // Note that this "first" beta value is used to compute a target // for N2 only Integrate the N2 speed and back-calculate a beta1 // target. The N1 speed will seek to this. _n2 = (_n2 + dt*_decay * n2Target) / (1 + dt*_decay); float betaN2 = (_epr0-1) * (_n2 - _n2Min) / (_n2Max - _n2Min); float n1Target = _n1Min + betaN2*ibeta0 * (_n1Max - _n1Min); _n1 = (_n1 + dt*_decay * n1Target) / (1 + dt*_decay); // The actual thrust produced is keyed to the N1 speed. Add the // afterburners in at the end. float betaN1 = (_epr0-1) * (_n1 - _n1Min) / (_n1Max - _n1Min); _thrust *= betaN1/(betaTarget+0.00001f); // blowup protection _thrust *= 1 + _reheat*(_abFactor-1); // Finally, calculate the output variables. Use a 80/20 mix of // the N2/N1 speeds as the key. float beta = 0.8f*betaN2 + 0.2f*betaN1; _epr = beta + 1; float ff0 = _maxThrust*_tsfc*(1/(3600.0f*9.8f)); // takeoff fuel flow, kg/s _fuelFlow = ff0 * beta*ibeta0; _fuelFlow *= 1 + (3.5f * _reheat * _abFactor); // Afterburners take // 3.5 times as much // fuel per thrust unit _egt = T0 + beta*ibeta0 * (_egt0 - T0); } bool Jet::isRunning() { return _running; } bool Jet::isCranking() { return _cranking; } void Jet::getThrust(float* out) { Math::mul3(_thrust, _dir, out); // Rotate about the Y axis for thrust vectoring float angle = _rotControl * _maxRot; float s = Math::sin(angle); float c = Math::cos(angle); float o0 = out[0]; out[0] = c * o0 + s * out[2]; out[2] = -s * o0 + c * out[2]; } void Jet::getTorque(float* out) { out[0] = out[1] = out[2] = 0; return; } void Jet::getGyro(float* out) { out[0] = out[1] = out[2] = 0; return; } }; // namespace yasim