From  Thu Apr 23 08:45:16 1998
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From: Steve Baker <>
Subject: Re: [FGFS] lighting question
Date: Thu, 23 Apr 1998 09:44:56 -0500 (CDT)

On Wed, 22 Apr 1998, Curtis L. Olson wrote:

> Here's a lighting question for someone.
> Let's say it's noon-ish.  If I set the ambient light component to
> about 0.3 and the diffuse light component to about 1.0 I get a
> reasonably bright scene with good contrast in the shadowy areas.
> Now, I'm running into problems when the sun is low in the sky.  Even
> with a high diffuse lighting component (1.0) the angle the sun light
> makes with the horizontal ground is very small so the diffuse lighting
> component ends up being virtually nothing.  I'm fiddling around with
> trying to increase the ambient component to 1.0, but I still get a
> very dark scene.
...simple question - long answer - sorry...

First the "Why does this look bad?" answer...

  Well, when the sun is low in the sky, that is exactly what really
  does happen - the angle between sun and (flattish) ground gets small
  and it gets dark.

  The problem is that our eyes have automatic gain control. When the
  world gets darker, we increase our pupil apartures to increase the
  amount of light we allow in. That only works when the whole world
  goes darker - and not in a room in normal daylight containing a
  small, dim CRT.

  Also, in the real world, the sun lights things much more brightly
  than a CRT phosphor can reproduce. When you drop that brightness
  by (say) a factor of ten because it's dusk then the sun is still
  pretty bright - but 1/10th the brightness on a CRT phosphor is pretty

  If you watch your sunset scenes in a darkened room, they'll look
  much better. However, for a desktop simulation, that may not help.

  The other reason there is a problem is that the CRT phosphor is 
  not a linear device - if you double the number for the pixel
  brightness - you don't get twice the brightness coming out the
  other side. This non-linearity is *supposed* to be corrected
  by a process called 'gamma correction' which works by boosting
  the contrast of the dark pixels and reducing the contrast of
  the bright ones.

  Fixing the gamma will help noon-time scenes as well as dusk
  and dawn since the amount of stuff you can see in shadowed
  areas will be better if the gamma is set right.

  The required amount of gamma modification changes with the
  age of the CRT and which particular choice of phosphor layer
  the CRT manufacturer made. You may also need more gamma correction
  in (say) the BLUE channel than in RED or GREEN.

  Fancy machines like SGI ONYX's have hardware gamma tables on
  the output of the machine to do this correction - I doubt that
  all the PC-based 'toy' 3D cards have this feature.

Now, the "What can we do to improve matters?" answer...

  Well, you seem to be on the right track - you basically have to increase
  the ambient light to make up for the missing light on the horizontal
  surfaces. However, this tends to reduce the amount of contrast between
  the dark regions and the vertical surfaces that are being brightly lit
  just as the sun goes down. That is the opposite of the real world since
  the shadows are much more contrasty late in the day than they are at noon.
  (That is a subjective thing - I could be wrong about that)

  You said:

  > I'm fiddling around with trying to increase the ambient component to 1.0,
  > but I still get a very dark scene.

  ...that suprises me - you ought to be getting a very bright scene
  with ambient==1.0 since all surfaces are being lit with a very bright
  light that is ignoring their orientation. The scene should be brighter
  than at noon.

  Perhaps you don't have the ambient component of the glMaterial set
  up right?

  On the gamma front, there are two experiments you can try:

    Curt: I know you have access to an SGI RE2 machine - and that
    you can run FGFS on it. So, run FGFS up and set the time of
    day to dusk - so you have the too-dark scene. Now open another
    shell window and try running 'gamma 1.0' then 'gamma 1.5' then
    'gamma 2.0'. If I'm right about the gamma setting being the problem
    then gamma 1.0 should look just like it does on the PC, and
    (depending on the age of your CRT), 1.5 or 2.0 (or something like
    that) should make it look much better.

    If you can't get to an SGI machine then do a screen dump of your
    image into a file, then load that file into Xview (under Linux)
    or something like photoshop. Image processing programs like this
    usually let you change the gamma for an image interactively by
    recomputing the pixels (this eliminates the need for gamma hardware).
    In XView, pick the colour editor window and click on the gamma
    button next to the intensity graph. Type in 2.0 (or whatever) and
    you'll notice that the curve in the window looks like this:

     (pardon the ASCII art)

     ....which means that the dark areas have been increased in contrast
     and the light areas reduced in contrast.

   If either of these tests shows that gamma is indeed your problem then
   you need to think about how to set the gamma on your hardware.

   For software OpenGL with Mesa - I think Mesa has a gamma setting
   extension (or an environment variable or something) - the 3Dfx
   card (IIRC) has a way to set the gamma too - although I don't
   know how. The general way to set the gamma is not through OpenGL,
   so doing this in a portable way from inside FGFS is going to be hard.
   You may have to rely on the user setting it up in some external
   tool (a windoze control panel most likely).

> I may have something fouled up, or may not understand something
> correctly, but does anyone have any suggestions as to what the ambient
> and diffuse lighting components ought to be set to in order for the
> scenery to be "realistically" lit  when the sun is low in the sky?

Well, 'realistically' is a hard thing - the human eye can discern detail
in a scene lit at a gazillion candelas - all the way down to a gazillionth
of a candela, lots of orders of magnitude. A CRT can only display the
number of brightness levels provided in the frame buffer (256 if you are
lucky - a mere 2.5 orders of magnitude) - and is VERY dim in any case.

Getting 'realistic' brightnesses just isn't going to happen on a desktop
display system - so it's all a matter of compromise.

On 'real' flight simulators, the fight for better contrast and brightness
and more orders of magnitude of brightness variation is a continual battle
that results in some pretty exotic display technologies. (Things like
shining an arc-lamp onto a million tiny mirrors that are tilted using
pizo-electric effects to modulate the brightness...ugh!)

Steve Baker                (817)619-8776 (Vox/Vox-Mail)
Raytheon Systems Inc.      (817)619-4028 (Fax)

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