// groundcache.cxx -- carries a small subset of the scenegraph near the vehicle // // Written by Mathias Froehlich, started Nov 2004. // // Copyright (C) 2004, 2009 Mathias Froehlich - Mathias.Froehlich@web.de // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // // $Id$ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include "groundcache.hxx" #include <utility> #include <osg/Drawable> #include <osg/Geode> #include <osg/Geometry> #include <osg/Camera> #include <osg/Transform> #include <osg/MatrixTransform> #include <osg/PositionAttitudeTransform> #include <osg/CameraView> #include <simgear/sg_inlines.h> #include <simgear/constants.h> #include <simgear/debug/logstream.hxx> #include <simgear/math/SGMisc.hxx> #include <simgear/scene/material/mat.hxx> #include <simgear/scene/util/SGNodeMasks.hxx> #include <simgear/scene/util/SGSceneUserData.hxx> #include <simgear/scene/util/OsgMath.hxx> #include <simgear/bvh/BVHNode.hxx> #include <simgear/bvh/BVHGroup.hxx> #include <simgear/bvh/BVHTransform.hxx> #include <simgear/bvh/BVHMotionTransform.hxx> #include <simgear/bvh/BVHLineGeometry.hxx> #include <simgear/bvh/BVHStaticGeometry.hxx> #include <simgear/bvh/BVHStaticData.hxx> #include <simgear/bvh/BVHStaticNode.hxx> #include <simgear/bvh/BVHStaticTriangle.hxx> #include <simgear/bvh/BVHStaticBinary.hxx> #include <simgear/bvh/BVHSubTreeCollector.hxx> #include <simgear/bvh/BVHLineSegmentVisitor.hxx> #include <simgear/bvh/BVHNearestPointVisitor.hxx> #ifdef GROUNDCACHE_DEBUG #include <simgear/scene/model/BVHDebugCollectVisitor.hxx> #include <Main/fg_props.hxx> #endif #include <Main/globals.hxx> #include <Scenery/scenery.hxx> #include <Scenery/tilemgr.hxx> #include "flight.hxx" using namespace simgear; class FGGroundCache::CacheFill : public osg::NodeVisitor { public: CacheFill(const SGVec3d& center, const SGVec3d& down, const double& radius, const double& startTime, const double& endTime) : osg::NodeVisitor(osg::NodeVisitor::TRAVERSE_ACTIVE_CHILDREN), _center(center), _down(down), _radius(radius), _startTime(startTime), _endTime(endTime), _sceneryHit(0, 0, 0), _maxDown(SGGeod::fromCart(center).getElevationM() + 9999), _material(0), _haveHit(false) { setTraversalMask(SG_NODEMASK_TERRAIN_BIT); } virtual void apply(osg::Node& node) { if (!testBoundingSphere(node.getBound())) return; addBoundingVolume(node); } virtual void apply(osg::Group& group) { if (!testBoundingSphere(group.getBound())) return; simgear::BVHSubTreeCollector::NodeList parentNodeList; mSubTreeCollector.pushNodeList(parentNodeList); traverse(group); addBoundingVolume(group); mSubTreeCollector.popNodeList(parentNodeList); } virtual void apply(osg::Transform& transform) { handleTransform(transform); } virtual void apply(osg::Camera& camera) { if (camera.getRenderOrder() != osg::Camera::NESTED_RENDER) return; handleTransform(camera); } virtual void apply(osg::CameraView& transform) { handleTransform(transform); } virtual void apply(osg::MatrixTransform& transform) { handleTransform(transform); } virtual void apply(osg::PositionAttitudeTransform& transform) { handleTransform(transform); } void handleTransform(osg::Transform& transform) { // Hmm, may be this needs to be refined somehow ... if (transform.getReferenceFrame() != osg::Transform::RELATIVE_RF) return; if (!testBoundingSphere(transform.getBound())) return; osg::Matrix inverseMatrix; if (!transform.computeWorldToLocalMatrix(inverseMatrix, this)) return; osg::Matrix matrix; if (!transform.computeLocalToWorldMatrix(matrix, this)) return; // Look for a velocity note const SGSceneUserData::Velocity* velocity = getVelocity(transform); SGVec3d center = _center; SGVec3d down = _down; double radius = _radius; bool haveHit = _haveHit; const simgear::BVHMaterial* material = _material; _haveHit = false; _center = toSG(inverseMatrix.preMult(toOsg(_center))); _down = toSG(osg::Matrix::transform3x3(toOsg(_down), inverseMatrix)); if (velocity) { SGVec3d staticCenter(_center); double dtStart = velocity->referenceTime - _startTime; SGVec3d startCenter = staticCenter + dtStart*velocity->linear; SGQuatd startOr(SGQuatd::fromAngleAxis(dtStart*velocity->angular)); startCenter = startOr.transform(startCenter); double dtEnd = velocity->referenceTime - _endTime; SGVec3d endCenter = staticCenter + dtEnd*velocity->linear; SGQuatd endOr(SGQuatd::fromAngleAxis(dtEnd*velocity->angular)); endCenter = endOr.transform(endCenter); _center = 0.5*(startCenter + endCenter); _down = startOr.transform(_down); _radius += 0.5*dist(startCenter, endCenter); } simgear::BVHSubTreeCollector::NodeList parentNodeList; mSubTreeCollector.pushNodeList(parentNodeList); addBoundingVolume(transform); traverse(transform); if (mSubTreeCollector.haveChildren()) { if (velocity) { simgear::BVHMotionTransform* bvhTransform; bvhTransform = new simgear::BVHMotionTransform; bvhTransform->setToWorldTransform(SGMatrixd(matrix.ptr())); bvhTransform->setLinearVelocity(velocity->linear); bvhTransform->setAngularVelocity(velocity->angular); bvhTransform->setReferenceTime(velocity->referenceTime); bvhTransform->setStartTime(_startTime); bvhTransform->setEndTime(_endTime); bvhTransform->setId(velocity->id); mSubTreeCollector.popNodeList(parentNodeList, bvhTransform); } else { simgear::BVHTransform* bvhTransform; bvhTransform = new simgear::BVHTransform; bvhTransform->setToWorldTransform(SGMatrixd(matrix.ptr())); mSubTreeCollector.popNodeList(parentNodeList, bvhTransform); } } else { mSubTreeCollector.popNodeList(parentNodeList); } if (_haveHit) { if (velocity) { double dt = _startTime - velocity->referenceTime; SGQuatd ori(SGQuatd::fromAngleAxis(dt*velocity->angular)); _sceneryHit = ori.transform(_sceneryHit); _sceneryHit += dt*velocity->linear; } _sceneryHit = toSG(matrix.preMult(toOsg(_sceneryHit))); } else { _material = material; _haveHit = haveHit; } _center = center; _down = down; _radius = radius; } const SGSceneUserData::Velocity* getVelocity(osg::Node& node) { SGSceneUserData* userData = SGSceneUserData::getSceneUserData(&node); if (!userData) return 0; return userData->getVelocity(); } simgear::BVHNode* getNodeBoundingVolume(osg::Node& node) { SGSceneUserData* userData = SGSceneUserData::getSceneUserData(&node); if (!userData) return 0; return userData->getBVHNode(); } void addBoundingVolume(osg::Node& node) { simgear::BVHNode* bvNode = getNodeBoundingVolume(node); if (!bvNode) return; // Find a croase ground intersection SGLineSegmentd line(_center + _radius*_down, _center + _maxDown*_down); simgear::BVHLineSegmentVisitor lineSegmentVisitor(line, _startTime); bvNode->accept(lineSegmentVisitor); if (!lineSegmentVisitor.empty()) { _sceneryHit = lineSegmentVisitor.getPoint(); _material = lineSegmentVisitor.getMaterial(); _maxDown = SGMiscd::max(_radius, dot(_down, _sceneryHit - _center)); _haveHit = true; } // Get that part of the local bv tree that intersects our sphere // of interrest. mSubTreeCollector.setSphere(SGSphered(_center, _radius)); bvNode->accept(mSubTreeCollector); } bool testBoundingSphere(const osg::BoundingSphere& bound) const { if (!bound.valid()) return false; SGLineSegmentd downSeg(_center, _center + _maxDown*_down); double maxDist = bound._radius + _radius; SGVec3d boundCenter(toVec3d(toSG(bound._center))); return distSqr(downSeg, boundCenter) <= maxDist*maxDist; } SGSharedPtr<simgear::BVHNode> getBVHNode() const { return mSubTreeCollector.getNode(); } bool getHaveElevationBelowCache() const { return _haveHit; } double getElevationBelowCache() const { return SGGeod::fromCart(_sceneryHit).getElevationM(); } const simgear::BVHMaterial* getMaterialBelowCache() const { return _material; } private: SGVec3d _center; SGVec3d _down; double _radius; double _startTime; double _endTime; simgear::BVHSubTreeCollector mSubTreeCollector; SGVec3d _sceneryHit; double _maxDown; const simgear::BVHMaterial* _material; bool _haveHit; }; FGGroundCache::FGGroundCache() : _altitude(0), _material(0), cache_ref_time(0), cache_time_offset(0), _wire(0), reference_wgs84_point(SGVec3d(0, 0, 0)), reference_vehicle_radius(0), down(0.0, 0.0, 0.0), found_ground(false) { #ifdef GROUNDCACHE_DEBUG _lookupTime = SGTimeStamp::fromSec(0.0); _lookupCount = 0; _buildTime = SGTimeStamp::fromSec(0.0); _buildCount = 0; #endif } FGGroundCache::~FGGroundCache() { } bool FGGroundCache::prepare_ground_cache(double startSimTime, double endSimTime, const SGVec3d& pt, double rad) { #ifdef GROUNDCACHE_DEBUG SGTimeStamp t0 = SGTimeStamp::now(); #endif // Empty cache. found_ground = false; SGGeod geodPt = SGGeod::fromCart(pt); // Don't blow away the cache ground_radius and stuff if there's no // scenery if (!globals->get_tile_mgr()->schedule_scenery(geodPt, rad, 1.0)) { SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT, SG_WARN, "prepare_ground_cache(): scenery_available " "returns false at " << geodPt << " " << pt << " " << rad); return false; } _material = 0; // If we have an active wire, get some more area into the groundcache if (_wire) rad = SGMiscd::max(200, rad); // Store the parameters we used to build up that cache. reference_wgs84_point = pt; reference_vehicle_radius = rad; // Store the time reference used to compute movements of moving triangles. cache_ref_time = startSimTime; // Get a normalized down vector valid for the whole cache SGQuatd hlToEc = SGQuatd::fromLonLat(geodPt); down = hlToEc.rotate(SGVec3d(0, 0, 1)); // Get the ground cache, that is a local collision tree of the environment startSimTime += cache_time_offset; endSimTime += cache_time_offset; CacheFill subtreeCollector(pt, down, rad, startSimTime, endSimTime); globals->get_scenery()->get_scene_graph()->accept(subtreeCollector); _localBvhTree = subtreeCollector.getBVHNode(); if (subtreeCollector.getHaveElevationBelowCache()) { // Use the altitude value below the cache that we gathered during // cache collection _altitude = subtreeCollector.getElevationBelowCache(); _material = subtreeCollector.getMaterialBelowCache(); found_ground = true; } else if (_localBvhTree) { // We have nothing below us, so try starting with the lowest point // upwards for a croase altitude value SGLineSegmentd line(pt + reference_vehicle_radius*down, pt - 1e3*down); simgear::BVHLineSegmentVisitor lineSegmentVisitor(line, startSimTime); _localBvhTree->accept(lineSegmentVisitor); if (!lineSegmentVisitor.empty()) { SGGeod geodPt = SGGeod::fromCart(lineSegmentVisitor.getPoint()); _altitude = geodPt.getElevationM(); _material = lineSegmentVisitor.getMaterial(); found_ground = true; } } if (!found_ground) { // Ok, still nothing here?? Last resort ... double alt = 0; _material = 0; found_ground = globals->get_scenery()-> get_elevation_m(SGGeod::fromGeodM(geodPt, 10000), alt, &_material); if (found_ground) _altitude = alt; } // Still not sucessful?? if (!found_ground) SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT, SG_WARN, "prepare_ground_cache(): trying to build " "cache without any scenery below the aircraft"); #ifdef GROUNDCACHE_DEBUG t0 = SGTimeStamp::now() - t0; _buildTime += t0; _buildCount++; if (_buildCount > 60) { double buildTime = 0; if (_buildCount) buildTime = _buildTime.toSecs()/_buildCount; double lookupTime = 0; if (_lookupCount) lookupTime = _lookupTime.toSecs()/_lookupCount; _buildTime = SGTimeStamp::fromSec(0.0); _buildCount = 0; _lookupTime = SGTimeStamp::fromSec(0.0); _lookupCount = 0; SG_LOG(SG_FLIGHT, SG_ALERT, "build time = " << buildTime << ", lookup Time = " << lookupTime); } if (!_group.valid()) { _group = new osg::Group; globals->get_scenery()->get_scene_graph()->addChild(_group); fgSetInt("/fdm/groundcache-debug-level", -3); } _group->removeChildren(0, _group->getNumChildren()); if (_localBvhTree) { int level = fgGetInt("/fdm/groundcache-debug-level"); if (-2 <= level) { simgear::BVHDebugCollectVisitor debug(endSimTime, level); _localBvhTree->accept(debug); _group->addChild(debug.getNode()); } } #endif return found_ground; } bool FGGroundCache::is_valid(double& ref_time, SGVec3d& pt, double& rad) { pt = reference_wgs84_point; rad = reference_vehicle_radius; ref_time = cache_ref_time; return found_ground; } class FGGroundCache::BodyFinder : public BVHVisitor { public: BodyFinder(BVHNode::Id id, const double& t) : _id(id), _bodyToWorld(SGMatrixd::unit()), _linearVelocity(0, 0, 0), _angularVelocity(0, 0, 0), _time(t) { } virtual void apply(BVHGroup& leaf) { if (_foundId) return; leaf.traverse(*this); } virtual void apply(BVHPageNode& leaf) { if (_foundId) return; leaf.traverse(*this); } virtual void apply(BVHTransform& transform) { if (_foundId) return; transform.traverse(*this); if (_foundId) { _linearVelocity = transform.vecToWorld(_linearVelocity); _angularVelocity = transform.vecToWorld(_angularVelocity); _bodyToWorld = transform.getToWorldTransform()*_bodyToWorld; } } virtual void apply(BVHMotionTransform& transform) { if (_foundId) return; if (_id == transform.getId()) { _foundId = true; } else { transform.traverse(*this); } if (_foundId) { SGMatrixd toWorld = transform.getToWorldTransform(_time); SGVec3d referencePoint = _bodyToWorld.xformPt(SGVec3d::zeros()); _linearVelocity += transform.getLinearVelocityAt(referencePoint); _angularVelocity += transform.getAngularVelocity(); _linearVelocity = toWorld.xformVec(_linearVelocity); _angularVelocity = toWorld.xformVec(_angularVelocity); _bodyToWorld = toWorld*_bodyToWorld; } } virtual void apply(BVHLineGeometry& node) { } virtual void apply(BVHStaticGeometry& node) { } virtual void apply(const BVHStaticBinary&, const BVHStaticData&) { } virtual void apply(const BVHStaticTriangle&, const BVHStaticData&) { } const SGMatrixd& getBodyToWorld() const { return _bodyToWorld; } const SGVec3d& getLinearVelocity() const { return _linearVelocity; } const SGVec3d& getAngularVelocity() const { return _angularVelocity; } bool empty() const { return !_foundId; } protected: simgear::BVHNode::Id _id; SGMatrixd _bodyToWorld; SGVec3d _linearVelocity; SGVec3d _angularVelocity; bool _foundId; double _time; }; bool FGGroundCache::get_body(double t, SGMatrixd& bodyToWorld, SGVec3d& linearVel, SGVec3d& angularVel, simgear::BVHNode::Id id) { // Get the transform matrix and velocities of a moving body with id at t. if (!_localBvhTree) return false; t += cache_time_offset; BodyFinder bodyFinder(id, t); _localBvhTree->accept(bodyFinder); if (bodyFinder.empty()) return false; bodyToWorld = bodyFinder.getBodyToWorld(); linearVel = bodyFinder.getLinearVelocity(); angularVel = bodyFinder.getAngularVelocity(); return true; } class FGGroundCache::CatapultFinder : public BVHVisitor { public: CatapultFinder(const SGSphered& sphere, const double& t) : _haveLineSegment(false), _sphere(sphere), _time(t) { } virtual void apply(BVHGroup& leaf) { if (!intersects(_sphere, leaf.getBoundingSphere())) return; leaf.traverse(*this); } virtual void apply(BVHPageNode& leaf) { if (!intersects(_sphere, leaf.getBoundingSphere())) return; leaf.traverse(*this); } virtual void apply(BVHTransform& transform) { if (!intersects(_sphere, transform.getBoundingSphere())) return; SGSphered sphere = _sphere; _sphere = transform.sphereToLocal(sphere); bool haveLineSegment = _haveLineSegment; _haveLineSegment = false; transform.traverse(*this); if (_haveLineSegment) { _lineSegment = transform.lineSegmentToWorld(_lineSegment); _linearVelocity = transform.vecToWorld(_linearVelocity); _angularVelocity = transform.vecToWorld(_angularVelocity); } _haveLineSegment |= haveLineSegment; _sphere.setCenter(sphere.getCenter()); } virtual void apply(BVHMotionTransform& transform) { if (!intersects(_sphere, transform.getBoundingSphere())) return; SGSphered sphere = _sphere; _sphere = transform.sphereToLocal(sphere, _time); bool haveLineSegment = _haveLineSegment; _haveLineSegment = false; transform.traverse(*this); if (_haveLineSegment) { SGMatrixd toWorld = transform.getToWorldTransform(_time); _linearVelocity += transform.getLinearVelocityAt(_lineSegment.getStart()); _angularVelocity += transform.getAngularVelocity(); _linearVelocity = toWorld.xformVec(_linearVelocity); _angularVelocity = toWorld.xformVec(_angularVelocity); _lineSegment = _lineSegment.transform(toWorld); } _haveLineSegment |= haveLineSegment; _sphere.setCenter(sphere.getCenter()); } virtual void apply(BVHLineGeometry& node) { if (node.getType() != BVHLineGeometry::CarrierCatapult) return; SGLineSegmentd lineSegment(node.getLineSegment()); if (!intersects(_sphere, lineSegment)) return; _lineSegment = lineSegment; double dist = distSqr(lineSegment, getSphere().getCenter()); _sphere.setRadius(sqrt(dist)); _linearVelocity = SGVec3d::zeros(); _angularVelocity = SGVec3d::zeros(); _haveLineSegment = true; } virtual void apply(BVHStaticGeometry& node) { } virtual void apply(const BVHStaticBinary&, const BVHStaticData&) { } virtual void apply(const BVHStaticTriangle&, const BVHStaticData&) { } void setSphere(const SGSphered& sphere) { _sphere = sphere; } const SGSphered& getSphere() const { return _sphere; } const SGLineSegmentd& getLineSegment() const { return _lineSegment; } const SGVec3d& getLinearVelocity() const { return _linearVelocity; } const SGVec3d& getAngularVelocity() const { return _angularVelocity; } bool getHaveLineSegment() const { return _haveLineSegment; } protected: SGLineSegmentd _lineSegment; SGVec3d _linearVelocity; SGVec3d _angularVelocity; bool _haveLineSegment; SGSphered _sphere; double _time; }; double FGGroundCache::get_cat(double t, const SGVec3d& pt, SGVec3d end[2], SGVec3d vel[2]) { double maxDistance = 1000; // Get the wire in question t += cache_time_offset; CatapultFinder catapultFinder(SGSphered(pt, maxDistance), t); if (_localBvhTree) _localBvhTree->accept(catapultFinder); if (!catapultFinder.getHaveLineSegment()) return maxDistance; // prepare the returns end[0] = catapultFinder.getLineSegment().getStart(); end[1] = catapultFinder.getLineSegment().getEnd(); // The linear velocity is the one at the start of the line segment ... vel[0] = catapultFinder.getLinearVelocity(); // ... so the end point has the additional cross product. vel[1] = catapultFinder.getLinearVelocity(); vel[1] += cross(catapultFinder.getAngularVelocity(), catapultFinder.getLineSegment().getDirection()); // Return the distance to the cat return sqrt(distSqr(catapultFinder.getLineSegment(), pt)); } bool FGGroundCache::get_agl(double t, const SGVec3d& pt, SGVec3d& contact, SGVec3d& normal, SGVec3d& linearVel, SGVec3d& angularVel, simgear::BVHNode::Id& id, const simgear::BVHMaterial*& material) { #ifdef GROUNDCACHE_DEBUG SGTimeStamp t0 = SGTimeStamp::now(); #endif // Just set up a ground intersection query for the given point SGLineSegmentd line(pt, pt + 10*reference_vehicle_radius*down); t += cache_time_offset; simgear::BVHLineSegmentVisitor lineSegmentVisitor(line, t); if (_localBvhTree) _localBvhTree->accept(lineSegmentVisitor); #ifdef GROUNDCACHE_DEBUG t0 = SGTimeStamp::now() - t0; _lookupTime += t0; _lookupCount++; #endif if (!lineSegmentVisitor.empty()) { // Have an intersection contact = lineSegmentVisitor.getPoint(); normal = lineSegmentVisitor.getNormal(); if (0 < dot(normal, down)) normal = -normal; linearVel = lineSegmentVisitor.getLinearVelocity(); angularVel = lineSegmentVisitor.getAngularVelocity(); material = lineSegmentVisitor.getMaterial(); id = lineSegmentVisitor.getId(); return true; } else { // Whenever we did not have a ground triangle for the requested point, // take the ground level we found during the current cache build. // This is as good as what we had before for agl. SGGeod geodPt = SGGeod::fromCart(pt); geodPt.setElevationM(_altitude); contact = SGVec3d::fromGeod(geodPt); normal = -down; linearVel = SGVec3d(0, 0, 0); angularVel = SGVec3d(0, 0, 0); material = _material; id = 0; return found_ground; } } bool FGGroundCache::get_nearest(double t, const SGVec3d& pt, double maxDist, SGVec3d& contact, SGVec3d& linearVel, SGVec3d& angularVel, simgear::BVHNode::Id& id, const simgear::BVHMaterial*& material) { if (!_localBvhTree) return false; #ifdef GROUNDCACHE_DEBUG SGTimeStamp t0 = SGTimeStamp::now(); #endif // Just set up a ground intersection query for the given point SGSphered sphere(pt, maxDist); t += cache_time_offset; simgear::BVHNearestPointVisitor nearestPointVisitor(sphere, t); _localBvhTree->accept(nearestPointVisitor); #ifdef GROUNDCACHE_DEBUG t0 = SGTimeStamp::now() - t0; _lookupTime += t0; _lookupCount++; #endif if (nearestPointVisitor.empty()) return false; // Have geometry in the range of maxDist contact = nearestPointVisitor.getPoint(); linearVel = nearestPointVisitor.getLinearVelocity(); angularVel = nearestPointVisitor.getAngularVelocity(); material = nearestPointVisitor.getMaterial(); id = nearestPointVisitor.getId(); return true; } class FGGroundCache::WireIntersector : public BVHVisitor { public: WireIntersector(const SGVec3d pt[4], const double& t) : _linearVelocity(SGVec3d::zeros()), _angularVelocity(SGVec3d::zeros()), _wire(0), _time(t) { // Build the two triangles spanning the area where the hook has moved // during the past step. _triangles[0].set(pt[0], pt[1], pt[2]); _triangles[1].set(pt[0], pt[2], pt[3]); } virtual void apply(BVHGroup& leaf) { if (!_intersects(leaf.getBoundingSphere())) return; leaf.traverse(*this); } virtual void apply(BVHPageNode& leaf) { if (!_intersects(leaf.getBoundingSphere())) return; leaf.traverse(*this); } virtual void apply(BVHTransform& transform) { if (!_intersects(transform.getBoundingSphere())) return; SGTriangled triangles[2] = { _triangles[0], _triangles[1] }; _triangles[0] = triangles[0].transform(transform.getToLocalTransform()); _triangles[1] = triangles[1].transform(transform.getToLocalTransform()); transform.traverse(*this); if (_wire) { _lineSegment = transform.lineSegmentToWorld(_lineSegment); _linearVelocity = transform.vecToWorld(_linearVelocity); _angularVelocity = transform.vecToWorld(_angularVelocity); } _triangles[0] = triangles[0]; _triangles[1] = triangles[1]; } virtual void apply(BVHMotionTransform& transform) { if (!_intersects(transform.getBoundingSphere())) return; SGMatrixd toLocal = transform.getToLocalTransform(_time); SGTriangled triangles[2] = { _triangles[0], _triangles[1] }; _triangles[0] = triangles[0].transform(toLocal); _triangles[1] = triangles[1].transform(toLocal); transform.traverse(*this); if (_wire) { SGMatrixd toWorld = transform.getToWorldTransform(_time); _linearVelocity += transform.getLinearVelocityAt(_lineSegment.getStart()); _angularVelocity += transform.getAngularVelocity(); _linearVelocity = toWorld.xformVec(_linearVelocity); _angularVelocity = toWorld.xformVec(_angularVelocity); _lineSegment = _lineSegment.transform(toWorld); } _triangles[0] = triangles[0]; _triangles[1] = triangles[1]; } virtual void apply(BVHLineGeometry& node) { if (node.getType() != BVHLineGeometry::CarrierWire) return; SGLineSegmentd lineSegment(node.getLineSegment()); if (!_intersects(lineSegment)) return; _lineSegment = lineSegment; _linearVelocity = SGVec3d::zeros(); _angularVelocity = SGVec3d::zeros(); _wire = &node; } virtual void apply(BVHStaticGeometry& node) { } virtual void apply(const BVHStaticBinary&, const BVHStaticData&) { } virtual void apply(const BVHStaticTriangle&, const BVHStaticData&) { } bool _intersects(const SGSphered& sphere) const { if (_wire) return false; if (intersects(_triangles[0], sphere)) return true; if (intersects(_triangles[1], sphere)) return true; return false; } bool _intersects(const SGLineSegmentd& lineSegment) const { if (_wire) return false; if (intersects(_triangles[0], lineSegment)) return true; if (intersects(_triangles[1], lineSegment)) return true; return false; } const SGLineSegmentd& getLineSegment() const { return _lineSegment; } const SGVec3d& getLinearVelocity() const { return _linearVelocity; } const SGVec3d& getAngularVelocity() const { return _angularVelocity; } const BVHLineGeometry* getWire() const { return _wire; } private: SGLineSegmentd _lineSegment; SGVec3d _linearVelocity; SGVec3d _angularVelocity; const BVHLineGeometry* _wire; SGTriangled _triangles[2]; double _time; }; bool FGGroundCache::caught_wire(double t, const SGVec3d pt[4]) { // Get the wire in question t += cache_time_offset; WireIntersector wireIntersector(pt, t); if (_localBvhTree) _localBvhTree->accept(wireIntersector); _wire = wireIntersector.getWire(); return (_wire != NULL); } class FGGroundCache::WireFinder : public BVHVisitor { public: WireFinder(const BVHLineGeometry* wire, const double& t) : _wire(wire), _time(t), _lineSegment(SGVec3d::zeros(), SGVec3d::zeros()), _linearVelocity(SGVec3d::zeros()), _angularVelocity(SGVec3d::zeros()), _haveLineSegment(false) { } virtual void apply(BVHGroup& leaf) { if (_haveLineSegment) return; leaf.traverse(*this); } virtual void apply(BVHPageNode& leaf) { if (_haveLineSegment) return; leaf.traverse(*this); } virtual void apply(BVHTransform& transform) { if (_haveLineSegment) return; transform.traverse(*this); if (_haveLineSegment) { _linearVelocity = transform.vecToWorld(_linearVelocity); _angularVelocity = transform.vecToWorld(_angularVelocity); _lineSegment = transform.lineSegmentToWorld(_lineSegment); } } virtual void apply(BVHMotionTransform& transform) { if (_haveLineSegment) return; transform.traverse(*this); if (_haveLineSegment) { SGMatrixd toWorld = transform.getToWorldTransform(_time); _linearVelocity += transform.getLinearVelocityAt(_lineSegment.getStart()); _angularVelocity += transform.getAngularVelocity(); _linearVelocity = toWorld.xformVec(_linearVelocity); _angularVelocity = toWorld.xformVec(_angularVelocity); _lineSegment = _lineSegment.transform(toWorld); } } virtual void apply(BVHLineGeometry& node) { if (_haveLineSegment) return; if (_wire != &node) return; if (node.getType() != BVHLineGeometry::CarrierWire) return; _lineSegment = SGLineSegmentd(node.getLineSegment()); _linearVelocity = SGVec3d::zeros(); _angularVelocity = SGVec3d::zeros(); _haveLineSegment = true; } virtual void apply(BVHStaticGeometry&) { } virtual void apply(const BVHStaticBinary&, const BVHStaticData&) { } virtual void apply(const BVHStaticTriangle&, const BVHStaticData&) { } const SGLineSegmentd& getLineSegment() const { return _lineSegment; } bool getHaveLineSegment() const { return _haveLineSegment; } const SGVec3d& getLinearVelocity() const { return _linearVelocity; } const SGVec3d& getAngularVelocity() const { return _angularVelocity; } private: const BVHLineGeometry* _wire; double _time; SGLineSegmentd _lineSegment; SGVec3d _linearVelocity; SGVec3d _angularVelocity; bool _haveLineSegment; }; bool FGGroundCache::get_wire_ends(double t, SGVec3d end[2], SGVec3d vel[2]) { // Fast return if we do not have an active wire. if (!_wire) return false; // Get the wire in question t += cache_time_offset; WireFinder wireFinder(_wire, t); if (_localBvhTree) _localBvhTree->accept(wireFinder); if (!wireFinder.getHaveLineSegment()) return false; // prepare the returns end[0] = wireFinder.getLineSegment().getStart(); end[1] = wireFinder.getLineSegment().getEnd(); // The linear velocity is the one at the start of the line segment ... vel[0] = wireFinder.getLinearVelocity(); // ... so the end point has the additional cross product. vel[1] = wireFinder.getLinearVelocity(); vel[1] += cross(wireFinder.getAngularVelocity(), wireFinder.getLineSegment().getDirection()); return true; } void FGGroundCache::release_wire(void) { _wire = 0; }