// dme.cxx - distance-measuring equipment. // Written by David Megginson, started 2003. // // This file is in the Public Domain and comes with no warranty. #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include <config.h> #endif #include <simgear/compiler.h> #include <simgear/sg_inlines.h> #include <simgear/math/sg_geodesy.hxx> #include <simgear/math/sg_random.h> #include <simgear/sound/sample_group.hxx> #include <Main/fg_props.hxx> #include <Navaids/navlist.hxx> #include <Sound/audioident.hxx> #include "dme.hxx" /** * Adjust the range. * * Start by calculating the radar horizon based on the elevation * difference, then clamp to the maximum, then add a fudge for * borderline reception. */ static double adjust_range (double transmitter_elevation_ft, double aircraft_altitude_ft, double max_range_nm) { double delta_elevation_ft = fabs(aircraft_altitude_ft - transmitter_elevation_ft); double range_nm = 1.23 * sqrt(delta_elevation_ft); if (range_nm > max_range_nm) range_nm = max_range_nm; else if (range_nm < 20.0) range_nm = 20.0; double rand = sg_random(); return range_nm + (range_nm * rand * rand); } namespace { class DMEFilter : public FGNavList::TypeFilter { public: DMEFilter() : TypeFilter(FGPositioned::DME), _locEnabled(fgGetBool("/sim/realism/dme-fallback-to-loc", true)) { if (_locEnabled) { _mintype = FGPositioned::ILS; } } virtual bool pass(FGPositioned* pos) const { switch (pos->type()) { case FGPositioned::DME: return true; case FGPositioned::ILS: case FGPositioned::LOC: return _locEnabled; default: return false; } } private: const bool _locEnabled; }; } // of anonymous namespace DME::DME ( SGPropertyNode *node ) : _last_distance_nm(0), _last_frequency_mhz(-1), _time_before_search_sec(0), _navrecord(NULL), _name(node->getStringValue("name", "dme")), _num(node->getIntValue("number", 0)), _audioIdent(NULL) { } DME::~DME () { delete _audioIdent; } void DME::init () { std::string branch; branch = "/instrumentation/" + _name; SGPropertyNode *node = fgGetNode(branch.c_str(), _num, true ); _serviceable_node = node->getChild("serviceable", 0, true); _electrical_node = fgGetNode("/systems/electrical/outputs/dme", true); SGPropertyNode *fnode = node->getChild("frequencies", 0, true); _source_node = fnode->getChild("source", 0, true); _frequency_node = fnode->getChild("selected-mhz", 0, true); _in_range_node = node->getChild("in-range", 0, true); _distance_node = node->getChild("indicated-distance-nm", 0, true); _speed_node = node->getChild("indicated-ground-speed-kt", 0, true); _time_node = node->getChild("indicated-time-min", 0, true); double d = node->getDoubleValue( "volume", 1.0 ); _volume_node = node->getChild("volume", 0, true); _volume_node->setDoubleValue( d ); bool b = node->getBoolValue( "ident", false ); _ident_btn_node = node->getChild("ident", 0, true); _ident_btn_node->setBoolValue( b ); std::ostringstream temp; temp << _name << "-ident-" << _num; if( NULL == _audioIdent ) _audioIdent = new DMEAudioIdent( temp.str() ); _audioIdent->init(); reinit(); } void DME::reinit () { _time_before_search_sec = 0; } void DME::update (double delta_time_sec) { if( delta_time_sec < SGLimitsd::min() ) return; //paused // Figure out the source const char * source = _source_node->getStringValue(); if (source[0] == '\0') { std::string branch; branch = "/instrumentation/" + _name + "/frequencies/selected-mhz"; _source_node->setStringValue(branch.c_str()); source = _source_node->getStringValue(); } // Get the frequency double frequency_mhz = fgGetDouble(source, 108.0); if (frequency_mhz != _last_frequency_mhz) { _time_before_search_sec = 0; _last_frequency_mhz = frequency_mhz; } _frequency_node->setDoubleValue(frequency_mhz); // Get the aircraft position // On timeout, scan again _time_before_search_sec -= delta_time_sec; if (_time_before_search_sec < 0) { _time_before_search_sec = 1.0; SGGeod pos(globals->get_aircraft_position()); DMEFilter filter; _navrecord = FGNavList::findByFreq(frequency_mhz, pos, &filter); } // If it's off, don't bother. if (!_serviceable_node->getBoolValue() || !_electrical_node->getBoolValue() || NULL == _navrecord ) { _last_distance_nm = 0; _in_range_node->setBoolValue(false); _distance_node->setDoubleValue(0); _speed_node->setDoubleValue(0); _time_node->setDoubleValue(0); _audioIdent->setIdent("", 0.0 ); return; } // Calculate the distance to the transmitter double distance_nm = dist(_navrecord->cart(), globals->get_aircraft_position_cart()) * SG_METER_TO_NM; double range_nm = adjust_range(_navrecord->get_elev_ft(), globals->get_aircraft_position().getElevationFt(), _navrecord->get_range()); if (distance_nm <= range_nm) { double volume = _volume_node->getDoubleValue(); if( false == _ident_btn_node->getBoolValue() ) volume = 0.0; _audioIdent->setIdent(_navrecord->ident(), volume ); double speed_kt = (fabs(distance_nm - _last_distance_nm) * ((1 / delta_time_sec) * 3600.0)); _last_distance_nm = distance_nm; _in_range_node->setBoolValue(true); double tmp_dist = distance_nm - _navrecord->get_multiuse(); if ( tmp_dist < 0.0 ) { tmp_dist = 0.0; } _distance_node->setDoubleValue( tmp_dist ); _speed_node->setDoubleValue(speed_kt); if (SGLimitsd::min() < fabs(speed_kt)) _time_node->setDoubleValue(distance_nm/speed_kt*60.0); } else { _last_distance_nm = 0; _in_range_node->setBoolValue(false); _distance_node->setDoubleValue(0); _speed_node->setDoubleValue(0); _time_node->setDoubleValue(0); _audioIdent->setIdent("", 0.0 ); } _audioIdent->update( delta_time_sec ); } // end of dme.cxx