/** * NavDataCache.hxx - defines a unified binary cache for navigation * data, parsed from various text / XML sources. */ // Written by James Turner, started 2012. // // Copyright (C) 2012 James Turner // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. #ifndef FG_NAVDATACACHE_HXX #define FG_NAVDATACACHE_HXX #include <memory> #include <simgear/misc/strutils.hxx> // for string_list #include <Navaids/positioned.hxx> class SGPath; class FGRunway; namespace flightgear { /// a pair of airport ID, runway ID typedef std::pair<PositionedID, PositionedID> AirportRunwayPair; typedef std::pair<FGPositioned::Type, PositionedID> TypedPositioned; typedef std::vector<TypedPositioned> TypedPositionedVec; // pair of airway ID, destination node ID typedef std::pair<int, PositionedID> AirwayEdge; typedef std::vector<AirwayEdge> AirwayEdgeVec; namespace Octree { class Node; class Branch; } class NavDataCache { public: ~NavDataCache(); // singleton accessor static NavDataCache* instance(); /** * predicate - check if the cache needs to be rebuilt. * This can happen is the cache file is missing or damaged, or one of the ** global input files is changed. */ bool isRebuildRequired(); /** * run the cache rebuild - returns true if rebuild is complete, * otherwise keep going. */ bool rebuild(); bool isCachedFileModified(const SGPath& path) const; void stampCacheFile(const SGPath& path); int readIntProperty(const std::string& key); double readDoubleProperty(const std::string& key); std::string readStringProperty(const std::string& key); void writeIntProperty(const std::string& key, int value); void writeStringProperty(const std::string& key, const std::string& value); void writeDoubleProperty(const std::string& key, const double& value); string_list readStringListProperty(const std::string& key); void writeStringListProperty(const std::string& key, const string_list& values); /** * retrieve an FGPositioned from the cache. * This may be trivial if the object is previously loaded, or require actual * disk IO. */ FGPositioned* loadById(PositionedID guid); PositionedID insertAirport(FGPositioned::Type ty, const std::string& ident, const std::string& name); void insertTower(PositionedID airportId, const SGGeod& pos); PositionedID insertRunway(FGPositioned::Type ty, const std::string& ident, const SGGeod& pos, PositionedID apt, double heading, double length, double width, double displacedThreshold, double stopway, int surfaceCode); void setRunwayReciprocal(PositionedID runway, PositionedID recip); void setRunwayILS(PositionedID runway, PositionedID ils); void updateRunwayThreshold(PositionedID runwayID, const SGGeod &aThreshold, double aHeading, double aDisplacedThreshold, double aStopway); PositionedID insertNavaid(FGPositioned::Type ty, const std::string& ident, const std::string& name, const SGGeod& pos, int freq, int range, double multiuse, PositionedID apt, PositionedID runway); void updateILS(PositionedID ils, const SGGeod& newPos, double aHdg); PositionedID insertCommStation(FGPositioned::Type ty, const std::string& name, const SGGeod& pos, int freq, int range, PositionedID apt); PositionedID insertFix(const std::string& ident, const SGGeod& aPos); PositionedID createPOI(FGPositioned::Type ty, const std::string& ident, const SGGeod& aPos); void removePOI(FGPositioned::Type ty, const std::string& aIdent); void dropGroundnetFor(PositionedID aAirport); PositionedID insertParking(const std::string& name, const SGGeod& aPos, PositionedID aAirport, double aHeading, int aRadius, const std::string& aAircraftType, const std::string& aAirlines); void setParkingPushBackRoute(PositionedID parking, PositionedID pushBackNode); PositionedID insertTaxiNode(const SGGeod& aPos, PositionedID aAirport, int aHoldType, bool aOnRunway); void insertGroundnetEdge(PositionedID aAirport, PositionedID from, PositionedID to); /// update the metar flag associated with an airport void setAirportMetar(const std::string& icao, bool hasMetar); /** * Modify the position of an existing item. */ void updatePosition(PositionedID item, const SGGeod &pos); FGPositioned::List findAllWithIdent(const std::string& ident, FGPositioned::Filter* filter, bool exact); FGPositioned::List findAllWithName(const std::string& ident, FGPositioned::Filter* filter, bool exact); FGPositionedRef findClosestWithIdent(const std::string& aIdent, const SGGeod& aPos, FGPositioned::Filter* aFilter); /** * Helper to implement the AirportSearch widget. Optimised text search of * airport names and idents, returning a list suitable for passing directly * to PLIB. */ char** searchAirportNamesAndIdents(const std::string& aFilter); /** * Find the closest matching comm-station on a frequency, to a position. * The filter with be used for both type ranging and to validate the result * candidates. */ FGPositionedRef findCommByFreq(int freqKhz, const SGGeod& pos, FGPositioned::Filter* filt); /** * find all items of a specified type (or range of types) at an airport */ PositionedIDVec airportItemsOfType(PositionedID apt, FGPositioned::Type ty, FGPositioned::Type maxTy = FGPositioned::INVALID); /** * find the first match item of the specified type and ident, at an airport */ PositionedID airportItemWithIdent(PositionedID apt, FGPositioned::Type ty, const std::string& ident); /** * Find all navaids matching a particular frequency, sorted by range from the * supplied position. Type-range will be determined from the filter */ PositionedIDVec findNavaidsByFreq(int freqKhz, const SGGeod& pos, FGPositioned::Filter* filt); /// overload version of the above that does not consider positioned when /// returning results. Only used by TACAN carrier search PositionedIDVec findNavaidsByFreq(int freqKhz, FGPositioned::Filter* filt); /** * Given a runway and type, find the corresponding navaid (ILS / GS / OM) */ PositionedID findNavaidForRunway(PositionedID runway, FGPositioned::Type ty); /** * given a navaid name (or similar) from apt.dat / nav.dat, find the * corresponding airport and runway IDs. * Such names look like: 'LHBP 31L DME-ILS' or 'UEEE 23L MM' */ AirportRunwayPair findAirportRunway(const std::string& name); /** * Given an aiport, and runway and ILS identifier, find the corresponding cache * entry. This matches the data we get in the ils.xml files for airports. */ PositionedID findILS(PositionedID airport, const std::string& runway, const std::string& navIdent); /** * Given an Octree node ID, return a bit-mask defining which of the child * nodes exist. In practice this means an 8-bit value be sufficent, but * an int works fine too. */ int getOctreeBranchChildren(int64_t octreeNodeId); void defineOctreeNode(Octree::Branch* pr, Octree::Node* nd); /** * given an octree leaf, return all its child positioned items and their types */ TypedPositionedVec getOctreeLeafChildren(int64_t octreeNodeId); // airways int findAirway(int network, const std::string& aName); /** * insert an edge between two positioned nodes, into the network. * The airway identifier will be set accordingly. No reverse edge is created * by this method - edges are directional so a reverses must be explicitly * created. */ void insertEdge(int network, int airwayID, PositionedID from, PositionedID to); /// is the specified positioned a node on the network? bool isInAirwayNetwork(int network, PositionedID pos); /** * retrive all the destination points reachcable from a positioned * in an airway */ AirwayEdgeVec airwayEdgesFrom(int network, PositionedID pos); // ground-network PositionedIDVec groundNetNodes(PositionedID aAirport, bool onlyPushback); void markGroundnetAsPushback(PositionedID nodeId); PositionedID findGroundNetNode(PositionedID airport, const SGGeod& aPos, bool onRunway, FGRunway* aRunway = NULL); PositionedIDVec groundNetEdgesFrom(PositionedID pos, bool onlyPushback); PositionedIDVec findAirportParking(PositionedID airport, const std::string& flightType, int radius); class Transaction { public: Transaction(NavDataCache* cache); ~Transaction(); void commit(); private: NavDataCache* _instance; bool _committed; }; private: NavDataCache(); friend class RebuildThread; void doRebuild(); friend class Transaction; void beginTransaction(); void commitTransaction(); void abortTransaction(); class NavDataCachePrivate; std::auto_ptr<NavDataCachePrivate> d; }; } // of namespace flightgear #endif // of FG_NAVDATACACHE_HXX