// // Written by David Megginson, started January 2000. // Adopted for standalone fgpanel application by Torsten Dreyer, August 2009 // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // #include "ApplicationProperties.hxx" #include "GL_utils.hxx" #include "FGTextLayer.hxx" SGPath FGTextLayer::The_Font_Path; FGFontCache FGTextLayer::The_Font_Cache; GLuint FGTextLayer::Text_Layer_Program_Object (0); GLint FGTextLayer::Text_Layer_Position_Loc (0); GLint FGTextLayer::Text_Layer_Tex_Coord_Loc (0); GLint FGTextLayer::Text_Layer_MVP_Loc (0); GLint FGTextLayer::Text_Layer_Sampler_Loc (0); GLint FGTextLayer::Text_Layer_Color_Loc (0); bool FGTextLayer::Init () { const char V_Text_Layer_Shader_Str[] = #ifdef _RPI "#version 100 \n" "attribute vec4 a_position; \n" "attribute vec2 a_tex_coord; \n" "varying vec2 v_tex_coord; \n" #else "#version 130 \n" "in vec4 a_position; \n" "in vec2 a_tex_coord; \n" "out vec2 v_tex_coord; \n" #endif "uniform mat4 u_mvp_matrix; \n" "void main () { \n" " gl_Position = u_mvp_matrix * a_position; \n" " v_tex_coord = a_tex_coord; \n" "} \n"; const char F_Text_Layer_Shader_Str[] = #ifdef _RPI "#version 100 \n" "precision mediump float; \n" "varying vec2 v_tex_coord; \n" #else "#version 130 \n" "in vec2 v_tex_coord; \n" #endif "uniform sampler2D u_texture; \n" "uniform vec4 u_color; \n" "void main () { \n" " gl_FragColor = vec4 (1, 1, 1, \n" " texture2D (u_texture, v_tex_coord).a) * \n" " u_color; \n" "} \n"; Text_Layer_Program_Object = GL_utils::instance ().load_program (V_Text_Layer_Shader_Str, F_Text_Layer_Shader_Str); if (Text_Layer_Program_Object == 0) { return false; } // Get the attribute locations Text_Layer_Position_Loc = glGetAttribLocation (Text_Layer_Program_Object, "a_position"); Text_Layer_Tex_Coord_Loc = glGetAttribLocation (Text_Layer_Program_Object, "a_tex_coord"); // Get the uniform locations Text_Layer_MVP_Loc = glGetUniformLocation (Text_Layer_Program_Object, "u_mvp_matrix"); // Get the sampler location Text_Layer_Sampler_Loc = glGetUniformLocation (Text_Layer_Program_Object, "u_texture"); // Get the color location Text_Layer_Color_Loc = glGetUniformLocation (Text_Layer_Program_Object, "u_color"); return true; } FGTextLayer::FGTextLayer (const int w, const int h) : FGInstrumentLayer (w, h), m_pointSize (0.0), m_font_name () { m_then.stamp (); m_color[0] = m_color[1] = m_color[2] = 0.0; m_color[3] = 1.0; } FGTextLayer::~FGTextLayer () { for (chunk_list::iterator It = m_chunks.begin (); It != m_chunks.end (); ++It) { delete *It; } } void FGTextLayer::draw () { if (test ()) { glUseProgram (Text_Layer_Program_Object); glUniform4fv (Text_Layer_Color_Loc, 1, m_color); transform (); GL_utils::instance ().glMatrixMode (GL_utils::GL_UTILS_PROJECTION); GL_utils::instance ().glPushMatrix (); GL_utils::instance ().glMultMatrixf (*reinterpret_cast <GLfloat (*)[4][4]> (GL_utils::instance ().get_top_matrix (GL_utils::GL_UTILS_MODELVIEW))); glUniformMatrix4fv (Text_Layer_MVP_Loc, 1, GL_FALSE, GL_utils::instance ().get_top_matrix (GL_utils::GL_UTILS_PROJECTION)); GLuint Glyph_Texture; if (!The_Font_Cache.Set_Font (m_font_name, m_pointSize, Glyph_Texture)) { SG_LOG (SG_COCKPIT, SG_ALERT, "Missing font : " << m_font_name << " " << m_pointSize); } m_now.stamp (); const long diff ((m_now - m_then).toUSecs ()); if (diff > 100000 || diff < 0 ) { // ( diff < 0 ) is a sanity check and indicates our time stamp // difference math probably overflowed. We can handle a max // difference of 35.8 minutes since the returned value is in // usec. So if the panel is left off longer than that we can // over flow the math with it is turned back on. This (diff < // 0) catches that situation, get's us out of trouble, and // back on track. recalc_value (); m_then = m_now; } glActiveTexture (GL_TEXTURE0); glBindTexture (GL_TEXTURE_2D, Glyph_Texture); glUniform1i (Text_Layer_Sampler_Loc, 0); int X (0); int Y (0); int Previous_X (0); int Previous_Y (0); int Left, Bottom, W, H; double X1, Y1, X2, Y2; for (string::iterator It = m_value.begin (); It != m_value.end (); ++It) { if (The_Font_Cache.Get_Char (*It, X, Y, Left, Bottom, W, H, X1, Y1, X2, Y2)) { const GLfloat v_Vertices[] = { float (Previous_X + Left), float (Previous_Y + Bottom), 0.0f, // Position 0 (bottom left corner) float (X1), float (Y2), // TexCoord 0 (bottom left corner) float (Previous_X + Left + W), float (Previous_Y + Bottom), 0.0f, // Position 1 (bottom right corner) float (X2), float (Y2), // TexCoord 1 (bottom right corner) float (Previous_X + Left + W), float (Previous_Y + Bottom + H), 0.0f, // Position 2 (top right corner) float (X2), float (Y1), // TexCoord 2 (top right corner) float (Previous_X + Left), float (Previous_Y + Bottom + H), 0.0f, // Position 3 (top left corner) float (X1), float (Y1) }; // TexCoord 3 (top left corner) glVertexAttribPointer (Text_Layer_Position_Loc, 3, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 5 * sizeof (GLfloat), v_Vertices); glVertexAttribPointer (Text_Layer_Tex_Coord_Loc, 2, GL_FLOAT, GL_FALSE, 5 * sizeof (GLfloat), &v_Vertices[3]); glEnableVertexAttribArray (Text_Layer_Position_Loc); glEnableVertexAttribArray (Text_Layer_Tex_Coord_Loc); const GLushort indices[] = {0, 1, 2, 0, 2, 3}; glDrawElements (GL_TRIANGLES, 6, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT, indices); Previous_X = X; Previous_Y = Y; } } GL_utils::instance ().glPopMatrix (); GL_utils::instance ().glMatrixMode (GL_utils::GL_UTILS_MODELVIEW); } } void FGTextLayer::addChunk (FGTextLayer::Chunk * const chunk) { m_chunks.push_back (chunk); } void FGTextLayer::setColor (const float r, const float g, const float b) { m_color[0] = r; m_color[1] = g; m_color[2] = b; m_color[3] = 1.0; } void FGTextLayer::setPointSize (const float size) { m_pointSize = size; } void FGTextLayer::setFontName (const string &name) { if (The_Font_Path.isNull ()) { char *Env_Path = ::getenv ("FG_FONTS"); if (Env_Path != NULL) { The_Font_Path = SGPath::fromEnv (Env_Path); } else { The_Font_Path = ApplicationProperties::GetRootPath ("Fonts"); } } m_font_name = The_Font_Path.local8BitStr () + "/" + name + ".ttf"; } void FGTextLayer::recalc_value () const { m_value = ""; for (chunk_list::const_iterator It = m_chunks.begin (); It != m_chunks.end (); ++It) { m_value += (*It)->getValue (); } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Implementation of FGTextLayer::Chunk. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// FGTextLayer::Chunk::Chunk (const string &text, const string &fmt) : m_type (FGTextLayer::TEXT), m_text (text), m_fmt (fmt), m_mult (1.0), m_offs (0.0), m_trunc (false) { if (m_fmt.empty ()) { m_fmt = "%s"; } } FGTextLayer::Chunk::Chunk (const ChunkType type, const SGPropertyNode *node, const string &fmt, const float mult, const float offs, const bool truncation) : m_type (type), m_node (node), m_fmt (fmt), m_mult (mult), m_offs (offs), m_trunc (truncation) { if (m_fmt.empty ()) { if (type == TEXT_VALUE) { m_fmt = "%s"; } else { m_fmt = "%.2f"; } } } const char * FGTextLayer::Chunk::getValue () const { if (test ()) { m_buf[0] = '\0'; switch (m_type) { case TEXT: sprintf (m_buf, m_fmt.c_str (), m_text.c_str ()); break; case TEXT_VALUE: sprintf (m_buf, m_fmt.c_str (), m_node->getStringValue ()); break; case DOUBLE_VALUE: double d (m_offs + m_node->getFloatValue() * m_mult); if (m_trunc) { d = (d < 0) ? -floor (-d) : floor (d); } sprintf (m_buf, m_fmt.c_str(), d); break; } return m_buf; } else { return ""; } }