// speech synthesis interface subsystem // // Written by Melchior FRANZ, started February 2006. // // Copyright (C) 2006 Melchior FRANZ - mfranz@aon.at // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. // // $Id$ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #include <Main/globals.hxx> #include <sstream> #include <simgear/compiler.h> #include <Main/fg_props.hxx> #include "voice.hxx" #define VOICE "/sim/sound/voices" using std::string; /// MANAGER /// FGVoiceMgr::FGVoiceMgr() : _host(fgGetString(VOICE "/host", "localhost")), _port(fgGetString(VOICE "/port", "1314")), _enabled(fgGetBool(VOICE "/enabled", false)), _pausedNode(fgGetNode("/sim/sound/working", true)) { #if defined(ENABLE_THREADS) if (!_enabled) return; _thread = new FGVoiceThread(this); #endif } FGVoiceMgr::~FGVoiceMgr() { #if defined(ENABLE_THREADS) if (!_enabled) return; _thread->cancel(); _thread->join(); delete _thread; #endif } void FGVoiceMgr::init() { if (!_enabled) return; SGPropertyNode *base = fgGetNode(VOICE, true); vector<SGPropertyNode_ptr> voices = base->getChildren("voice"); try { for (unsigned int i = 0; i < voices.size(); i++) _voices.push_back(new FGVoice(this, voices[i])); } catch (const std::string& s) { SG_LOG(SG_SOUND, SG_ALERT, "VOICE: " << s); } #if defined(ENABLE_THREADS) _thread->setProcessorAffinity(1); _thread->start(); #endif } void FGVoiceMgr::update(double) { if (!_enabled) return; _paused = !_pausedNode->getBoolValue(); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _voices.size(); i++) { _voices[i]->update(); #if !defined(ENABLE_THREADS) _voices[i]->speak(); #endif } } /// VOICE /// FGVoiceMgr::FGVoice::FGVoice(FGVoiceMgr *mgr, const SGPropertyNode_ptr node) : _volumeNode(node->getNode("volume", true)), _pitchNode(node->getNode("pitch", true)), _speedNode(node->getNode("speed", true)), _festival(node->getBoolValue("festival", true)), _mgr(mgr) { SG_LOG(SG_SOUND, SG_INFO, "VOICE: adding `" << node->getStringValue("desc", "<unnamed>") << "' voice"); const string &host = _mgr->_host; const string &port = _mgr->_port; _sock = new SGSocket(host, port, "tcp"); _sock->set_timeout(6000); if (!_sock->open(SG_IO_OUT)) throw string("no connection to `") + host + ':' + port + '\''; if (_festival) { _sock->writestring("(SayText \"\")\015\012"); char buf[4]; int len = _sock->read(buf, 3); if (len != 3 || buf[0] != 'L' || buf[1] != 'P') throw string("unexpected or no response from `") + host + ':' + port + "'. Either it's not\n Festival listening," " or Festival couldn't open a sound device."; SG_LOG(SG_SOUND, SG_INFO, "VOICE: connection to Festival server on `" << host << ':' << port << "' established"); setVolume(_volume = _volumeNode->getDoubleValue()); setPitch(_pitch = _pitchNode->getDoubleValue()); setSpeed(_speed = _speedNode->getDoubleValue()); } string preamble = node->getStringValue("preamble", ""); if (!preamble.empty()) pushMessage(preamble); node->getNode("text", true)->addChangeListener(new FGVoiceListener(this)); } FGVoiceMgr::FGVoice::~FGVoice() { _sock->close(); delete _sock; } void FGVoiceMgr::FGVoice::pushMessage(string m) { _msg.push(m + "\015\012"); #if defined(ENABLE_THREADS) _mgr->_thread->wake_up(); #endif } bool FGVoiceMgr::FGVoice::speak(void) { if (_msg.empty()) return false; const string s = _msg.front(); _msg.pop(); _sock->writestring(s.c_str()); return !_msg.empty(); } void FGVoiceMgr::FGVoice::update(void) { if (_festival) { double d; d = _volumeNode->getDoubleValue(); if (d != _volume) setVolume(_volume = d); d = _pitchNode->getDoubleValue(); if (d != _pitch) setPitch(_pitch = d); d = _speedNode->getDoubleValue(); if (d != _speed) setSpeed(_speed = d); } } void FGVoiceMgr::FGVoice::setVolume(double d) { std::ostringstream s; s << "(set! default_after_synth_hooks (list (lambda (utt)" "(utt.wave.rescale utt " << d << " t))))"; pushMessage(s.str()); } void FGVoiceMgr::FGVoice::setPitch(double d) { std::ostringstream s; s << "(set! int_lr_params '((target_f0_mean " << d << ")(target_f0_std 14)(model_f0_mean 170)" "(model_f0_std 34)))"; pushMessage(s.str()); } void FGVoiceMgr::FGVoice::setSpeed(double d) { std::ostringstream s; s << "(Parameter.set 'Duration_Stretch " << d << ')'; pushMessage(s.str()); } /// THREAD /// #if defined(ENABLE_THREADS) void FGVoiceMgr::FGVoiceThread::run(void) { while (1) { bool busy = false; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < _mgr->_voices.size(); i++) busy |= _mgr->_voices[i]->speak(); if (!busy) wait_for_jobs(); } } #endif /// LISTENER /// void FGVoiceMgr::FGVoice::FGVoiceListener::valueChanged(SGPropertyNode *node) { if (_voice->_mgr->_paused) return; const string s = node->getStringValue(); //cerr << "\033[31;1mBEFORE [" << s << "]\033[m" << endl; string m; for (unsigned int i = 0; i < s.size(); i++) { char c = s[i]; if (c == '\n' || c == '\r' || c == '\t') m += ' '; else if (!isprint(c)) continue; else if (c == '\\' || c == '"') m += '\\', m += c; else if (c == '|' || c == '_') m += ' '; // don't say "vertical bar" or "underscore" else if (c == '&') m += " and "; else if (c == '{') { while (i < s.size()) if (s[++i] == '|') break; } else if (c == '}') ; else m += c; } //cerr << "\033[31;1mAFTER [" << m << "]\033[m" << endl; if (_voice->_festival) m = string("(SayText \"") + m + "\")"; _voice->pushMessage(m); }