// navradio.cxx -- class to manage a nav radio instance // // Written by Curtis Olson, started April 2000. // // Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Curtis L. Olson - http://www.flightgear.org/~curt // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. // // $Id$ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "navradio.hxx" #include SG_USING_STD(string); // Constructor FGNavRadio::FGNavRadio(SGPropertyNode *node) : lon_node(fgGetNode("/position/longitude-deg", true)), lat_node(fgGetNode("/position/latitude-deg", true)), alt_node(fgGetNode("/position/altitude-ft", true)), power_btn_node(NULL), freq_node(NULL), alt_freq_node(NULL), fmt_freq_node(NULL), fmt_alt_freq_node(NULL), sel_radial_node(NULL), vol_btn_node(NULL), ident_btn_node(NULL), audio_btn_node(NULL), nav_serviceable_node(NULL), cdi_serviceable_node(NULL), gs_serviceable_node(NULL), tofrom_serviceable_node(NULL), heading_node(NULL), radial_node(NULL), recip_radial_node(NULL), target_radial_true_node(NULL), target_auto_hdg_node(NULL), time_to_intercept(NULL), to_flag_node(NULL), from_flag_node(NULL), inrange_node(NULL), cdi_deflection_node(NULL), cdi_xtrack_error_node(NULL), cdi_xtrack_hdg_err_node(NULL), has_gs_node(NULL), loc_node(NULL), loc_dist_node(NULL), gs_deflection_node(NULL), gs_rate_of_climb_node(NULL), gs_dist_node(NULL), nav_id_node(NULL), id_c1_node(NULL), id_c2_node(NULL), id_c3_node(NULL), id_c4_node(NULL), nav_slaved_to_gps_node(NULL), gps_cdi_deflection_node(NULL), gps_to_flag_node(NULL), gps_from_flag_node(NULL), last_nav_id(""), last_nav_vor(false), play_count(0), last_time(0), radial(0.0), target_radial(0.0), horiz_vel(0.0), last_x(0.0), last_loc_dist(0.0), last_xtrack_error(0.0), name("nav"), num(0), _time_before_search_sec(-1.0) { SGPath path( globals->get_fg_root() ); SGPath term = path; term.append( "Navaids/range.term" ); SGPath low = path; low.append( "Navaids/range.low" ); SGPath high = path; high.append( "Navaids/range.high" ); term_tbl = new SGInterpTable( term.str() ); low_tbl = new SGInterpTable( low.str() ); high_tbl = new SGInterpTable( high.str() ); int i; for ( i = 0; i < node->nChildren(); ++i ) { SGPropertyNode *child = node->getChild(i); string cname = child->getName(); string cval = child->getStringValue(); if ( cname == "name" ) { name = cval; } else if ( cname == "number" ) { num = child->getIntValue(); } else { SG_LOG( SG_INSTR, SG_WARN, "Error in nav radio config logic" ); if ( name.length() ) { SG_LOG( SG_INSTR, SG_WARN, "Section = " << name ); } } } } // Destructor FGNavRadio::~FGNavRadio() { delete term_tbl; delete low_tbl; delete high_tbl; } void FGNavRadio::init () { morse.init(); string branch; branch = "/instrumentation/" + name; SGPropertyNode *node = fgGetNode(branch.c_str(), num, true ); bus_power_node = fgGetNode(("/systems/electrical/outputs/" + name).c_str(), true); // inputs power_btn_node = node->getChild("power-btn", 0, true); power_btn_node->setBoolValue( true ); vol_btn_node = node->getChild("volume", 0, true); ident_btn_node = node->getChild("ident", 0, true); ident_btn_node->setBoolValue( true ); audio_btn_node = node->getChild("audio-btn", 0, true); audio_btn_node->setBoolValue( true ); nav_serviceable_node = node->getChild("serviceable", 0, true); cdi_serviceable_node = (node->getChild("cdi", 0, true)) ->getChild("serviceable", 0, true); gs_serviceable_node = (node->getChild("gs", 0, true)) ->getChild("serviceable"); tofrom_serviceable_node = (node->getChild("to-from", 0, true)) ->getChild("serviceable", 0, true); // frequencies SGPropertyNode *subnode = node->getChild("frequencies", 0, true); freq_node = subnode->getChild("selected-mhz", 0, true); alt_freq_node = subnode->getChild("standby-mhz", 0, true); fmt_freq_node = subnode->getChild("selected-mhz-fmt", 0, true); fmt_alt_freq_node = subnode->getChild("standby-mhz-fmt", 0, true); // radials subnode = node->getChild("radials", 0, true); sel_radial_node = subnode->getChild("selected-deg", 0, true); radial_node = subnode->getChild("actual-deg", 0, true); recip_radial_node = subnode->getChild("reciprocal-radial-deg", 0, true); target_radial_true_node = subnode->getChild("target-radial-deg", 0, true); target_auto_hdg_node = subnode->getChild("target-auto-hdg-deg", 0, true); // outputs heading_node = node->getChild("heading-deg", 0, true); time_to_intercept = node->getChild("time-to-intercept-sec", 0, true); to_flag_node = node->getChild("to-flag", 0, true); from_flag_node = node->getChild("from-flag", 0, true); inrange_node = node->getChild("in-range", 0, true); cdi_deflection_node = node->getChild("heading-needle-deflection", 0, true); cdi_xtrack_error_node = node->getChild("crosstrack-error-m", 0, true); cdi_xtrack_hdg_err_node = node->getChild("crosstrack-heading-error-deg", 0, true); has_gs_node = node->getChild("has-gs", 0, true); loc_node = node->getChild("nav-loc", 0, true); loc_dist_node = node->getChild("nav-distance", 0, true); gs_deflection_node = node->getChild("gs-needle-deflection", 0, true); gs_rate_of_climb_node = node->getChild("gs-rate-of-climb", 0, true); gs_dist_node = node->getChild("gs-distance", 0, true); nav_id_node = node->getChild("nav-id", 0, true); id_c1_node = node->getChild("nav-id_asc1", 0, true); id_c2_node = node->getChild("nav-id_asc2", 0, true); id_c3_node = node->getChild("nav-id_asc3", 0, true); id_c4_node = node->getChild("nav-id_asc4", 0, true); // gps slaving support nav_slaved_to_gps_node = node->getChild("slaved-to-gps", 0, true); gps_cdi_deflection_node = fgGetNode("/instrumentation/gps/cdi-deflection", true); gps_to_flag_node = fgGetNode("/instrumentation/gps/to-flag", true); gps_from_flag_node = fgGetNode("/instrumentation/gps/from-flag", true); std::ostringstream temp; temp << name << "nav-ident" << num; nav_fx_name = temp.str(); temp << name << "dme-ident" << num; dme_fx_name = temp.str(); } void FGNavRadio::bind () { std::ostringstream temp; string branch; temp << num; branch = "/instrumentation/" + name + "[" + temp.str() + "]"; } void FGNavRadio::unbind () { std::ostringstream temp; string branch; temp << num; branch = "/instrumentation/" + name + "[" + temp.str() + "]"; } // model standard VOR/DME/TACAN service volumes as per AIM 1-1-8 double FGNavRadio::adjustNavRange( double stationElev, double aircraftElev, double nominalRange ) { // extend out actual usable range to be 1.3x the published safe range const double usability_factor = 1.3; // assumptions we model the standard service volume, plus // ... rather than specifying a cylinder, we model a cone that // contains the cylinder. Then we put an upside down cone on top // to model diminishing returns at too-high altitudes. // altitude difference double alt = ( aircraftElev * SG_METER_TO_FEET - stationElev ); // cout << "aircraft elev = " << aircraftElev * SG_METER_TO_FEET // << " station elev = " << stationElev << endl; if ( nominalRange < 25.0 + SG_EPSILON ) { // Standard Terminal Service Volume return term_tbl->interpolate( alt ) * usability_factor; } else if ( nominalRange < 50.0 + SG_EPSILON ) { // Standard Low Altitude Service Volume // table is based on range of 40, scale to actual range return low_tbl->interpolate( alt ) * nominalRange / 40.0 * usability_factor; } else { // Standard High Altitude Service Volume // table is based on range of 130, scale to actual range return high_tbl->interpolate( alt ) * nominalRange / 130.0 * usability_factor; } } // model standard ILS service volumes as per AIM 1-1-9 double FGNavRadio::adjustILSRange( double stationElev, double aircraftElev, double offsetDegrees, double distance ) { // assumptions we model the standard service volume, plus // altitude difference // double alt = ( aircraftElev * SG_METER_TO_FEET - stationElev ); // double offset = fabs( offsetDegrees ); // if ( offset < 10 ) { // return FG_ILS_DEFAULT_RANGE; // } else if ( offset < 35 ) { // return 10 + (35 - offset) * (FG_ILS_DEFAULT_RANGE - 10) / 25; // } else if ( offset < 45 ) { // return (45 - offset); // } else if ( offset > 170 ) { // return FG_ILS_DEFAULT_RANGE; // } else if ( offset > 145 ) { // return 10 + (offset - 145) * (FG_ILS_DEFAULT_RANGE - 10) / 25; // } else if ( offset > 135 ) { // return (offset - 135); // } else { // return 0; // } return FG_LOC_DEFAULT_RANGE; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Update the various nav values based on position and valid tuned in navs ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void FGNavRadio::update(double dt) { // cache a few strategic values locally for speed double lon = lon_node->getDoubleValue() * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS; double lat = lat_node->getDoubleValue() * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS; double elev = alt_node->getDoubleValue() * SG_FEET_TO_METER; bool power_btn = power_btn_node->getBoolValue(); bool nav_serviceable = nav_serviceable_node->getBoolValue(); bool cdi_serviceable = cdi_serviceable_node->getBoolValue(); bool tofrom_serviceable = tofrom_serviceable_node->getBoolValue(); bool inrange = inrange_node->getBoolValue(); bool has_gs = has_gs_node->getBoolValue(); bool is_loc = loc_node->getBoolValue(); double loc_dist = loc_dist_node->getDoubleValue(); Point3D aircraft = sgGeodToCart( Point3D( lon, lat, elev ) ); Point3D station; double az1, az2, s; // Create "formatted" versions of the nav frequencies for // instrument displays. char tmp[16]; sprintf( tmp, "%.2f", freq_node->getDoubleValue() ); fmt_freq_node->setStringValue(tmp); sprintf( tmp, "%.2f", alt_freq_node->getDoubleValue() ); fmt_alt_freq_node->setStringValue(tmp); // Do a nav station search only once a second to reduce // unnecessary work. _time_before_search_sec -= dt; if ( _time_before_search_sec < 0 ) { search(); } // cout << "is_valid = " << is_valid // << " power_btn = " << power_btn // << " bus_power = " << bus_power_node->getDoubleValue() // << " nav_serviceable = " << nav_serviceable // << endl; if ( is_valid && power_btn && (bus_power_node->getDoubleValue() > 1.0) && nav_serviceable ) { station = Point3D( nav_x, nav_y, nav_z ); loc_dist = aircraft.distance3D( station ); loc_dist_node->setDoubleValue( loc_dist ); // cout << "station = " << station << " dist = " << loc_dist << endl; if ( has_gs ) { // find closest distance to the gs base line sgdVec3 p; sgdSetVec3( p, aircraft.x(), aircraft.y(), aircraft.z() ); sgdVec3 p0; sgdSetVec3( p0, gs_x, gs_y, gs_z ); double dist = sgdClosestPointToLineDistSquared( p, p0, gs_base_vec ); gs_dist_node->setDoubleValue( sqrt( dist ) ); // cout << "gs_dist = " << gs_dist_node->getDoubleValue() // << endl; Point3D tmp( gs_x, gs_y, gs_z ); // cout << " (" << aircraft.distance3D( tmp ) << ")" << endl; // wgs84 heading to glide slope (to determine sign of distance) geo_inverse_wgs_84( elev, lat * SGD_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES, lon * SGD_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES, gs_lat, gs_lon, &az1, &az2, &s ); double r = az1 - target_radial; while ( r > 180.0 ) { r -= 360.0;} while ( r < -180.0 ) { r += 360.0;} if ( r >= -90.0 && r <= 90.0 ) { gs_dist_signed = gs_dist_node->getDoubleValue(); } else { gs_dist_signed = -gs_dist_node->getDoubleValue(); } /* cout << "Target Radial = " << target_radial << " Bearing = " << az1 << " dist (signed) = " << gs_dist_signed << endl; */ } else { gs_dist_node->setDoubleValue( 0.0 ); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // compute forward and reverse wgs84 headings to localizer ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// double hdg; geo_inverse_wgs_84( elev, lat * SGD_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES, lon * SGD_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES, loc_lat, loc_lon, &hdg, &az2, &s ); // cout << "az1 = " << az1 << " magvar = " << nav_magvar << endl; heading_node->setDoubleValue( hdg ); radial = az2 - twist; double recip = radial + 180.0; if ( recip >= 360.0 ) { recip -= 360.0; } radial_node->setDoubleValue( radial ); recip_radial_node->setDoubleValue( recip ); // cout << " heading = " << heading_node->getDoubleValue() // << " dist = " << nav_dist << endl; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // adjust reception range for altitude ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// if ( is_loc ) { double offset = radial - target_radial; while ( offset < -180.0 ) { offset += 360.0; } while ( offset > 180.0 ) { offset -= 360.0; } // cout << "ils offset = " << offset << endl; effective_range = adjustILSRange( nav_elev, elev, offset, loc_dist * SG_METER_TO_NM ); } else { effective_range = adjustNavRange( nav_elev, elev, range ); } // cout << "nav range = " << effective_range // << " (" << range << ")" << endl; if ( loc_dist < effective_range * SG_NM_TO_METER ) { inrange = true; } else if ( loc_dist < 2 * effective_range * SG_NM_TO_METER ) { inrange = sg_random() < ( 2 * effective_range * SG_NM_TO_METER - loc_dist ) / (effective_range * SG_NM_TO_METER); } else { inrange = false; } inrange_node->setBoolValue( inrange ); if ( !is_loc ) { target_radial = sel_radial_node->getDoubleValue(); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // compute to/from flag status ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// double value = false; double offset = fabs(radial - target_radial); if ( tofrom_serviceable ) { if ( nav_slaved_to_gps_node->getBoolValue() ) { value = gps_to_flag_node->getBoolValue(); } else if ( inrange ) { if ( is_loc ) { value = true; } else { value = !(offset <= 90.0 || offset >= 270.0); } } } else { value = false; } to_flag_node->setBoolValue( value ); value = false; if ( tofrom_serviceable ) { if ( nav_slaved_to_gps_node->getBoolValue() ) { value = gps_from_flag_node->getBoolValue(); } else if ( inrange ) { if ( is_loc ) { value = false; } else { value = !(offset > 90.0 && offset < 270.0); } } } else { value = false; } from_flag_node->setBoolValue( value ); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // compute the deflection of the CDI needle, clamped to the range // of ( -10 , 10 ) ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// double r = 0.0; if ( cdi_serviceable ) { if ( nav_slaved_to_gps_node->getBoolValue() ) { r = gps_cdi_deflection_node->getDoubleValue(); // We want +- 5 dots deflection for the gps, so clamp // to -12.5/12.5 if ( r < -12.5 ) { r = -12.5; } if ( r > 12.5 ) { r = 12.5; } } else if ( inrange ) { r = radial - target_radial; // cout << "Target radial = " << target_radial // << " Actual radial = " << radial << endl; while ( r > 180.0 ) { r -= 360.0;} while ( r < -180.0 ) { r += 360.0;} if ( fabs(r) > 90.0 ) { r = ( r<0.0 ? -r-180.0 : -r+180.0 ); } // According to Robin Peel, the ILS is 4x more // sensitive than a vor r = -r; // reverse, since radial is outbound if ( is_loc ) { r *= 4.0; } if ( r < -10.0 ) { r = -10.0; } if ( r > 10.0 ) { r = 10.0; } } } cdi_deflection_node->setDoubleValue( r ); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // compute the amount of cross track distance error in meters ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// double xtrack_error = 0.0; if ( inrange && nav_serviceable && cdi_serviceable ) { r = radial - target_radial; // cout << "Target radial = " << target_radial // << " Actual radial = " << radial // << " r = " << r << endl; while ( r > 180.0 ) { r -= 360.0;} while ( r < -180.0 ) { r += 360.0;} if ( fabs(r) > 90.0 ) { r = ( r<0.0 ? -r-180.0 : -r+180.0 ); } r = -r; // reverse, since radial is outbound xtrack_error = loc_dist * sin(r * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS); } else { xtrack_error = 0.0; } cdi_xtrack_error_node->setDoubleValue( xtrack_error ); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // compute an approximate ground track heading error ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// double hdg_error = 0.0; if ( inrange && cdi_serviceable ) { double ddist = last_loc_dist - loc_dist; double dxtrack = last_xtrack_error - xtrack_error; double a = atan2( dxtrack, ddist ) * SGD_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES; SGPropertyNode *maghead = fgGetNode("/orientation/heading-magnetic-deg", true); cout << "heading = " << maghead->getDoubleValue() << " selrad = " << sel_radial_node->getDoubleValue() << " artr = " << a << endl; double est_hdg = sel_radial_node->getDoubleValue() + a; if ( est_hdg < 0.0 ) { est_hdg += 360.0; } if ( est_hdg >= 360.0 ) { est_hdg -= 360.0; } hdg_error = est_hdg - maghead->getDoubleValue(); } cdi_xtrack_hdg_err_node->setDoubleValue( hdg_error ); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // compute the time to intercept selected radial (based on // current and last cross track errors and dt ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// double t = 0.0; if ( inrange && cdi_serviceable ) { double xrate_ms = (last_xtrack_error - xtrack_error) / dt; if ( fabs(xrate_ms) > 0.00001 ) { t = xtrack_error / xrate_ms; } else { t = 9999.9; } } time_to_intercept->setDoubleValue( t ); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // compute the amount of glide slope needle deflection // (.i.e. the number of degrees we are off the glide slope * 5.0 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// r = 0.0; if ( has_gs && gs_serviceable_node->getBoolValue() ) { if ( nav_slaved_to_gps_node->getBoolValue() ) { // FIXME/FINISHME, what should be set here? } else if ( inrange ) { double x = gs_dist_node->getDoubleValue(); double y = (fgGetDouble("/position/altitude-ft") - nav_elev) * SG_FEET_TO_METER; // cout << "dist = " << x << " height = " << y << endl; double angle = asin( y / x ) * SGD_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES; r = (target_gs - angle) * 5.0; } } gs_deflection_node->setDoubleValue( r ); ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Calculate desired rate of climb for intercepting the GS ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// double x = gs_dist_node->getDoubleValue(); double y = (alt_node->getDoubleValue() - nav_elev) * SG_FEET_TO_METER; double current_angle = atan2( y, x ) * SGD_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES; double target_angle = target_gs; double gs_diff = target_angle - current_angle; // convert desired vertical path angle into a climb rate double des_angle = current_angle - 10 * gs_diff; // estimate horizontal speed towards ILS in meters per minute double dist = last_x - x; last_x = x; if ( dt > 0.0 ) { // avoid nan double new_vel = ( dist / dt ); horiz_vel = 0.75 * horiz_vel + 0.25 * new_vel; // double horiz_vel = cur_fdm_state->get_V_ground_speed() // * SG_FEET_TO_METER * 60.0; // double horiz_vel = airspeed_node->getFloatValue() // * SG_FEET_TO_METER * 60.0; gs_rate_of_climb_node ->setDoubleValue( -sin( des_angle * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS ) * horiz_vel * SG_METER_TO_FEET ); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Calculate a suggested target heading to smoothly intercept // a nav/ils radial. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // determine the target radial in "true" heading double trtrue = 0.0; if ( is_loc ) { // ILS localizers radials are already "true" in our // database trtrue = target_radial; } else { // VOR radials need to have that vor's offset added in trtrue = target_radial + twist; } while ( trtrue < 0.0 ) { trtrue += 360.0; } while ( trtrue > 360.0 ) { trtrue -= 360.0; } target_radial_true_node->setDoubleValue( trtrue ); // FIXME: this smells odd, there must be a better (or more // linear) solution // // determine the heading adjustment needed. // over 8km scale by 3.0 // (3 is chosen because max deflection is 10 // and 30 is clamped angle to radial) // under 8km scale by 10.0 // because the overstated error helps drive it to the radial in a // moderate cross wind. double adjustment = 0.0; if ( loc_dist > 8000 ) { adjustment = cdi_deflection_node->getDoubleValue() * 3.0; } else { adjustment = cdi_deflection_node->getDoubleValue() * 10.0; } SG_CLAMP_RANGE( adjustment, -30.0, 30.0 ); // determine the target heading to fly to intercept the // tgt_radial = target radial (true) + cdi offset adjustmest - // xtrack heading error adjustment double nta_hdg = trtrue + adjustment /* - hdg_error */; while ( nta_hdg < 0.0 ) { nta_hdg += 360.0; } while ( nta_hdg > 360.0 ) { nta_hdg -= 360.0; } target_auto_hdg_node->setDoubleValue( nta_hdg ); last_xtrack_error = xtrack_error; } else { inrange_node->setBoolValue( false ); cdi_deflection_node->setDoubleValue( 0.0 ); cdi_xtrack_error_node->setDoubleValue( 0.0 ); cdi_xtrack_hdg_err_node->setDoubleValue( 0.0 ); time_to_intercept->setDoubleValue( 0.0 ); gs_deflection_node->setDoubleValue( 0.0 ); to_flag_node->setBoolValue( false ); from_flag_node->setBoolValue( false ); // cout << "not picking up vor. :-(" << endl; } // audio effects if ( is_valid && inrange && nav_serviceable ) { // play station ident via audio system if on + ident, // otherwise turn it off if ( power_btn && (bus_power_node->getDoubleValue() > 1.0) && ident_btn_node->getBoolValue() && audio_btn_node->getBoolValue() ) { SGSoundSample *sound; sound = globals->get_soundmgr()->find( nav_fx_name ); double vol = vol_btn_node->getDoubleValue(); if ( vol < 0.0 ) { vol = 0.0; } if ( vol > 1.0 ) { vol = 1.0; } if ( sound != NULL ) { sound->set_volume( vol ); } else { SG_LOG( SG_COCKPIT, SG_ALERT, "Can't find nav-vor-ident sound" ); } sound = globals->get_soundmgr()->find( dme_fx_name ); if ( sound != NULL ) { sound->set_volume( vol ); } else { SG_LOG( SG_COCKPIT, SG_ALERT, "Can't find nav-dme-ident sound" ); } // cout << "last_time = " << last_time << " "; // cout << "cur_time = " // << globals->get_time_params()->get_cur_time(); if ( last_time < globals->get_time_params()->get_cur_time() - 30 ) { last_time = globals->get_time_params()->get_cur_time(); play_count = 0; } // cout << " play_count = " << play_count << endl; // cout << "playing = " // << globals->get_soundmgr()->is_playing(nav_fx_name) // << endl; if ( play_count < 4 ) { // play VOR ident if ( !globals->get_soundmgr()->is_playing(nav_fx_name) ) { globals->get_soundmgr()->play_once( nav_fx_name ); ++play_count; } } else if ( play_count < 5 && has_dme ) { // play DME ident if ( !globals->get_soundmgr()->is_playing(nav_fx_name) && !globals->get_soundmgr()->is_playing(dme_fx_name) ) { globals->get_soundmgr()->play_once( dme_fx_name ); ++play_count; } } } else { globals->get_soundmgr()->stop( nav_fx_name ); globals->get_soundmgr()->stop( dme_fx_name ); } } last_loc_dist = loc_dist; } // Update current nav/adf radio stations based on current postition void FGNavRadio::search() { // reset search time _time_before_search_sec = 1.0; // cache values locally for speed double lon = lon_node->getDoubleValue() * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS; double lat = lat_node->getDoubleValue() * SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS; double elev = alt_node->getDoubleValue() * SG_FEET_TO_METER; FGNavRecord *nav = NULL; FGNavRecord *loc = NULL; FGNavRecord *dme = NULL; FGNavRecord *gs = NULL; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Nav. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// double freq = freq_node->getDoubleValue(); nav = globals->get_navlist()->findByFreq(freq, lon, lat, elev); dme = globals->get_dmelist()->findByFreq(freq, lon, lat, elev); if ( nav == NULL ) { loc = globals->get_loclist()->findByFreq(freq, lon, lat, elev); gs = globals->get_gslist()->findByFreq(freq, lon, lat, elev); } string nav_id = ""; if ( loc != NULL ) { nav_id = loc->get_ident(); nav_id_node->setStringValue( nav_id.c_str() ); // cout << "localizer = " << nav_id_node->getStringValue() << endl; is_valid = true; if ( last_nav_id != nav_id || last_nav_vor ) { trans_ident = loc->get_trans_ident(); target_radial = loc->get_multiuse(); while ( target_radial < 0.0 ) { target_radial += 360.0; } while ( target_radial > 360.0 ) { target_radial -= 360.0; } loc_lon = loc->get_lon(); loc_lat = loc->get_lat(); nav_x = loc->get_x(); nav_y = loc->get_y(); nav_z = loc->get_z(); last_nav_id = nav_id; last_nav_vor = false; loc_node->setBoolValue( true ); has_dme = (dme != NULL); if ( gs != NULL ) { has_gs_node->setBoolValue( true ); gs_lon = gs->get_lon(); gs_lat = gs->get_lat(); nav_elev = gs->get_elev_ft(); int tmp = (int)(gs->get_multiuse() / 1000.0); target_gs = (double)tmp / 100.0; gs_x = gs->get_x(); gs_y = gs->get_y(); gs_z = gs->get_z(); // derive GS baseline (perpendicular to the runay // along the ground) double tlon, tlat, taz; geo_direct_wgs_84 ( 0.0, gs_lat, gs_lon, target_radial + 90, 100.0, &tlat, &tlon, &taz ); // cout << "target_radial = " << target_radial << endl; // cout << "nav_loc = " << loc_node->getBoolValue() << endl; // cout << gs_lon << "," << gs_lat << " " // << tlon << "," << tlat << " (" << nav_elev << ")" // << endl; Point3D p1 = sgGeodToCart( Point3D(tlon*SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS, tlat*SGD_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS, nav_elev*SG_FEET_TO_METER) ); // cout << gs_x << "," << gs_y << "," << gs_z // << endl; // cout << p1 << endl; sgdSetVec3( gs_base_vec, p1.x()-gs_x, p1.y()-gs_y, p1.z()-gs_z ); // cout << gs_base_vec[0] << "," << gs_base_vec[1] << "," // << gs_base_vec[2] << endl; } else { has_gs_node->setBoolValue( false ); nav_elev = loc->get_elev_ft(); } twist = 0; range = FG_LOC_DEFAULT_RANGE; effective_range = range; if ( globals->get_soundmgr()->exists( nav_fx_name ) ) { globals->get_soundmgr()->remove( nav_fx_name ); } SGSoundSample *sound; sound = morse.make_ident( trans_ident, LO_FREQUENCY ); sound->set_volume( 0.3 ); globals->get_soundmgr()->add( sound, nav_fx_name ); if ( globals->get_soundmgr()->exists( dme_fx_name ) ) { globals->get_soundmgr()->remove( dme_fx_name ); } sound = morse.make_ident( trans_ident, HI_FREQUENCY ); sound->set_volume( 0.3 ); globals->get_soundmgr()->add( sound, dme_fx_name ); int offset = (int)(sg_random() * 30.0); play_count = offset / 4; last_time = globals->get_time_params()->get_cur_time() - offset; // cout << "offset = " << offset << " play_count = " // << play_count // << " last_time = " << last_time // << " current time = " // << globals->get_time_params()->get_cur_time() << endl; // cout << "Found an loc station in range" << endl; // cout << " id = " << loc->get_locident() << endl; } } else if ( nav != NULL ) { nav_id = nav->get_ident(); nav_id_node->setStringValue( nav_id.c_str() ); // cout << "nav = " << nav_id << endl; is_valid = true; if ( last_nav_id != nav_id || !last_nav_vor ) { last_nav_id = nav_id; last_nav_vor = true; trans_ident = nav->get_trans_ident(); loc_node->setBoolValue( false ); has_dme = (dme != NULL); has_gs_node->setBoolValue( false ); loc_lon = nav->get_lon(); loc_lat = nav->get_lat(); nav_elev = nav->get_elev_ft(); twist = nav->get_multiuse(); range = nav->get_range(); effective_range = adjustNavRange(nav_elev, elev, range); target_gs = 0.0; target_radial = sel_radial_node->getDoubleValue(); nav_x = nav->get_x(); nav_y = nav->get_y(); nav_z = nav->get_z(); if ( globals->get_soundmgr()->exists( nav_fx_name ) ) { globals->get_soundmgr()->remove( nav_fx_name ); } SGSoundSample *sound; sound = morse.make_ident( trans_ident, LO_FREQUENCY ); sound->set_volume( 0.3 ); if ( globals->get_soundmgr()->add( sound, nav_fx_name ) ) { // cout << "Added nav-vor-ident sound" << endl; } else { SG_LOG(SG_COCKPIT, SG_WARN, "Failed to add v1-vor-ident sound"); } if ( globals->get_soundmgr()->exists( dme_fx_name ) ) { globals->get_soundmgr()->remove( dme_fx_name ); } sound = morse.make_ident( trans_ident, HI_FREQUENCY ); sound->set_volume( 0.3 ); globals->get_soundmgr()->add( sound, dme_fx_name ); int offset = (int)(sg_random() * 30.0); play_count = offset / 4; last_time = globals->get_time_params()->get_cur_time() - offset; // cout << "offset = " << offset << " play_count = " // << play_count << " last_time = " // << last_time << " current time = " // << globals->get_time_params()->get_cur_time() << endl; // cout << "Found a vor station in range" << endl; // cout << " id = " << nav->get_ident() << endl; } } else { is_valid = false; nav_id_node->setStringValue( "" ); target_radial = 0; trans_ident = ""; last_nav_id = ""; if ( ! globals->get_soundmgr()->remove( nav_fx_name ) ) { SG_LOG(SG_COCKPIT, SG_WARN, "Failed to remove nav-vor-ident sound"); } globals->get_soundmgr()->remove( dme_fx_name ); // cout << "not picking up vor1. :-(" << endl; } char tmpid[5]; strncpy( tmpid, nav_id.c_str(), 5 ); id_c1_node->setIntValue( (int)tmpid[0] ); id_c2_node->setIntValue( (int)tmpid[1] ); id_c3_node->setIntValue( (int)tmpid[2] ); id_c4_node->setIntValue( (int)tmpid[3] ); }