import QtQuick 2.4 import FlightGear.Launcher 1.0 Rectangle { id: root property int aircraftStatus property var requiredFGVersion visible: (aircraftStatus != LocalAircraftCache.AircraftOk) implicitHeight: warningText.height + 8 radius: 4 border.width: 2 border.color: "red" state: "ok" states: [ State { name: "ok" }, State { name: "sim-version-too-low" when: aircraftStatus == LocalAircraftCache.AircraftNeedsNewerSimulator PropertyChanges { target: warningText text: "This aircraft requires FlightGear version " + root.requiredFGVersion + " or higher." } }, State { name: "unmaintained" when: aircraftStatus == LocalAircraftCache.AircraftUnmaintained PropertyChanges { target: warningText text: "This aircraft is in need of maintenance, and may have bugs or incompatabilities. " + "If you would like to contribute to fixing and improving this aircaft, please see " + "this page on our wiki."; } } ] Text { id: warningText anchors.verticalCenter: parent.verticalCenter font.bold: true linkColor: "#68A6E1" } }