/*****************************************************************************/ /* */ /* (tricall.c) */ /* */ /* Example program that demonstrates how to call Triangle. */ /* */ /* Accompanies Triangle Version 1.3 */ /* July 19, 1996 */ /* */ /* This file is placed in the public domain (but the file that it calls */ /* is still copyrighted!) by */ /* Jonathan Richard Shewchuk */ /* School of Computer Science */ /* Carnegie Mellon University */ /* 5000 Forbes Avenue */ /* Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania 15213-3891 */ /* jrs@cs.cmu.edu */ /* */ /*****************************************************************************/ /* If SINGLE is defined when triangle.o is compiled, it should also be */ /* defined here. If not, it should not be defined here. */ /* #define SINGLE */ #ifdef SINGLE #define REAL float #else /* not SINGLE */ #define REAL double #endif /* not SINGLE */ #include <stdio.h> #include "triangle.h" #ifndef _STDLIB_H_ extern void *malloc(); extern void free(); #endif /* _STDLIB_H_ */ /*****************************************************************************/ /* */ /* report() Print the input or output. */ /* */ /*****************************************************************************/ void report(io, markers, reporttriangles, reportneighbors, reportsegments, reportedges, reportnorms) struct triangulateio *io; int markers; int reporttriangles; int reportneighbors; int reportsegments; int reportedges; int reportnorms; { int i, j; for (i = 0; i < io->numberofpoints; i++) { printf("Point %4d:", i); for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) { printf(" %.6g", io->pointlist[i * 2 + j]); } if (io->numberofpointattributes > 0) { printf(" attributes"); } for (j = 0; j < io->numberofpointattributes; j++) { printf(" %.6g", io->pointattributelist[i * io->numberofpointattributes + j]); } if (markers) { printf(" marker %d\n", io->pointmarkerlist[i]); } else { printf("\n"); } } printf("\n"); if (reporttriangles || reportneighbors) { for (i = 0; i < io->numberoftriangles; i++) { if (reporttriangles) { printf("Triangle %4d points:", i); for (j = 0; j < io->numberofcorners; j++) { printf(" %4d", io->trianglelist[i * io->numberofcorners + j]); } if (io->numberoftriangleattributes > 0) { printf(" attributes"); } for (j = 0; j < io->numberoftriangleattributes; j++) { printf(" %.6g", io->triangleattributelist[i * io->numberoftriangleattributes + j]); } printf("\n"); } if (reportneighbors) { printf("Triangle %4d neighbors:", i); for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) { printf(" %4d", io->neighborlist[i * 3 + j]); } printf("\n"); } } printf("\n"); } if (reportsegments) { for (i = 0; i < io->numberofsegments; i++) { printf("Segment %4d points:", i); for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) { printf(" %4d", io->segmentlist[i * 2 + j]); } if (markers) { printf(" marker %d\n", io->segmentmarkerlist[i]); } else { printf("\n"); } } printf("\n"); } if (reportedges) { for (i = 0; i < io->numberofedges; i++) { printf("Edge %4d points:", i); for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) { printf(" %4d", io->edgelist[i * 2 + j]); } if (reportnorms && (io->edgelist[i * 2 + 1] == -1)) { for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) { printf(" %.6g", io->normlist[i * 2 + j]); } } if (markers) { printf(" marker %d\n", io->edgemarkerlist[i]); } else { printf("\n"); } } printf("\n"); } } /*****************************************************************************/ /* */ /* main() Create and refine a mesh. */ /* */ /*****************************************************************************/ int main() { struct triangulateio in, mid, out, vorout; /* Define input points. */ in.numberofpoints = 4; in.numberofpointattributes = 1; in.pointlist = (REAL *) malloc(in.numberofpoints * 2 * sizeof(REAL)); in.pointlist[0] = 0.0; in.pointlist[1] = 0.0; in.pointlist[2] = 1.0; in.pointlist[3] = 0.0; in.pointlist[4] = 1.0; in.pointlist[5] = 10.0; in.pointlist[6] = 0.0; in.pointlist[7] = 10.0; in.pointattributelist = (REAL *) malloc(in.numberofpoints * in.numberofpointattributes * sizeof(REAL)); in.pointattributelist[0] = 0.0; in.pointattributelist[1] = 1.0; in.pointattributelist[2] = 11.0; in.pointattributelist[3] = 10.0; in.pointmarkerlist = (int *) malloc(in.numberofpoints * sizeof(int)); in.pointmarkerlist[0] = 0; in.pointmarkerlist[1] = 2; in.pointmarkerlist[2] = 0; in.pointmarkerlist[3] = 0; in.numberofsegments = 0; in.numberofholes = 0; in.numberofregions = 1; in.regionlist = (REAL *) malloc(in.numberofregions * 4 * sizeof(REAL)); in.regionlist[0] = 0.5; in.regionlist[1] = 5.0; in.regionlist[2] = 7.0; /* Regional attribute (for whole mesh). */ in.regionlist[3] = 0.1; /* Area constraint that will not be used. */ printf("Input point set:\n\n"); report(&in, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); /* Make necessary initializations so that Triangle can return a */ /* triangulation in `mid' and a voronoi diagram in `vorout'. */ mid.pointlist = (REAL *) NULL; /* Not needed if -N switch used. */ /* Not needed if -N switch used or number of point attributes is zero: */ mid.pointattributelist = (REAL *) NULL; mid.pointmarkerlist = (int *) NULL; /* Not needed if -N or -B switch used. */ mid.trianglelist = (int *) NULL; /* Not needed if -E switch used. */ /* Not needed if -E switch used or number of triangle attributes is zero: */ mid.triangleattributelist = (REAL *) NULL; mid.neighborlist = (int *) NULL; /* Needed only if -n switch used. */ /* Needed only if segments are output (-p or -c) and -P not used: */ mid.segmentlist = (int *) NULL; /* Needed only if segments are output (-p or -c) and -P and -B not used: */ mid.segmentmarkerlist = (int *) NULL; mid.edgelist = (int *) NULL; /* Needed only if -e switch used. */ mid.edgemarkerlist = (int *) NULL; /* Needed if -e used and -B not used. */ vorout.pointlist = (REAL *) NULL; /* Needed only if -v switch used. */ /* Needed only if -v switch used and number of attributes is not zero: */ vorout.pointattributelist = (REAL *) NULL; vorout.edgelist = (int *) NULL; /* Needed only if -v switch used. */ vorout.normlist = (REAL *) NULL; /* Needed only if -v switch used. */ /* Triangulate the points. Switches are chosen to read and write a */ /* PSLG (p), preserve the convex hull (c), number everything from */ /* zero (z), assign a regional attribute to each element (A), and */ /* produce an edge list (e), a Voronoi diagram (v), and a triangle */ /* neighbor list (n). */ triangulate("pczAevn", &in, &mid, &vorout); printf("Initial triangulation:\n\n"); report(&mid, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0); printf("Initial Voronoi diagram:\n\n"); report(&vorout, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1); /* Attach area constraints to the triangles in preparation for */ /* refining the triangulation. */ /* Needed only if -r and -a switches used: */ mid.trianglearealist = (REAL *) malloc(mid.numberoftriangles * sizeof(REAL)); mid.trianglearealist[0] = 3.0; mid.trianglearealist[1] = 1.0; /* Make necessary initializations so that Triangle can return a */ /* triangulation in `out'. */ out.pointlist = (REAL *) NULL; /* Not needed if -N switch used. */ /* Not needed if -N switch used or number of attributes is zero: */ out.pointattributelist = (REAL *) NULL; out.trianglelist = (int *) NULL; /* Not needed if -E switch used. */ /* Not needed if -E switch used or number of triangle attributes is zero: */ out.triangleattributelist = (REAL *) NULL; /* Refine the triangulation according to the attached */ /* triangle area constraints. */ triangulate("prazBP", &mid, &out, (struct triangulateio *) NULL); printf("Refined triangulation:\n\n"); report(&out, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0); /* Free all allocated arrays, including those allocated by Triangle. */ free(in.pointlist); free(in.pointattributelist); free(in.pointmarkerlist); free(in.regionlist); free(mid.pointlist); free(mid.pointattributelist); free(mid.pointmarkerlist); free(mid.trianglelist); free(mid.triangleattributelist); free(mid.trianglearealist); free(mid.neighborlist); free(mid.segmentlist); free(mid.segmentmarkerlist); free(mid.edgelist); free(mid.edgemarkerlist); free(vorout.pointlist); free(vorout.pointattributelist); free(vorout.edgelist); free(vorout.normlist); free(out.pointlist); free(out.pointattributelist); free(out.trianglelist); free(out.triangleattributelist); return 0; }