#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include "config.h" #endif #ifdef HAVE_SYS_TIME_H # include // gettimeofday #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "NasalSys.hxx" #include "NasalPositioned.hxx" #include "NasalCanvas.hxx" #include "NasalClipboard.hxx" #include "NasalCondition.hxx" #include "NasalString.hxx" #include
using std::map; void postinitNasalGUI(naRef globals, naContext c); static FGNasalSys* nasalSys = 0; // Listener class for loading Nasal modules on demand class FGNasalModuleListener : public SGPropertyChangeListener { public: FGNasalModuleListener(SGPropertyNode* node); virtual void valueChanged(SGPropertyNode* node); private: SGPropertyNode_ptr _node; }; FGNasalModuleListener::FGNasalModuleListener(SGPropertyNode* node) : _node(node) { } void FGNasalModuleListener::valueChanged(SGPropertyNode*) { if (_node->getBoolValue("enabled",false)&& !_node->getBoolValue("loaded",true)) { nasalSys->loadPropertyScripts(_node); } } // Read and return file contents in a single buffer. Note use of // stat() to get the file size. This is a win32 function, believe it // or not. :) Note the REALLY IMPORTANT use of the "b" flag to fopen. // Text mode brain damage will kill us if we're trying to do bytewise // I/O. static char* readfile(const char* file, int* lenOut) { struct stat data; if(stat(file, &data) != 0) return 0; FILE* f = fopen(file, "rb"); if(!f) return 0; char* buf = new char[data.st_size]; *lenOut = fread(buf, 1, data.st_size, f); fclose(f); if(*lenOut != data.st_size) { // Shouldn't happen, but warn anyway since it represents a // platform bug and not a typical runtime error (missing file, // etc...) SG_LOG(SG_NASAL, SG_ALERT, "ERROR in Nasal initialization: " << "short count returned from fread() of " << file << ". Check your C library!"); delete[] buf; return 0; } return buf; } FGNasalSys::FGNasalSys() { nasalSys = this; _context = 0; _globals = naNil(); _string = naNil(); _gcHash = naNil(); _nextGCKey = 0; // Any value will do _callCount = 0; } // Utility. Sets a named key in a hash by C string, rather than nasal // string object. void FGNasalSys::hashset(naRef hash, const char* key, naRef val) { naRef s = naNewString(_context); naStr_fromdata(s, (char*)key, strlen(key)); naHash_set(hash, s, val); } void FGNasalSys::globalsSet(const char* key, naRef val) { hashset(_globals, key, val); } naRef FGNasalSys::call(naRef code, int argc, naRef* args, naRef locals) { return callMethod(code, naNil(), argc, args, locals); } // Does a naCall() in a new context. Wrapped here to make lock // tracking easier. Extension functions are called with the lock, but // we have to release it before making a new naCall(). So rather than // drop the lock in every extension function that might call back into // Nasal, we keep a stack depth counter here and only unlock/lock // around the naCall if it isn't the first one. naRef FGNasalSys::callMethod(naRef code, naRef self, int argc, naRef* args, naRef locals) { naContext ctx = naNewContext(); if(_callCount) naModUnlock(); _callCount++; naRef result = naCall(ctx, code, argc, args, self, locals); if(naGetError(ctx)) logError(ctx); _callCount--; if(_callCount) naModLock(); naFreeContext(ctx); return result; } FGNasalSys::~FGNasalSys() { nasalSys = 0; map::iterator it, end = _listener.end(); for(it = _listener.begin(); it != end; ++it) delete it->second; naFreeContext(_context); _globals = naNil(); _string = naNil(); } bool FGNasalSys::parseAndRun(const char* sourceCode) { naRef code = parse("FGNasalSys::parseAndRun()", sourceCode, strlen(sourceCode)); if(naIsNil(code)) return false; call(code, 0, 0, naNil()); return true; } FGNasalScript* FGNasalSys::parseScript(const char* src, const char* name) { FGNasalScript* script = new FGNasalScript(); script->_gcKey = -1; // important, if we delete it on a parse script->_nas = this; // error, don't clobber a real handle! char buf[256]; if(!name) { sprintf(buf, "FGNasalScript@%p", (void *)script); name = buf; } script->_code = parse(name, src, strlen(src)); if(naIsNil(script->_code)) { delete script; return 0; } script->_gcKey = gcSave(script->_code); return script; } // The get/setprop functions accept a *list* of strings and walk // through the property tree with them to find the appropriate node. // This allows a Nasal object to hold onto a property path and use it // like a node object, e.g. setprop(ObjRoot, "size-parsecs", 2.02). This // is the utility function that walks the property tree. // Future enhancement: support integer arguments to specify array // elements. static SGPropertyNode* findnode(naContext c, naRef* vec, int len) { SGPropertyNode* p = globals->get_props(); try { for(int i=0; igetNode(naStr_data(a)); if(p == 0) return 0; } } catch (const string& err) { naRuntimeError(c, (char *)err.c_str()); return 0; } return p; } // getprop() extension function. Concatenates its string arguments as // property names and returns the value of the specified property. Or // nil if it doesn't exist. static naRef f_getprop(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args) { using namespace simgear; const SGPropertyNode* p = findnode(c, args, argc); if(!p) return naNil(); switch(p->getType()) { case props::BOOL: case props::INT: case props::LONG: case props::FLOAT: case props::DOUBLE: { double dv = p->getDoubleValue(); if (SGMisc::isNaN(dv)) { SG_LOG(SG_NASAL, SG_ALERT, "Nasal getprop: property " << p->getPath() << " is NaN"); return naNil(); } return naNum(dv); } case props::STRING: case props::UNSPECIFIED: { naRef nastr = naNewString(c); const char* val = p->getStringValue(); naStr_fromdata(nastr, (char*)val, strlen(val)); return nastr; } case props::ALIAS: // <--- FIXME, recurse? default: return naNil(); } } // setprop() extension function. Concatenates its string arguments as // property names and sets the value of the specified property to the // final argument. static naRef f_setprop(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args) { #define BUFLEN 1024 char buf[BUFLEN + 1]; buf[BUFLEN] = 0; char* p = buf; int buflen = BUFLEN; if(argc < 2) naRuntimeError(c, "setprop() expects at least 2 arguments"); for(int i=0; i 0) { *p++ = '/'; buflen--; } } SGPropertyNode* props = globals->get_props(); naRef val = args[argc-1]; bool result = false; try { if(naIsString(val)) result = props->setStringValue(buf, naStr_data(val)); else { naRef n = naNumValue(val); if(naIsNil(n)) naRuntimeError(c, "setprop() value is not string or number"); if (SGMisc::isNaN(n.num)) { naRuntimeError(c, "setprop() passed a NaN"); } result = props->setDoubleValue(buf, n.num); } } catch (const string& err) { naRuntimeError(c, (char *)err.c_str()); } return naNum(result); #undef BUFLEN } // print() extension function. Concatenates and prints its arguments // to the FlightGear log. Uses the highest log level (SG_ALERT), to // make sure it appears. Is there better way to do this? static naRef f_print(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args) { string buf; int n = argc; for(int i=0; i 0 ? args[0] : naNil(); naRef props = argc > 1 ? args[1] : naNil(); if(!naIsString(cmd) || (!naIsNil(props) && !naIsGhost(props))) naRuntimeError(c, "bad arguments to fgcommand()"); SGPropertyNode_ptr tmp, *node; if(!naIsNil(props)) node = (SGPropertyNode_ptr*)naGhost_ptr(props); else { tmp = new SGPropertyNode(); node = &tmp; } return naNum(globals->get_commands()->execute(naStr_data(cmd), *node)); } // settimer(func, dt, simtime) extension function. Falls through to // FGNasalSys::setTimer(). See there for docs. static naRef f_settimer(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args) { nasalSys->setTimer(c, argc, args); return naNil(); } // setlistener(func, property, bool) extension function. Falls through to // FGNasalSys::setListener(). See there for docs. static naRef f_setlistener(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args) { return nasalSys->setListener(c, argc, args); } // removelistener(int) extension function. Falls through to // FGNasalSys::removeListener(). See there for docs. static naRef f_removelistener(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args) { return nasalSys->removeListener(c, argc, args); } // Returns a ghost handle to the argument to the currently executing // command static naRef f_cmdarg(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args) { return nasalSys->cmdArgGhost(); } // Sets up a property interpolation. The first argument is either a // ghost (SGPropertyNode_ptr*) or a string (global property path) to // interpolate. The second argument is a vector of pairs of // value/delta numbers. static naRef f_interpolate(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args) { SGPropertyNode* node; naRef prop = argc > 0 ? args[0] : naNil(); if(naIsString(prop)) node = fgGetNode(naStr_data(prop), true); else if(naIsGhost(prop)) node = *(SGPropertyNode_ptr*)naGhost_ptr(prop); else return naNil(); naRef curve = argc > 1 ? args[1] : naNil(); if(!naIsVector(curve)) return naNil(); int nPoints = naVec_size(curve) / 2; double* values = new double[nPoints]; double* deltas = new double[nPoints]; for(int i=0; iget_subsystem_mgr() ->get_group(SGSubsystemMgr::INIT)->get_subsystem("interpolator")) ->interpolate(node, nPoints, values, deltas); delete[] values; delete[] deltas; return naNil(); } // This is a better RNG than the one in the default Nasal distribution // (which is based on the C library rand() implementation). It will // override. static naRef f_rand(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args) { return naNum(sg_random()); } static naRef f_srand(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args) { sg_srandom_time(); return naNum(0); } static naRef f_abort(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args) { abort(); return naNil(); } // Return an array listing of all files in a directory static naRef f_directory(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args) { if(argc != 1 || !naIsString(args[0])) naRuntimeError(c, "bad arguments to directory()"); simgear::Dir d(SGPath(naStr_data(args[0]))); if(!d.exists()) return naNil(); naRef result = naNewVector(c); simgear::PathList paths = d.children(simgear::Dir::TYPE_FILE | simgear::Dir::TYPE_DIR); for (unsigned int i=0; iresolve_maybe_aircraft_path(naStr_data(args[0])); const char* pdata = p.c_str(); return naStr_fromdata(naNewString(c), const_cast(pdata), strlen(pdata)); } // Parse XML file. // parsexml( [, [, [, [, ]]]]); // // ... absolute path to an XML file // ... callback function with two args: tag name, attribute hash // ... callback function with one arg: tag name // ... callback function with one arg: data // ... callback function with two args: target, data // (pi = "processing instruction") // All four callback functions are optional and default to nil. // The function returns nil on error, or the validated file name otherwise. static naRef f_parsexml(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args) { if(argc < 1 || !naIsString(args[0])) naRuntimeError(c, "parsexml(): path argument missing or not a string"); if(argc > 5) argc = 5; for(int i=1; i(file), strlen(file)); } // Return UNIX epoch time in seconds. static naRef f_systime(naContext c, naRef me, int argc, naRef* args) { #ifdef _WIN32 FILETIME ft; GetSystemTimeAsFileTime(&ft); double t = (4294967296.0 * ft.dwHighDateTime + ft.dwLowDateTime); // Converts from 100ns units in 1601 epoch to unix epoch in sec return naNum((t * 1e-7) - 11644473600.0); #else struct timeval td; gettimeofday(&td, 0); return naNum(td.tv_sec + 1e-6 * td.tv_usec); #endif } // Table of extension functions. Terminate with zeros. static struct { const char* name; naCFunction func; } funcs[] = { { "getprop", f_getprop }, { "setprop", f_setprop }, { "print", f_print }, { "_fgcommand", f_fgcommand }, { "settimer", f_settimer }, { "_setlistener", f_setlistener }, { "removelistener", f_removelistener }, { "_cmdarg", f_cmdarg }, { "_interpolate", f_interpolate }, { "rand", f_rand }, { "srand", f_srand }, { "abort", f_abort }, { "directory", f_directory }, { "resolvepath", f_resolveDataPath }, { "parsexml", f_parsexml }, { "systime", f_systime }, { 0, 0 } }; naRef FGNasalSys::cmdArgGhost() { return propNodeGhost(_cmdArg); } void FGNasalSys::init() { int i; _context = naNewContext(); // Start with globals. Add it to itself as a recursive // sub-reference under the name "globals". This gives client-code // write access to the namespace if someone wants to do something // fancy. _globals = naInit_std(_context); naSave(_context, _globals); hashset(_globals, "globals", _globals); hashset(_globals, "math", naInit_math(_context)); hashset(_globals, "bits", naInit_bits(_context)); hashset(_globals, "io", naInit_io(_context)); hashset(_globals, "thread", naInit_thread(_context)); hashset(_globals, "utf8", naInit_utf8(_context)); // Add our custom extension functions: for(i=0; funcs[i].name; i++) hashset(_globals, funcs[i].name, naNewFunc(_context, naNewCCode(_context, funcs[i].func))); // And our SGPropertyNode wrapper hashset(_globals, "props", genPropsModule()); // Make a "__gcsave" hash to hold the naRef objects which get // passed to handles outside the interpreter (to protect them from // begin garbage-collected). _gcHash = naNewHash(_context); hashset(_globals, "__gcsave", _gcHash); // Add string methods _string = naInit_string(_context); naSave(_context, _string); initNasalString(_globals, _string, _context, _gcHash); initNasalPositioned(_globals, _context, _gcHash); NasalClipboard::init(this); initNasalCanvas(_globals, _context, _gcHash); initNasalCondition(_globals, _context, _gcHash); // Now load the various source files in the Nasal directory simgear::Dir nasalDir(SGPath(globals->get_fg_root(), "Nasal")); loadScriptDirectory(nasalDir); // Add modules in Nasal subdirectories to property tree simgear::PathList directories = nasalDir.children(simgear::Dir::TYPE_DIR+ simgear::Dir::NO_DOT_OR_DOTDOT, ""); for (unsigned int i=0; isetBoolValue(s, true); signal->removeChildren(s, false); // Pull scripts out of the property tree, too loadPropertyScripts(); // now Nasal modules are loaded, we can do some delayed work postinitNasalPositioned(_globals, _context); postinitNasalGUI(_globals, _context); } void FGNasalSys::update(double) { if( NasalClipboard::getInstance() ) NasalClipboard::getInstance()->update(); if(!_dead_listener.empty()) { vector::iterator it, end = _dead_listener.end(); for(it = _dead_listener.begin(); it != end; ++it) delete *it; _dead_listener.clear(); } if (!_loadList.empty()) { // process Nasal load hook (only one per update loop to avoid excessive lags) _loadList.pop()->load(); } else if (!_unloadList.empty()) { // process pending Nasal unload hooks after _all_ load hooks were processed // (only unload one per update loop to avoid excessive lags) _unloadList.pop()->unload(); } // The global context is a legacy thing. We use dynamically // created contexts for naCall() now, so that we can call them // recursively. But there are still spots that want to use it for // naNew*() calls, which end up leaking memory because the context // only clears out its temporary vector when it's *used*. So just // junk it and fetch a new/reinitialized one every frame. This is // clumsy: the right solution would use the dynamic context in all // cases and eliminate _context entirely. But that's more work, // and this works fine (yes, they say "New" and "Free", but // they're very fast, just trust me). -Andy naFreeContext(_context); _context = naNewContext(); } bool pathSortPredicate(const SGPath& p1, const SGPath& p2) { return p1.file() < p2.file(); } // Loads all scripts in given directory void FGNasalSys::loadScriptDirectory(simgear::Dir nasalDir) { simgear::PathList scripts = nasalDir.children(simgear::Dir::TYPE_FILE, ".nas"); // Note: simgear::Dir already reports file entries in a deterministic order, // so a fixed loading sequence is guaranteed (same for every user) for (unsigned int i=0; i0) { SGPropertyNode* nasal = globals->get_props()->getNode("nasal"); SGPropertyNode* module_node = nasal->getChild(moduleName,0,true); for (unsigned int i=0; igetChild("file",i,true); pFileNode->setStringValue(scripts[i].c_str()); } if (!module_node->hasChild("enabled",0)) { SGPropertyNode* node = module_node->getChild("enabled",0,true); node->setBoolValue(true); node->setAttribute(SGPropertyNode::USERARCHIVE,true); } } } // Loads the scripts found under /nasal in the global tree void FGNasalSys::loadPropertyScripts() { SGPropertyNode* nasal = globals->get_props()->getNode("nasal"); if(!nasal) return; for(int i=0; inChildren(); i++) { SGPropertyNode* n = nasal->getChild(i); loadPropertyScripts(n); } } // Loads the scripts found under /nasal in the global tree void FGNasalSys::loadPropertyScripts(SGPropertyNode* n) { bool is_loaded = false; const char* module = n->getName(); if(n->hasChild("module")) module = n->getStringValue("module"); if (n->getBoolValue("enabled",true)) { // allow multiple files to be specified within a single // Nasal module tag int j = 0; SGPropertyNode *fn; bool file_specified = false; bool ok=true; while((fn = n->getChild("file", j)) != NULL) { file_specified = true; const char* file = fn->getStringValue(); SGPath p(file); if (!p.isAbsolute() || !p.exists()) { p = globals->resolve_maybe_aircraft_path(file); if (p.isNull()) { SG_LOG(SG_NASAL, SG_ALERT, "Cannot find Nasal script '" << file << "' for module '" << module << "'."); } } ok &= p.isNull() ? false : loadModule(p, module); j++; } const char* src = n->getStringValue("script"); if(!n->hasChild("script")) src = 0; // Hrm... if(src) createModule(module, n->getPath().c_str(), src, strlen(src)); if(!file_specified && !src) { // module no longer exists - clear the archived "enable" flag n->setAttribute(SGPropertyNode::USERARCHIVE,false); SGPropertyNode* node = n->getChild("enabled",0,false); if (node) node->setAttribute(SGPropertyNode::USERARCHIVE,false); SG_LOG(SG_NASAL, SG_ALERT, "Nasal error: " << "no or