*                                              *
*                W A R N I N G                 *
*                                              *
* This file is now kept in reverse chronolog-  *
* ical order so recent changes are now at the  *
* top.                                         *
*                                              *

* 28th Sept 1889 -- Fixed a bug associated with exiting the
                      program with sounds still playing.
                    Fixed a bug associated with using the
                      package in the absence of a sound card.
                    Added a new member function "working"
                      which is the opposite of "not_working",
                      (as demanded by a bunch of rabid optimists)!
                    Fixed a couple of typo's in the manual.

* 23rd Sept 1998 -- The Good News: Finally got around to
                         getting the pitch envelope working. (Hooray) 
                    The Bad News: This costs quite a bit in
                         performance - and it was a MAJOR rewrite
                         of significant parts of the internals,
                         so we may need some bug fixes.
                    This version is 0.5

* 7th  July 1998 -- Fixed some error checking in slSample.cxx and
                    a missing declaration in sl.h

* 6th  July 1998 -- Fixed an initialisation problem when
                    slScheduler was not a static/global.

                    Tom Knienieder's port to SGI/IRIX is now
                    working, documentation updated to reflect that.

* 16th June 1998 -- Added some slPortability.h fixes for
                    FreeBSD and the Cygnus WIN32 compiler.
                    Many thanks to Curt.

* 14th June 1998 -- Tom Knienieder's port to OpenBSD is now
                    working, documentation updated to reflect that.
                    Tom's improved Makefiles included, also some
                    example sound samples that were accidentally
                    left out of the release are now present.
                    A couple of typo's in the WIN32 section
                    have been fixed. The top level Makefile
                    now requires you to type 'make linux',
                    'make win' or 'make openbsd'.

* 13th June 1998 -- Tom Knienieder's port to WIN32 engine is now
                    working, documentation updated to reflect that
                    revised status. Some default constructor parameters
                    have changed, slDSP no longer supports setRate/setBps/setStereo.
                    You now have to delete the slDSP and recreate it with
                    new parameters. This makes porting a little easier.
                    'sound_test' renamed 'example'.

* 7th  June 1998 -- Volume envelopes (and inverse volume envelopes)
                    now work correctly. Pan envelopes won't work
                    until stereo is implemented. Pitch and filter
                    envelopes turn out to be a major pain to implement
                    with the present slSceduler/slSamplePlayer interface,
                    so some significant internal changes are to be

                    Changed the CHANGES file to be in reverse
                    chronological order.

                    This version is officially  SL v0.3 (beta)
*  3rd June 1998 -- Moved sample program and it's data files into
                    'example', moved documents into 'doc' and sources
                    into 'src'. Final library goes into 'lib'.

                    The entire preempting mechanism was broken -
                    now it's fixed.
                    Added a callback mechanism that allows
                    applications to know when a sound
                    loops, finishes playing, is pre-empted, etc.

                    New mechanisms added to stop/pause/resume a
                    playing sample.
                    All the documentation - and some of the code -
                    for slEnvelopes has been added, they don't
                    work yet - so don't bother with them for now.

                    Made some code a little more bullet-proof.
                    slSample's are now reference-counted so you
                    can't accidentally delete one while it's
                    playing without getting a FATAL error.

* 2nd  June 1998 -- Fixed bug in initialisation that prevented SL
                    from functioning correctly in the case were there
                    is no sound card present.

                    This version is officially  SL v0.2 (beta)

* 1st  June 1998 -- Split library into two parts - libsm and
                    libsl. libsm contains only the Mixer class
                    since it is likely to be hard to port to
                    a lot of non-OSS systems - and most programs
                    won't need it anyway. Hence the documentation
                    has blossomed into three files and all the
                    'slMixer' references have turned into 'smMixer'.
                    Also, I finally got a hold of the OSS documentation,
                    which is a lot more complete - and straightened
                    me out on a few points. slDSP has changed
                    (internally) somewhat as a result and in particular,
                    you can no longer mess with the sampling rate,
                    stereo and bps settings after the slDSP or
                    slScheduler has been created. This also allows the
                    scheduler to enforce it's rule about only mono/8bps

                    I also added an 'autoMatch' function to the slSample
                    class to automagically match incoming samples to the
                    current slDSP/slScheduler. This makes using the library
                    a lot less painful and error-prone.
                    This version is officially  SL v0.1 (beta)
                    We need a better name!

* 30th May  1998 -- Almost total rewrite, library can now
                    play multiple sounds without interruption,
                    supports '.WAV' and '.AU' file formats as
                    well as raw binary files. Able to copy with
                    much shorter safetyMargin on sound buffers,
                    and play without using the 'stop' call.
                    All class and external symbols now begin
                    with 'sl' or 'SL'. HTML documentation now

* 27th May  1998 -- First hack