/*************************************************************/ /* NET_SEND.CXX by Oliver Delise */ /* Contact info: */ /* e-mail: delise@mail.isis.de */ /* www: http://www.isis.de/members/odelise/progs/flightgear */ /* */ /* Version 0.1-beta */ /* The author of this program offers no waranty at all */ /* about the correct execution of this software material. */ /* Furthermore, the author can NOT be held responsible for */ /* any physical or moral damage caused by the use of this */ /* software. */ /* */ /* This is an interactive standalone Tool to communicate */ /* with any FlightGear-Deamon. */ /* This is Open Source Software with many parts */ /* shamelessly stolen from others... */ /* */ /* -> This program will use a TCP port listening on a */ /* remote or local host inside the range you give to it. */ /* I offer no warranty over the accuracy though :) */ /* There are 3 verbose modes: No info, service info, and */ /* full info. No info is good of you only want the list */ /* of the ports, no more info. The best mode is Full */ /* info, as you get error information,etc. The main */ /* output is STDOUT, and ALL the errors go to STDERR. */ /* */ /* History: v0.1pre-alpha: May 25 1999 -> First release */ /* v0.1-alpha Nov 11 1999 */ /* v0.1-beta Jan 16 2000 -> libc5, glibc2.0 */ /* glibc-2.1 issues fixed */ /*************************************************************/ #include #include #include "fgd.h" /* I prefer NHV's decl. */ #include #include #include #include
//#define printf // /* Netstuff */ #include int sock = -1; int my_sock; struct sockaddr_in address; struct sockaddr_in my_address; int result; //#if defined( __CYGWIN__ ) #include //const char *const *sys_errlist = _sys_errlist; //#else //extern int errno; //extern const char *const sys_errlist[]; //#endif //#if defined( __CYGWIN__ ) //#include //#else //extern int errno; //#endif //extern const char *const sys_errlist[]; /* -dlw- I fixed a few of the cases, but please make non externally used */ /* symbols static to avoid possible linker conflicts */ int current_port = 10000; u_short base_port = 10000; u_short end_port = 10010; static int verbose = 0; static struct hostent *host_info, *f_host_info; static struct servent *service_info; static struct utsname myname; /* Program-stuff */ int i, j; int fgd_len_msg = 1, fgd_reply_len, fgd_status, fgd_ele_len, fgd_curpos, fgd_cnt, fgd_ppl, fgd_ppl_old, fgd_loss, net_r; size_t anz; char *fgd_job, *fgd_callsign, *fgd_name, *fgd_ip, *fgd_mcp_ip; char *buffp, *src_host, *fgd_host, *fgfs_host, *fgfs_pilot, *fgd_txt; sgMat4 sgFGD_COORD; extern sgMat4 sgFGD_VIEW; extern ssgRoot *fgd_scene; extern char *FGFS_host, *net_callsign; /* List-stuff */ const int listTrue = 0; const int listFalse= -1; struct list_ele { /* unsigned */ char ipadr[16], callsign[16]; /* unsigned */ char lon[8], lat[8], alt[8], roll[8], pitch[8], yaw[8]; float lonf, latf, altf, speedf, rollf, pitchf, yawf; sgMat4 sgFGD_COORD; ssgSelector *fgd_sel; ssgTransform *fgd_pos; struct list_ele *next, *prev; }; struct list_ele *head, *tail, *act, *test, *incoming, *boss, *other; /* fgd_msg; */ /*...Create head and tail of list */ void list_init( void) { incoming = (struct list_ele*) malloc(sizeof(struct list_ele)); boss = (struct list_ele*) malloc(sizeof(struct list_ele)); other = (struct list_ele*) malloc(sizeof(struct list_ele)); head = (struct list_ele*) malloc(sizeof(struct list_ele)); tail = (struct list_ele*) malloc(sizeof(struct list_ele)); if (head == NULL || tail == NULL) { printf("Out of memory\n"); exit(1); } head->ipadr[0] = 0; tail->ipadr[0] = 255; tail->ipadr[1] = 0; head->prev = tail->prev = head; head->next = tail->next = tail; act = head; /* put listpointer to beginning of list */ } void list_output( void) { } void list_search( char name[16]) { if (strcmp(name, head->next->ipadr) <= 0) act = head; else if (strcmp(name, tail->prev->ipadr) > 0) act = tail->prev; else { int vergleich = strcmp(name, act->ipadr); if (vergleich > 0) while (strcmp(name, act->next->ipadr) > 0) { act = act->next; } else if (vergleich < 0) while (strcmp(name, act->ipadr) < 0) { act = act->prev; } else while (strcmp(name, act->ipadr) == 0) { act = act->prev; } } } void list_insert( char newip[16]) { struct list_ele *new_ele; new_ele = (struct list_ele*) malloc(sizeof(struct list_ele)); if (new_ele == NULL) { printf("Out of memory\n"); exit(1); } strcpy(new_ele->ipadr, newip); /* setting default */ strcpy(new_ele->callsign, "not assigned"); /* generating ssg stuff */ new_ele->fgd_sel = new ssgSelector; new_ele->fgd_pos = new ssgTransform; ssgEntity *fgd_obj = ssgLoadAC( "tuxcopter.ac" ); fgd_obj->clrTraversalMaskBits( SSGTRAV_HOT ); new_ele->fgd_pos->addKid( fgd_obj ); new_ele->fgd_sel->addKid( new_ele->fgd_pos ); ssgFlatten( fgd_obj ); ssgStripify( new_ele->fgd_sel ); fgd_scene->addKid( new_ele->fgd_sel ); fgd_scene->addKid( fgd_obj ); /* ssgKid "born" and inserted into scene */ list_search( newip); new_ele->prev = act; new_ele->next = act->next; act->next->prev = act->next = new_ele; } void list_setval( char newip[16]) { list_search( newip); strcpy( act->next->callsign, incoming->callsign); printf("Callsign %s\n", act->next->callsign); } void list_clear( char clrip[16]) { struct list_ele *clr_ele; list_search( clrip); if ( strcmp( clrip, act->next->ipadr)) printf("....Name %s nicht vorhanden", clrip); else { clr_ele = act->next; act->next = act->next->next; act->next->prev = act; free( clr_ele); } } int list_not_in( char name[16]) { i = listTrue; test = head->next; while ((test != tail) && (i==listTrue)) { i = (strcmp(test->ipadr, name) ? listTrue : listFalse); test = test->next; if (verbose != 0) printf("list_not_in : %d\n",i); } return i; } void fgd_print_Mat4( const sgMat4 m ) { printf("0.0 %f 0.1 %f 0.2 %f 0.3 %f\n", m[0][0], m[0][1], m[0][2], m[0][3] ); printf("1.0 %f 1.1 %f 1.2 %f 1.3 %f\n", m[1][0], m[1][1], m[1][2], m[1][3] ); printf("2.0 %f 2.1 %f 2.2 %f 2.3 %f\n", m[2][0], m[2][1], m[2][2], m[2][3] ); printf("3.0 %f 3.1 %f 3.2 %f 3.3 %f\n", m[3][0], m[3][1], m[3][2], m[3][3] ); } void fgd_init(void){ /* Let's init a few things */ printf("MCP: Allocating memory..."); buffp = (char *) malloc(1024); /* No I don't check if there are another KB */ fgd_job = (char *) malloc(8); fgd_host = (char *) malloc(64); fgd_callsign = (char *) malloc(64); fgd_name = (char*) malloc(64); fgd_ip = (char *) malloc(16); fgd_mcp_ip = (char *) malloc(16); fgfs_host = (char *) malloc(64); fgfs_pilot = (char *) malloc(64); src_host = (char *) malloc(64); fgd_txt = (char *) malloc(1024); printf("ok\nMCP: Initializing values..."); strcpy( fgd_job, "xxx"); strcpy( fgd_host, "Olk"); strcpy( fgd_callsign, "Unknown"); strcpy( fgd_name, "Unknown"); strcpy( fgd_ip, (char *) inet_ntoa(address.sin_addr)); strcpy( fgd_txt, ""); printf("ok\n"); boss->latf = 112.3; boss->lonf = 4.5; boss->altf = 0.67; boss->speedf = 100.95; boss->rollf = 89.0; boss->pitchf = 1.23; boss->yawf = 456.789; fgd_ppl = 0; bzero((char *)&address, sizeof(address)); address.sin_family = AF_INET; /* determinating the source/sending host */ if (uname(&myname) == 0) strcpy(src_host , myname.nodename); printf("MCP: I'm running on HOST : %s ", src_host); if ( (host_info = gethostbyname( src_host)) != NULL ) { bcopy(host_info->h_addr, (char *)&address.sin_addr,host_info->h_length); strcpy((char *) fgd_mcp_ip, (char *) inet_ntoa(address.sin_addr)); } printf("IP : %s\n", fgd_mcp_ip); FGFS_host = src_host; /* resolving the destination host, here fgd's host */ if (verbose == 2) printf(" Resolving default DEAMON: %s ->", fgd_host); if ( (host_info = gethostbyname( fgd_host)) != NULL ) { bcopy(host_info->h_addr, (char *)&address.sin_addr,host_info->h_length); strcpy((char *) fgd_ip, (char *) inet_ntoa(address.sin_addr)); if (verbose == 2) { printf(" resolved\n FGD running on HOST : %s", fgd_host); printf(" IP : %s\n", fgd_ip); } } else if ((address.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr( fgd_host)) == INADDR_NONE) { fprintf(stderr," Could not get %s host entry !\n", fgd_host); printf(" NOT resolved !!!\n"); // exit(1); } else if (verbose == 2) printf(" address valid\n"); if ((base_port > end_port) || ((short)base_port < 0)) { fprintf(stderr,"Bad port range : start=%d end=%d !\n",base_port,end_port); // exit(1); } else if (verbose == 2) { printf(" Port range: %d to %d\n",base_port,end_port); } } int net_resolv_fgd( char *fgd_host_check ) { char *fgd_ip_check = ""; /* resolving the destination host, here fgd's host */ net_r = 0; if (verbose == 2) printf(" Resolving default DEAMON: %s ->", fgd_host_check); if ( (host_info = gethostbyname( fgd_host_check)) != NULL ) { bcopy(host_info->h_addr, (char *)&address.sin_addr,host_info->h_length); strcpy((char *) fgd_ip_check, (char *) inet_ntoa(address.sin_addr)); fgd_ip = fgd_ip_check; if (verbose == 0) { printf(" FGD: resolved\nFGD: running on HOST : %s", fgd_host_check); printf(" IP : %s\n", fgd_ip_check); strcpy( fgd_host, fgd_host_check); // return 0; } } else if ((address.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr( fgd_host)) == INADDR_NONE) { fprintf(stderr,"FGD: Could not get %s host entry !\n", fgd_host_check); printf(" FGD: NOT resolved !!!\n"); net_r = -1; return -1; // exit(1); } else if (verbose == 2) printf(" address valid\n"); if ((base_port > end_port) || ((short)base_port < 0)) { fprintf(stderr,"Bad port range : start=%d end=%d !\n",base_port,end_port); // exit(1); net_r = -2; return -2; } else if (verbose == 2) { printf(" Port range: %d to %d\n",base_port,end_port); } return 0; } void fgd_send_com( char *FGD_com, char *FGFS_host) { strcpy( buffp, " "); // current_port = base_port; if (verbose == 2) printf(" Sending : %s\n", FGD_com); // while (current_port <= end_port) { /* fprintf(stderr,"Trying port: %d\n",current_port); */ sock = socket(PF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (sock == -1) { // fprintf(stderr, "Error assigning master socket: %s\n",sys_errlist[errno]); fprintf(stderr, "Error assigning master socket: %s\n", strerror(errno)); /* must check how severe this really is */ // exit(-1); } address.sin_port = htons(current_port); if (verbose == 2) printf(" address.sin_port : %d\n",htons(address.sin_port)); f_host_info = gethostbyname(src_host); //printf ("src_host : %s", ntohs(f_host_info->h_addr)); if (connect(sock, (struct sockaddr *)&address, sizeof(address)) == 0) { /* FIXME: make a single string instead of sending elements */ fgd_len_msg = (int) sizeof(f_host_info->h_addr); /* send length of sender-ip */ write( sock, &fgd_len_msg,1); /* send sender-ip */ write( sock, f_host_info->h_addr, fgd_len_msg); /* send commando */ write( sock, FGD_com, 1); /* send length of dummy-string, for the moment with _WHO_ to execute commando here: his length of ip */ f_host_info = gethostbyname(FGFS_host); fgd_len_msg = (int) sizeof(f_host_info->h_addr); write( sock, &fgd_len_msg,1); /* send dummy-string, for the moment with _WHO_ to execute commando here: his ip */ write( sock, f_host_info->h_addr, fgd_len_msg); /* END FIXME */ /* Here we send subsequent data... */ switch ( (char) FGD_com[0] - 0x30) { case 5: fgd_len_msg = strlen( net_callsign); write( sock, &fgd_len_msg,1); /* send string, for the moment, here: callsign */ write( sock, net_callsign, fgd_len_msg); /* Lon, Lat, Alt, Speed, Roll, Pitch, Yaw hope this sprintf call is not too expensive */ sprintf( fgd_txt, " %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f", // boss->latf, boss->lonf, boss->altf, boss->speedf, // boss->rollf, boss->pitchf, boss->yawf); /* Must decide if it's better to send values "as are" or convert them for deamon, better is to let deamon make the job. Anyway this will depend on speed loss/gain in network-area... */ get_latitude(), get_longitude(), get_altitude(), get_speed(), get_roll()*SGD_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES, get_pitch()*SGD_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES, get_heading()); write( sock, fgd_txt, 56); break; /* Here sending the previously calculated view.Mat4 by FGFS */ case 17: if (verbose == 2) printf("Checkpoint\n"); sgCopyMat4(sgFGD_COORD, globals->get_current_view()->get_VIEW()); if (verbose == 2) { printf("current_view\n"); fgd_print_Mat4( globals->get_current_view()->get_VIEW()); printf("FGD_COORD\n"); fgd_print_Mat4( sgFGD_COORD); } fgd_len_msg = strlen( net_callsign); write( sock, &fgd_len_msg,1); /* send string, for the moment, here: callsign */ write( sock, net_callsign, fgd_len_msg); /* MATRIX-variant of Lon, Lat etc... hope this sprintf call is not too expensive */ fgd_len_msg = sprintf( fgd_txt, " %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f", sgFGD_COORD[0][0], sgFGD_COORD[0][1], sgFGD_COORD[0][2], sgFGD_COORD[0][3], sgFGD_COORD[1][0], sgFGD_COORD[1][1], sgFGD_COORD[1][2], sgFGD_COORD[1][3], sgFGD_COORD[2][0], sgFGD_COORD[2][1], sgFGD_COORD[2][2], sgFGD_COORD[2][3], sgFGD_COORD[3][0], sgFGD_COORD[3][1], sgFGD_COORD[3][2], sgFGD_COORD[3][3]); fgd_txt[fgd_len_msg] = 0; write( sock, fgd_txt, fgd_len_msg+1); break; default: break; } /* be verbose, this goes later into own (*void) */ if (verbose == 2) printf(" Message : %s\n", FGD_com); switch (verbose) { case 0: // printf("%d\n",current_port); break; case 1: service_info = getservbyport(htons(current_port),"tcp"); if (!service_info) { printf("%d -> service name unknown\n",current_port); } else { printf("%d -> %s\n",current_port,service_info->s_name); } break; case 2: service_info = getservbyport(htons(current_port),"tcp"); if (!service_info) { printf(" Port %d found. Service name unknown\n",current_port); } else { printf(" Port %d found. Service name: %s\n",current_port,service_info->s_name); } break; } } else if (errno == 113) { fprintf(stderr,"No route to host !\n"); /* must check this */ // exit(1); } /* fprintf(stderr,"Error %d connecting socket %d to port %d: %s\n", errno,sock,current_port,sys_errlist[errno]); */ // service_info = getservbyport(htons(current_port),"tcp"); // if (!service_info) { /* The Receiving Part, fgd returns errormessages, succes, etc... */ do { fgd_status = recv( sock, (char *) buffp, 5, MSG_WAITALL); if (verbose == 2) printf(" status %d\n", fgd_status); } // while ( (fgd_status != 5) && (fgd_status != 0) ); while ( (fgd_status == -1) || (fgd_status == -1) ); fgd_reply_len = (unsigned char) buffp[3] + (unsigned char) buffp[4] * 256; if (verbose == 2) { printf(" Got reply : %x %x %x MSG length %d Bytes\n", buffp[0], buffp[1], buffp[2], fgd_reply_len); } if (strncmp( buffp, "FGD", 3) == 0) { switch ( (char) FGD_com[0] - 0x30) { case 0: int abc; abc = read( sock, fgd_name, fgd_reply_len); if (verbose == 2) printf("readwert: %d", abc); // fgd_name[buffp[3]] = 0; printf("FGD: FlightGear-Deamon %s detected\n", fgd_name); break; case 1: read( sock, fgd_txt, fgd_reply_len); printf("FGD: Registering Host %s\n", fgd_txt); break; case 2: printf("FGD: Showing registered Hosts at %s\n", fgd_host); if ( fgd_reply_len != 5) { /* FIXME: replace with SELECT to avoid broken pipes, known bug (-; */ do { fgd_status = recv( sock, fgd_txt, fgd_reply_len - 5, MSG_WAITALL); // printf(" status %d\n", fgd_status); } // while ( (fgd_status != 5) && (fgd_status != 0) ); while ( (fgd_status == -1) || (fgd_status == -1) ); // read( sock, fgd_txt, fgd_reply_len - 5); fgd_curpos = 1; for (fgd_cnt = 1; fgd_cnt < (fgd_txt[0]+1); fgd_cnt++) { fgd_ele_len = fgd_txt[fgd_curpos]; bcopy( &fgd_txt[fgd_curpos], fgfs_host, fgd_ele_len); // fgfs_host[fgd_ele_len] = 0; fgd_curpos += fgd_ele_len + 1; if (verbose == 2) printf(" #%d %s\n", fgd_cnt, fgfs_host); } } break; case 5: printf("FGD: Receiving data from Host %s\n", FGFS_host); read( sock, fgd_txt, buffp[3]); fgd_txt[buffp[3]] = 0; /* This works... if (strcmp(fgd_txt, "UNKNOWN") == 0) { printf("FGD: Host not in list, sorry...\n"); } else printf("FGD: Data from Host %s received\n", fgd_txt); */ /* This has problem with glibc-2.1 if (strcmp(fgd_txt, "UNKNOWN") == -1) { if (verbose == 2) printf("FGD: Data from Host %s received\n", fgd_txt); } else if (verbose == 2) printf("FGD: Host not in list, sorry...\n"); */ break; case 17: if (verbose == 2) printf("FGD: Receiving Mat4 data from Host %s\n", FGFS_host); read( sock, fgd_txt, fgd_reply_len); // fgd_txt[buffp[3]] = 0; if (strcmp(fgd_txt, "UNKNOWN") == -1) { if (verbose == 2) printf("FGD: Mat4 Data from Host %s received\n", fgd_txt); } else printf("FGD: Host not in list, sorry...\n"); break; case 6: printf("FGD: Sending data to Host %s\n", FGFS_host); if (buffp[3] != 4) { /* FIXME: replace with SELECT */ if (verbose == 2) printf("Noch %d bytes\n", (unsigned char) buffp[3]); do { fgd_status = recv( sock, fgd_txt, (unsigned char) buffp[3]-4, MSG_PEEK); if (verbose == 2) printf("Status %d\n", fgd_status); } while ( (fgd_status == 4) || (fgd_status == -1) ); // while ( (fgd_status == -1) || (fgd_status == -1) ); read( sock, fgd_txt, buffp[3]-4); fgd_curpos = 2; fgd_ppl_old = fgd_ppl; fgd_ppl = fgd_txt[0]; /* Check if list has changed (pilot joined/left) */ if (fgd_ppl != fgd_ppl_old) { printf(" List changed!!!\n"); for (fgd_cnt = 1; fgd_cnt <= abs(fgd_ppl - fgd_ppl_old); fgd_cnt++) { if (verbose == 2) printf(" Checkpoint\n"); incoming = head->next; if ((fgd_ppl - fgd_ppl_old) > 0) list_insert("test\0"); else { printf(" Clearing entry.\n"); list_clear(incoming->ipadr); } } } // else { incoming = head->next; for (fgd_cnt = 1; fgd_cnt < (fgd_ppl+1); fgd_cnt++) { /* IP */ fgd_ele_len = fgd_txt[fgd_curpos-1]; bcopy( &fgd_txt[fgd_curpos], incoming->ipadr, fgd_ele_len); incoming->ipadr[fgd_ele_len] = 0; fgd_curpos = fgd_curpos + fgd_ele_len + 1; /* Pilot */ fgd_ele_len = fgd_txt[fgd_curpos-1]; bcopy( &fgd_txt[fgd_curpos], incoming->callsign, fgd_ele_len); incoming->callsign[fgd_ele_len] = 0; fgd_curpos = fgd_curpos + fgd_ele_len + 1; /* Lon, Lat...etc */ if (verbose == 2) { printf(" #%d %-16s %s\n", fgd_cnt, incoming->ipadr, incoming->callsign); printf(" curpos:%d\n", fgd_curpos); sscanf( &fgd_txt[fgd_curpos]," %7f %7f %7f %7f %7f %7f %7f", &incoming->latf, &incoming->lonf, &incoming->altf, &incoming->speedf, &incoming->rollf, &incoming->pitchf, &incoming->yawf); printf(" lat :%7.3f\n lon :%7.3f\n alt :%7.3f\n speed :%7.3f\n roll :%7.3f\n pitch :%7.3f\n yaw :%7.3f\n", incoming->latf, incoming->lonf, incoming->altf, incoming->speedf, incoming->rollf, incoming->pitchf, incoming->yawf); } fgd_curpos += 56; incoming = incoming->next; } /* end for */ // } /* end else */ } /* end if "data available" */ /* Here reading the answer of completed command by fgd */ /* read( sock, fgd_txt, buffp[3]); fgd_txt[buffp[3]] = 0; if (strcmp(fgd_txt, "UNKNOWN") == -1) { if (verbose == 2) printf("FGD: Data to Host sent\n"); } else printf("FGD: Host not in list, sorry...\n"); */ break; case 18: if (verbose == 2) printf("FGD: Sending Mat4 data to Host %s\n", FGFS_host); if (fgd_reply_len != 5) { /* FIXME: replace with SELECT */ if (verbose == 2) printf("Noch %d bytes\n", fgd_reply_len); do { fgd_status = recv( sock, fgd_txt, fgd_reply_len - 5, MSG_WAITALL); if (verbose == 2) printf("Status %d\n", fgd_status); } // while ( (fgd_status == 4) || (fgd_status == -1) ); while ( (fgd_status == -1) || (fgd_status == -1) ); // read( sock, fgd_txt, fgd_reply_len - 5); fgd_curpos = 2; fgd_ppl_old = fgd_ppl; fgd_ppl = fgd_txt[0]; /* Check if list has changed (pilot joined/left) */ if (fgd_ppl != fgd_ppl_old) { printf(" List changed!!!\n"); for (fgd_cnt = 1; fgd_cnt <= abs(fgd_ppl - fgd_ppl_old); fgd_cnt++) { if (verbose == 2) printf(" Checkpoint\n"); incoming = head->next; if ((fgd_ppl - fgd_ppl_old) > 0) list_insert("test\0"); else { printf(" Clearing entry.\n"); list_clear(incoming->ipadr); } } } // else { incoming = head->next; for (fgd_cnt = 1; fgd_cnt < (fgd_ppl+1); fgd_cnt++) { /* IP */ fgd_ele_len = fgd_txt[fgd_curpos-1]; bcopy( &fgd_txt[fgd_curpos], incoming->ipadr, fgd_ele_len); incoming->ipadr[fgd_ele_len] = 0; fgd_curpos = fgd_curpos + fgd_ele_len + 1; /* Pilot */ fgd_ele_len = fgd_txt[fgd_curpos-1]; bcopy( &fgd_txt[fgd_curpos], incoming->callsign, fgd_ele_len); incoming->callsign[fgd_ele_len] = 0; fgd_curpos = fgd_curpos + fgd_ele_len + 1; /* Lon, Lat...etc */ if (verbose == 2) { printf(" #%d %-16s %s\n", fgd_cnt, incoming->ipadr, incoming->callsign); printf(" curpos:%d\n", fgd_curpos); } fgd_len_msg = strlen ( &fgd_txt[fgd_curpos]); sscanf( &fgd_txt[fgd_curpos]," %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f", &incoming->sgFGD_COORD[0][0], &incoming->sgFGD_COORD[0][1], &incoming->sgFGD_COORD[0][2], &incoming->sgFGD_COORD[0][3], &incoming->sgFGD_COORD[1][0], &incoming->sgFGD_COORD[1][1], &incoming->sgFGD_COORD[1][2], &incoming->sgFGD_COORD[1][3], &incoming->sgFGD_COORD[2][0], &incoming->sgFGD_COORD[2][1], &incoming->sgFGD_COORD[2][2], &incoming->sgFGD_COORD[2][3], &incoming->sgFGD_COORD[3][0], &incoming->sgFGD_COORD[3][1], &incoming->sgFGD_COORD[3][2], &incoming->sgFGD_COORD[3][3]); if (verbose == 2) { printf("Incoming Mat4\n"); fgd_print_Mat4( incoming->sgFGD_COORD ); } fgd_curpos += fgd_len_msg + 2; incoming = incoming->next; } /* end for */ // } /* end else */ } /* end if "data available" */ /* The first view-Mat4 is somebody else */ sgCopyMat4(sgFGD_VIEW, head->next->sgFGD_COORD); /* Here reading the answer of completed command by fgd */ /* read( sock, fgd_txt, buffp[3]); // fgd_txt[buffp[3]] = 0; if (strcmp(fgd_txt, "UNKNOWN") == -1) { if (verbose == 2) printf("FGD: Mat4 Data to Host sent\n"); } else printf("FGD: Host not in list, sorry...\n"); */ break; case 8: printf("FGD: Unregistering Host %s\n", FGFS_host); read( sock, fgd_txt, buffp[3]); fgd_txt[buffp[3]] = 0; test = head->next; while (test != tail) { list_clear( test->ipadr ); test = test->next; } fgd_ppl = 0; /* This does... if (strcmp(fgd_txt, "UNKNOWN") == 0) { printf("FGD: Host not in list, sorry...\n"); } else printf("FGD: Host %s unregistered\n", fgd_txt); */ /* This does not work on glibc-2.1 if (strcmp(fgd_txt, "UNKNOWN") == -1) { printf("FGD: Host %s unregistered\n", fgd_txt); } else printf("FGD: Host not in list, sorry...\n"); */ break; case 9: printf(" Shutdown FlightGear-Deamon %s .\n", fgd_name); break; default: break; } } else printf(" Huh?: no deamon present, yuk!!!\n"); // } close(sock); // current_port++; // } if (verbose == 2) printf("fgd_com completed.\n"); }