#include "layout.hxx" // This file contains the actual layout engine. It has no dependence // on outside libraries; see layout-props.cxx for the glue code. // Note, property names with leading double-underscores (__bx, etc...) // are debugging information, and can be safely removed. const int DEFAULT_PADDING = 2; int LayoutWidget::UNIT = 5; bool LayoutWidget::eq(const char* a, const char* b) { while(*a && (*a == *b)) { a++; b++; } return *a == *b; } // Normal widgets get a padding of 4 pixels. Layout groups shouldn't // have visible padding by default, except for top-level dialog groups // which need to leave two pixels for the puFrame's border. This // value can, of course, be overriden by the parent groups // <default-padding> property, or per widget with <padding>. int LayoutWidget::padding() { int pad = (isType("group") || isType("frame")) ? 0 : 4; // As comments above note, this was being set to 2. For some // reason this causes the dialogs to shrink on subsequent pops // so for now we'll make "dialog" padding 0. if(isType("dialog")) pad = 0; if(hasParent() && parent().hasField("default-padding")) pad = parent().getNum("default-padding"); if(hasField("padding")) pad = getNum("padding"); return pad; } void LayoutWidget::calcPrefSize(int* w, int* h) { *w = *h = 0; // Ask for nothing by default if (getBool("hide") || isType("nasal")) return; int legw = stringLength(getStr("legend")); int labw = stringLength(getStr("label")); if(isType("dialog") || isType("group") || isType("frame")) { if(!hasField("layout")) { // Legacy support for groups without layout managers. if(hasField("width")) *w = getNum("width"); if(hasField("height")) *h = getNum("height"); } else { const char* layout = getStr("layout"); if (eq(layout, "hbox" )) doHVBox(false, false, w, h); else if(eq(layout, "vbox" )) doHVBox(false, true, w, h); else if(eq(layout, "table")) doTable(false, w, h); } } else if (isType("text")) { *w = labw; *h = 3*UNIT; // FIXME: multi line height? } else if (isType("button")) { *w = legw + 6*UNIT + (labw ? labw + UNIT : 0); *h = 6*UNIT; } else if (isType("checkbox") || isType("radio")) { *w = 3*UNIT + (labw ? (3*UNIT + labw) : 0); *h = 3*UNIT; } else if (isType("input") || isType("combo") || isType("select")) { *w = 17*UNIT; *h = 6*UNIT; } else if (isType("slider")) { *w = *h = 17*UNIT; if(getBool("vertical")) *w = 4*UNIT; else *h = 4*UNIT; } else if (isType("list") || isType("airport-list") || isType("dial")) { *w = *h = 12*UNIT; } else if (isType("hrule")) { *h = 1; } else if (isType("vrule")) { *w = 1; } // Throw it all out if the user specified a fixed preference if(hasField("pref-width")) *w = getNum("pref-width"); if(hasField("pref-height")) *h = getNum("pref-height"); // And finally correct for cell padding int pad = 2*padding(); *w += pad; *h += pad; // Store what we calculated setNum("__pw", *w); setNum("__ph", *h); } // Set up geometry such that the widget lives "inside" the specified void LayoutWidget::layout(int x, int y, int w, int h) { if (getBool("hide") || isType("nasal")) return; setNum("__bx", x); setNum("__by", y); setNum("__bw", w); setNum("__bh", h); // Correct for padding. int pad = padding(); x += pad; y += pad; w -= 2*pad; h -= 2*pad; int prefw = 0, prefh = 0; calcPrefSize(&prefw, &prefh); prefw -= 2*pad; prefh -= 2*pad; // "Parent Set" values override widget preferences if(hasField("_psw")) prefw = getNum("_psw"); if(hasField("_psh")) prefh = getNum("_psh"); bool isGroup = isType("dialog") || isType("group") || isType("frame"); // Correct our box for alignment. The values above correspond to // a "fill" alignment. const char* halign = (isGroup || isType("hrule")) ? "fill" : "center"; if(hasField("halign")) halign = getStr("halign"); if(eq(halign, "left")) { w = prefw; } else if(eq(halign, "right")) { x += w - prefw; w = prefw; } else if(eq(halign, "center")) { x += (w - prefw)/2; w = prefw; } const char* valign = (isGroup || isType("vrule")) ? "fill" : "center"; if(hasField("valign")) valign = getStr("valign"); if(eq(valign, "bottom")) { h = prefh; } else if(eq(valign, "top")) { y += h - prefh; h = prefh; } else if(eq(valign, "center")) { y += (h - prefh)/2; h = prefh; } // PUI widgets interpret their size differently depending on // type, so diddle the values as needed to fit the widget into // the x/y/w/h box we have calculated. if (isType("text")) { // puText labels are layed out to the right of the box, so // zero the width. Also subtract PUSTR_RGAP from the x // coordinate to compensate for the added gap between the // label and its empty puObject. x -= 5; w = 0; } else if (isType("input") || isType("combo") || isType("select")) { // Fix the height to a constant y += (h - 6*UNIT) / 2; h = 6*UNIT; } else if (isType("checkbox") || isType("radio")) { // The PUI dimensions are of the check area only. Center it // on the left side of our box. y += (h - 3*UNIT) / 2; w = h = 3*UNIT; } else if (isType("slider")) { // Fix the thickness to a constant if(getBool("vertical")) { x += (w-4*UNIT)/2; w = 4*UNIT; } else { y += (h-4*UNIT)/2; h = 4*UNIT; } } // Set out output geometry setNum("x", x); setNum("y", y); setNum("width", w); setNum("height", h); // Finally, if we are ourselves a layout object, do the actual layout. if(isGroup && hasField("layout")) { const char* layout = getStr("layout"); if (eq(layout, "hbox" )) doHVBox(true, false); else if(eq(layout, "vbox" )) doHVBox(true, true); else if(eq(layout, "table")) doTable(true); } } // Convention: the "A" cooridinate refers to the major axis of the // container (width, for an hbox), "B" is minor. void LayoutWidget::doHVBox(bool doLayout, bool vertical, int* w, int* h) { int nc = nChildren(); int* prefA = doLayout ? new int[nc] : 0; int i, totalA = 0, maxB = 0, nStretch = 0; int nEq = 0, eqA = 0, eqB = 0, eqTotalA = 0; for(i=0; i<nc; i++) { LayoutWidget child = getChild(i); if (child.getBool("hide")) continue; int a, b; child.calcPrefSize(vertical ? &b : &a, vertical ? &a : &b); if(doLayout) prefA[i] = a; totalA += a; if(b > maxB) maxB = b; if(child.getBool("stretch")) { nStretch++; } else if(child.getBool("equal")) { int pad = child.padding(); nEq++; eqTotalA += a - 2*pad; if(a-2*pad > eqA) eqA = a - 2*pad; if(b-2*pad > eqB) eqB = b - 2*pad; } } if(nStretch == 0) nStretch = nc; totalA += nEq * eqA - eqTotalA; if(!doLayout) { if(vertical) { *w = maxB; *h = totalA; } else { *w = totalA; *h = maxB; } return; } int currA = 0; int availA = getNum(vertical ? "height" : "width"); int availB = getNum(vertical ? "width" : "height"); bool stretchAll = nStretch == nc ? true : false; int stretch = availA - totalA; if(stretch < 0) stretch = 0; for(i=0; i<nc; i++) { // Swap the child order for vertical boxes, so we lay out // from top to bottom instead of along the cartesian Y axis. int idx = vertical ? (nc-i-1) : i; LayoutWidget child = getChild(idx); if (child.getBool("hide")) continue; if(child.getBool("equal")) { int pad = child.padding(); prefA[idx] = eqA + 2*pad; // Use "parent set" values to communicate the setting to // the child. child.setNum(vertical ? "_psh" : "_psw", eqA); child.setNum(vertical ? "_psw" : "_psh", eqB); } if(stretchAll || child.getBool("stretch")) { int chunk = stretch / nStretch; stretch -= chunk; nStretch--; prefA[idx] += chunk; child.setNum("__stretch", chunk); } if(vertical) child.layout( 0, currA, availB, prefA[idx]); else child.layout(currA, 0, prefA[idx], availB); currA += prefA[idx]; } delete[] prefA; } struct TabCell { TabCell() {} LayoutWidget child; int w, h, row, col, rspan, cspan; }; void LayoutWidget::doTable(bool doLayout, int* w, int* h) { int i, j, nc = nChildren(); TabCell* children = new TabCell[nc]; // Pass 1: initialize bookeeping structures int rows = 0, cols = 0; for(i=0; i<nc; i++) { TabCell* cell = &children[i]; cell->child = getChild(i); cell->child.calcPrefSize(&cell->w, &cell->h); cell->row = cell->child.getNum("row"); cell->col = cell->child.getNum("col"); cell->rspan = cell->child.hasField("rowspan") ? cell->child.getNum("rowspan") : 1; cell->cspan = cell->child.hasField("colspan") ? cell->child.getNum("colspan") : 1; if(cell->row + cell->rspan > rows) rows = cell->row + cell->rspan; if(cell->col + cell->cspan > cols) cols = cell->col + cell->cspan; } int* rowSizes = new int[rows]; int* colSizes = new int[cols]; for(i=0; i<rows; i++) rowSizes[i] = 0; for(i=0; i<cols; i++) colSizes[i] = 0; // Pass 1a (hack): we want row zero to be the top, not the // (cartesian: y==0) bottom, so reverse the sense of the row // numbers. for(i=0; i<nc; i++) { TabCell* cell = &children[i]; cell->row = rows - cell->row - cell->rspan; } // Pass 2: get sizes for single-cell children for(i=0; i<nc; i++) { TabCell* cell = &children[i]; if(cell->rspan < 2 && cell->h > rowSizes[cell->row]) rowSizes[cell->row] = cell->h; if(cell->cspan < 2 && cell->w > colSizes[cell->col]) colSizes[cell->col] = cell->w; } // Pass 3: multi-cell children, make space as needed for(i=0; i<nc; i++) { TabCell* cell = &children[i]; if(cell->rspan > 1) { int total = 0; for(j=0; j<cell->rspan; j++) total += rowSizes[cell->row + j]; int extra = total - cell->h; if(extra > 0) { for(j=0; j<cell->rspan; j++) { int chunk = extra / (cell->rspan - j); rowSizes[cell->row + j] += chunk; extra -= chunk; } } } if(cell->cspan > 1) { int total = 0; for(j=0; j<cell->cspan; j++) total += colSizes[cell->col + j]; int extra = total - cell->w; if(extra > 0) { for(j=0; j<cell->cspan; j++) { int chunk = extra / (cell->cspan - j); colSizes[cell->col + j] += chunk; extra -= chunk; } } } } // Calculate our preferred sizes, and return if we aren't doing layout int prefw=0, prefh=0; for(i=0; i<cols; i++) prefw += colSizes[i]; for(i=0; i<rows; i++) prefh += rowSizes[i]; if(!doLayout) { *w = prefw; *h = prefh; delete[] children; delete[] rowSizes; delete[] colSizes; return; } // Allocate extra space int pad = 2*padding(); int extra = getNum("height") - pad - prefh; for(i=0; i<rows; i++) { int chunk = extra / (rows - i); rowSizes[i] += chunk; extra -= chunk; } extra = getNum("width") - pad - prefw; for(i=0; i<cols; i++) { int chunk = extra / (cols - i); colSizes[i] += chunk; extra -= chunk; } // Finally, lay out the children (with just two more temporary // arrays for calculating coordinates) int* rowY = new int[rows]; int total = 0; for(i=0; i<rows; i++) { rowY[i] = total; total += rowSizes[i]; } int* colX = new int[cols]; total = 0; for(i=0; i<cols; i++) { colX[i] = total; total += colSizes[i]; } for(i=0; i<nc; i++) { TabCell* cell = &children[i]; int w = 0, h = 0; for(j=0; j<cell->rspan; j++) h += rowSizes[cell->row + j]; for(j=0; j<cell->cspan; j++) w += colSizes[cell->col + j]; int x = colX[cell->col]; int y = rowY[cell->row]; cell->child.layout(x, y, w, h); } // Clean up delete[] children; delete[] rowSizes; delete[] colSizes; delete[] rowY; delete[] colX; }