REM @ECHO OFF REM Skip ahead to RUN1 if %FG_ROOT%\BIN\FG.EXE exists IF EXIST %FG_ROOT%\BIN\FG.EXE GOTO RUN1 REM %FG_ROOT% wasn't set right so let's try "." SET FG_ROOT=. IF EXIST %FG_ROOT%\BIN\FG.EXE GOTO RUN1 REM %FG_ROOT% wasn't set right so let's try ".." SET FG_ROOT=.. IF EXIST %FG_ROOT%\BIN\FG.EXE GOTO RUN1 REM %FG_ROOT% wasn't set right so let's try "@prefix@" SET FG_ROOT=@prefix@ IF EXIST %FG_ROOT%\BIN\FG.EXE GOTO RUN1 ECHO Cannot find %FG_ROOT%\BIN\FG.EXE GOTO END :RUN1 REM Now that FG_ROOT has been set, run the program ECHO FG_ROOT = %FG_ROOT% %FG_ROOT%\BIN\FG.EXE %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9 GOTO END :END