// FGAIWingman - FGAIBllistic-derived class creates an AI Wingman // // Written by Vivian Meazza, started February 2008. // - vivian.meazza at lineone.net // // This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or // modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as // published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the // License, or (at your option) any later version. // // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but // WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU // General Public License for more details. // // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software // Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA. #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H # include #endif #include #include #include "AIWingman.hxx" FGAIWingman::FGAIWingman() : FGAIBallistic(otWingman), _formate_to_ac(true), _break_angle(-90), _break(false), _join(false), _coeff_hdg(5.0), _coeff_pch(5.0) { invisible = false; _parent=""; tgt_heading = 250; } FGAIWingman::~FGAIWingman() {} void FGAIWingman::readFromScenario(SGPropertyNode* scFileNode) { if (!scFileNode) return; FGAIBase::readFromScenario(scFileNode); setAzimuth(scFileNode->getDoubleValue("azimuth", 0.0)); setElevation(scFileNode->getDoubleValue("elevation", 0.0)); setLife(scFileNode->getDoubleValue("life", -1)); setNoRoll(scFileNode->getBoolValue("no-roll", false)); setName(scFileNode->getStringValue("name", "Wingman")); setParentName(scFileNode->getStringValue("parent", "")); //setSMPath(scFileNode->getStringValue("submodel-path", "")); setSubID(scFileNode->getIntValue("SubID", 0)); setXoffset(scFileNode->getDoubleValue("x-offset", 0.0)); setYoffset(scFileNode->getDoubleValue("y-offset", 0.0)); setZoffset(scFileNode->getDoubleValue("z-offset", 0.0)); setPitchoffset(scFileNode->getDoubleValue("pitch-offset", 0.0)); setRolloffset(scFileNode->getDoubleValue("roll-offset", 0.0)); setYawoffset(scFileNode->getDoubleValue("yaw-offset", 0.0)); setGroundOffset(scFileNode->getDoubleValue("ground-offset", 0.0)); setFormate(scFileNode->getBoolValue("formate", true)); setMaxSpeed(scFileNode->getDoubleValue("max-speed-kts", 300.0)); setCoeffHdg(scFileNode->getDoubleValue("coefficients/heading", 5.0)); setCoeffPch(scFileNode->getDoubleValue("coefficients/pitch", 5.0)); setCoeffBnk(scFileNode->getDoubleValue("coefficients/bank", 4.0)); setCoeffSpd(scFileNode->getDoubleValue("coefficients/speed", 2.0)); } void FGAIWingman::bind() { FGAIBallistic::bind(); props->untie("controls/slave-to-ac"); props->tie("id", SGRawValueMethods(*this, &FGAIBase::getID)); props->tie("subID", SGRawValueMethods(*this, &FGAIBase::_getSubID)); props->tie("position/altitude-ft", SGRawValueMethods(*this, &FGAIBase::_getElevationFt, &FGAIBase::_setAltitude)); props->tie("position/latitude-deg", SGRawValueMethods(*this, &FGAIBase::_getLatitude, &FGAIBase::_setLatitude)); props->tie("position/longitude-deg", SGRawValueMethods(*this, &FGAIBase::_getLongitude, &FGAIBase::_setLongitude)); props->tie("controls/break", SGRawValuePointer(&_break)); props->tie("controls/join", SGRawValuePointer(&_join)); props->tie("controls/formate-to-ac", SGRawValueMethods (*this, &FGAIWingman::getFormate, &FGAIWingman::setFormate)); props->tie("controls/tgt-heading-deg", SGRawValueMethods (*this, &FGAIWingman::getTgtHdg, &FGAIWingman::setTgtHdg)); props->tie("controls/tgt-speed-kt", SGRawValueMethods (*this, &FGAIWingman::getTgtSpd, &FGAIWingman::setTgtSpd)); props->tie("controls/break-deg-rel", SGRawValueMethods (*this, &FGAIWingman::getBrkAng, &FGAIWingman::setBrkAng)); props->tie("controls/coefficients/heading", SGRawValuePointer(&_coeff_hdg)); props->tie("controls/coefficients/pitch", SGRawValuePointer(&_coeff_pch)); props->tie("controls/coefficients/bank", SGRawValuePointer(&_coeff_bnk)); props->tie("controls/coefficients/speed", SGRawValuePointer(&_coeff_spd)); props->tie("orientation/pitch-deg", SGRawValuePointer(&pitch)); props->tie("orientation/roll-deg", SGRawValuePointer(&roll)); props->tie("orientation/true-heading-deg", SGRawValuePointer(&hdg)); props->tie("submodels/serviceable", SGRawValuePointer(&serviceable)); props->tie("load/rel-brg-to-user-deg", SGRawValueMethods (*this, &FGAIBallistic::getRelBrgHitchToUser)); props->tie("load/elev-to-user-deg", SGRawValueMethods (*this, &FGAIBallistic::getElevHitchToUser)); props->tie("velocities/vertical-speed-fps", SGRawValuePointer(&vs)); props->tie("velocities/true-airspeed-kt", SGRawValuePointer(&speed)); props->tie("velocities/speed-east-fps", SGRawValuePointer(&_speed_east_fps)); props->tie("velocities/speed-north-fps", SGRawValuePointer(&_speed_north_fps)); props->tie("position/x-offset", SGRawValueMethods(*this, &FGAIBase::_getXOffset, &FGAIBase::setXoffset)); props->tie("position/y-offset", SGRawValueMethods(*this, &FGAIBase::_getYOffset, &FGAIBase::setYoffset)); props->tie("position/z-offset", SGRawValueMethods(*this, &FGAIBase::_getZOffset, &FGAIBase::setZoffset)); props->tie("position/tgt-x-offset", SGRawValueMethods(*this, &FGAIBallistic::getTgtXOffset, &FGAIBallistic::setTgtXOffset)); props->tie("position/tgt-y-offset", SGRawValueMethods(*this, &FGAIBallistic::getTgtYOffset, &FGAIBallistic::setTgtYOffset)); props->tie("position/tgt-z-offset", SGRawValueMethods(*this, &FGAIBallistic::getTgtZOffset, &FGAIBallistic::setTgtZOffset)); } void FGAIWingman::unbind() { FGAIBallistic::unbind(); props->untie("id"); props->untie("SubID"); props->untie("orientation/pitch-deg"); props->untie("orientation/roll-deg"); props->untie("orientation/true-heading-deg"); props->untie("controls/formate-to-ac"); props->untie("controls/tgt-heading-deg"); props->untie("controls/tgt-speed-kt"); props->untie("controls/break-deg-rel"); props->untie("controls/break"); props->untie("controls/join"); props->untie("controls/coefficients/heading"); props->untie("controls/coefficients/pitch"); props->untie("controls/coefficients/bank"); props->untie("controls/coefficients/speed"); props->untie("submodels/serviceable"); props->untie("velocities/true-airspeed-kt"); props->untie("velocities/vertical-speed-fps"); props->untie("velocities/speed_east_fps"); props->untie("velocities/speed_north_fps"); props->untie("load/rel-brg-to-user-deg"); props->untie("load/elev-to-user-deg"); props->untie("position/altitude-ft"); props->untie("position/latitude-deg"); props->untie("position/longitude-deg"); props->untie("position/x-offset"); props->untie("position/y-offset"); props->untie("position/z-offset"); props->untie("position/tgt-x-offset"); props->untie("position/tgt-y-offset"); props->untie("position/tgt-z-offset"); } bool FGAIWingman::init(bool search_in_AI_path) { if (!FGAIBallistic::init(search_in_AI_path)) return false; invisible = false; _tgt_x_offset = _x_offset; _tgt_y_offset = _y_offset; _tgt_z_offset = _z_offset; hdg = _azimuth; pitch = _elevation; roll = _rotation; _ht_agl_ft = 1e10; props->setStringValue("submodels/path", _path.c_str()); if(_parent != ""){ setParentNode(); } setParentNodes(_selected_ac); return true; } void FGAIWingman::update(double dt) { // FGAIBallistic::update(dt); if (_formate_to_ac){ formateToAC(dt); Transform(); setBrkHdg(_break_angle); }else if (_break) { FGAIBase::update(dt); tgt_altitude_ft = altitude_ft; tgt_speed = speed; tgt_roll = roll; tgt_pitch = pitch; Break(dt); Transform(); } else { Join(dt); Transform(); } } double FGAIWingman::calcDistanceM(SGGeod pos1, SGGeod pos2) const { //calculate the distance load to hitch SGVec3d cartPos1 = SGVec3d::fromGeod(pos1); SGVec3d cartPos2 = SGVec3d::fromGeod(pos2); SGVec3d diff = cartPos1 - cartPos2; double distance = norm(diff); return distance; } double FGAIWingman::calcAngle(double range, SGGeod pos1, SGGeod pos2){ double angle = 0; double distance = calcDistanceM(pos1, pos2); double daltM = pos1.getElevationM() - pos2.getElevationM(); if (fabs(distance) < SGLimits::min()) { angle = 0; } else { double sAngle = daltM/range; sAngle = SGMiscd::min(1, SGMiscd::max(-1, sAngle)); angle = SGMiscd::rad2deg(asin(sAngle)); } return angle; } void FGAIWingman::formateToAC(double dt){ double p_hdg, p_pch, p_rll, p_agl, p_ht = 0; setTgtOffsets(dt, 25); if (_pnode != 0) { setParentPos(); p_hdg = _p_hdg_node->getDoubleValue(); p_pch = _p_pch_node->getDoubleValue(); p_rll = _p_rll_node->getDoubleValue(); //agl = _p_agl_node->getDoubleValue(); p_ht = _p_alt_node->getDoubleValue(); setOffsetPos(_parentpos, p_hdg, p_pch, p_rll); setSpeed(_p_spd_node->getDoubleValue()); }else { _setUserPos(); p_hdg = manager->get_user_heading(); p_pch = manager->get_user_pitch(); p_rll = manager->get_user_roll(); //agl = manager->get_user_agl(); p_ht = manager->get_user_altitude(); setOffsetPos(userpos, p_hdg,p_pch, p_rll); setSpeed(manager->get_user_speed()); } // elapsed time has a random initialisation so that each // wingman moves differently _elapsed_time += dt; // we derive a sine based factor to give us smoothly // varying error between -1 and 1 double factor = sin(SGMiscd::deg2rad(_elapsed_time * 10)); double r_angle = 5 * factor; double p_angle = 2.5 * factor; double h_angle = 5 * factor; double h_feet = 3 * factor; p_agl = manager->get_user_agl(); if(p_agl <= 10) { _height = p_ht; //cout << "ht case1 " ; } else if (p_agl > 10 && p_agl <= 150 ) { setHt(p_ht, dt, 1.0); //cout << "ht case2 " ; } else if (p_agl > 150 && p_agl <= 250) { setHt(_offsetpos.getElevationFt()+ h_feet, dt, 0.75); //cout << "ht case3 " ; } else{ setHt(_offsetpos.getElevationFt()+ h_feet, dt, 0.5); //cout << "ht case4 " ; } pos.setElevationFt(_height); pos.setLatitudeDeg(_offsetpos.getLatitudeDeg()); pos.setLongitudeDeg(_offsetpos.getLongitudeDeg()); // these calculations are unreliable at slow speeds if(speed >= 10) { setHdg(p_hdg + h_angle, dt, 0.9); setPch(p_pch + p_angle + _pitch_offset, dt, 0.9); if (roll <= 115 && roll >= -115) setBnk(p_rll + r_angle + _roll_offset, dt, 0.5); else roll = p_rll + r_angle + _roll_offset; } else { setHdg(p_hdg, dt, 0.9); setPch(p_pch + _pitch_offset, dt, 0.9); setBnk(p_rll + _roll_offset, dt, 0.9); } setOffsetVelocity(dt, pos); }// end formateToAC void FGAIWingman::Break(double dt) { Run(dt); //calculate the turn direction: 1 = right, -1 = left double rel_brg = calcRelBearingDeg(tgt_heading, hdg); int turn = SGMiscd::sign(rel_brg); // set heading and pitch setHdg(tgt_heading, dt, _coeff_hdg); setPch(0, dt, _coeff_pch); if (fabs(tgt_heading - hdg) >= 10) setBnk(45 * turn , dt, _coeff_bnk); else setBnk(0, dt, _coeff_bnk); } // end Break void FGAIWingman::Join(double dt) { double range, bearing, az2; double parent_hdg, parent_spd, parent_ht= 0; double p_hdg, p_pch, p_rll = 0; setTgtOffsets(dt, 25); if (_pnode != 0) { setParentPos(); p_hdg = _p_hdg_node->getDoubleValue(); p_pch = _p_pch_node->getDoubleValue(); p_rll = _p_rll_node->getDoubleValue(); setOffsetPos(_parentpos, p_hdg, p_pch, p_rll); parent_hdg = _p_hdg_node->getDoubleValue(); parent_spd = _p_spd_node->getDoubleValue(); }else { _setUserPos(); p_hdg = manager->get_user_heading(); p_pch = manager->get_user_pitch(); p_rll = manager->get_user_roll(); setOffsetPos(userpos, p_hdg, p_pch, p_rll); parent_hdg = manager->get_user_heading(); parent_spd = manager->get_user_speed(); } setSpeed(parent_spd); double distance = calcDistanceM(pos, _offsetpos); double daltM = _offsetpos.getElevationM() - pos.getElevationM(); double limit = 10; double hdg_l_lim = parent_hdg - limit; SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(hdg_l_lim, 0.0, 360.0); double hdg_r_lim = parent_hdg + limit; SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(hdg_r_lim, 0.0, 360.0); if (distance <= 2 && fabs(daltM) <= 2 && (hdg >= hdg_l_lim || hdg <= hdg_r_lim)){ _height = _offsetpos.getElevationFt(); _formate_to_ac = true; _join = false; SG_LOG(SG_GENERAL, SG_ALERT, _name << " joined " << " RANGE " << distance << " SPEED " << speed ); return; } geo_inverse_wgs_84(pos, _offsetpos, &bearing, &az2, &range); double rel_brg = calcRelBearingDeg(bearing, hdg); double recip_brg = calcRecipBearingDeg(bearing); double angle = calcAngle(distance,_offsetpos, pos); double approx_angle = atan2(daltM, range); double frm_spd = 50; // formation speed double join_rnge = 1000.0; double recip_parent_hdg = calcRecipBearingDeg(parent_hdg); int turn = SGMiscd::sign(rel_brg);// turn direction: 1 = right, -1 = left if (range <= join_rnge && (hdg >= hdg_l_lim || hdg <= hdg_r_lim)){ //these are the rules governing joining if ((rel_brg <= -175 || rel_brg >= 175) && range <=10 ){ // station is behind us - back up a bit setSpeed(parent_spd - ((frm_spd/join_rnge) * range)); setHdg(recip_brg, dt, _coeff_hdg); setPch(angle, dt, _coeff_pch); //cout << _name << " backing up HEADING " << hdg // << " RANGE " << range; } else if (rel_brg >= -5 || rel_brg <= 5) { // station is in front of us - slow down setSpeed(parent_spd + ((frm_spd/100) * range)); //SGMiscd::clip setHdg(bearing, dt, 1.5); setPch(angle, dt, _coeff_pch); //cout << _name << " slowing HEADING " << hdg // << " RANGE " << range < join_rnge && range <= 2000 ){ //approach phase //cout << _name << " approach HEADING " << hdg // << " RANGE " << range<< endl; setSpd(parent_spd + frm_spd, dt, 2.0); setSpeed(_speed); setHdg(bearing, dt, _coeff_hdg); setPch(angle, dt, _coeff_pch); } else { //hurry up //cout << _name << " hurry up HEADING " << hdg // << " RANGE " << range<< endl; setSpd(_max_speed -10, dt, 2.0); setSpeed(_speed); setHdg(bearing, dt, _coeff_hdg); setPch(angle, dt, _coeff_pch); } Run(dt); // set roll if (fabs(bearing - hdg) >= 10) setBnk(45 * turn , dt, _coeff_bnk); else setBnk(0, dt, _coeff_bnk); } // end Join void FGAIWingman::Run(double dt) { // don't let speed become negative SG_CLAMP_RANGE(speed, 100.0, _max_speed); double speed_fps = speed * SG_KT_TO_FPS; // calculate vertical and horizontal speed components if (speed == 0.0) { hs = vs = 0.0; } else { vs = sin( pitch * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS ) * speed_fps; hs = cos( pitch * SG_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS ) * speed_fps; } //cout << "vs hs " << vs << " " << hs << endl; //resolve horizontal speed into north and east components: double speed_north_fps = cos(hdg / SG_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES) * hs; double speed_east_fps = sin(hdg / SG_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES) * hs; // convert horizontal speed (fps) to degrees per second double speed_north_deg_sec = speed_north_fps / ft_per_deg_lat; double speed_east_deg_sec = speed_east_fps / ft_per_deg_lon; //get wind components _wind_from_north = manager->get_wind_from_north(); _wind_from_east = manager->get_wind_from_east(); // convert wind speed (fps) to degrees lat/lon per second double wind_speed_from_north_deg_sec = _wind_from_north / ft_per_deg_lat; double wind_speed_from_east_deg_sec = _wind_from_east / ft_per_deg_lon; //recombine the horizontal velocity components hs = sqrt(((speed_north_fps) * (speed_north_fps)) + ((speed_east_fps)* (speed_east_fps ))); if (hs <= 0.00001) hs = 0; if (vs <= 0.00001 && vs >= -0.00001) vs = 0; //cout << "lat " << pos.getLatitudeDeg()<< endl; // set new position pos.setLatitudeDeg( pos.getLatitudeDeg() + (speed_north_deg_sec - wind_speed_from_north_deg_sec) * dt ); pos.setLongitudeDeg( pos.getLongitudeDeg() + (speed_east_deg_sec - wind_speed_from_east_deg_sec ) * dt ); pos.setElevationFt(pos.getElevationFt() + vs * dt); //cout << _name << " run hs " << hs << " vs " << vs << endl; // recalculate total speed if ( vs == 0 && hs == 0) speed = 0; else speed = sqrt( vs * vs + hs * hs) / SG_KT_TO_FPS; // recalculate elevation and azimuth (velocity vectors) pitch = atan2( vs, hs ) * SG_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES; hdg = atan2((speed_east_fps),(speed_north_fps))* SG_RADIANS_TO_DEGREES; // rationalise heading SG_NORMALIZE_RANGE(hdg, 0.0, 360.0); }// end Run // end AIWingman